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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
August 20, 2002
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Publication Date: 
April 13, 1964
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R000200030028-9.pdf129.33 KB
TO oved For Rear 2002/09/SE EIRDP80B01676R01100030028-9 (CLASSIFICATION) EftecuLivc, OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ector upport) 3 Action Memorandum No A-370 Dote " SUBJECT : Ead..0 -Year Ceding Control for Temporary Part-time, and Foreign National Personnel REFERENCE: 1. Instruction. from the ureau of the Budget this year included a new policy of establishing an end-of-year ceiling on the number of Temporary, Partrntime and Foreign National personnel that the Agency may employ. The Bureau** instructions further state that nacier flu circumstances should employment be perniitted to reach a point where end-of-year strength would exceed this ceiling. The approved ceiling is lower than the number requested by the Agency in its budget sub- mission. 0 0 Z. To en re that the Agency does not exceed its reduced end- of-year ceiling for these personnel categories, it becomes necessary to allocate ceilings to each Deputy Directorate. Accordingly, the end- 25X1 ol-year ceiling for the Support Directorate is established at represents a reduction of 25X1 from your budget estimate of 25X1 N consists wholly of the reduction resulting from the canceliation of the uminer-only employee program this year. You are 4t4441..-ed allocate this ceiling among your components in relationship to t priorities you attach to your various programs. Your end-of-year strength for these categories, in total. n-i45t be within this ceiling. 3. In order that I might be kept apprised of the progress you are making toward meeting the reduced euct-of.year ceiling objectives, you will submit to the Office of Budget, Program Analysis and Man- power one report as of 30 April 1964 and another as of 30 June 19b4 SUSPENSE DATE: SECRET CROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification (CLASSIFICATION) Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP80B01676R00020003002e9 roved For Rilase 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP8013016761,0200030028-9 which will indicate the distribution of Ao,l-permassent ceiling :121?14 your components and the ott-ciLity 'strength charged agaiast these ceilings. 4. As a result al tower staff ceiling anthorlsatione. corriplKente may be Wellman to give more consideration to the employment of contract personnel who may lipe exempt from both permanent and non-pernaeiiiinat ceiling count. The Director lU not condone the use of the contrail.: inechanierm for the purpose of increasing personnel strength levels out.. side the frarnewer4 of allocated ceiling strengths, either in the US or abroad. The President has specifically enjoined the Heads of all Datpart- merits sad Agencies to avoid using this kind of sustkortty to evade coin- pliance with the employment levels .vhich have been established for each government agency. Lyman B. Kirkpatrick ? Litecutive Directer-Comptroller cc: DI Personnel BPAM/ Distribution: Orig & 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - fhn (3 April 1964) Addres see DDCI ExDir-Compt ER Ch./Manpower D/ BPAM t,. Approved For Release 2002/09/04: CIA-RDP801301676R000200030028-9