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April 13, 1964
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TO ed For Release 20saltir CIA-RDP8013046R000200030027-0 416 (CLASSIFICATION) OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ce) Action Memorandum No. Date ??? r A-371 SUBJECT : ?n .01-Year Coiling C.ontrol. br Temporary, t-ti 0. and Foreign National Personnel REFERENCE: 1. tructions froni the Bureau 01 the Bvdget this >'ear incluCed a iieW policy of estaoliahing an end.of.year ceiling on the Lnamixesr of Temporary, Part-time and Fore?gn National personnel that the Agency ay employ. The Bareau's instructions further state that under no circumstances should eniployment be permitted to reach a point where cad...of-year strength would exceed this ceiling. The approved ceiling 's lower than the number requeeted by the Agency in its b.idget 41b.- **ion. 2. To ensirs that the Agency does not exceed its reduced end- of-year ceiling for these personnel categories, it becomes necessary to allocate ceilings to each ljaputy Directorate. Accordingly the end- ol-year ceiling for the Intelligence Directorate is established a 25X1 'rhis represents a redaction of []frain your budget estimate of and consists wholly of thy. reduction resulting from the cancel/Mich the surnner-only employee program this year. You are authorized to allocate this ceiling among your components in relationship to the priorities you attach to your various programs. Your end-oi-yeat strength ler these categories, in total, must be within this ceiling. 0 0 25xiA 25xiN 3. In order that I might be kept apprised of the progress you are making toward meeting the reduced end-of-year ceiling object1-74t, you will submit to the Office of Budget, Program Analysis and Manpower One report as of 30 April 19b4 and another as of 30 June 1964 which will SUSPENSE DATE: SECRET GROW 1 Excluded from antoziatio downgrading and declassification (CLASSIFICATION) Approved For Release 2002/09/04 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000200030027-0 naicate Ui allid tit* Oa or Re0l se 2002/09/0 E?1"DP80601676R0d100030027-0 1?2 i ution Gi to-pern'aeflt ce ling avian*/ your c .-:ty strength charged againsit these ceilings. C 1 4. As a reeult of lower staff ceiling autherisations. componiats may be incained to give more cOrkSidOratiall to thit iornployfrient of ctiatract personnel who may he exempt frown lloth permanent and non-permandrit ceiling count. The Director will not condone the ;see of the coatract,, niechaniiiri for the purpose of increasing personnel strength levels out- side the Iron:ewes* of allocated ceiling strengths. either us the U:,?,1 abroad. The President has specifically enjoined the Heads of all Depa.rt. merits and Aserictas to avoid %taint this kid of authority' to evade compli ? ancs with the employ/wait levels which have been entablished for each government agency. cc: 0/Pe easel BPA1v1/1 lm (3 April 1964) Distribution: Addressee DDCI ExDir-Compt ER V. ChiManpower D/BPAM Approved For Release 2002/09/04: C (sigfied) Ly4ian kfrcian B. Kirkpatrick calve Director -Comptroller .pgI301676R000200030027-0