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Document Release Date: 
August 22, 2003
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May 10, 1966
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Approved Folease _ ~~'~~/Q~J.'iCMAd-~2mRF$AB0167i~`0001000600'~Or'~`~"~1_.' ;~,~:,~ i Q .Fay i 9~6 :~'r. Geor~;c~ .P.. Carroll Cyffic~ of the Vice I3re~idant Ex$cutive C)lfyi~ce/~.Building ~Y $8hin~;tQ1t1, iJ r .C r Bear Gr~orge, tN`ith regard to your 3 i~iay letter. sinco he went to ~;~?e on i? Aprril, 'S'ri Luang has indeed mare or loss dropped out of tho timeli~ht. The advertised object of hiss curre:~t activity is to e~2ain the mid-~ipril "a~;reon~eata" with the GovarruY~ent to the tiue ~ucldhists and their followers and bxing them aboard so fa.r as actions are conce~rnod, i.s., daYn~i don Embassy, Telegram 4020, dated lb April 19b6 Following is rough translation of Communique issued April 15 by Buddhist Institute: ~`Qllowing the issuance of Communique 21 dated 1Viarch 12, 1960, tho Buddhist Institute rrxade it clear that the purpose of its campaign was to represent the Buddhist people in requesting a canstitutianal convention {quoc hoi lap hion) and elections as soap as passible. This purpose having beers realized as a result of official letter 4213 dated April I3 from the Chairman of the Control Executive Coxnmiitee (Nguyen Cao KtJ) and decree nunnber 014/66 dated April I4, 1966, from the Chairman of the National Leadership Council (Thieu), the Institute announced the stopping of its campaign with the fallowing details: (a) The Institute accepts the proposal that the elections for a constitutional convention be I~cld within three to five months although previously the Institute had subgested that the elections be held within thraa months. (b) Any Government can or anize the elections. The Institute thinks that the faithful need not waste their strength thinlc.ing about the form of a government which will only Iast threes to five months. {c) If: The Government does n?t keep its pro~nisa, or imprisons those who carnpai~;ned for a leriislature, or either the decree ar the or;anization of the election is not honest, then the Innstituta will have an appropriate attitude and will talccr appropriate action. (d) The concept of the Yn.stitute convernin; the proble*.-n of u legislature is that when the nation has a basic institution e~.-pressYng tho rna.ximurn units and equality of tho people. than the future government will have been formed in accordance with the Buddhist point of view. Whore this has bean don?, the Institute will be free fro:rn a situation where unstable govarn-nents make victims. (e) The Institute proclaims that the faithful of the Institute moat always, together with the people, follow the struggle for sovereignty and self-detexrrnination. Approved For Release 03/10/02 : GIA-RDP80B01676R000100060010-6 ?ti+..af.4a...~~ ~ 5;'i. Approved For'1~'iease ~/~10/b,~s ~~1~~F~~80B016700100060010-6 In concluding this Communique, the Institute praisee~ and e~preasea Sts gratitude for the efforts end the fearless but non-violent struggle of the $uddhist ca:npatriots, especially those in Central Viet-Nam. The Institute again thanks all groups and tha people oeneraily for their unity and single-mindedness, especially that of the Army, with regard to thaix good will concerning our national savereibnty. End. Institute also sent letter to "Inatitutcr Representatives and all Buddh~.st Groups mt all Levels Throughout the Nation". Letter dated April i5 and ,signed by Thich Taxr~ Chou. Rough translation follows: Fallt-wing the decision of the Vien Hoa Iaao, the campaign for a Gonstitutianal convention (quac hoi lap hien) is stopped, and all Buddhist ornanizatit-ns and groups involved in the campaign return to their usual activities and positions.. From now on alI matt?rs concerning Buddhists should be under the direction of tha Vien Haa I7ao. The Institute honer that all will correectly implement the abava decision of the Institute. Enci. Approved For Release 2003/~0,~02:CIA-RDP80B01676R000100060010-6 Approved Fo'~telease 2003/10/0 :~C,I~A-RDP80B016R00010006001 ~ ~ Executive Regi~trp r~~ ~ - ~ ~ OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT WASHINGTON NSC REVIEW COMPLETED, 6/26/2003 May 3, 19 6 6 Since the departure of Thich Tri Quang to the north, he seems to have dropped from sight. The Vice President has asked me to request of you any infor- mation you might have concerning what our Buddhist friend is up to. Also, he would appreciate having an outline of the tacit under- standing arrived at by General Ky and the Buddhists. He has in mind the "August elections, " the constituent assembly, etc. In the back of his mind are the numerous ways either side might ac- cuse the other of infidelity. In anticipation, he would like to study their "agreement. " GeorgA. Carroll Mr. Richard Helms Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Langley, Virginia Approved For Release 2003/10/02 :CIA-RDP80B01676R000100060010-6 r.~-- FORM N0. Use previous editions ,_ti, 237