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Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Good afternoon, gentlemen. This marks your entry into the final trimester of your 8 da:y exposure to the Naval Warfare curriculum. Z hope you are getting an understanding ref what our senior students have covered this year and that this has whetted your appetite for thE~ new correspondence courses we will be offering this fall. When you hear of Naval Tactics, you normally think of the doctrine associated with operating today`s ships .and aircraft. There are so many sorts of platforms and systems today that we couldn`t possibly cover each of them. Furthermore, if we took the time here to brief the students in detail on how each platform versus platform interaction takes place today, what would they do ten years from now when today's platforms, both ours and theirs, may be obsolete? What we have done is to continue the principle used in Strategy. We force the student- to look behind the status quo and determine verities that transcend contemporary system:> and procedures. Why study tactics at a11? Where does this course fit in? First of a11, this is still the Naval War College. Other schools may teach Strategy, from an international relations if not from a naval paint of view. Many colleges specialize 9,n Management of one brand or anothers. We could as our critics point out, obtain some training for our officers elsewhere. No other institute for higher learning, however, Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 even ~.p~roaches military I'act:ics at a graduate level. If naval officers are to be inspired t:o be tacticians in the future, they must comprehend the basic principles of weapons systems and the interactions of encoL~nter, detection and target pros- ecution. This can only be done here. Otherwise, we must go on relying upon civilian think-tanks to do-all our tactical development. WHY TACTICS IMPORTANT SIX REASONS Slide 1 1. Obvious to you many management decisions based on tactical assumptions. e.g. SCS study e.g. I~fARAC-G-ATLANTIS 'Fight vs open convoys DD's vs SES/helos/bouys Most management decisions presume new future tactics. Disasters from extrapolating current tactics. Again 'Why our emphasis not on tactics of today deriving future tactics More later Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 2. Standard procedures/doctrine less useful guides two reasons zmpact of technology and pola.ti,-cal restrictions Flip 1 A. Technology first: Slide 2 1. Changes in own and enemy capabilities e.g. Foxbat Proliferation 2. More alternatives Slade 3 Nelson - Tay alongside F.G. DD's vs long range contact e.g. Task Group mix Slide 4 B. Poli,ti,cal restrictions - rules of engagement superimposed . e.g. Bombing 19th parallel Flip 2 3. Fascination with technology Hardware solutions D.C, Only tactics will heop today Superior tactics only hope of offsetting quantitative and qualitative superiority Slide 5 New York Times Flip 3 4. Navy lacks capability to develop tactics My experience as TG CDR/as systems Analyst Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 No one working on it . Fleets itoo busy. OPNAV/N14VMAT - hardware/$ Peacetirne training can be misleading e.g. I)D - slow speed SHO$OM Recent reorganization Fine ~- but will require people capable of developing tactics. ....................... tot just fol'loty"irig' book Our task - provide input ~'eaah hcaw to derive tactics Not to da it Flip 4 5. Complexity of naval missions Missile shin Mini-ABNI ASW C&C for A~C Communications complex Flip 5 6. Navy blackshoe - brownshae syndrome Lack understanding driving management decisions Lack understanding hurts tactics e.g. Vinh incident , Not a Navy man in room including myself here that does not have a lot to learn How approach tactics? Slide 6 Divide into two worlds Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Flip 1 Flip 2 Derivation similar management -Execution Definitions This course treats execution only peripherally Now MEAT How derive tactical alternatives and compare for decision Two steps: 1. Understand fundamentals Sensors Weapons Platforms 2. Lay out logic process See alternatives Fundamentals ?- ]_ist Slide 7 Not MK/Nods Slide 8 Principles -? sonar Flip Laws physics Weapons Flip ], e.g. Guns vs ~r~issile Slide 9 Platforms - characteristics affect performance weapons/sensors F~,ip 2 e.g. Difference in a radar in satellite and ships Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Sensor/Weapons capabilities absolutely dominate tactics My experience operational people do not understand e.g. Rowan How apply funda~tentals in logic flow Slide 10 Study components of tactical engagement ~' X P X P D FC' A . ... ....................... ...... ~offe'ris~e` `or~ ~d'e'fein'se x'11 show few examples of logic displays No standard way Logic display means taking theoretical knowledge of fundamentals and displaying so can apply to a decision process Alternatives Factors driving problem Slide 11 1. Driving factors ~ sub search plan 2. Sub attack procedures alternative cor~~equences flip See consequences of results of search plan zf detect - Slide 12 Classify Position Attack FIiX> 1 Zf counterdetected Note: Tf ignore due improper classifica- Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-tRQg~0~0~55~R0~0~~5c(~Oec~-c ounter detection Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Different if no detection Alternative consequences Show - mus't'be' dapable of all steps Understand fundamentals - sensors weapons & platform Chain -weakest link Slide 13 4. ASM Geometry display Recognize fundamental limits of detection Note radar - alert operator 30-23 miles F1,a-p l E-2 2 3 scopes 3 Still no way to connect to Terrier Could Slide 14 Or.~e benefit ~ feedback of good tactical analysis is R&D and hardware suggestions Flap ~, Graf Spree Could use other displays Time line Graph Not right/wrong tactics - probabilities Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Slide 15 Probabilities How derive?' Look at. all components Estimate probabilities with ops analysis Insert estimates Tdentif`y sensitivities (radar warning) Tdentif`y interferences (speed) zdentif`y conditions that different alternatives become preferred Forces Pol constraints Enemy Decision Art of Science Both 5yst:ematic approach Tntution - guess - estimates on non-quantifiable only Educated You're receiving a very meaty portion of this course. You'll have a chance to discuss the DE vs SSN interaction in some detail. This, combined with the ASMD study which you have on Monday reflects one of the toughest problems facing our tactical innovators today: the Soviets' extensive nuclear submarine Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 fleet armed with anti-ship m:Lssiles which can be fired while submerged. Then, on Monday ~~.fternoon you'll have a chance to see the result of some of this innovation. The UPTZDE series of exercises which address protecting of our surface forces from submarines. We're always looking for ideas. There may be analogous problems in your various backgrounds which you have seen solved and which m~Lght very well flood this whole tactical area in a new light? Donut be shy. Thirty years ago, when a physicist first convinced our planners that torpedo shooting and area search both could be modeled as Brownian motion from gas theory, it opened up a whole-new world. Good luck. Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 INTRODUCTION TO TACTICS Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 SROC - 22 JUNE 1973 Good afternoon, gentiemen.~ This marks your entry into the ~r~.., ~:inal trimester- of your ena--.w~~k exposure to .;the Naval Warfare ~~ ~~ ~ ~ s curriculum I hope %.~a-_?:as both given you~an un erstar~ ding ~ what our senior students have covered this yearjand; whetted ~ your appetitej'for the new correspondence courses we will be c>ffering this fall SVhen you hear of Naval Tactics, you normally think of the doctrine associated with operating today`s ships and aircraft. ' r.m r/ '. ~~aw do you take on a "Charlie-Class with a~DEM ~or with a P-3, S 3 , _ obr...._with an SSN?~ What i f the target is an ship? An a.raft? -The permutations aid combinations go on ,~~....on:?~ We couldn't possibly cover each of them. Furthermore, i.f we took the time here to brief the students~on haw each of these platform versus platform interactions take place today, would they do ten years from now when today's platforms, both ours and theirs,~may be obsolete? What we have done is continue the princip e used in Strategyr ~ force the student t:o loak behind the status quo,~and determine verities that transcend contemporary systems and procedures./ mho=~ ~rA JJ . #;a~ail~~ari ~F+_ri ~~_~~day `s h.ardwar~s,~only .to the extend:`.: that we must to acquaintour "-throttle jockeys" with~the black shoe world and t._o get t~.;.submari:nars eyes above keel. depth Why study tactics at all?~ T1' ~~? ara ~~"___~~ ~s-trvng :Ecr the ~eq>~ va7ent-_9f _.a graduate school- F~dudati.oh.,~ere does this First of all, this is still the Naval W~~ College. Other schools may teacYz Strategy, from an international relations if-not from a naval point of view. Mang colleges specializ in Management of one. brand or another We could as our critics paint out, obtain some training for our officers ,elsewhere. No other ins =itute for higher learning, however, 1 even approaches military Tactics at a gradua~~ If naval officers are to be inspir e they must comprehend the basic pa;-inciples of weapons systems diid i.hC lntei"aCti.OnS of encounter,/ de4sc~lJn :nd target praS- i scul~ve~ ~~iri_I~ele 2QQ~/~081f~ :cTd~i~0~5~QOQ~~ must: ga ,E be tacticians in the future on relying;'on civilian thing-tank~`to do all our tactical development. ~Ie~~~~~OBTI~'d~~P80B01554R003500450001-8 Most management decisions presume new future tactics.. Disasters from extrapolating current tactics. I , Again Why our emphasis-.,not on tactics of today deriving future tactics More later REAS~1'pN~ 1. Oyybvious to you many management decisions based on tactical assumptions. e. g. SCS study e.g. NARAC-G - Atlantis - Tight 'vs open convoys DD`s vs SES/halos/buoys ,~ S 2. Standard procedures/doctrine less useful guides - two reaso Impact of technology and political restrictions A. Technology first: 1. Changea in own and enemy capabilities e.g. Foxbat Proliferation 2. More alternatives Nelson - lay alongside E.G. DD's vs long range contact e.g. Task Group mix B. Political restrictions - rules of engagement superimposed. e. g. Bombing 19th parallel Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 3. Fascination with technology Hardware solution,a D. C. Only tactics will help today Superior tactics only hope of offsetting quantitative and qualitative superiority New York Times 4. Navy lacks capability to develop tactics My experience as Tt~ CDR/as Systems Analyst No one working on it. Fleets too busy. OPNAV/NAVMAT - hardware/$ Peacetime training can be misleading e. g. DD - slow speed SHOBOM Recent reorganization Fine - but will require people capable of developing tactics. Not just following book Our task - provide input Teach how to derive tactics Not to do it Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 1~ ~ 5. Complexity of naval missions Missile ship Mini-ABM ASW C&C-for A/C Communications complex n - ,?. 6. Navy black shoe - brownhoe syndrome V Lack understanding driving management decisions Lack understandin~~ hurts tactics e. g. Vinh incident riot a Navy man in room/myself here that does not have a lot to leaa~n. How approach tactics? Divide into two worlds Derivation similar management -.Execution Definitions This course treats execution only peripherally Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Flip 2 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Now MEAT ' -How derive tactical alternatives and compare for decision Two steps: , 1. Understand fundamentals Sensors ` Weapons ., Platforms ~ . 2. Lay out, logic process See alternatives Slide $ ~~ ~. Not MF~'`Mods ~ ~ `, Principals -? '~~~~'~~ Laws physics Weapons Flip i e. g. Gun ~c~s missile Slide 9 Platforms - characteristics affect performance weapons/sensors Flip 2 e.g. Difference in a radar in satellite and ships. Sensorj.Weapons capabilities absolutely dominate tactics My experience .operational people do not understand e. g. Rowan Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved FI~bO~l'9~8~1~~~#1,~88BORA050001-8 Slide 1C7 Study components of tactical engagement - PD x AFC x PA offense or de~Eense I`11 show few example: of `logic displays No standard way - Logic display means taking theoretical. knowledge of fundamentz~ls and displaying so can apply to a decision process Alternatives Factors driving problem Slide 11 1, Driving factors - sub search plan Flip 2. Sub attack procedures alternative consequences See consequences of results of search If detect - Classify Position. Attack n If counter detected plan Note: If ignore due improper classification may be subjected counter detection Different if no detection Alternative consequences Show - must be capable of all steps Understand fundamentals - & p1at;Eorm Chain - weakest link sensors - weapons Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Flip 1 Flip 1 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 4. ASM Geometry display Recognize fundamental limits of detection Note radar - alert operator 30-23 miles E-2 3 scopes _a Still no way?to connect to Terrier Could One benefit - feedback of good tactical analys:i.s is R&D and hardware suggestions Graf Spee Could .use other displays Time line Graph End result is a decision Not right/wrong tactics - probabilities Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 SlidE~ 15 Probabilities' How derive? .Look at all components. Estimate probabilities with ops analysis Insert estimates Identify sensitivities (radar warning) Identify interferences (speed) Identify conditions that different alternatives become preferred Forces P?1 P(~l contstraints enemy Decision Art or Science Both Systematic approach Intuition - guess - estimates on non-quantifiable only Educated -Summary 2. :Emphasis o~ detailed step-by-step analysis Not coa 'e cutter ~~`` 3. Emphasis on cl rivatioz~-"vs execution 4. Emphasis on to 'c pYocess not hardware/doctrine S. Graduate program Derive formulae Start fundamentals. Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 You're receiving a very meaty portion of this course. /'You'll have a chance to discuss the DE vs SjSAf interaction in some detail.-This, combined with the ASMD study which you have on Monday reflects one of the toughest problems facing our tactical incsvat today: the Soviets extensive~~uclear submarine fleet armed with anti-ship missiles which can be fired while submerged ~ Then, on Monday afternoo ~ you'll have a chance to see the result .of some of this innovation'. The UPTIDE series of exercises/which address protectioir~ of our surface forces from the~'r submarines. We're always looking .for ideas. /Ther~knay be analogous prob_1ems~in your various backgrou which you have seen solved and which might very well flood this whole tactical area in a ew light Don`t be shy. Thirty years agoJ when a physicist first convinced our planners that torpedo shooting ."' ~~~ \ 111 and area search could bot be modeled as Brownian motion from~gas theory, it opened ~ whole new world. ~ Good luck. Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Also playing for long run No intent send you away - abreast current Navy tactics and equipment. /`..~;~ prep school next tour duty - would want to know gi get, capabilities - u w th ,s man n f ~.~..: ,~~ ~, ~ .~_~a~k . At same time can't-get away from current. capabilities altogether. BLit - make one point clear side benefit only - No intent provide detailed descriptions Current procedures/equipment Your warp course all out shape - if insist drive discussion into details - capabilities - characteristics - new versions, If Course any value must stand test of time. Good for students 2-3 years from now. So concerned - seriously considered freezing US and enemy data 1970 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Why Tactics Important? - Why Included? assumptions. e.g. SCS study e. g. NARAC-G - Atlantis Tight vs open convoys` Z. Obvious to you many management decisions based on tactical r DD's vs SES/helos/buoys Mast management decisions presume new future tactics. Disasters from extrapolating current tactics. Why our emphasis not on tactics deriving future tactics More later ~~~ ~. -2. Standard procedures/doctrine less useful two reasons: Impact of technology-and political restrictions A. Technology: ~,~ 4 'r 1. Changes in own and enemy capabilities e. g. Foxb 2. ~ v Niore alternatives Nelson - lay alongside e.g. DD's vs long range contact e.g. Task. Group mix B. Political restrictions - rules of engagement superimposed. e.g. Bombing 19th parallel Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 3., Fascination with technology Hardware solutions D.C. Only tactics will help today-~?' Superior tactics only hope of offsetting quantitative and qualitative superiority New York Times 4: Navy lacks capability to develop tactics My experience as TG CDR/as Systems Analyst No one working on it. Fleets too busy. OPNAV/NAVMAT - hardware/$ Peacetime training can be misleading- - e.g. DD - slow speed shobom Recent reorganization Fine - but will requaire people capable of developing tactics.. Not just following book Our task - provide input Teach how to derive tactics Not to do it Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 5.. Complexity of naval missions Missile ship Mini-ABM ASW C&C for A/C Communications complex ,~~ Amphib assault CAS Troop maneuver Helo - Boat landings ASW/AAW defense More problems bringing together tactical capabilities one time. 6. Navy black shoe - brown shoe syr,~drome Lack understanding driving management decisions Lack understanding hints tactics e.g. Vinh incident e.g. CVA-ASW ,~ ~~r~r ti-? i Not a Navy man here that does not have a lot to learn. Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450.001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Hc~w approach tactics? Divide into two wo -ds How derive tactical alternatives and compare for decision Two steps: ' 1. Understand fundamentals Sensors Weapons Plat forms 2. Lay out logic process See alternatives Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Fundamentals - List Sensors e. g. CZ __ P3.atforms - characteristics affect performance weapons~'sensors e.g. Difference in a radar in satellite and ships Sensor/Weapons capabilities absolutely dominate tactics Weapons e.g, Gun vs missile i'jiy experience operational people do not understand e. g. Rowan Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Study components of tactical engagement PD x PFC x PA ~~__..`~f ~ ??~""E~;am les of to is dis la s P g p Y ..' No standard way - Logic display means taking theoretical knowlecta~of rr r..-~~. fundamentals and displaying so can apply to a 2. Sub attack procedures See consequences of results of search. plan .Classify ` Position Attack Tf counter detected _ ___ Note: If ignore due improper classification / l f~ _1 may be subjected counter detection Alternative consequences Show - must be capable of all steps Understand fundamentals - sensors - weapons & platform Chain - weakest link Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 ~. ASM Geometry display Recognize fundamental limi.ts,of detection Note radar - alert operat?r 3L}-23 miles 3 scopes Still no way to connect to Terrier Could .One benefit - feedback of good tactical. analysis is R&D and hardware_su~t.iosas Platf Could use other displays Time line Graph Hope you'll invent some Po=rr~ =-~~fake~~s~u~~-eIem~irt~---~-a~i~a1,4_process .Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 .Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Not right/wrong tactics - probabilities Px-obabilities HoFCr- deride; Look at all components. Estimate probabilities with ops analysis Insert estimates Identify sensitivities Identify interferences Identify conditions that d:i.fferent alternatives become preferred Decision. Art of Science Systematic approach Intuition - guess -- estimates on non-quantifiable only Educated- - Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 .summary Emphasis on detailed step-by-step analysis Not cookie cutter , r' Emphasis~on derivation vs Execution Emphasis on logic process not hardware./doctrine Graduate program Derive formulas Start fundamentals Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 IIvTRODUCTION TO TACTICS SRDC - 22 JUNE 1973 Good afternoon, gentlemen. This marks your entry into the final trimester of your 8 day. exposure to the Naval Warfare curriculum. I hope you are getting an understanding of what Gu ~ i r., , ,.- ...-. r. , ~ ~ .-. 1 ...A ~ - 1 ~. L _ - - - - - - - ~ . , - - whetted your appetite for the :new correspondence courses we will be offering this fall. When you hear of Naval Tactics, you normally think of the doctrine associated with operating today's ships and aircraft.~a There are so many sorts of platforms and systems today that we couldn`t possibly cover each of them. P'ur~hermore, if we took the time here to brief the students in detail on how each platform versus platform interaction takes place today,. what caould they do ten years from now when today's platforms, both ours and theirs, may be obsolete? What we have done is to continue. the principle used in Strategy. We force the student to look behind the status quo and determine verities that transcend contemporary systems and procedures. Why study tactics at all? Where does this course-fit in? First of a11, this is still the Naval War College. Other schools may teach Strategy, from an international relations if not from a naval paint of view: Many colleges specialize in ~iarzagement of one brand or anothers. We. could as our critics point out, obtain some training for our offiee:rs elsewhere. No other institute for higher learning, however, Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01: CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 even approaches military Tactics at a graduate level. zf naval officers are to be inspired to be tacticians in the future, .they must comprehend the basic principles of weapons systems and the interactions of encourzter,~detection and target pros- ecution. This can only be done here.- OthE~rwise, we must go on relying upon civilian think:-tanks to do all our tactical development. WHY TACTICS XMPOR.TANT SIX REASONS Slide 1 1. Obvious to you many management decisions based ~. on tactical assumptions. e.g. SCS study e.g. NARAC-G-ATLANTIS Tight vs open convoys DD's vs SES/helos/bouys Most management decisions presume new future tactics. Disasters from extrapolating current tactics. Again Why our emphasis not on tactics of today d~sriving future tactics More later Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Flip 1 2. Standard procedures doctrine less. useful guides - two reasons: zmpact of technology and politi-cal restrictions A. Technology .first: _ 1. Changes in own and enemy capabilities e.g. Foxbat Proliferation 2. More alternatives NTe~asori - lad ~alorigside E.G. DD's. vs long range contact e.g. Task Group mix Slide 4 B, Political-restrictions - rules of engagement superimposed . e.g. Bombing 19th parallel Flip 2 3, Fascination with technology Hardware solutions D.C. Only tactics wall heap today Superior tactics only hope of offsetting r~7antitat:ive a~ d qualitatzvQ superiorit1T Slide 5 .New Xork Times Flip 3 4. Navy lacks capability to develop tactics My experience as TG CDR/as Systems. Analyst Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 :CIA-RDP80B01554R003500450001-8 Na one working on it. Fleets too busy. OPNAV/NAVMAT - hardware/$ Peacetime training can be misleading ~~t e . g . DD - slow speed SHOBOM ,~ guV ~ ` j -' c