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Document Creation Date: 
December 14, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 13, 2002
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Publication Date: 
August 16, 1962
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100013-8.pdf73.88 KB
y,,,,, pproved For Re ase, 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80BO1676F ,Qa p0100013-8 ( As I I ) EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR NSC REFERRAL NOT REQUIRED EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM No._. 34 W a DEPUTY DIRECTOR (PLA - 4*" DEPUTY DIRECTOR (INTELLIGENCE) LBK/ jrc Distribution: 1 - to each addressee 1 Exec. Director ER (w/basic.) This memorandum contains information for the addressees. Ad- dressees may give this memorandum additional circulation within their components as required. All copies should be destroyed not filed, upon completion of circulation. A master file will be kept in the Executive Director's Office and will be available upon request. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :: CIAO RDP80B01676R000100100013-8 (C?LASS ICATIONp) Approves CF .lease 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP80B 00100100013-8 Tiil'' \VIiI'I'IE, HOUSE SC REFERRAL NOT REQUIRED WAS iING roN August 16, 1962 SECRET NATIONAL SECURITY ACTION MEMORANDUM NO. 179 Executive Registry MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE TIIE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE THE ADMINISTRATOR, AID TIE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE t/ THE DIRECTOR, USIA SUBJECT: U. S. Policy Toward Indonesia With a peaceful settlement of the West Irian dispute now in prospect, I would like to see us capitalize on the US role in promoting this settlement to move toward a new and better relationship with Indonesia. I gather that with this issue resolved the Indonesians too would like to move in this direction, and will be presenting us with numerous requests. To seize this opportunity, will all agencies concerned please review their programs for Indonesia and assess what further* measures might be useful. I have in mind the possibility of expanded civic action, military aid, and economic stabilization and development programs, as well as diplomatic initiatives. The Department of State is requested to pull together all relevant agency proposals in a plan of action and submit it to me no later than September 15th. Approved For Release 2003/02/27 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100013-8