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Approved For4elease 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80B014951~000900090012-4 has copies of the bill and Sam Ervin's letter. He will consult with and others, send comments to OLC, and info a copy to O/DDI. Chief Executive Staff O/DDI Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000900090012-4 Approved For lease 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80B0149 &000900090012-4 03n 6- i ; l`Et P :SE + . OF 'II,:' 1 NIa,Em ST t~ 1 S Tlii:'Rnaicoi,F introduced the folloWitqo- bill; Nv1iicli was read twice and referred to the, Committee pin:. government Operatioxis `1 transfer and reolwg ini e all existing. hi Y: err,(, - rtlont functioirs of the Federal Government related to trafcs kiintg in narcotic and dangerous drugs in Division of Narcotics and Danger- .1 V ' ous' Dr ugs esf blishecl in the `I{`erle al Bnrea i -of Investigation." Drirg Abuse Law Enforcement R.eorganiz~tior A.ct of 1973" tzves`of'the United States o America in Congress assembled, 3 That this Act may be 'cited as' tire "T. decal Narcotics and 7 e it enacted by the'' Senate' ' and"Iloztse o f ' I 'epresenta `' Ed.' 2. (a) As used. in this Act (1) The term "narcotics and dangerous drugs" means_ controlled substances as defined in sections 10-t, 201, and 202 of the Controlled Substances Act. Tz Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000900090012-4 Approved For.Belease 2005/11/23 CIA-RDP80BO149 000900090012-4 1 (2) The term "function" means power and duty; trans- 2 fer of a function, under any provision of law, of an agency or 3 the head of a department shall also be a transfer of all func- 4 tions? under such law which are exercised by any office or 5 officer of such agency or department. 7 ~} e 9 +>s..v ri.i.L U 4.J ut3lA;r, ..L Ji yr 1 VL1V 1 SEC. 3.'' (a) The Gong ess hereby finds and declares-- (1) that the proliferation of narcotics and dan- gerous drugs is the Nation's number one law enforce- 10 ment problem; 11 (2) that the enforcement of laws related to nar- 12 cotics and drug abuse is scattered widely throughout 13 several Federal departments and agencies; 14 (3) that overlapping jurisdictions, failure to share 15 intelligence and other information, general lack of coin- 16 munication and cooperation, and counterproductive 17 rivalries and competitiveness among law enforcement 18 agencies have resulted from this diffusion of efforts with- 19 in the Federal Government against trafficking in i rar 20 cotics and dangerous drugs; 21 (4) that many Americans are needlessly subjected 22 to narcotics addiction, drug abuse and to drug-related 23 crimes because of the bbreakdown in coordination ,among 24 Federal law enforcement agencies; 25 (5) that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is the Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000900090012-4 Approved For~gelease 2005/81/23 : CIA-RDP80BO149W000900090012-4 6 Y~ e 9 preeminent Federal law enforcement agency as a result of its extensive manpower, laboratory, intelligence, and investigative resources, .a.nd because of the high esteem in -which it is held by many Americans for its efforts against organized crime, internal subversion, and other criminal assaults against the Nation; (6) ti t the Federal ,Bureau of --Investigation has never exercised jurisdiction in the area of narcotics and drug abuse law enforcement; (7) - that effective narcotics and drug abuse law en- forcement requires- establishment of a new division of the 12 Federal Bureau of Investigation. with. jurisdiction to into- 10? ;mite enforcement of all Federal narcotics and drug abuse 14 laws which is now exercised by other agencies, and to 15 issue policy directives governing the continued law en 21 forcement functions of certain agencies as provided in this Reorganization Act, related to narcotics and dan- gerous drugs; (8) that the Federal Bureau of Investigation; through the new division established in this Reorganizer- tion Act, integrate the best of the manpower and exper- tise that has been developed by other Federal agencies in building its own capability to deal efecti~el,, -. itch all aspects of the narcotics and drug enforcement problem, including combating international and domestic traf- Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000900090012-4 Approved For4j$elease 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80B0149; 000900090012-4 4 i n of. iiai e 9n(1 d1n0e Otis drub; laNvs, and e:cadi:- fickiiig, im provin Z7) Y the quality of State and local enforce- SEC. 4. (a ): '1'11E~i e trc hereby transferred to the Atto'- '1'7 NSTS+n Oi "T"U CTT()`TS~ F'PWAT Tj?,PiVS TRY DEP 1RTMENrU enfo ccrrient'1evels eitin narcotics aiid `drip; ted corricl>(.i(n at gill 1.11 'functions c of :the Secretar of'the~'Treasury which are administered''thfo,itgh 'or rith,respect to the 0. F~itroan`iof 'ston s''( slso heiei after referred to as the ;, ;"C'z`storrs Sex'vi(~e"}''~r l' which ii7~' TdJve 'iris sti attoi~s by Officeof Inve tigation - (Ieargani.ation Plan j l utnlier'eei=? . of 11965;'30? Fed. 'Reg` ?7035}' leading to 14 i'ixi?W's aii-&1arr'"'st9 forviol atiorisof triy 'Federal law of 15 ' the TJrt.tted'8tates'relating fo` trafckiii `'in t ,rcoties and 6 dngaroits''drltgs. i (2) : i' ll ? o'the`r' fitnottons' of the 'Ciistom.s "Service and the Commissioner of Customs determined `by the Direc- tor" of the ' Ofce,? of `Afiquageinent: and Bu get to be cl - i rd tl r 'elated to functions transferred by paragraph (1) : `of this ~ section' Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude the ; Customs Service from conducting hivestigations; making seizures and arrests related to, fsriiiigglirtg of coiat l_)i nd'othert.har narcotics rind dan ,,'. gei~otis clr ags, 1 (B) to iiiiircau of. N icoties a itl 2 1_ angerous ~ )mugs, (2) of the Office of Drug A hrisc, L;~NV 3 fiforceuien,t,, and (3) of the Offlcc for National _Narcotics 4 Intelligc rice. r (e) The, Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drags, the O i:c~e _of ~I)r ib Abuse I aW .Eiiforcecmnt,,: arrcl., the:. ce of 7 Na,t orral ~T4a cotics Intelligence, .including the Offices of S Director of each o'these agencies, are herebyabolisheci:. The ,.> 9 Attorney General shall make such provision as ,he may 'deem 1 11. necessary with.-respect to terminating the of fairs of these 11 agencies not.other.wise .provided for, in?the Act., I : ; (f) , `I'lie At toz ney .,General shall delegate to, the, Di ecto? 13 of :tlic Fecler?al ,.Bureau of Investigation. authority ,over furrc;- 14 Lions performed by the Immigration and NaturalizOien 801%v- 15 , ice,. including functions perfu:t?mecl dry, tthe Border Patrol, JIG related to trafficking ,in narcotics and danger0us.drugs- across 1.7 the,borders of, the- United States at places, ether than, parts -of 18 entry. The Immigration and Naturalization Service, including 19 the Border Patrol, shall perform functions related to enforc,u- 20 went of any law of the United Stites pertaining to narcotics 2.1 and dangerous drugs con:5istOnt with policy, directives tlvtt 22 slidlt be issued from time to time by the Di[NNctoi? of the Fedf- 23 cral BureaLti of Investigation. 24 (g) The Attorney General shall delegate to the Director 2~ of pprove or 2e~e s a1 Ct }1 ~2 ~~ i~ l BO LIa5I 0YOga9096me-4 Approved For'Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80BO149W00900090012-4 9 1 tio-as performed by the Law E tiforeenie.ta.t Assistanee Adiuiii- 2 ..istrtatioaa ,related to the awarding of block grants for the plaruaing,, establishment, and operation of narcotics a:a:ad dati- 4 g ero rus drug enfor-ce:men:t, units. at . the State and. local levels, 5 ` pursuant t o . parts . B and C of : title I of the Omnibus Crin e q Control anti Saf&-Streets.Act.of 1968 (Public.;Law 92-351; 7 82 Star. 17 )The. Law Enforcement Assistance Admini-- 8 "tration shall perform such functions consistent with. :poliey di- rectiYes, : that shall be, . issued. from, time., . to time, by the At- ,;.torney General.. after.. consultation withthe Director .oft 'e 11 T'ederal Bureau, of Investigation.; 12 (h) The Attorney General shall promulgate reguiatiohgg- .or,:the, puxpose'.of, delegating uthor tyT ;not otherwise P161 14 ;, vided in ,ths,.,sectron but::necessary for. achieving the ob 15 jectives of this Reorganization Act. 16 a r . ,,POLICY DIRECTIVES : TO, TI3E ; TRANSPORTATION 17. ,DEPARTMENT a. . 18, SEC. 3..; The President, After consultation with the A't 9 torney; General, . shall direct . the Secretary of Transportat o . 20, with; respect,: to; the following functions related to trafficki.iig] 2.1- .narcotics and. dangerous- drugs : 22 (1) Operations of the Coast 0uard in the 99 'neat of any law of the United States relating to trraf-. licking; in narcotics and dangerous drugs. Appro M F(O ft s2g?5(jY2 01 't~~t ~ t~ioa49 ciz00a9A0090012-4 Approved Fo&elease 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80B0149000900090012-4 4 5- 10 tration in the enforcement of any law of the United States relating to traflieking in narcotics and dangerous drugs. POLICY DIRECTIVES TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT SEC. 9. The President, after consultation With the At- torney General, shall direct the Secretary of State with re- _spect to; the following functions related to in 8 narcotics and dangerous drugs. (1) Operations -of: the Agency, for International De- 10 velopnieiit in supplying economic and technical assistance to foreign governments for development of narcotics control 12 Relations` generally With foreign governments for the purpose of coordinating control 'of international narcotics 15 traffic. 16 POLICY DIRECTIVES TO TIIE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE 17 AGENCY 1#i ri P d f programs. 13 14 19 resi ent, a ter consultation wrth the At- SEC. 10. the torney General, shall direct the Director of the Central 20 Intelligence Agency with respect to all of the Director's 21 functions related to trafficking in narcotics and dangerous 22 drugs. 23 > DIRIECI POLICY ) rI7ES' TO O TIFF, SECRETARY SECRETARY >Y OF l DEFENSE 24 'SEC. 11. The President, after consultation with the Apr v d For Re'ease 00 /1 /2 : CIA- DI $0B01495RQ0~9Q0090012-4 ?1_t ,or liey enerai , s ral c ir~ee, tie 4_ ecretary o c muse -NN "Aft Approved Fo lease 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80B0149 W000900090012-4 11. _ respect to all of the Secretary's functions related to t.raf- 2 ficking in narcotics and dangerous drugs. 3 POLICY DIRECTIVES TO THE TREASURY DEPARTDILENT 4 SEC. 12. The President, after consultation with the 5 Attorney General, shall direct the Secretary of the Treasury 6 with respect to functions administered through or with 7 respect to the Internal Revenue Service that relate to traf- YV 8 fickinb in narcotics and dangerous drugs. 9 POLICY CO14IMVIITTEE ON NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS DI,'UGS 10 SEC. 13. (a) -There is establisheda policy Committee on 11 Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. 12 (b) The Attorney General shall be Charm= of the 13 Committee. The Director of the Federal Bureau. Of In- 14 vestigation shall be Vice Chairman of the Committee. The 1,5 Associate Director for Narcotics and Drug Abuse of the 1G Federal Bureau of Investigation shall be Executive Director 17 of the Committee. (c) Members of the Committee sliall be appointed by 19 the President from all departments and agencies and their 20 subdivisions, which., under the provisions of tills: RReorgani- 21 nation Act,. have functions related to trafficking in narcotics 22 and dangerous drugs and of such other departments and 2 agencies. and their subdivisions, as the President, after 2.t coll"10tfltion with the Attorney Celucrial tr s l ( tt~~~~r Approved For Release 2005/11/23: CIA -RdP8914 F2e0t 0090012-4 `?~ designate. Approved Foielease 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80BO149GR000900090012-4 12 1 (d) Tli ComiuittOe s MR meet front time to lime to 2 expedite and coordinate the 1-ol~icr directives issued by the 3 1-)resident. after consullittion with the Attorney General. 4 TRANSi?LIi INNA`UT.ER8 5 SEC. 1.4. (a) The Attorney" Cierieral, in -cons altation with.-the Director of the Federal Bureau ofJnvestiptio-ft 'shall establish standards and procedures for the selection of 8 personnel of the Bureau, of Customs in, tlre: !Treasaty De- 9 partment, and of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous 10 Drags in the Justice Departnieiit to be transferred to the. 11 Federal Bureau of Investigation in accot?dance with the 12 provisions. of this ;)oction. Criteria for such' - tandards and, 13 procedures shall: reflect. consideration of each employee's 14 record in meeting the responsibilities of, and possessirig the 15 skills for, effective investigation related to trafficking of 16 narcotics and dangerous. drugs. All personnel. selected for. 17 transfer shall be without reduction in classification or com- 18 pensation for one year after such transfer, except that the 19 Attorney General shall have hill authority to assign person- 20 eel during such one year period in order to efficiently carry 21 out functions transferred ender this Reorganization Act. 22 After such one-year period the A,ttoruey. Cene;rii,l, in c~:ne 23 sultation. with (lie Director, shall establish appropriate status 24 for all transferred personnel within the Federal Bureau of `-r-Ap cy"j RJease 2005/11/23: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000900090012-4 Approved For (ease 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1495iifl00900090012-4 13 (b) All orders, determinations, rules, regulations, per- mits, contracts, certificates, licenses, and privileges (1) which have been issued, made, granted, or allowed to be- corne effective in the exercise of functions which are trans- ferred under this Act by the Treasury Department and the state Department any functions of which are transferred -71, by this Ae .7 and (2)'i which are in effect: at the time this Act S,-takes effect; shall continue in effect according to their terms until -modified, termina..ted;` superseded, set aside or i?e- 10 11 petent jurisdiction, or by operation of law:' 12 The provisions of this Act shall not affect any'' ' proceedings' pending at the'tirrre this Act tapes effect before 14 any ''department or agency, functions' of which are trans 15 ferred by this Act; except tb.nt such proceedings, to the ex- 16 tent that -they relate `4o functions so 1-7: continued before the Justice transferred, shall be Department:-' Orders shall be 18 issued in such proceedings, appeals shall 'be taken -therefrom, 19 and payments shall be made pursuant to such orders, as if 20 this Act had not been. enacted; and orders issued in any such 21 proceedings shall continue in effect until modified, term!- 22 nated, superseded, or repealed by the Justice. Denartnmtent by a court of competent jurisdiction, or by operation of Lim)% 24 (d) The provisions of this Act shall not affect suits 25 eol'A$W&~L~ I eI s14)20d5/I1/2bisCl9 DRko$OOf495RQQQ 0 990012-4 pealed by the Justice. Department; by 'any court of earn= Approved For Release 2005/11/23: CIA-RDP80B0149546900900090012-4 :14 I all such suits proceedings shall be had, appeals taken, and 2 judgment rendered, in the' same manner and effect as if 3 this Act had not been enacted; except that if before the date 4 on, which this Act takes effect, any department or agency 5 (or officer thereof in his official capacity) is a party to a 6 suit involving functions transferred to the Justice Depart- 7 anent, then such suit shall be continued by the Justice De- 8 partment, No cause of action, and no suit, action, or other 9 proceeding, by or against the Treasury Department and the, 10 State Department (or officer thereof in his official capacity ) 11 functions of which. are transferred by this Act shall abate 12 by reason of the enactment of this Act. Causes of actions, 13 suits, actions, or other proceedings may be asserted by or 14 against the United States or, the Justice Department as may 15 be appropriate and, in any litigation pending when this Act 16 takes effect, the court may at any time, on its own motion 17 or that-of any party, enter an order which will give effect 18 to the provisions of this paragraph. 19 (e) Such further measures and dispositions as the Di- 20 rector of the Office of Management and Budget shall deem. 21 to be necessary in. order to effectuate the transfers provided 22 in this section shall be carried out in such manner as he may 23 direct and by such agencies as he shall designate. Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000900090012-4 SAM J. ERVIN, JRA111S?.SM I4 For lease 2005/11/23: CIA-RDP80B0149 ii 000900090012-4 JOHN L. MC CLELLAN. ARK. ~ 'CHJA1RLES H. PERCY, ILL. HENRY M. JACKSON, WASH. JACO' K. JAVITS, N.Y. EDMUND B. MUSKIE, MAINE EDWARD J. GURNEY, FLA. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, CONN. WILLIAM B. SAXSE, OHIO LEE METCALF, MONT. WILLIAM V. ROTH, JR., DEL. JAMES B. ALLEN, ALA. BILL BROCK, TENN. LAWTON CHILES, FLA. SAM NUNN, OA. WALTER D. HUDDLESTON, KY. ROBERT BLAND SMITH, JR. CHIEF COUNSEL AND BTAFF DIRECTOR COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS March 5, 1973 Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 Re: S. 94+2 Dear Mr. Schlesinger: Attached is a copy of a bill which has been referred to this committee for consideration. It will be helpful if you will give the committee the benefit of your views regarding the provisions of this bill, and your recommendations as to committee action. Please transmit your reply in quadruplicate. Thanking you for your cooperation, I am Sincerely yours, Sam J. Ervin, Jr. Chairman Approved For Release 2005/11/23 : CIA-RDP80BO1495R000900090012-4 CNA, 'd L- ^ l9NCLASS IF roved EEr ,4g eR Y2005/11/23 : CIA-RDF?B&46 6NfiU90012-4 ^ SECRET STAT ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) S. 942 FROM: Legislative Counsel EXTENSION 6136 NO. OLC 73-0193 DATE 13 March 1973 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) DDI We would appreciate your 2 comments and suggestions for the preparation of a reply to Senator Ervin. Assistant Ldigislative Counsel 5. att. 6. c 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Approved For Rel ase 200 5/11/23 : CIA-RDP OB01495R000900090012-4 TAT xi 5 FORM 61 O USE PREVIOUS [:1 SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ INTERNAL UNCLASSIFIED 3-62 EDITIONS USE ONLY ^