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Approved For ReleasvaW02/10/22: CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100011-0 Awpl' CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE MEMORANDUM No. 38 DATE _28 August 1962 MEMORANDUM FOR: DEPUTY DIRECTOR (PLANS) DEPUTY DIRECTOR (INTELLIGENCE) DEPUTY DIRECTOR (RESEARCH) DEPUTY DIRECTOR (SUPPORT) COMPTROLLER INSPECTOR GENERAL GENERAL COUNSEL ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR NATIONAL ESTIMATES In the field of interagency coordination of arms control and disarmament matters, any policy matters or problems affecting CIA. operations or intelligence should be brought to the attention of the Director's office promptly. (signed) Lyman B. Kirkpatrick This memorandum contains information for the addressees. Ad- dressees may give this memorandum additional circulation within their components as required. All copies should be destroyed not filed, upon completion of circulation. A master file will be kept in the Executive Director's Office and will be available upon request. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BOl676R000100100011-0 Approved For Releas 02/10/22' : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100100011-0 lee. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Dear-Mr. Director: The President on August twentieth signed an Executive Order entitled t-Interagenc7r Matters," a copy of which is enclosed. Uoordination of Arms Control and Disarms Sincerely, W I L L I A M J. 4 K ? Y_ Executive Clerk Honorable John A. McCone Director of Central Intelligence Washin to ? - g n Approved For Release 2002/10/22 CIA-RDP80B01676R000100100011-0 IMMEDIATE RELEASE 4UGUST 21, 1962 Approved For1ease 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80BOl 67W001 00100011 -0 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE WHITE HOUSE INTERAGENCY COORDINATION OF ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT MATTERS WHEREAS there has been established by law the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; and WHEREAS the Arms Control and Disarmament Act provides that the Director of that Agency shall be the principal adviser to the Secretary of State and the President on arms control and disarmament matters and requires the Director to assume primary responsibility within the Government for such matters under the direction of the Secretary of State; and WHEREAS the Act authorizes and directs the said Director to coordinate significant aspects of the United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters; and WHEREAS it is desirable that the President establish procedures for coordination, and for the resolution of differences of opinion between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected Government agencies, concerning all significant aspects of arms control and disarmament policy and related matters: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Arms Control and Disarmament Act (75 Stat. 631; 50 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Definitions. As used hereinafter: (a) The word "Director" means the Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament agency. (b) The term "affected agencies"-shall include the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and, when not inappropriate in the context, the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and shall include also such other agencies as the Director may designate hereunder. (c) The terms "arms control" and "disarmament" shall be defined as they are defined in section 3(a) of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act. (d) The term "related matters" shall include those matters which are necessary to, desirable for, or otherwise directly connected with the functions described in sections 3 and 4 of this order. Section 2. Cooperation. The Director and the heads of affected agencies shall keep each other fully and currently informed on all significant aspects of United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters, including current and prospective policies, plans and programs. Differences of opinion concerning arms control and dis- armament policy and related matters arising between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected agencies with respect to such subjects which involve major matters of policy and cannot be resolved through consultation shall be promptly referred to the President for decision. In such instances the head of an agency presenting recommendations with respect to such differences to the Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BOl676R000100100011-0 Approved For-ease 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80B0167W00100100011-0 President shall give the heads of affected agencies notice of the occasion for and substance of his recommendations. Section 3. Policy coordination. (a) The Director shall establish procedures consistent with this order and the Arms Control and Disarmament Act to assure coordination of: (1) his recommendations to the Secretary of State and the President and to the heads of affected agencies relating to United States arms contrr'l and disarmament policy; (2) Government planning for the conduct and support of research for arms control and disar.-aament policy formulations, including the compre- hensive and balanced plan provided for in Section 4 of this order; (3) Government planning for the dissemination of public information concerning arms control and disarmament; (4) the preparation for and management of United States participation in international negotiations in the arras control and disarmament field; and (5) the preparation for, operation of or, as appropriate, direction of United States participation in such control systems as may become part of United States arms control and disarmament activities. (b) The Director shall exercise leadership in assuring that differences of opinion concerning arms control and di axmrunent policy and related matters are rescsved expeditiously and shall take such steps as may be appropriate in order to produce common or harmonious action among the agencies concerned. Section 4. Research. With the advice and assistance of affected agencies, the Director ;shall develop and keep current a comprehensive and balanced program of research, development and other.stu.dies needed to be conducted by or for the Government for arms control and disarmament policy formulation. The Director shall maintain a continuing inventory of Federal activities related to the planned program and advise the affected agencies as to their respective participations in the planned program in order to produce harmonious action and prevent duplication of effort. The Director shall periodically submit to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget a consolidated schedule of such activities with assessments of their respective programs by the responsible agencies, together with his evaluations regarding these activities. Section 5. Force and armament levels. The Secretary of Defense shall keep the Director informed with respect to the planning of armed forces levels and armam.en-~s and, for consideration in coiinection with such planning, the Dir _ctor shall furnish the Secretary of Defense statements of existing and projected arms control and disarmament policies. THE WHITE HOUSE, August 20, 1962 # # # Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BOl676R000100100011-0 Approved For Releas 02/10/22: CIA-RDP80BO1676R0001W00011-0 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Dear Mr. Directors The President on-August twentieth signed an Executive Order entditled irintere.geney Coordination of Arms Control and Disarmament Matters," a copy of which is enclosed. Sincerely, Honorable John' A. McCone Director of Central Intelligence Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100100011-0 ThNF,DIATE RELEASE AUGUST 21 1962 Approved For lease 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80B0l67 0010010x011-0- OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE WHITE HOUSE INTERAGENCY COORDINATION OF ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT MATTERS WHEREAS there has been established by law the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; and WHEREAS the Arms Control and Disarmament Act provides that the Director of that Agency shall be the principal adviser to the Secretary of State and the President on arms control and disarmament matters and requires the Director to assume primary responsibility within the Government for such matters under the direction of the Secretary of State; and WHEREAS the Act authorizes and directs the said Director to coordinate significant aspects of the United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters; and WHEREAS it is desirable that the President establish procedures for coordination, and for the resolution of differences of oj.nion between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected Government agencies, concerning all significant aspects of arms control and disarmament policy and related matters: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Arms Control and Disarmament Act (75 Stat. 631; 50 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Definitions. As used hereinafter: (a) The word "Director" means the Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. (b) The term "affected agencies"-shall include the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and, when not inappropriate in the context, the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and shall include also such other agencies as the Director may designate hereunder. (c) The terms "arms control" and "disarmament" shall be defined as they are defined in section 3(a) of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act. (d) The term "related matters" shall include those matters which are necessary to, desirable for, or otherwise directly connected with the functions described in sections 3 and 4 of this order. Section 2. Cooperation. The Director and the heads of affected agencies shall keep each other fully and currently informed on all significant aspects of United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters, including current and prospective policies, plans and programs. Differences of opinion concerning arms control and dis- armament policy and related matters arising between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected agencies with respect to such subjects which involve major matters of policy and cannot be resolved through consultation shall be promptly referred to the President for decision. In such instances the head of an agency presenting recommendations with respect to such differences to the Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B0l676R000100100011-0 Approved Forease 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80B01676R00100100011-0 President shall give the heads of affected agencies notice of the occasion for and substance of his recommendations. Section 3. Policy coordination. (a) The Director shall establish procedures consistent with this order and the Arms Control and Disarmament Act to assure coordination of: (1) his recommendations to the Secretary of State and the President and to the heads of affected agencies relating to United States arms contral and disarmament policy; (2) Government planning for the conduct and support of research for arms control and disaw lament policy formulations, including the compre- hensive and balanced plan provided for in Section 4 of this order; (3) Government planning for the dissemination of public information concerning arms control and disarmament; (4) the preparatior_ for and management of United States participation in international negotiations in the arras control and disarmament field; and (5) the preparation for, operation of or, as appropriate, direction of United States participation in such control systems as may become part of United States arms control and disarmament activities. (b) The Director shall exercise leadership in assuring that differences of opinion concerning arms control and disarmament policy and related matters are resc]ved expeditiously and shall take such steps as may be appropriate in order to produce common or harmonious action among the agencies concerned. Section 4. Research. With the advice and assistance of affected agencies, the Director ,thall develop and keep current a comprehensive and balanced program of research, development and other. studies needed to be conducted by or for the Government for arms control and disarmament policy formulation. The Director shall maintain a continuing inventory of Federal activities related to the planned program and advise the affected. agencies as to their respective participations in the planned program in order to produce harmonious action and prevent duplication of effort. The Director shall periodically submit to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget a consolidated schedule of such activities with assessments of their respective programs by the responsible agencies, together with his evaluations regarding these activities. Section 5. Force and armament levels. The Secretary of Defense shall keep the Director informed with respect to the planning of armed forces levels and armamen-,s and, for consideration in co inection with such planning, the Director shall furnish the Secretary of Defense statements of existing and projected arms control and disarmament policies. THE WHITE HOUSE, August 20, 1962 # # # Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BOl676R000100100011-0 Approved For Relear 002/10/22: CIA-RDP80BO1676R000J100011-0 02 -- THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON August 21, 1962 Dear Mr. Director: The President on-August twentieth Matters,' a copy of which is enclosed. Coordination of Arms Control and Disarmament. signed an Executive Order entitled IlInteragency Sincerely, Honorable John A. McCone Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D. C. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BA1676R000100100011-0 IT- EDIATE RELEASE kUGUST 21 1962 Approved Forlease 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B0l67 1 00010010x011-0 THE WHITE HOUSE INTERAGENCY COORDINATION OF ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT MATTERS WHEREAS there has been established by law the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; and WHEREAS the Arms Control and Disarmament Act provides that the Director of that Agency shall be the principal adviser to the Secretary of State and the President on arms control and disarmament matters and requires the Director to assume primary responsibility within the Government for such matters under the direction of the Secretary of State; and WHEREAS the Act authorizes and directs the said Director to coordinate significant aspects of the United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters; and WHEREAS it is desirable that the President establish procedures for coordination, and for the resolution of differences of opinion between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected Government agencies, concerning all significant aspects of arms control and disarmament policy and related matters: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Arms Control and Disarmament Act (75 Stat. 631; 50 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Definitions. As used hereinafter: (a) The word "Director" means the Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. (b) The term "affected agencies" shall include the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and, when not inappropriate in the context, the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and shall include also such other agencies as the Director may designate hereunder. (c) The terms "arms control" and 'ddisarmament" shall be defined as they are defined in section 3(a) of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act. (d) The term "related matters" shall include those matters which are necessary to, desirable for, or otherwise directly connected with the functions described in sections 3 and 4 of this order. Section 2. Cooperation. The Director and the heads of affected agencies shall keep each other fully and currently informed on all significant aspects of United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters, including current and prospective policies, plans and programs. Differences of opinion concerning arms control and dis- armament policy and related matters arising between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected agencies with respect to such subjects which involve major matters of policy and cannot be resolved through consultation shall be promptly referred to the President for decision. In such instances the head of an agency presenting recommendations with respect to such differences to the Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B0l676R000100100011-0 Approved ForWoease 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80B0167qW00100100011-0 President shall give the heads of affected agencies notice of the occasion for and substance of his recommendations. Section 3. Policy coordination. (a) The Director shall establish procedures consistent with this order and the Arms Control and Disarmament Act to assure coordination of: (1) his recommendations to the Secretary of State and the President and to the heads of affected agencies relating to United States arms contrr_t. and disarmament policy; (2) Government planning for the conduct and support of research for arms control and disarmament policy formulations, including the compre- hensive and balanced plan provided for in Section 4 of this order; (3) Government planning for the dissemination of public information concerning arms control and disarmament; (4) the preparation for and management of United States participation in international negotiations in the arms control and disarmament field; and (5) the preparation for, operation of or, as appropriate, direction of United States participation in such control systems as may become part of United States arms control and disarmament activities. (b) The Director shall exercise leadership in assuring that differences of opinion concerning arms control and disarmament policy and related matters are resc;ved expeditiously and shall take such steps as may be appropriate in order to produce common or harmonious action among the agencies concerned. Section 2. Research. With the advice and assistance of affected agencies, the Direc-cor-:hall develop and keep current a comprehensive and balanced program of research, development and other.stu.dies needed to be conducted by or for the Government for arms control and disarmament policy formulation. The Director shall maintain a continuing inventory of Federal activities related to the planned pro?gram and advise the affected agencies as to their respective participations in the planned program in order to produce harmonious action and prevent duplication of effort. The Director shall periodically submit to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget a consolidated schedule of such activities with assessments of their respective programs by the responsible agencies, together with his evaluations regarding these activities. Section 5. Force and armament levels. The Secretary of Defense shall keep the Director informed with respect to the planning of armed forces levels and armamen-,s and, for consideration in cc,; inection with such planning, the Director shall furnish the Secretary of Defense statements of existing and projected arms control and disarmament policies. JOHN F. KENNEDY THE WHITE HOUSE, August 20, 1962 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BOl676R000100100011-0 02/10/22: CIA-RDP80B01676R0001?;0 00011-0 -- Executive nouietsg THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Dear Mr. Director: The President on August twentieth signed an Executive Order entitled "Interagency Matters," a copy of which is enclosed. coordination of Arms Control and Disarmament Sincerely, WILLIAM! J. 4PKI v - Executive Clerk Honorable John A. McCone Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D. C. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP89P01676R000100100011-0 t1 M DIATE RELEASE 'IUGUST 21 1962 Approved For ease 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BOl 67WO01 00100611 -0 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE WHITE HOUSE EXECUTIVE ORDER INTERAGENCY COORDINATION OF ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT MATTERS WPIEREAS there has been established by law the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; and WHEREAS the Arms Control and Disarmament Act provides that the Director of that Agency shall be the principal adviser to the Secretary of State and the President on arms control and disarmament matters and requires the Director to assume primary responsibility within the Government for such matters under the direction of the Secretary of State; and WHEREAS the Act authorizes and directs the said Director to coordinate significant aspects of the United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters; and WHEREAS it is desirable that the President establish procedures for coordination, and for the resolution of differences of opinion between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected Government agencies, concerning all significant aspects of arms control and disarmament policy and related matters: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Arms Control and Disarmament Act (75 Stat. 631; 50 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Definitions. As used hereinafter: (a) The word "Director" means the Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. (b) The term "affected agencies" shall include the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and, when not inappropriate in the context, the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and shall include also such other agencies as the Director may designate hereunder. (c) The terms "arms control" and "disarmament" shall be defined as they are defined in section 3(a) of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act. (d) The term "related matters" shall include those matters which are necessary to, desirable for, or otherwise directly connected with the functions described in sections 3 and 4 of this order. Section 2. Cooperation. The Director and the heads of affected agencies shall keep each other fully and currently informed on all significant aspects of United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters, including current and prospective policies, plans and programs. Differences of opinion concerning arms control and dis- armament policy and related matters arising between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected agencies with respect to such subjects which involve major matters of policy and cannot be resolved through consultation shall be promptly referred to the President for decision. In such instances the head of an agency presenting recommendations with respect to such differences to the Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BOl676R000100100011-0 Approved Forlease 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80B0167W000100100011-0 President shall give the heads of affected agencies notice of the occasion for and substance of his recommendations, Section 3. Policy coordination. (a) The Director shall establish procedures consistent with this order and the Arms Control and Disarmament Act to assure coordination of: (1) his recommendations to the Secretary of State and the President and to the heads of affected agencies relating to United States arms contrcJ. and disarmament policy; (2) Government planning for the conduct and support of research for arms control and disar.-iiament policy formulations, including the compre- hensive and balanced plan provided for in Section 4 of this order; (3) Government planning for the dissemination of public information concerning arms control and disarmament; (4) the preparation for and management of United States participation in international negotiations in the arms control and disarmament field; and (5) the preparation for, operation of or, as appropriate, direction of United States participation in such control systems as may become part of United States arms control and disarmament activities. (b) The Director shall exercise leadership in assuring that differences of opinion concerning arms control and d2sarm.~.ment policy and related matters are resc]ved expeditiously and shall take such steps as may be appropriate in order to produce common or harmonious action among the agencies concerned. Section 4. Research. With the advice and assistance of affected agencies, the Direc~ tor~,I~all develop and keep current a comprehensive and balanced program of research, development and other.studies needed to be conducted by or for the Government for arms control and disarmament policy formulation. The Director shall maintain a continuing inventory of Federal activities related to the planned program and advise the affected agencies as to their respective participations in the planned program in order to produce harmonious action and prevent duplication of effort. The Director shall periodically submit to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget a consolidated schedule of such activities with assessments of their respective programs by 'she responsible agencies, together with his evaluations regarding these activities. Section 5. Force and armament levels. The Secretary of Defense shall keep the Director informed with respect to the planning of armed forces levels and armamen-s and, for consideration in connection with such planning, the Director shall furnish the Secretary of Defense statements of existing and projected arms control and disarmament policies, JOHN F. KENNEDY THE WHITE HOUSE, August 20, 1962 # # # Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BOl676R000100100011-0 Approved For Relea X002/10/22: CIA-RDP80B01676R0001**00011-0 Dear.Mr. Director: The President on August twentieth signed an Executive Order entitled l'Interaagency Matters," a copy of which is enclosed. Coordination of Arms Control and Disarmament, Sincerely, .WILLIAM J. ~HOPKI Executive Clerk Honorable John-A. McCone Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D. C. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100100011-0 IPNEDIATE RELEASE ^UGUST 21, 1962 Approved For1ease 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80B0l67%000100100011 -0 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE WHITE HOUSE INTERAGENCY COORDINATION OF ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT MATTERS WHEREAS there has been established by law the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; and WHEREAS the Arms Control and Disarmament Act provides that the Director of that Agency shall be the principal adviser to the Secretary of State and the President on arms control and disarmament matters and requires the Director to assume primary responsibility within the Government for such matters under the direction of the Secretary of State; WHEREAS the Act authorizes and directs the said Director to coordinate significant aspects of the United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters; and WHEREAS it is desirable that the President establish procedures for coordination, and for the resolution of differences of o; .pion between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected Government agencies, concerning all significant aspects of arms control and disarmament policy and related matters: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Arms Control and Disarmament Act (75 Stat. 631; 50 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Definitions. As used hereinafter: (a) The word "Director" means the Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. (b) The term "affected agencies",shall include the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and, when not inappropriate in the context, the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and shall include also such other agencies as the Director may designate hereunder. (c) The terms "arms control" and "disarmament" shall be defined as they are defined in section 3(a) of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act. (d) The term "related matters" shall include those matters which are necessary to, desirable for, or otherwise directly connected with the functions described in sections 3 and 4 of this order. Section 2. Cooperation. The Director and the heads of affected agencies shall keep each other fully and currently informed on all significant aspects of United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters, including current and prospective policies, plans and programs. Differences of opinion concerning arms control and dis- armament policy and related matters arising between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected agencies with respect to such subjects which involve major matters of policy and cannot be resolved through consultation shall be promptly referred to the President for decision. In such instances the head of an agency presenting recommendations with respect to such differences to the Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B0l676R000100100011-0 Approved For lease 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B0l67$O00100100011-0 President shall give the heads of affected agencies notice of the occasion for and substance of his recommendations. Section 3. Policy coordination. (a) The Director shall establish procedures consistent with this order and the Arms Control and Disarmament Act to assure coordination of: (1) his recommendations to the Secretary of State and the President and to the heads of affected agencies relating to United States arms contrc?l and disarmament policy; (2) Government planning for the conduct and support of research for arms control and disarmament policr formulations, including the compre- hensive and balanced plan provided for in Section 4 of this order; (3) Government planning for the dissemination of public information concerning arms control and disarmament; (4) the preparation for and management of United States participation in international negotiations in the arms control and disarmament field; and (5) the preparation for, operation of or, as appropriate, direction of United States participation in such control systems as may become part of United States arms control and disarmament activities. (b) The Director shall exercise leadership in assuring that differences of opinion concerning arms control and disarmament policy and related matters are resc'lved expeditiously and shall take such steps as may be appropriate in order to produce common or harmonious action among the agencies concerned. Section 4. Research. With the advice and assistance of affected agencies, the DireeDor .ohall develop and keep current a comprehensive and balanced program of research, development and other.studies needed to be conducted by or for the Government for arms control and disarmament policy formulation. The Director shall maintain a continuing inventory of Federal activities related to the planned program and advise the affected agencies as to their respective participations in the planned program in order to produce harmonious action and prevent duplication of effort. The Director shall periodically submit to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget a consolidated schedule of such activities with assessments of their respective programs by the responsible agencies, together with his evaluations regarding these activities. Section 5. Force and armament levels. The Secretary of Defense shall keep the Director informed with respect to the planning of armed forces levels and armam.en-,s and, for consideration in coinection with such planning, the Director shall furnish the Secretary of Defense statements of existing and projected arms control and disarmament policies. THE WHITE HOUSE, August 20, 1962 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B0l676R000100100011-0 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Dear . Mr. Director: The President on August twentieth signed an Executive Order entitled ?IInteragency Coordination of Arms Control and Disarmament: Matters," a copy of which is enclosed. Sincerely, Honorable John A. Mcdone Director of Central' Intelligence Washington, D. C. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R000100100011-0 Approved For Releas 02/10/22: CIA-RDP80BO1676R0001W00011-0 t Th1EDIATE RELEASE 'iUGUST 21, 1962 Approved ForrQ1ease 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B0l674&00100100011-0 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SDCRETARY THE WHITE HOUSE INTERAGENCY COORDINATION OF ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT MATTERS WHEREAS there has been established by law the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; and WHEREAS the Arms Control and Disarmament Act provides that the Director of that Agency shall be the principal adviser to the Secretary of State and the President on arms control and disarmament matters and requires the Director to assume primary responsibility within the Government for such matters under the direction of the Secretary of State; and WHEREAS the Act authorizes and directs the said Director to coordinate significant aspects of the United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters; and WHEREAS it is desirable that the President establish procedures for coordination, and for the resolution of differences of onion between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected Government agencies, concerning all significant aspects of arms control and disarmament policy and related matters: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Arms Control and Disarmament Act (75 Stat. 631; 50 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Definitions. As used hereinafter: (a) The word "Director" means the Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. (b) The term "affected agencies"'shall include the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and, when not inappropriate in the context, the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and shall include also such other agencies as the Director may designate hereunder. (c) The terms "arms control" and "disarmament" shall be defined as they are defined in section 3(a) of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act. (d) The term "related matters" shall include those matters which are necessary to, desirable for, or otherwise directly connected with the functions described in sections 3 and 4 of this order. Section 2. Cooperation. The Director and the heads of affected agencies shall keep each other fully and currently informed on all significant aspects of United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters, including current and prospective policies, plans and programs. Differences of opinion concerning arms control and dis- armament policy and related matters arising between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected agencies with respect to such subjects which involve major matters of policy and cannot be resolved through consultation shall be promptly referred to the President for decision. In such instances the head of an agency presenting recommendations with respect to such differences to the Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B0l676R000100100011-0 Approved For lease 2002/10/22: CIA-RDP80B0167W00100100011-0 President shall give the heads of affected agencies notice of the occasion for and substance of his recommendations. Section 3. Policy coordination. (a) The Director shall establish procedures consistent with this order and the Arms Control and Disarmament Act to assure coordination of: (1) his recommendations to the Secretary of State and the President and to the heads of affected agencies relating to United States arms control and disarmament policy; (2) Government planning for the conduct and support of research for arms control and disar:ament policy formulations, including the compre- hensive and balanced plan provided for in Section 4 of this order; (3) Government planning for the dissemination of public information concerning arms control and disarmament; (14) the preparation for and management of United States participation in international negotiations in the arms control and disarmament field; and (5) the preparation for, operation of or, as appropriate, direction of United States participation in such control systems as may become part of United States arms control and disarmament activities. (b) The Director shall exercise leadership in assuring that differences of opinion concerning arms control and dasaraament policy and related matters are rescived expeditiously and shall take such steps as may be appropriate in order to produce common or harmonious action among the agencies concerned. Section L. Research. With the advice and assistance of affected agencies, the Director ,hall develop and keep current a comprehensive and balanced program of research, development and other, studies needed to be conducted by or for the Government for arms control and disarmament policy formulation. The Director shall maintain a continuing inventory of Federal activities related to the planned program and advise the affected agencies as to their respective participations in the planned program in order to produce harmonious action and prevent duplication of effort. The Director shall periodically submit to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget a consolidated schedule of such activities with assessments of their respective programs by the responsible agencies, together with his evaluations regarding these activities. Section 5. Force and armament levels. The Secretary of Defense shall keep the Director informed with respect to the planning of armed forces levels and armamen-,s and, for consideration in ccanection with such planning, the Director shall furnish the Secretary of Defense statements of existing and projected arms control and disarmament policies. THE WHITE HOUSE, August 20, 1962 Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BOl676R000100100011-0 Approved For. Relear 002/10/22: CIA-RDP80B01676R000 00011-0 The President on-August twentieth Coordination of Arms Control and Disarmament signed an Executive Order entitled !7ntere,gency Sincerely, Honorable John A. McCone Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D. C. Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01:676R000100100011-0 ThNEDIATE RELEASE UGUST 21, 1962 Approved For,,,, lease 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B0l67 000100100011-0 OFFICE OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY THE WHITE HOUSE INTERAGENCY COORDINATION OF ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT MATTERS WHEREAS there has been established by law the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency; and WHEREAS the Arms Control and Disarmament Act provides that the Director of that Agency shall be the principal adviser to the Secretary of State and the President on arms control and disarmament matters and requires the Director to assume primary responsibility within the Government for such matters under the direction of the Secretary of State; and WHEREAS the Act authorizes and directs the said Director to coordinate significant aspects of the United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters; and WHEREAS it is desirable that the President establish procedures for coordination, and for the resolution of differences of opinion between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected Government agencies, concerning all significant aspects of arms control and disarmament policy and related matters: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Arms Control and Disarmament Act (75 Stat. 631; 50 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.), and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Definitions. As used hereinafter: (a) The word "Director" means the Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. (b) The term "affected agencies"-shall include the Department of Defense, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and, when not inappropriate in the context, the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and shall include also such other agencies as the Director may designate hereunder. (c) The terms "arms control" and "disarmament" shall be defined as they are defined in section 3(a) of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act. (d) The term "related matters" shall include those matters which are necessary to, desirable for, or otherwise directly connected with the functions described in sections 3 and It of this order. Section 2. Cooperation. The Director and the heads of affected agencies shall keep each other fully and currently informed on all significant aspects of United States arms control and disarmament policy and related matters, including current and prospective policies, plans and programs. Differences of opinion concerning arms control and dis- armament policy and related matters arising between the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and other affected agencies with respect to such subjects which involve major matters of policy and cannot be resolved through consultation shall be promptly referred to the President for decision. In such instances the head of an agency presenting recommendations with respect to such differences to the Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B0l676R000100100011-0 Approved For riease 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80B01676&00100100011-0 President shall give the heads of affected agencies notice of the occasion for and substance of his recommendations. Section 3. Policy coordination. (a) The Director shall establish procedures consistent with this order and the Arms Control and Disarmament Act to assure coordination of: (1) his recommendations to the Secretary of State and the President and to the heads of affected agencies relating to United States arms contrr'.L and disarmament policy; (2) Government planning for the conduct and support of research for arms control and disarmament policy formulations, including the compre- hensive and balanced plan provided for in Section 4 of this order; (3) Government planning for the dissemination of public information concerning arms control and disarmament; (L) the preparation for and management of United States participation in international negotiations in the arms control and disarmament field; and (5) the preparation for, operation of or, as appropriate, direction of United States participation in such control systems as may become part of United States arms control and disarmament activities. (b) The Director shall exercise leadership in assuring that differences of opinion concerning arms control and d:: s armament policy and related matters are resc,vod expeditiously and shall take such steps as may be appropriate in order to produce common or harmonious action among the agencies concerned. Section 4. Research. With the advice and assistance of affected agencies, the Director ,shall develop and keep current a comprehensive and balanced program of resear. ch, development and other. studies needed to be conducted by or for the Government for arms control and disarmament policy formulation. The Director shall maintain a continuing inventory of Federal activities related to the planned program and advise the affected agencies as to their respective participations in the planned program in order to produce harmonious action and prevent duplication of effort. The Director shall periodically submit to the Director of the Bureau of the Budget a consolidated schedule of such activities with assessments of their respective programs by he responsible agencies, together with his evaluations regarding these activities. Section 5. Force and armament levels. The Secretary of Defense shall keep the Director informed with respect to the planning of armed forces levels and armamen-'s and, for consideration in coinection with such planning, the Uir-etor shall furnish the Secretary of Defense statements of existing and projected arms control and disarmament policies. THE WHITE HOUSE, August 20, 1962 # # # Approved For Release 2002/10/22 : CIA-RDP80BOl676R000100100011-0