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SECRET 25X1 760030 I C. J. You Ar$dull p Jr. for Inter-Agency 1' lit kco-AU11taxy r!T I.9 ing the Cutter, games for tMs heal year. rticipste is tM VnWrea and ea interested in ceatinuing our perticipetton is aappropr . we havo already desisted six CIA Pere e1 as representatives to Siam it, and I hope to Itt the 5 A $t TWI sad ?eritIque of 2? my Dior stiff offioera recently h*d an owe11 -t briefing on the proposed b Golta 3. W. 1. Minor end tenant Calomel To J., VaDmald of your sta. After farther stu*y of the p-rogrMs I will ad"** you at our npeciftc plans for participation in"uot SAMS * {signed) v ? F.. Raborii AD/I - Exec. Rug. 3 - WI/CGS JCS review(s) completed. SECRET 25X1 DDI/CGS:IVrr (7/22/65) 25X1 Distribution: Orig & 1 - Addressee 1 ; Signer 25X1 Approved for Releas 1 V. 0400 Di rector 25X1 Ra0190010-0 THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301 JOINT WAR GAMES AGENCY JWGA- ?3 -65 171 e.J1-'1, P5 MEMORANDUM FOR ADMIRAL WILLIAM F. RABORN, CIA Approved For .awe 2003/4 A-RDP80BO1676,03001900 Subject: Program of Inter-Agency Politico- Military Games for FY 1966 (U) 1. (S) A proposed program of politico-military games for FY '66 (See Attachment) has been developed with the informal coordination of ISA (OASD), the Department of State and the Joint Staff. It is currently being presented in a series of briefings for the benefit of key planners of the departments, agencies and services, and has been approved by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, for more formal coordination with senior officials of the participating organizations. 2. (S) Inter-agency planning is under way for the first intermediate level game which is scheduled for 26-30 July 1965. This exercise is intended to be an examination of possible Southeast Asian developments. Teams of selected experts will be employed to portray the Soviet Union, Red China and North Vietnam and results should reinforce activities of the State Defense Study Group on China. Colonel George A. Lincoln of the U.S. Military Academy is expected to act as Game Director. 3. (C) It is hoped that you will find it convenient to attend and to participate in the review and critique of this dame at 16-50 hours-_-5- ours , 5" August- 1965 in Room 5C1042, the Pentagon. At that time a `haIf~-hour _ video tape will summarize the game in documentary fashion and discussion will be moderated by Professor Lincoln. 4. (U) The medium of video tape will permit active senior participation in critiques of several intermediate and command level games during FY '66, extending the value of these games for seniors who attend beyond the cabinet level simulations. 1 ttITT ",l M1 T. '1T. Approved For Relea 2OOkfi 29, CIA-RDP8OBO1676ROOO3OO19OO1O-0 Approved For ase,2QD /10/29 : CIA-DP8 ;W,167~00300190010-0 (_0 will be arranged. 5. (S) EPSILON 1-65, scheduled for September will examine current NATO problems in a context of crisis and is tentatively slated to be conducted at Hq, EUCOM. 6. (S) NU 1-65, the third game is projected as a cabinet level exercise to be conducted in Washington in late October to review a hypothetical crisis in the 1970's invo ving a'Red Chinese nuclear delivery capability and a threat to India. An invitation will be__extended to you to participate in this__exercise as a senior player. 7. (C) Several of the games listed on the Attachment will involve invitations for a few operating level personnel from your office and each of the other major departments, agencies and services. Ordinarily, this will amount to one participant to serve on the United States or Blue Team and another on Control. (Although this may not always be feasible.) Depending on the subject being examined, a number of selected experts will be picked for opposition teams from nominations solicited from all organizations. $. (C) It is desirable, in keeping with the inter- agency flavor of these simulations, that departments, agencies and services undertake to sponsor any of these games in which they have particular interest, a-re= spoirisibility which provides an opportunity to determine the broad frame of game reference, selection of a game director, and primary interest in game organization and development. 9. (U) Your comments on the proposed program would be appreciated and if desired a briefing on this subject .,J. VAN ARSDALL, Re r Admiral, USN 1-.-C ief, Joint War Games Agency Attachment a/s Approved For Release 2003/'0/29: CIA-RDP80B01676R000300190010-0 Approved For Release 2003/10/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300190010-0 SEC, ,.T TITLE SIGMA - NOFORN PROPOSED PROGRAM OF JWGA PPOOLITICO-MILITARY GAMES DATE SETTING LEVEL REMARKS Aug Current, Southeast Asia Intermediate Examine current Potential, Western Europe Mid-Range Sino-Indian (Nuclear Threat) OLYMPIAD Nov Long Range, 1970-80 ALPHA LAMBDA IOTA-MU ct & SECRET Jan Potential, Arab-Israeli Water Rights Feb Potential, Congo Mar Potential, 9Bo11vi April Mid-Range, Indonesia/Malaysia May Potential, Thai Insurgency Jun Potential, Cyprus - NOFORN Intermediate Cabinet Non- Government Intermediate Intermediate Cabinet Allied Cabinet Intermediate Examine NATO Problems Sino nuke capability 1970 Long look at Cybernetic Society and Technology Water Rights Congo Brazzaville. swings left Castroism spreads 1968 in SW Pacific 1967 - SVN still in turmoil Turkish-Greece Confrontation Dated: Study Groub JCS/EUCOM SPECIAL INTEREST State-Defense State-Defen? Study Group JWGA/ISA JWGA/JCS STRICOM/State CIA/JCS 4 PACOM/State Army 1 July 1965 c+ Approved For Release 2003/10/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300190010-0 2511' SECRET `- G r Approved Fo a ease - 1676 0300190010-0 Man V M: Deputy Director for Intelligence $USJ CT : $IOU 11-65: War G"ms tla>egataing officials of the Agency and is now scheduled for gednoesday, 21 July, at 1100 hours in the DCI Conference Roam. The ba'iaiers are expected 1. As you will recall, at the 12 July morning meeting you briefed the DCI on $16aM4 II on the basis of the attoobed memorandum. At that time the DCI expressed interest in being briefed by representatives of the Joint W" Gaoss Agency prior to the start of the $IMA II $aercise an 20 July 1963, sn se tentatively scheduled the pre" tE briefing for Wednesday, 21 July. Yesterday morning (19 July) we were tat creed that the DCI would be unable to attend the briefing; hceoareve-r, the llb tive Director has asked that the briefing be given for his and other senior Branch. The presentation will last approximately 35 minutes include a kinomeope showing of the SIt 11-?54 **ercisee. 2. Agency participation 25X1 in BIIi11A II has been arranged as - U.S. Tim Control Team Soviet Teen - DRY Tessa - China Team - VC TOM Those individuals will participate is 614M It from 26 July through 30 July. 3. The D" is in receipt of a mamorsndu* f rem the Chief of the Joint War G sores Agency which raises a number of questions bearing on a post--SIGMA II critique and submit Agency participation in these types of gaw**. Preparation of a response has been assigned to um with a suspense date of 21 July. We recommend strongly that such response be deterred .mtil after the 21 July briefing and preferably until after the first gaunt is completed on 30 July. 25 1 Approved For Release 2003/10/29 : CIA-RDP80001676R000300190010-0 -e,c * ,.; - Approved For ease 2003/10/29: CIA-RDP80B0l 700300190010-0 4, We are taking steps to arrange for attendance by senior officials of the other directorstes tOR/SW, iD/P) at the 21 duly briefing. You my wish to mention at the 9 O'clock meeting that we would encourage partioipation by the seat motor official possible fresse- each of those directorates in vise of the fact that the DCI has canc.Uid his attendance. James J. Hit ck Chief 1DI Collection Guidance Staff Attaaiment (1) 25X1 DDI/CGS 1(7/18/65) Distribution: Orig & I Addressee 25X1 1 1 DDP DDS&T - 1 - Colonel W 25X1 Approved For Re 0 hite 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/10/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300190010-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt STAT Approved For Release 2003/10/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300190010-0