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Document Release Date: 
May 24, 2002
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Publication Date: 
March 16, 1965
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Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80B01676R000100090008- 16 March 1965 Executive Registry MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT Assistant Deputy Director for Plans CIA Faculty Member at the National War College On Thursday, 1l March, Messrs. White, Kent, and myself lunched with Ambassador Sam Ber W__ , --C, Commandant of the National War College. Berger explained to us his conviction that CIA should have a full-time member on the faculty of the National War College. He said that he was convinced that such a representa- tive would pay dividends to the Agency by providing a faculty member who would be able to participate in student discussions and give an accurate reflection of the Agency's philosophy and capabilities. He described the position as being one which is similar to the two faculty members provided by the Department of State and the several provided by the military, noting that this individual would participate as a regular faculty member in all of the work of the War College and would not in any way substitute for the presentations which the Agency makes to the War College. He described the attitude of the students as being one of considerable skepticism toward the CIA with a certain "ha ha attitude" and not too much conviction in the way of what we can do to assist the U. S. While he acknowledged that the Agency presentation did a considerable amount toward changing this attitude, he did not feel that it was a substitute for having somebody constantly present. He noted that when he had first raised this with Lee and the planning body of the War College, they had expressed concern because, first, they couldn't afford to pay for it and, secondly, because they were uncertain they would get the properly qualified individual who preferably should have academic background as well as Agency experience. We told Berger that we would be happy to provide the individual at our expense and we could assure them that he would have the proper background.. 25X1 2. On Friday, 12 March, and I had lunch and 25X1 discussed this matter in greater detail. We feel that this would be a good opportunity to help the Agency's image and also give the War College a better impression of our capabilities by assuring a greater input in areas where Agency competence can be of assistance. We further agreed that the individual should preferably cone from the Clandestine Services as personnel from other parts of the Agency do not have sufficient awareness of our operational conditions and capabilities. We also believe that it would be .4" Ta. - ~f Jm as and ~'?- ae doErngradln tie ~.1 deela.s- g and / Approved For Release 2002/07/29 : CIA-RDP80BO1676R00d'I`b0090008-6 P unwise for the Agency to seem anxious to do this and, if possible. the initiative should come from either Berger, the War College itself, or th 'M-+ Chiefs of Staff. We therefore question as to whether it would be practical to try and provide somebody for the next session, but perhaps it would be best to look forward to 1966. 3. We believe that the next step would be for you and Sam Berger to have an informal discussion on this and perhaps you could do this at home inasmuch as you are neighbors. I am routing this via so that he can make any amendments or additions which he sees fit. 25X1 25X1 Lyman B. Kirkpatrick Executive Director M/R: 28 April - orig. sent to DTR with note: "DDCI talked to Berger. They agreed initiative should come from the War College. Next move theirs. " / /LBK IDictatod but not read by Mr. Kirkpatrick) e. Approved For Release 2002/07/ * DP80B01676R000100090008-6