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(_~U Approved Forease 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B0167600200170004-(Y a- 73.x, /, RAN UM FOR. Executive Director-Comptroller SUBJECT i Exemption from Temporary Obligation Authority, Fiscal Year 1967. 25X1 Rey s A. 21+ June 1966) B. New a ed 26 October 1966 to DJPPa from D~Pers, seine Subject. 1. The Office of Personnel has requested relief from the temporary 0bligatica authority level ~ ~t of Office Of Personnel~seFuods, forces at work plus the 3u'e I cast recommend a dine. 2. amerating allowance for the office of Personnel for 25X1 FY 1867 is to date is as f0119" I 25X1 July Aust September October kEst.) her obligation levels for both hi th g a 3, Experience has shown and Invitee Travel occurring during the suer a the are nary 1 as high school and college graduates enter can duty and/or are brought in for interview. Succeeding thly rates should follow a downward trend which we will expect will offset the first quarter ovvr.obligation to the In view of this experience factor, I believe that as exceytion. 1/12 obligating authority is not proper for the Office of Personnel. 4. Attached is a Memorandum to the Director of Perspffiel for . YIN signature. Attachments Orig. .. D/PPB ER 0 John M. Clarke A Director o Bttd s OV amming so /~ ?191~ 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-REP80B0.1676R000200170004 T `~ Approved For 25X1 ease 2002/07/29: CIA-RDP8080167.00200170004-P j~,6 j() ( MORANDUM "'OR: Director of Pe THROMM SUBJECT REP;RuNC.i: A. a. 124 J,in* 1966) ago dated L6 Oct 1966 to u/PPB from D/Pears, Same Subject 1. In view of the fund and personnel reductions already ,'rAde ear contemplated by the president and the Bureea* of the Budget, it is clear that earlier hiring howls must -4w be revised effect on speecffic? is true programs evepn though the pr+setise cuts and their e are still under discussion. 1. Accordingly, you should take soaps to live within the temporary obligation authority currently in fiect. Present indicatie-ns are that this level uAy eaooa be revised downward. 3. At soon as the Agency receives word from thebureau f f the Budget can a lower personnel ceiling for the Agocy, Y need m you a study of the etieet! of this telling on the entire ~~ ~ on the savings which recruitment program oi the Agency. Particular emphasis r-hould p can be maaadee in the Interim Assignm*nt Section and to Invitee Travel. 25X1 0/pPB/BF3/ (l Nov 66) Distribution: l Orig. & 1 - AdVkgJee L. L(. White tive Director -comptrollor vl~ ER. 1 _ ExDir 1 _ PPB Subject (SAB) Approved Fo) ReMAP~/2 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000200170004-0 1 - PPB Reading Deputy Di ctor for Support .exemption from T =xnporarY ObligatiO4 .Authority, E tscal Year 1967 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000200170004-0 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000200170004-0 -- i ~ ''' 'c -J-6 07 Approved F ele s 3Ob~10f1 1~4-F DP80B016 000200170004-0 27. T. 2 6 OCT 1966 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Planning, Programming, and. Budgeting THROUGH : Deputy Director for Support SUBJECT 25X1 REFERENCE Exemption from Temporary Obligation Authority, FY 1967 D dtd. 24 June 1966 1. As a result of the large obligations incurred by the Interim Assignment Section and the Invitee Travel Program during the first quarter of the fiscal year, it is requested that the Office of Personnel be exempted from the temporary obligation authority as authorized by the reference. 2. The IAS and. Invitee Travel are Agency-wide programs budgeted. for by the Office of Personnel. To maintain these programs within the temporary obligation authority will require a curtailment of these programs, and. this decision must be reached at a higher level than this office. 3. If these programs are to continue at the expected. levels during the remainder of FY 1967, it will soon become necessary for the Office of Personnel to request additional funds. 25X1 Exdlc:c ;i a irastl I EE ~ ` Approved For Release 26 02/I~`!/29 : CIA-RDP8 BO1 76 E.tO2O 17 04-0 Remarks: The Director of P several'respects.~ For 26 October is deficient example, it does not indicate aow n-much relief Is needed, whether an additional ofn Please note the attached memorandum from e PPB. i suggest that you take a more careful look at the situation in the light of our new perjonnel ceilings and consider a new and more re specific request. If necessary, we can g together will be necessary in FY 19 th Director of discuss the matter. N9 5 November 1966 Director, PPB ROOM NO. 6 E 08 STAT If this is all right, please send along to DD/S. Executive Dire ctor - Com troller ROOM NO. BUILDING IX F s1` 9 0 2/07/29 HOA-RDP80 1 76R00024170 I FORM O 2" I REPLACES FORM 36-8 (47) FEB WHICH MAY BE USED.