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Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80B01676R00040k 18- RANDUM FOR: Executive Director -Comptroller THROUGH SUBJECT REFERENCE Deputy Director for Support Language Training for U. S. Government Dependents Action Memorandum No. A-402 1. This memorandum suggests action on the part of the Director of Central Intelligence, this action is contained in paragraph 2. Z. There is attached a proposed reply to NSAIM 306 as requested by your Action Memorandum No. A-40x, dated 3 July 1964. 3. The General Counsel has advised the Deputy Director for Support that the Agency has existing authority to provide language training for de- pendents of these employees whose duties justify such training, that there is no need for the Agency unilaterally to initiate a request for further legis- lation on this matter, but that the Agency would agree to inclusion in any new legislation sponsored by State or other agencies of the Government related to dependent language training. _ 4. We propose to continue language training for dependents abr_ d unilaterally and within the program and under the authority of justification or on the space available factor in existing courses. Section 8(a) of The CIA Act also applies and will cover language training in the United States for selected dependents based on operatal 1AA.TTHEW BAIRD ?ir ector of Tr aining Attachment: Reply to Honorable McGeorge Bundy CONCUR: L. K. White Deputy Director for Support MORI/CDF ages _4 - El Approved For Release 2006/08/09: elA- 0B01676R000400160018-4 DDTRI 128 Jul 64) Distribution: 0 - Adse (return to DTR) 2 -? DDS Approved For Release 200 80B01676R000400160018-4 MEMORANDUM FOR: Honorable McGeorge Buse + special Assistant to the President The White House Washington, D . C. SUBJECT : i.snguage Training for U.S. Government Dependents REFERENCE : NBA M. 306, dated June :'L9, 1964, same subject i I. The Central Intetlli ence Agency is working with the pertinent agencies to develop the specific details of a prograuui for language training for U.S. Government dependents. We believe that Section 8 of the CIA Act of 1949, as amended, provides ample authority to meet the immediate needs of the Agency in complying with the spirit and intent of NSAM No. 306. We will, of course, be glad to work wie other appropriate agencies in the preparation of legislation in this area for the Government generally. 2, We do not anticipate a need for additional funds in Fiscal Year 1968 but will make adequate provision for such funds in subsequent Fiscal Years. 25X1 DDT dr (29 Jul 64) Rewritten: : LI :sbo (30 Jul 64) Distribution: 0 & 1 - Adse 1 - Signing Official t-1-p ER @MITIME1 2 - DD/S (1 w/h) 2 -DTR Approved For Release 200 GROUP t Excluded from autom#tlc downgrading aid j John A. McCune Director Approved For Release 2006/08/09 1C R:tecutive Registry Response to NSAM 3f`)6. Subject. I. nguage Training for U.S. r'rovernment Dependents l.. By Action Memorandum No. A-4J4, dated 3 July 1964, the Executive Director has requested the Director of Training to prepare a reply to Mr. Bundy relating the steps which 4 he Agency is initiating to comply with N$AM No. 306. That N$AM together with 14SAM No. Z93, directs the agencies concerned, including CIA, to submit a report on language training for-depend- of Government employees stationed overseas and to ' ropose necessary legislative authority and appropriations throug% 11 nor-Mal emorandu: x No. A,.40Z also states that it will be necessary for the Office of General Counsel to determine if the Agency has adequate authority to expend funds for this type of training. 2. Section 3(a} of the CIA. Act authorizes the expenditure de by this Agency "for purposes necessary to carry out its functions. " We perceive no legal objection to a decision by the Agency that it is necessary to provide language training to at least some dependents situated overseas. It might be difficult to justify such a decision with respect to all dependents, however. Further, considerations suggest the desirability of a uniform program Uri FOR: Director of Training att the Government. -We would recommend therefore that - ._,. he Agency join with the other agencies in responding to the National Security Action .emoranda and in requesting legislative authority and appropriations - cc: Executive 4. irector - Comptroller Deputy Director /Support 6 satins Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-R DP80B01676R00D40'0i60018-4 Approved For Release 200611)1y /09 , "CIA-R DP8OB01676R000400160b'i -4 I have looked into the background of NSAM 306 which directs that various agencies including CIA develop a specific program and propose legislative authority and appropriations to provide language training to dependents of U. S. Government officials stationed abroad. NSAM 306 relates to an interagency response to an earlier NSAM 293 of last April. It appears to me that various actions are required to honor the terms of NSAM 306. In the first place, to date matters related to the two NSAMs have been handled within DD/S and OTR. If we are to respond affirmatively to the directive in NSAM 306, it appears that you, Larry Houston and John Clarke will have to get in the act. Second, with regard to the interagency response, I note that the Acting DD/S gave the Agency's concurrence in a letter dated 6 May. I question whether anyone short of the Executive Director should commit the Agency to a response to an NSAM. I was struck by the fact that the interagency response said nothing specifically about CIA. Jocko Richardson tells me that we had provided the numbers of dependents given language training to the State Department under CONFIDENTIAL classification. The reason these numbers were not included was because they were insignificant. OTR is of the belief that to begin providing a meaningful language training program for dependents will require some sort of authority. OTR has the training capacity but insufficient authority. If the Agency is to become more active in this field, another problem is that there must be sufficient lead time in assigning dependents to the field to permit adequate training before the assignment. ic:hardson tells me that State, some time back, began to its language training program for dependents. Congressman Rooney heard about it and raised hell with State for doing this without appropriate authority. Because of this, DD/S exercised an extremely Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80B01676R000400160018-4 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160018-4 cautious policy within the Agency. Later on, however, State sought and got some kind of authority for this activity. I am not sure of the nature of this authority but maybe the Agency could base its program on whatever this authority is. Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160018-4 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160018-4 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400160018-4