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Approved For Release 2005/02/02 : CIA-RDP80BO15554R003300280027-1 Tape 9 Side A, 0-1/2 1.3 MAR 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: C?? On March 9th, Joe Harsch had a column about "paper tigers." In it he had the following: "Moscow could not deter China, China could not intimidate Vietnam, Vietnam could not dominate Southeast Asia--and the United States is not the only power which can no longer have its way anytime, anywhere." It seems to me that might be very appropriate for our speech/article in the section about the limits on power. He went on to elaborate that "great powers seldom move suddenly or decisively like that anymore"--"like that" being Soviet suppression of revolts in Berlin and Hungary; CIA restoration of the Shah in 1953;nthe Cuban missile crisis. Further,"There has grown up since Vietnam too much of an easy assumption that the United States no longer had the will or ability to influence events in the power world. The reverse of that claim was that Moscow had become a new super power able to go from success to success. The fact is we are experiencing the decline of all superpowers. It is not that the United States is less powerful; in absolute terms its military strength is almost exactly what it has been for over a decade--neither up nor down--but because there is so much new power in the world and because the alignments of countries have become so much more flexible with the decline of ideology--the United States, the Soviet Union, and China are all newly restricted in their range and options." ~pv d For Release 200 T 7 k:, iE7 AiIC~~ proved For ase 2 5/6 ill t4F--ikb'080801554 3300280027-1 -,J 5 March 1979 CIA'i'eportedly tested drug nn Vpnnq Philadelphia iAP)-The Central Intel- ies to counteract Soviet efforts to develop ligence:Agency secretly tested a mind- an undetectable drug that could incapaci- control drug lh 1971 on 20 persons, Includ- tate a victim's mind. irg five. Inmates at Philadelphia's Holmes- The program was part of a larger drug burg Prison, the Philadelphia Inquirer re? project whose code name was OFTEN, Ac- ported yesterday cording to the CIA documents. Accordiiij. to a 1973 CIA memo ob- The 20 paid volunteers, 15 from the ? tained under 'the Freedom of Information military services and the 5 prisoners, Act by an organization affiliated with the were not coerced into participating in the Church of .,scientology, the drug, identified project, a CIA memo said. The drug pro- only as a _glycolate dubbed EA (Experii- duced "delirium and other psychotic be- mental Agent) 3167, produced prolonged havior lasting from three or four days psychotic effects - with subsequent amnesia," a memo said. The CIA'g director. Adm. Stansfield Some symptoms lasted as long as six Turner. tesithed before a Senate subcom- weeks. . . rritttee last.. year that most of the CIA's But a report on the experiment said, mind-control programs ended In- the "The results are Inconclusive. Apparently, 1960's. with the exception of a few 'scat. the drug is not reliable at the dosage Lev-. tered prd}ects. " elstested The te'st?5iere undertaken at the Edge- ,. : There was no indication in the memos wood + fd> Arsenal Research Laborator what happened to the subjects.; .k-, Approved For Release 2005/02/02 : CIA-RDP80BO1554R003300280027-1 Approved For Release 2005/02/02 : CIA-RDP80B01554R003300280027-1 And, "There are still countries possessing great military power but times and places for using it grow fewer and narrower, and this applies to Moscow just as much as the United States. Neither is in fact a paper tiger but both must be newly circumspect about using their claws." Approved For Release 2005/02/02 : CIA-RDP80BO1554R003300280027-1 Approved For RglseWRR5/(NS-I -fRg~OB01554R003300280027-1 Article appeared 3 March 1979 on page A-3 Judge I~definit~iy P bstpones Trial of 3 -I Ex-Officials By Kenneth Bredemeier Washington Post Staff Writer The conspiracy trial of three former top FBI officials was postponed indef- irately yesterday after- a -government-, prosecutor-told a federai,.~judge that he needs more time . to determine whether to-turn over highly classified documents for use: by?defense lawyers. U.S. District Court. Judge. William 13. Bryant ordered the prosecutor-,..spe- cial assistant U.S. attorney Barnet D. Skolnik, to give him a report March proving allegedly- illegal breakins of i their homes. The latest. delay results - ? from Bryant's secret rulings last week re- quiring the government. to turn. over the classified documents-to- defense attorneys. The documents,' which could become public- at the trial,-in- clude'some from the Central Intelli- gences Agency,, the- super-secret^ Na- tional Security Agency, aand, foreign:; governments In part,- Felt and Miller are claim. inn that they approved the.breakias on Gray's authority, but they also say; 15 on what progress he is making In the breakins may have been legal be?. ,deciding what to do i. about the- case, :, cause; of --alieged Weather Under, which new has been delayed. several ground. contact. with. hostile govern. times ments,.such. as Cuba and North Viet The trial of L. Patrick Gray III, for nazm Gray is claiming. that he did not., mer acting director of the FBI, W. authorize the breakins. Mark Felt, the FBI's former number Skol-nik told Bryant that the. prose-. "two, man and Edward S. Miller, for .. cutors "intent to explore all kinds of ,mer bead of the FBI's Intelligence di- options" to give the defendants a fair`. ;vision, was scheduled to start Monday. a trial. He also said that Gray likely They are charged with conspiring to -will have to be tried separately from violate the civil rights of friends and Felt and Miller, but that the govern j relatives-of the terrorist Weather Ln- ment has not fully decided whether derground in the early 1970s by ap- that is necessary. Approved For Release 2005/02/02 : CIA-RDP80BO1554R003300280027-1 --V1 qw