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ved For Release 2002/08/? `r:'j i FDP80BO1676R00O0020046- OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Executive Registry Action Memorandum No. _-~ TO Deputy Director /Super SUBJECT : Annual Meeting of the University Associates and the Agency Recruiters REFERENCE: 1. 1 thought that the annual meeting f the 25X1 University Associates and the Agency Recruiters, together with the senior Agency officers working on the 100 Universities Program, was a successful event, and certainly an improvement over previous meet ings. However, I feel that certain improvements can be made. E 2. In future years I believe that the first day of the meeting M of the University Associates should be held here in Headquarters and 0 should be devoted exclusively to a reorientation of the changes that have taken place in the Agency during the preceding year. I would envisage D that such a day would include a welcoming speech by either the Director R e or Deputy Director, an hour devoted to major developments in the U. S. intelligence community, an hour devoted to major changes in the Agency, N and perhaps the final hour of the morning devoted to a comprehensives analysis of the world situation. The afternoon could be devoted mere to some of our major efforts, such as W heeelon on scientific and teech-D nical intelligence, Lundahl on photographic intelligence, and perhaps a T T concluding period on such subjects as counterinsurgency. M 3. By this vehicle I think we can do a lot better than we did this year in making the University Associates fool that they are some- thing more than recruiting tools; that they are indeed "associates" of the CIA; and that they have been taken into our ct}nfide a in some of our SUSPENSE DATE: 02 ~'"?r.^.?''^-oe~ P;~~ ? $ CATION) Approved 0014 easc,20Q2/Q.Q/21 : IA-R P80B01676R000200020046-0 proved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP80B01676R00 0020046-0 0 Important work. I feel fur her that we need periodically to eng&$e in a little salesmanship with these people in order to keep up their esprit de corps and continue then as eathuaiastic supporters. 4. After first day I believe that the balance can be worked out in close association with thc- recruiters and the Office of PersoeneL S. Would you please see that this is implemented for next year. (signed) Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Executive Director LB K: drm Distribution: Original and 1 - Addressee T- ER 1 - ExDir Approved For Release 2002/08/21 CIA-RDP80B01676R000200020046-0