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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
May 3, 2002
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Publication Date: 
June 13, 1964
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ed For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-R0P80B01676R04i200150013- 110 ORANDUk4 TO: General Carter EcAltive R2719117 13 June 1964 : President's Foreign Intelligeace Advisory Board Corannualcations of June dth? asking for .4:ange1 Reports on aA's Intelligence and Eelated Activities and on the Coordination of U.S. Foreign Intelligence Elfort believe that these reports can be most helpful. not only to the MAD, but also to the President and hie mediate staff, and to you and me. Therefore, / wish these reports prepared with saga of care and under roars and Mr. Kirkpatrick's direct rvisies and with frequent consultation with we. I arra writing Mr. Clifford eclusewledging receipt a his communicatioss and suggeetiag to hint that he awl I discuss these particular rola:este at an early date. Furthermore I propose that mr. Coyne Ibir other staff representatives a the Board confer frequestly with Masers. Kirkpatrick, Bros* end others in CIA in the iatereet ei developiag both format and content of the report which will be most lielpfel to the Board. I thiak we should use these reports not only for the supoae OS surveying activities, hut mars important/rye to point out dellcisacIes, limitations end conflicts in the authority and responsibility CLA (*ad the Da is areas a coordination) and to 11-Aite specific proposals concerning rocosnmendostions We feel that PFIASI should wake to the President in the interest of correcting problem*. In other words, let's nee these reports as means of traasmitting to the Board, and through the Board to the President, actions we think should be talues to strengthen CLA La *mortising its statutory responsibilities and serving the national interest is the iyannsr eweigioned. U we do this carefully we gen accomplish many things. Foe instance, we temilTATINTL rr-^?:"" Approved For Release 2002/07/29: CIADP80B01676R000200150013-2 proved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000150013-2 STATI NTL c. In dealing with Scientific and Technical Intelligence, Guidance Missile and Astronautics intelligence, Signals latelligencio, Photographic Intelligence, etc establish a firm fosadation for CIA ia NELO and also the role of FIASAC. d. In denting with Political and ILcoftorilic IntelIleac*. Current latoilignace analyses and Notional Estimates. clearly !dont* CIA's statutory role as reciand in the law, and pet to rest intrusions into these areas of responsibility by 1NR and A. I would like to di machinery nocessary to two reports and to aCC0931 cc: d JAM:mcm 1- DCI Chrono I - DCI #5 I - DCI PFIAB File ER , patrick and Bross the kmata-like job on these I hare in mind. JOHN A. McCONE Director Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R00020015001311s