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Document Release Date: 
August 1, 2003
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Publication Date: 
June 3, 1965
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Approved For Release 2 J The Honorable Do* >~ecretar 8 JUN 1?t; s shcnvu the necessity for re-e p stZing rarity principles within the U. . intelligence C*m- This is thee er recent in a series of sortous cae.r s typtfythg cr s of the OPPOD io u in ttrattng the barriers of our coI.ee Unity sec :rlty syster:!s. For we truly at* a tt ty, with all the strengths and weaLCneeetues in reest therein. The net*ie?s.ry a eFlai e t - wide disc inat f er rots d tat eiii- ence product can be transf -r ned into a security hat and when the i tre of azy o mzber or to=P00409 th.r f xrr n and a piottation b,, a b stf :e fateelltg.ttc* service. -eethodr from nentrtzed dtsctesnre. *n ce:tei- billty, I a eq*esttng that each ur-74unb i of a care-rnunity take the t It IftS action: Approved For Release 2003/0 air at ?eet to bent of the U. , inteti#ge * co; r c tr&tion, ant. U any cane ae br is 14 4 the mire t/, -5. te4n11i een+tt effort >? e- tA;rreetc r cart -- ,ay se+uff+ar Irreparable dsir *gee. 14 seesee. I am responsible for the pr itetti.ois of i CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400130b(06- '_./1 j~_?__.- Approved For Release 2003/0>w.iu_RDP80B01676R000400130003-3 cell*nt example for use in such a security indoctrination program to found in the unclassified xent of . rmy Circular 380-1, dated 2* April 1966, telligeuce Exploitation of U. S. Army In the development of supervisors at all levels, reaffirm the necessity for security responsibility and alertness by nu ervisore to behavior of personnel which reflect -, ersonal problems susceptible to exploitation by a hostile intelligence service. This only coaunon sense and good security, it to an integral part of efficient management. If this basic managerial tool is neglected, ; :any of our other security efforts will be frustrated. the scope and adequacy of background investigation and reinvestigation programs. Are all leads being followed Are alt reasonable doubts being resolved? Is quality as well as quantity being stressed? -All members of the intelligerce community subjected to similar demands for productivity in ea of clearances, but the demands of national ity must take precedence. If the quality of our background investigations and re-investigations is sacri- fi=ced to achieve quantity, whatever the rationalization for such a course may be, the real loser will be the national interest. In'the very near future, the Unite. t Board intends to establish uniform sonssnei security c.ddterta for access to corr-partmoutec eltlgeuce information. This will establish minimunm standards throughout the community for access to our neitive intelligence information. But these, and other criteria, will be meaningless unless they are adhered to in spirit as well as in the letter. Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-` 1676R000400130003-3 Approved For Release 2003/08~CRDP80B01 076R000400130003-3 The U. S. intelligence community has a unique responsibility to this nation. If our security programs and standards are not rigidly enforced, we shall be derelict in our obligations both to ourselves and to the country we serve. I am requesting, therefore, that each me .ber S.- -4. examine its 44 dLnu agency ity.posture and take additional action as necessary in its end Counterintelligence Programs to prevent hostile it y r-ers -uuv e~car penetration of the jute lligencae C:ommuuity. However Impressive our substantive intelligence production may be, however sophisticated our I eans of collection, if we fail to ensure to the beast of our ability the security of our information and our personnel, we fail in an essential part of our mission. Your personal attention and assistance in this community security effort will be greatly appreciated. Distribution: Orig. & I - Adse 1-DCI 2 Identical Letters sent to: The Secretary of Defense Chairman, JCS Chairman, AEC Director, FBI Secretary of the Army Secretary of the Navy Secretary of the Air Force ..)irec Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000400130003-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400130003-3 Approved For Release 2003/08/05 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000400130003-3