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Approved For Releas 03/02/27 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R0001LOO120012-7 THE WHITE HOUSE CONFIDENTIAL NSC REFERRAL NOT REQUIRED NATIONAL SECURITY ACTION MEMORANDUM NO. 252 TO: The Vice President The Secretary of State The Secretary of Defense The Secretary of the Treasury The Attorney General The Director of Central Intelligence The Director, U. S. Irfo..n;ation Agency The Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration The Chairman, Federal Communications Commission The Administrator, Federal Aviation Agency The Administrator of General Services The Director, Bureau of the Budget The Director, Office of Emergency Planning The Director, Office of Science and Technology The Director of Telecommunications Management SUBJECX: Establishment of the National Communications System Concept and Objectives In furtherance of the general objectives stated in NSAM 201, dated October 26, 1962, a National Communications System (NCS) shall be established and developed by linking together, improving, and extend- ing on an evolutionary basis the communications facilities and components of the various Federal agencies. The organizational arrange _:ents set forth in NSAM 201 are superseded by those established in this memoran- dum. ;:,e objective of the NCS will be to provide necessary communica- tions for the Federal Government,under all conditions ranging from a normal situation to national emergencies and international crises, in- cluding nuclear attack. The system will be developed and operated to be responsive to the variety of needs of the national command and user agencies Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100120012-7 Approved For Relea9qA03/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000. 0W0 20012-7 and be capable of meeting priority requirements under emergency or war conditions through use of reserve capacity and additional private facilities. The NCS will also provide the necessary combinations of hardness, mobility, and circuit redundancy to obtain survivability of essential communications in all circumstances. Initial emphasis in developing the NCS will be on meeting the most critical needs for communications in national security programs, particularly to overseas areas. As rapidly as is consistent with meeting critical needs, other Government needs will be examined and satisfied, as warranted, in the context of the NCS. The extent and character of the system require careful consideration in light of the priorities of need, the benefits to be obtained, and the costs involved. Although no complete definition of the NCS can be made in advance of design studies and evolution in practice, it is generally conceived that the NCS would be comprised primarily of the long haul, point-to-point, trunk communications which can serve one or more agencies. The President has directed the following organizational arrange- ments relating to the establishment and effective operation of the NCS. Executive Office Responsibilities In carrying out his functions pursuant to Executive Orders 10705 and 10995 and under this memorandum, the Director of Telecommunica- tions Management shall be responsible for policy direction of the develop- ment and operation of a National Communications System. In this capacity, he shall also serve as a Special Assistant to the President for Telecom- munica.tions and shall: a. Advise with respect to communication requirements to be supplied through the NCS; the responsibilities of the agencies in implementing and utilizing the NCS; the guidance to be given to the Secretary of Defense as Executive Agent for the NCS with respect to the design and operation of the NCS; and the adequacy of system designs developed by the Executive Agent to provide, on a priority basis and under varying condi- tions of emergency, communications to the users of the NCS. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100120012-7 Approved For Relea6w@b03/02/27: CIA-RDP80B01676R0001 20012-7 -3- b. Identify those requirements unique to the needs of the Presidency. c. Formulate and issue to the Executive Agent guidance as to the relative priorities of requirements. d. Exercise review and surveillance of actions to insure compliance with policy determinations and guidance. e. Ensure that there is adequate planning to meet future needs of the NCS. f. Assist the President with respect to his coordinating and other functions under the Communications Satellite Act of 1962 as may be specified by Executive Order or otherwise. In performing these functions, the Special Assistant to the President for Telecommunications will work closely with the Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs; he will con- sult with the Director of the Office of Science and Technology and the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, as appropriate; will establish arrangements for inter-agency consultation to ensure that the NCS will meet the essential needs of all Government agencies; and will be responsible for carrying on the work of the Subcommittee on Communi- cations of the Executive Committee of the National Security Council which is hereby abolished. In addition to staff regularly assigned, he is authorized to arrange for the assignment of communications and other specialists from any agency by detail or temporary assignment. The Bureau of the Budget, in consultation with the Special Assistant to the President for Telecommunications, the Executive Agent and the Administrator of General Services, will prescribe general guidelines and procedures for reviewing the financing of the NCS within the budgetary process and for preparation of budget estimates by the participating agencies Executive Agent Responsibilities To obtain the benefits of unified technical planning and operations, a single Executive Agent for the NCS is necessary. The President has Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100120012-7 Approved For Relea4 03/02/27 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100120012-7 CONFIDENTIAL designated the Secretary of Defense to serve in this capacity. He shall: a. Design, for the approval of the President, the NCS, taking into consideration the communication needs and resources o1. all Federal agencies. b. Develop plans for fulfilling approved requirements and priority determinations, and recommend assignments of imple- mentation responsibilities to user agencies. c. Assist the user agencies and the General Services Administrator with respect to the Federal Telecommunications System to accomplish their respective undertakings in the development and operation of the system. d. Allocate, reallocate, and arrange for restoration of communications facilities to authorized users based on approved requirements and priorities. e. Develop operational plans and provide operational guidance with respect to all elements of the NCS, including (1) the prescription of standards and practices as to operation, maintenance, and installation; (2) the maintenance of necessary records to ensure effective utilization of the NCS; (3) the request of assignment of radio frequencies for the NCS; (4) the moni- toring of frequency utilization; and (5) the exercise and test of system effectiveness. f. Within general policy guidance, carry on long range planning to ensure the NCS meets future Government needs, especially in the national security area, and conduct and co- ordinate research and development in support of the NCS to ensure that the NCS reflects advancements in the art of communi- cations. ,iithin the framework of the NCS, the Executive Agent will provide for the requirements for survivable communications of the President and civilian agencies. A statement of such requirements is set forth in the report of the Task Group on Survivable Communications Requirements c.f the President and Top Civil Leaders, dated August 20, 1962 which is approved for planning purposes. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100120012-7 Approved For Releas03/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R00010O20012-7 -5- CONFIDENTIAL The Secretary of Defense may delegate these functions within the Department of Defense subject at all times to his direction, authority, and control. In carrying out his responsibilities for design, develop- ment and operation of the NCS, the Secretary will make appropriate arrangements for participation of staff of other agencies. Responsibilities of the Administrator of General Services The Federal Telecommunications System, established with the approval of the President under authority of the Federal Property and Admi. istrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, to provide coi uni- cations services to certain agencies in the Fifty States, the of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, shall be a part of the NCS and shall be implemented and developed in accordance with approved plans and policies developed pursuant to this memorandum. The Executive Agent and the Administrator of General Services shall be responsible for estab- lishing arrangements to avoid duplication in requests for cost, traffic, and other information needed from agencies served by the FTS. Nothing contained herein shall affect the responsibilities of the Administrator of General Services under the Federal Property and Admin- istrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, with respect to the repre- sentation of agencies in negotiations with carriers and in proceedings before Federal and state regulatory bodies; prescription of policies and methods of procurement; and the procurement either directly or by dele- gation of authority to other agencies of public utility communications services. Responsibilities of Other Agencies nil agencies are directed by the President to cooperate with and assist the Special Assistant to the President for Telecommunications, the Executive Agent, and the Administrator of General Services in the performance of the functions set forth above. McGeorge Bundy Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100120012-7 Approved ror' Relea03/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R0001001 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 12, 1963, MEMORANDUM FOR RECIPIENTS OF NATIONAL .SECURITY ACTION MEMORANDUM NO. 252, dated July 11, 1963 The President has directed that on an interim basis his Special Assistant for Science and Technology shall perform the functions assigned to the Special Assistant for Telecommunication provided for in NSAM 252 concerning the establishment of a National Communications System. McGeorge Bundy Approved For Release 2003/02/27 CIA-RDP80B01676.80001001.20012-7_1; Approved For Release 28/0 , gag (CLASSIFI~ CA 6Rg's CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM No. DATE MEMORANDUM FOR: DEPU y DIRECTOR (PLANS) DEPUDEPUTYTY D IR DIRECTOR (INTELLIGENCE) DEPUTY ECTOR (RESEARCH) DIRECTOR (SUPPORT) COMPTROLLER INSPECTOR GENERAL GENERAL COUNSEL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR NATIONAL ESTIMATES wa 7 T -447 LB.K: drrr Distribution: Addressees noted above 1 DCI 1 - DDCI 1--ER 1 This memorandu - E R dressees his In Ina m contains information for the addressees. their components memorandum additional circulation filed as required. `9d-All ? upon completion of circulat on ogles should within Executive the Director's be destroyed not Office A master file will be kept in and will be available upon request. Approved For se 2003/021/ DP (CLA$SIFI ITACON) 6s 000t00120012-7 , ?catioe