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Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R0003000800 ? ? DD/S 67-0155 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller SUBJECT : Inspector General's Survey of Printing Services Division 1. This memorandum is for your information. It refers to your note of 3 December 1966 (attached) and Mr. Earman's accompanying memorandum of 21 November 1966 regarding those portions of the IG's Survey on the Printing Services Division with which I took issue in my original response to the report last November. You will recall that I did not concur in recommendations 4, 6b, and 8. 2. I think the points that Mr. Earman makes in his memorandum to you are well taken and, on reflection, I would modify my original responses as follows: Recommendation 4 "It is recommended that: the Chief, Printing Services Division, request the assistance of the Director of Training In devising training techniques applicable to the printing trade with a view toward sub- stantially reducing the time an employee spends as an apprentice." The Director of Logistics has requested assistance from the Director of Training along the lines suggested, with a view to ex- ploring any means that appear practical and feasible in reducing the time required for apprenticeship programs in PSD. I'm not too optimistic about the help that OTR will be able to provide In the area, but I share the IG's concern that we must accelerate the development of new members in PSD and we Intend to push toward that objective. As I pointed out in my original response, the technological upheaval now taking place in the graphic arts industry is rapidly changing printing from a craft Industry to a technology. This development in itself is bound to overtake past training and appren- ticeship practices which, I agree, need updating. Approved For Release 2Q03/Q5/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300080009-4 Approveeor Release 2003/05/29 CIA-RDP80 76R000300080009-4 Recommendation 6b "It is recommended that: the Director of Logistics request the Director of Security to review his procedures for establishing priorities in the security reinvestigation program and consider the feasibility of scheduling PSD employees for reinvestigation In advance of the present cycle." Comment Concur. The Director of Security is taking action accordingly. q Recommendation 8 "It is recommended that: the Deputy Director for Support requ that the Agency Safety Officer furnish to him by 1 January 1967: a* MOM "a. A status report on safety discipline, working conditions, Bad housekeeping "b. A report on safety planning for the new building. c. A program for the continued monitoring of fire and safety discipline and conditions at PSD installations." Comment Unfortunately, except for Item "b" which was completed by 1 J ary, the heavy commitment of our Safety Officer In working out the Mis a "SAFETY-70" program made it impossible for him to meet the dea line suggested the 1G. However, safety inspectims have been r pleted at and are scheduled for during the week 16 January. Status reports on locations should be completed I February 1967. At the same e, a program for the continued moni- toring of fire and safety discipline at PSD installations can be expected. 3. The above responses should, I believe, resolve my earlier disagree- ment with the Inspector General. R. L. Bannerman Deputy Director for Support 25X1 25X1 Att Approved For Release 2003/05/29 CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300080009-4 t Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300080009-4 MWWRA!! FOR: fteeutive Director-Comet Comments of .AD/ on the It 6urvey of Printing Services Division 1. The action being taken on lecaeeae mndation No. 1 of the survey report seem very reltasonable 2. On Aecammsndstion No. 2 we have no way short of a reinspection .. which we to not advocate - of checking the statements made. We reported the situation as we fcd it last summer, which included the ace once of inferior photogral s and a lot of lost motion and duplication in logging, wrapping and handling photography rent to contractors., We have no further ooments. 25X1 Acting Inspector General rom AD/ill 19 Nov. 66 sa 5 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000300080009-4 Approved For Release 2003/Otlt9rfyDP80B01676R0003000800P9r4 MEMORANDUM FOE f Executive DirectoasComptroller SUBJECT : Inspector General's Survey of Printing, Services Division 1. The Inspector General's report on Printing Services Division contained certain recommendations for action by this Directorate. 2. We have taken action as follows on the recom- mendations; Recg msendation No. 1 That the Deputy Director for Intelligence instruct the Director of Basic Intelligence to examine with the Chief, Printing Services Divi- sion, alternatives to the present method of arriving at a finished publication, with a view toward eliminating double printing, ationa and if no acceptable alternative can be agree upon, submit to the Executive Director-Comptroller written justification for continuing present practices. Action Agreement has been reached between the Director of Basic Intelligence and the Chief, Printing Services Division that by this coming January, all General Surveys will be processed in the new EPIC system of printing. This will completely eliminate the problem of extensive changes after material is set in type. Approved For Release 2003/05 Gf3UP 1 FEExc13 luded from automatic 0080009-4 (~~ P .. _%,0 5X1 Approved For Release 2003/MffT DP80BOl 676ROO0300080009-4 Recommendation No. 2 That the Deputy Director for Intelligence charge the Chief, Graphics Register, with respon- sibility for arriving at mutually satisfactory arrangements with the Chief, Printing Services Division, regarding the following: a. PSD' a -capacity to meet increasing require- ments for color and motion picture photography. b. Improvement in delivery times to Graphics Register, especially of prints made under contract by c. Quality control of photographs delivered to the Graphics Register. d. Improving the skills of Graphics Register personnel in judging the quality of photographic products. e. Elimination of duplicate handling of photography by Printing Services Division and by Graphics Register. f. Elimination of Graphics Register's photo- graphic processing facilities when Printing Services Division moves to its new building. Lct ion,/Cement a. As a result of the recent out in Graphics Register, requirements on Printing Services Divi- sion for processing of motion picture photography will be substantially reduced. GR will be provid- ing PSD with new estimates of requirements for their analysis. b. Contractor 'Processing time is now on a satisfactory 5 working day schedule Approved For Release 20 / A-RDP80B01676R000300080009-4 Approved For Release 2003/cIEe +R DP80B01676R000300080009-4 c,`he number of unsatisfactory prints is extremely'?mall -*- less than 1`% of the total and does not present a significant problem. d. Graphics Register personnel are already well qualified to judge the quality of photographic products. However in the future GR plans to use Printing Services Division's basic orientation capabilities for training of new personnel. e. Chief, Printing Services Division states that there In no duplicate handling of photography by Printing Services Division and Graphics Register. 9. We have no objection to the transfer to PSD of such OR film processing activities as they are capable of handling within our tight time limitations. These activities now take only about one man-year's effort. Chief, GR and Chief PSD will be working out details prior to PSD's move to the new building. ZDWARD W. PROCTOR Assistant Deputy Director for Intelligence 'fi Nag za /~. "! iii a -3- Approved For Release 20 0 Z 5 --~IA-RDP80BO1676R000300080009-4 Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000300080009-4 Red, I believe DDS's comments on our Recommendations 3 5 6a and 7 / are , responsive enough to require no rebuttal on my part. On Recommendation No. 4 I believe that the record will show that it has taken about seven years on the average from the time an employee enters on duty until he completes the apprentice program. We believe that with modern training techniques which ought to be available to us in 1966 this period of time could be substantially reduced. With the difficulties being encountered in recruiting and with many PSD people 25X1 nearing retirement age, we believe PSD will be stretched very thin indeed in a few years unless something like we suggest is done. On Recommendation No. 8 we recognize that there are only two safety officers and that the demands on them are considerable. However, we brought the safety and housekeeping problems to their attention in the course of our survey early last June. Since receipt of Howard Osborn's memorandum of 23 August 1966 (copy attached) I have asked our inspectors to give special emphasis to safety in the course of our surveys. Is it unreasonable to expect a plan for dealing with PSD's safety problems six months after our initial discussions of them with the Agency Safety Office in view of the President's program and the steps being taken by the Agency to implement it2' 25X1 91 . VsrMan Attachments M ~S ate@@ Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000300080009-4 ^ ~ Y ~ F \ ~ ~ ry ~. ~ T 1 d Lrci44-t o MEMORANDUM FOR: Inspector General. SUBJECT : Mission "SAFETY-70" 1. This memorandum suggests action on your part; such action is recommended in paragraph 6. 2. On 16 February 1965, President Johnson issued a press release which announced the launching of Mission "SAFETY-70. Under this Mission he directed the Federal Departments and Agen- cies to reduce Federal work injuries and costs year by year until a total 30 per cent reduction is achieved by 1970. Such a reduction would result in the saving of approximately 200 lives, prevent nearly 45, 000 disabling -work injuries, and save the Federal Government nearly $250, 000, 000. 00 in costs. In the press release he also told of issuing a Safety Policy for the Federal Service to guide Govern- ment Administrators in the discharge of their responsibilities and in the attainment of the desired safety objectives. 3. In conjunction with the press retiease, the President also sent a memorandum to the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies. In this memorandum he told of initiating Mission "SAFETY-7Q" and of its purpose and objectives. He also forwarded with this memorandum a copy of the Safety Policy for the Federal Service. In accordance with this Policy, the President asked the I-leads of each Department and Agency to review realistically and revise where necessary-their safety programs. He also requested a report within 90 days showing the results of this review. On 12 May 1965 a report. of the Safety Program of the,Ageney was sentto L Y Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80BOl676R000300080009-4 We mo Approved For Release 2.003/05/29'- -,CIA-RDP30B01676R000300080009-4 Approved For Release Q~89~44~1'9. 80B01676R000300080009-4 Oi%ll 1 1. 4K 4. On 16 February 1965, the President sent another letter to the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies requesting a summary report from each Agency of developments in 1965 pertinent to Mission -'`SAFETY-70." He requested specific information on actions taken; specific accomplishments; areas of weakness which still need strength- ening, and Agency plans for 1966. On 28 April 1966, The Director of Central Intelligence forwarded this summary report to the President. 5. In order- to have a starting point for Mission "SAFETY- 70, " the year 1963 was selected as a base year. During this year the injury frequency rate for all Federal establishments was 7.9. This figure is derived by utilizing the following formula: Injury Frequency Rate = Number of lost time accidents x 1,000,000 Number of man-hours worked To achieve the objective of Mission "SAFETY-70" this injury fre- quency rate must be reduced to 5.5 by 1970 (to include 1969 as the final year). During the past year (March 1965. February 1966) the injury frequency rate for Federal establishments was reduced by 4.3 per cent to 7.4. cr. a. ~,aaacuV 0V0.610 bite LGC;lA1L GU. LVr quarters providing the Agency with the material to compute the STAT 6. A large part of the success of the Mission "SAFETY-70" Program is dependent on employee awareness and participation and supervisory support. In order to actively\participate in the Presi- dent's Mission "SAFETY-70" Program, it is requested that repre- sentatives of your staff, in their travel to various Agency installations, brief our people on the Program and its purpose (30 per cent reduction c; 2 frequency rate by 1970) and urge their compliance. In doing so accurate accident reports would be compiled and forwarded to Head- US, ~3 G P`+?E4 + r1 ii Approved For Release 2003/05/29 : CIA-RDP80B0167&R600300080009-4 1 ? Executive Director- r. CoecutIv er SUBJECT: (Optional) Survey of Printing Services Division FROM: EXTENSION NO. l t I G or nspec enera DATE TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) lam.// 5 6. 7. ~8 10. .25X1 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. FORM USE PREVI 3-62 610 EDITIONWSp /eSlEff EFIelea es[ OOOkbEffiIOIIkDP 0> 0 Y 03000 o> o 09U 9CLASSI F I ED ~.,,I i ED-pprov e 2003/05/29: CIA-RP0~OI 1GIE NM0O80009- ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET Approved Fo elease 2003/05 F DP80B01 000300 00'9 P 588 MMORANDUM FOR: Executive Director-Comptroller 66-4063, 4063/1, 66-4063/2 Inspector General's Survey of Printing Services Division - September 1966 REFERENCE ; Memo dtd 23 Sept 66 to DD/S fr Ex. Dir. -Compt. same subject 6 6- 4 0 6 3/ 1 . This memorandum is for your information only. 2. As requested by referent memorandum, we are submitting herewith Our comments on the IG's Survey of Printing Services Division: a. Reconam endation No. 3 "it-is recommended that: "The Chief, Printing Services Division, initiate with those originating Agency publications and reports an active and continuing program to improve format, layout, and graphics through exploitation of the capabilities of PSD's Graphics and Visual Aids Staff as well as_ outside specialists where indicated. Comment The Chief, Printing Services Division, is aware of the need to improve the format of Agency publications and has for some time conducted a program seeking to improvethis format. Where economical and feasible, typeset format has been substituted for typed material; an improved offset format has been substituted for the mimeograph format 'f A ,-i" ` Approved For Release 20OLNg" EP 13:&i7. R000300080009-4 I __rational Intelligence Survey format has been reviewed and improved; and many other Approved FWelease 2003/05/ revisions In the Agency pr ted publications have been made. phi and Visual .Aids Staft was transferred to -ervices Division, the Chief, Jointing .Jervices Dtvi_ ri ces Division, request the assistance skvta, immediratelybcjn using this staff, where 1'ossjj)jej to nsslst in format wo414 and these efforts will be continued. We believe sufficient iui Louse capabilities exist so that the need for retaining outside specialists should be at a minimum. &eco ton No. "it is SM21qWoqd ap the time an employee s-?ends as an appre ice. the Director of Training in. devising training techniques a.pplic- able to the Printing trade with a view toward suWtantially reducing Comment 80801 MR000300080009-4 mmendatlon. There seems to the pct of the Inspector General .chaired and conducted by Printing even-year apprentice- of reasonable intelligence and oleo ship and doubts "that It is survey team of the traln! Services Divisions. The have been a misunders We do not concur for a new employee otivation to spend seven rs learning to Mme a journeyman printer. ?' .AU apprenttce- re been for a period of five years and this time can be rech ed by exceptional performance on the part of the apprentice. PSD, in cooperation with the ice of Personnel, has worked out a program whereby cep tional performance can rebce the period of apprenticeship by as much as one year. These a~ :.renticeship study. and performance is periodically evaluated and reported. The PSD program is consistent with that in effect at the Govern- mast Printing Office. To change it would introduce nurneror problems. grams are formalized, some involve corres un xce school The technological a^.)he al. now taking place in the graphic azu, industry is rapidly changing printing from a craft Industry to a technology. In line with this, PSD has reduced, the number of apprentices In its formal apprentice program and is oucentrating Approved For Release 2003/9 8000300080009-4 Approved F elease 2003/0 P80B011BR000300080009-4 on on-the-job and formal training in the new techniques required. Eighteen PSD employees are enlisted in formal eaernal training programs, and the Divic ton is continuing a vigorous on-the-job training program involving the new techniques. W, a feel that the training program now conducted by PSD is adequate and in step with conditions existing in the graphic arts industry. c. Recommendation No. S "It is recommended that: "The Director of Logistics take such measures as are necessary to ensure that requests for exceptions to the Agency's optional retirement policy are processed to the Agency Retirement Board in time to permit decisions on extensions to be reached at least six months before the employees would otherwise be due to retire. " Comment We concur in this recommendation. Steps will be taken immediately to comply with the provisions thereof. d. Recommendation No. 6 1t is recommended that: "The Director of Logistics: "a. Review with the Director of Security "watch list" data maintained internally by Printing Services Division on employees whose job performance or off-the-job deportment is of continuing concern and devise a means for keeping the Director of Security informed of new information that is developed. "b. Request the Director of Security to review his procedures for establishing priorities in the security reinvcstigattcn ,rogram and consider the feasibility of scheduling PSD employees for retn* vestigation in advance of the present cycle." g2mment We concur with part "a" of the recommendation. The Office I B-fluri:Ong U. TORET Approved For Release 2003L05/29_: CIA- ABe7&EI000300080009-4 Approved OWelease 2003/05/ ('t { ;P80BO1SR000300080009-4 of Security has run special checks on tarry of the individuals on the PSD "watch list, " and arrangements with PSD will be contin- ued so that the Director of Security is kept advised of new infor- mation which might be of reasonable concern. with respect to part "b" of the recommendation, it is not considered feasible or advantageous to alter the Agency-wide reinvestigation program which processes the cases of all Directorates in a similar manner. However, under the respon- sible supervisor theory, if the supervisor has noted a circum- stance which warrants security concern, he has a responsibility to immediately relay such information to the Office of Security. Upon receipt of such information, the Director of Security thoroughly explores sxecific charges and allegations as the individual case warrants. `ibis may include a reinvestigation. Recommendation No. 7 "It is ,"Me Director of Logtsttcst "a. Direct the Chief, Printing Services Division, to platy for the absorption internally, coincident with the move to the new building, of the bulk of the photographic processing now done under external contract. "b. Direct that the Office of logistics Security Staff schedule thorough semi-annual security inspections of con- tractors with whom PSD must continue contractual arrangement Cot With respect to pan "a" of the recommendation, PSD will be able to do more of the photographic processing now done under external contract after occupying the new building. It is considered essential, however, to continue all of the ex- ternal photographic contracts now in existence. It would cost in excess of $100, 000 to equip the Photography Branch to do the Kodachrome work now sent to Kodak. 'Mere is, on the average, Was than $S, 000 worth of work produced annually Approved For Release 2003/0 IP 0300080009-4 dt a t+i~~uaa SEC Approved FSelease 2003/05/24 4R 25X1 f . Recommendation No. 8 "It is recommended that: "The Deputy Director for Support require that the Agency Safety Officer furnish to him by 1 January 1967: "a. A status report on safety discipline, working conditions, and housekeeping at all six PSD plants. "b. A report on safety planning for the new building. "c. A program for the continued monitoring of fire and safety discipline and conditions at PSD installations." Comment Regarding parts "a" and "c" of the recommendation, the Agency Safety Staff is limited to two men and consequently cannot guarantee a complete status report or a complete program for monitoring of fire and safety discipline of all PSD plants by 1 January 1967. The status report and the program for the continued monitoring of fire and safety discipline will be completed as soon as possible. Approved For Release 2003/ R 1F 3dOOt~f,7-6 000300080009-4 V f \ &~Nn ra:dt z ~c.~i~w.ctit~t~n L Approved Felease 2003/0 P80B01 8000300080009-4 A report on safety Aanuing for the new building (;?art trb" of the recommendation) will be submitted by t January 1967. ILLEGIB R. L. Bannerman duty Director for u; fort O-DD/S:RBW:lar (10 Nov 66) Distribution: Orig Ex. Dir. -Compt. V- ER 1 - DD/S Subject w/background ( 66-5065, 52ih1, 5825) w (9.e t- (IDS); -be-5c - ) 1 t- DD/S Chrono Approved For Release 200 CLAfb" 000300080009-4 ET L MM @~~3. ricsti> Approver Release 200 /Mftf IA-RDP8OBt'6R00030008000 23SEP1966 lc RAM FOR: Deputy Director for Intelligence, ~MJECT Inspector General's $urvey of Printing Services Division 1. You have received copies of a portion of the Inspector General's report of survey of 1'r:Laati ig Services Division, which is of interest to and for action by the Intelligence Directorate, specifically: pages 5 - ll j paragraphs 2 - 9, Recommendation Nos. :i and 2. 2. Please furnish me vithin 60 dWs a summary of action taken or csam