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Publication Date: 
January 24, 1964
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Approved For Relea , 2 1f / 79!A-RDP80B01676R000200150 24 January 1964 STATIN Marshall S. Carter Lieutenant General, USA Acting Director MEMORANDUM FOR: L ecutive Director DD /NIPE DD/I AD/NE General Counsel Inspector General I am planning to schedule a meeting with the President some- time on Monday or Tuesday, 27 or 28 January,to discuss a number of subjects including the attached memorandum for the President prepared by the DCI before his departure for Europe. Will you please personally review this memorandum and let me have your comments sometime Monday before I meet with the President. C Approved For Release 2002/ 7/29: IA-F iP8DBW 676F20'00' 2075032-1 Approved For Release .2002/07/29: CIA-RDP80B01676R000200150032-1 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON 25, D.C. STAT is s an scholars, data, analyses and reports on the economies of the Communist countries. ~A representative list of such publications and reports is attached for your information, ) 17 January 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT For years CIA has made available to responsible authorities dutside the Government, including journal' t d My predecessor, Mr. Allen Dulles,. his Deputy, General over, it is also possible to argue that the Department of State with its primary responsi- bility for the conduct of foreign policy would be liable to the charge of e Quiet economy in the United States Government, Journalists and scholars are aware of'this., Therefore, release by the Department of State of any other department or agency would not have the desired impact More CIA possesses the best expertise on th P(J.Licy 01:, anonymity" but not a departure from Agency policy over the last 10 'years, Therefore, the recent release with authorized attribution repre sents a dPnnrr,,ro c,.,...,... __.L_.. - s y e or, other officials in CIA. Since I became .DCI, no speeches or attributable, briefings have been made b m if Background briefings on this subject have been given by CIA officials prior to October 1961 to journalists either individually or in groups. (A representative list of such briefings is attached for your .information. ) of the Joint Economic Committee, ie at an open nearing (For your information a resume of that testimony is attached ) On November 13, 1959, the then DCI testif' d .4CLVC; L", me of Communist economies in briefingsy and have made at l t 5 eas 0 publich b speecesetween 1954 and-October, 1961. Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000200150032-1 Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000200150032-1 trying to influence policy by the release of factual data. CIA, which has, no "policy ax" to grind, could release such data as a matter of factual information. I recommend that consideration be given to making future .releases.on the subject of the Communist economies. through CIA with attribution to that Agency. Such releases would be made when the security interests of the United States dictate that such a release would be helpful, but a release would be made only after coordination on substance, timing and tactics with the White House, the Department of State and certain Chairmen of Congressional committees. JOHN A. Mc CONE Director Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000200150032-1