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August 19, 2003
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Publication Date:
August 18, 1964
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Approved For Release 2003/09/x, ,, PRDP80B01676R000200040029-7
/,/ ~
g?~~u~ /V^w~t/J a~i.m pls.
al Intelligence
.06/26/03. JDeputy Director 18 August 1
Executive Director-
~?omptroller Deputy Director for Intelligence
Deputy Director for Plans
Deputy Director for Support
Deputy Director for Science and Technology
inspector General
General Counsel
Economy Measures
i., On ?.2 July 1964 the President reviewed with the Cabinet the progress
n-+.ade thus far in improving efficiency and economy in the operations of the
Government, and he directed that further efforts toward these ends
,J? made in the months ahead, The President made it unmistakably clear
t is the continuing policy of this administration to effect maximum
esnlts with minimum expenditures. His instructions very specifically
`.ve-s e to "redouble efforts to reduce costs" through such measures aductivity
simp'.itiyin.g procedures, streamlining field elements, setting up pro s gods and imbuing contractors
to beet irit of cost ghtened so thatcoper~.t ons
controls lar same
directed that employment The
are ccnducted with the most resol~~t f the need to patterns
~_.~s,dent also made a special
Z. Over the past year the Agency has actively engag fed in than Y economy e
program. We can take pride in our accomplishments. T eel our progress
",yen responsive to the President's program, However,
nu t not lull us into complacency. Again I want to impress on each of
ycu 1~ersonally and, through you, all personnel of your directorates and
offices that further real savings in manpower and dollars can and must be
effected in CIA. d 3. The manpower ceilings provided to
same time we Emus assure bat you for FY provide a first big step to this end. At the
m is maintained in accomplishing
a sound and imaginative substantive program
Approved For Release 2003/09/ f- kk-fb "dbBO1-676R000200040029-7
Approved For Release 2003b9(02.::'CIA-RDP801676R000200040029-7
the Agencyrs vital missions. Maintaining adequate program balance within
an-_d bztween directorates will always be difficult, but especially where
retrenchments are required. We are all under the gun to assure that flexible
sySL--:n S are provided in our organizations which will provide, within
osta.'Dlished ceilings, sufficient maneuverability to meet changing priorities
and to adjust to new tasks without constantly upsetting on?-going activi' ies,
Y'r. regard the Agency must consider programs in their entirety with each
-art evaluated in light of the whole, Our cost consciousness and manpower
control is not a numbers game, It must reflect hard decisions and a positive,
o jective and non--parochial outlook on the part of all members of our
nanage~~n.ert team. Activities which do not contribute directly to the
accomplishment of the Agency's missions must be phased out and discontinued,
At ' ire same time we must hold other menbers of the Intelligence Community
responsible for their part of the intelligence task and not establish unwarranted
du2lication of these efforts in -A,
4, i have charged the EDCI and the Executive Director.-Comptroller with
s^cs:raeading the Agency economy effort and providing strengthened and
i--nT.) o,red centralized management review and control over our programs and
projects and their related manpower and budgets. I will expect from them reports on the Agency?s progress which I can study and report
to the ~resi.dent. My belief in active management at the top echelons
will cause some strain, but I know of no better way of producing results in.
l tee with the Presidents goals. Even as congratulate you for recent
achi.e' ennents, I want to urge you on to greater progress in the knowledge
that the dollar and personnel ceilings currently in effect have behind them
strong approval and my personal wish that no effort be spared to expedite
a.ei _? attain_.ent,
'f^ 7ohn__A, McCone
Approved For Release 2003/09/02: CIA-RDP80B01676R000200040029-7
Approv1or Release 2003/09/02: CIA-RDP8c1676R000200040029-7
July 229 1964
'ti'_~ -,..":I, of-*e n debt to Secretary McT;amara for his remarkably successful C o? .
^' r: ?:_ z ~ rgra The rc ?o?r? ao De artment buys more than three .u,ar ers of
the coda and so=_ce~s bought by the Uo S, Gov:rnm::nt, Troreforo, the
o: our d.. improve man?a.gament in. the Federal Government w `J.l
r"_vc; 'co ~
the De ertcment o ~efcn ze, '~
.,o _y de'i err? ned by the performance c
7. 7n done his has seta ..ark f ~. e
^'..... y I cT',TL ra has not ca .y , bul he
ehr~~t at,
TT'---'1,4 o.f all., I want to commend every man in this room for his cont_ribu;'- on
the e ccollent results of cur economy drive in the fiscal year just endaca,
O r' C "?9^ 1C:L'~,iAJ es were $97,7 bi.11;ton9 more than, billion be _ow the
'..96ha budget eati_mato and, a $600 mill'-en below mar moot
^be was $8.3 bill;.on, a al.. 6 billion below the ori_gin