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Document Release Date: 
June 17, 2002
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Publication Date: 
July 10, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R000200040035-0.pdf106.4 KB
TO J)eputy rirectoar/ScUmee, and, Technology Deputy for NatierAl ln It ge a Programs Evaluati SUBJECT : scientific and Tbasc&I Efforts in the REFERENCE: rare a lwal p e yield Would you please pr*parie by 30 Jul 1964 asi -tu , a reply to t1 a ached memorandum from McGeorge Bundy. Of the two fists in the second paragraph. I believe (I) should be tiled by DD/ T and (2) by D/NIPS. I have already mentioned this matter to Messrs. in DIS&T. Attachment a/$ is D/NPE and 0 Distribution: O&l-Addressees; 1-DCI; 1 -DDCI; 1DER; 3-ExDir ""~??"6tip04 i Excluded tram an{amattc dol uEradir1E end deetassificatisn Approved For Release 2002/08/21( 1 FBbbO1676R000 0040035-0 SUSPENSE DATE: OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR A-406 A C T I 0 N M E M 0 Approved For Rel 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80BO1676ROM 00400354i V P M20cutive Flogiotry I July 8, 196+ 1 ORANDUM FOR THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT: Scientific and Technical Efforts in the Foreign Intelligence Field Your report of June 24, 1964, reflects that further organizational and planning steps have been taken by the Central Intelligence Agency in the area of the recommend- ation made by the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board on March 8, 1903 for the assignment of top priority to the creation, organization and exploitation of new resources of science and technology for intelligence purposes. Noting that you plan to submit a further report in July on substantive progress made in this field, it would be appreciated if your forthcoming report would include (1) a comprehensive review of the principal actions taken within the Central Intelligence Agency to date in meeting the objectives of each of the five parts of the Board's recommendation, and (2) a coordinated report, prepared in consultation with the member agencies of the intelligence community involved, reflecting the status of plans and actions by such agencies in the areas dealt with in Paragraphs (a) and (e) of the Board's recommendation, It is also requested that a copy of your July report be forwarded to the President's Board in time for consider- ation at the Board's meeting on August 6-7, 1964 McGeorge Bundy cc: The President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Approved For Release 2002/0 101676R000200040035-0