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June 9, 1977
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Approved For*elease 2619'3 :,5:`IA-ftBOC~5003300080022-8
9 JUN 1977
SUBJECT: Conversation with Secretary Vance
8 June 1977
1. Reviewed our meeting and luncheon today with the oil
experts. Promised I would give him a paper indicating the points
of greatest intelligence interest in verifying whether events are
confirming or refuting the positions taken in our oil studies
published in unclassified form.
2. Thanked for the invitation to participate in the Cyprus
4. Talked about the possible revision of the COS/Ambassador
agreement that he and I had initialed. Suggested we both wait
until the staffs had moved this one along to see if there was
in fact any significant change desired by the NSC. Gave him
my assurance I had no part in recommending changes to strengthen
the hand of the Chief of Station.
5. Asked him about the morning cable summary which I understand
has recently been initiated by Department of State. He indicated
he had no knowledge of this. I said I would take it up with Hal
6. Explained the priority review procedure that we are planning
to go through with the President for intelligence priorities. He
agreed with it.
7. Told him we are doing a review of our intelligence collection
strategy for the Horn of Africa. He agreed with that.
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8. He asked me if I knew about the FBI's interest in new
construction in Washington. I told him I did not. He asked for
my views on it.
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6 JUN 1977 . t_
)Pit= ~)
Access to the Director and the Director's Staff:
I have just taken an additional step to ensure that appropriate
members of the staff are able to quickly obtain information from
my office to help them in responding to request5 for information
or action or in preparing materials for my use or signature. Basically,
the work of staffing paper work coming forward to me will now be
will handle all papers coming from
_,i!&- concerning the CIA.
will handle all papers coming from
arm concerning the NIO organization and the Intelligence
I will continue to serve as Executive
\ ' a.4-t
Assistant fres? responsibility for ensuring that the right papers get
to me at the right time)and that those whom Insee or who need to
see me are scheduled into my office at the right time.
will also be responsible for keeping aware
of what topics in their fields of concern must reach
my attention most urgently and for ensuring that
aware of these matters.
who on a project
Members of the Staff are workingand need clarification from
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Approved Fo. elease 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP80BO15WO03300080022-8
my office)or 4"Me need: to see me or brief me on some item
of business)or who have some paper that should come to my
early attention are requested to make contact with
as appropriate.
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pprjoved Fo elease 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP80B015 003300080022-8
n(1 t;,) 1977
Direct Commounications with the Director:
One of the MAG groups with whom I've been meeting recently
made the suggestion that I re*emphasi$kmy open-ended invitation
for any employee of the Agency to sen3 me suggestions directly pr
will d (1 ~ . :.-.
privately. I am happy to receive such suggestions and I read them
personally,and I will not necessarily respond 4$/?~$4e even
to those which are signed but I will certainly take a momenta C
+'s v
careful consideration. +tts communications should, of course,
be matters of Agency-wide concernynot individual grievances or
complaints for which then are established and appropriate
Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP80B01554R003300080022-8
Approved For' Lease 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP80BO155 803300080022-8
8 JUN 1977
The study effort generated by the Presidential Directive
which has been looking into possible alternatives for making the
Intelligence Community more efficient and effective is about com-
pleted. The issues will now go to the National Security Council
for debate and discussion. The study presents a wide range of
options which primarily address the Intelligence Community and
my responsibilities as Director of that Community. A key issue
is whether the authority of the DCI over other, elements of the
national intelligence program should be strengthened in any way.
There is, of course, consideration being given to separating
the two jobs of DCI and Director of the CIA, completing what has
already been done in part through Executive Order 11905 (which
specified that the Director of CIA should delegate as much as
possible the running of the CIA to the DDCI). Whether this will
happen or not I cannot predict, but I can say that one way or the
other the CIA must and will remain a principal intelligence mechanism
Since I continue to hear some apprehension about the prospects
for change as a result of these studies, I want again to reassure.
all of our employees that I believe the studies reinforce the
importance of the component activities in the CIA to our Intelligence
Community and our country. I would also like to dispel the rumors
that there is a massive relocation plan contemplated which would move
sections of personnel out of the Headquarters building. This has
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Since there have been continuing stories in the press that I
am surrounded by an "impenetrable wall" of Naval officers, I would
like to make sure everyone has the exact facts.
I elected to bring with me four officers who had been serving
on my personal staff in Naples; an Executive Assistant, a Special
Assistant for speechwriting, an officer for arranging the daily
schedules and his replacement. This latter, position was in the
process of turnover when I left Naples, and two officers came
with me but one is leaving for his new assignment shortly. This
will leave three officers on permanent assignment.
I intend that these three officers continue in the Office of
the Director; they serve together with two senior Admini-stratt've?
Assistants from the CIA professional staff and another civilian
'S.peci-al Assistant for scheduling.
Additionally, six officers on normal military rotational
assignment to the CIA, the IC Staff and the NIO Staff were scheduled
to depart on rotation this summer. I asked the Navy to assign
as their replacements six particular officers whom I knew to have
special abilities in our area. Four of these officers are presently
here, with one assigned to the Intelligence Community, two assigned
to the National Intelligence Officers, and one to the Intelligence
Directorate. None of them work in the Office of the Director.
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My son, Lieutenant Geoffrey Turner, is an intelligence sub-
specialist career officer in the Navy. He was on duty in the
Washington area and awaiting transfer to duty in California. He
has been temporarily assigned to the NIO office for a four-month
period while waiting to depart for his next assignment. He is
not displacing anyone else since he is filling an empty slot for
a military officer who will not arrive until later this summer.
He has not been added to the payroll as he is a member of the
United States Navy. There was no cost to the government by his
switch of duties here.
I'm very grateful to all the Agency employees who cooperated
so successfully with CBS in their filming for "Sixty Minutes."
Dan Rather and his crew were very high in praise of the spirit
of cooperation which they had while here. In turn, CBS was very
considerate of our requirements for security and we are confident
that security has not been breached by this filming. We hope the
show will be viewed in late June, and we'll keep you posted.
There was an unfortunate leak in the plan I asked to have
explored about arranging for a limited amount of public visiting
sponsored by Members of Congress. As a result of this, we have
been besieged by questions from the press and Herb Hetu has responded
with the facts as they presently stand: our plans are not firm;
the details of how this might be worked out have yet to be staffed
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and presented to me for a decision; and that.some of the wild
specific facts mentioned, such as 8000 visitors a day, are totally
beyond any possibility of consideration. We are looking very
seriously at this additional means of reaching out to the public.
I believe that our previous steps in declassifying publications
which could be declassified without harm, and in responding to
media inquiries more forthrightly and permitting CBS to film have
met with good response. I believe they 'help,to reassure the general
public that our activities are supporting. our country well in away
that deserve public approbation, as they do. Before we settle
on any further steps, such as public visiting, the security aspects
and the inconvenience to all of us will be very carefully weighed.
To some extent our hand is forced faster than we like when such
stories get outside of our family prematurely.
One of the MAG groups with whom I've been meeting recently made
the suggestion that I reemphasize my open-ended invitation for any
employee of the Agency to send me suggestions directly and privately.
I am happy to receive such suggestions and I will read all of them
personally. I will not necessarily respond even to those which are
signed, but I will certainly take a moment for careful consideration.
Such communications should, of course, be matters of Agency-wide concern,
not individual grievances or complaints for which there are established
and appropriate procedures.
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Approved For'}Celease 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP80BO155 03300080022-8
!UNN . 1977.
The U.S. Intelligence Community can be described in two
accurate but widely divergent manners:
1. Because of the need to serve a number
of diverse customers, it is a loose confederation
of agencies working together to meet common
requirements, but retaining. sufficient inde-
pendence to protect the legitimate needs of
separate individual purposes. The DCI utilizes
his authority to coordinate the various elements
when necessary; there is little indication that
these elements have failed to respond when so
called upon.
2. Because most of the agencies of the
Intelligence Community report to two masters,
these agencies are able to operate in semi-
autonomous fashion. They respond to DCI
direction only when this does not conflict
with their special parochial interests.
While both descriptions are accurate and widely believed,
their divergence makes some organizational change appear desirable
to ensure that the Community will function smoothly. There are
two basic approaches to such change:
1. Transfer enough elements of the Community
under the direct control of the DCI that he can
promote efficiency and override parochial inter-
ests, but build in hedges to protect the genuine
needs of individual customers.
2. Strengthen the DCI's authority over the
semi-autonomous agencies in small Kays and expect
the situation to evolve into a. reasonable balance
of interests.
Approved For Release 2005/01/13 : CIA-RDP80BO1554R003300080022-8