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Approved For Release 2005/07/22 :CIA-RDP80B01495R000600100022-4 i M~MORaNDUM FOR: ~'-~r-,._cm--(info ~`Ish) Attached is CRS' quarterly progress report to the Management Committee on programs for in- clusion of sensitive intelligence materials in the Agency's central reference system. xa,w ~ 13 Feb 74 ~..~ ~ ~ ._ I I `'..",~ ,mow T'~' Zs REPLACES FORM 10.101 WHICH MAY BE USED. Approved For Release 2005/07/22 :CIA-RDP80B01495R000600100022-4 ' Approved For Rel~e 2005/07/22 :CIA-RDP80B01495R0~001000 20 February 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: CIA Management Committee SUBJECT CRS Progress Report on Receipt of Sensitive Intelligence Documents 1. I am attaching herewith the progress report by the Director, Central Reference Service on the implementation of the decision made by the Management Committee on 6 August 1973 (MCA-38) that procedures be implemented to get sensitive documents into the CRS reference system. 2. The progress report shows that the implementation of this decision has been quite uneven. In regard to those short- comings which pertain to the DDI, I have issued instructions to the heads of all my components to be sure that all of their ad hoc typescript memoranda are forwarded to CRS for storage. I have also taken the necessary steps to see that processing of the large volume of sensitive reporting on Vietnam and Southeast Asia be expedited so that this backlog will be eliminated before the next quarterly report. 3. The Director, Central Reference Service points out in his progress report that compliance with the Management Committee decision is largely dependent upon the initiative of the Directorates. and production offices. In view of the importance of this program, I wish to endorse his report, particularly his suggestion in paragraph 3 that the producers of intelligence be directed to provide a report an what has been produced and the degree of their compliance with MCA-38. Deputy Director for Intelligence Attachment cc: Director, CRS ADDI/PVWalsh/tb (20 Feb 74) Distribution: 1 - Ea Management Committee Member ti 25X1 25X1 lApl~v@~,~c-~ase 2005/07/2 ~~~~x0~ 495R000600100022-4 1 -DDI {File : MCA- 3 S) 1 -ADDI Chrono ~,~- DDI (File: CRS) Approved For Rel~se 2005/07/22: CIA-RDP80B01495ROQ(~00100 12 February 1974 MEMORANDUM FOR: CIA Management Committee THROUGH Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT CRS Receipt of CIA-Produced Sensitive Intelligence Documents - Progress Report 1. On 6 August 1973 the DCI approved an IG Report to the Management Committee on Sensitive Document Storage and Retrieval (MCA-3 $). The IG recommended that: a. CIA offices engaged in the production of finished intelligence, or in substantive intelligence support to policy levels in the government, be required to consult with CRS to develop a standard approach to eventual inclu- sion of that material in the CRS reference system. b. The DDO continue its work with CRS for eventual inclusion of sensitive intelligence into. the CRS reference system and that it take steps to clarify the status of its past sensitive intelligence reporting .for eventual incorporation into the CRS reference system. c. CRS provide quarterly reports to the CIA Management Committee on programs for inclusion of sensitive intelligence materials into the Agency's central reference system. This memorandum responds to the last recommendation; it covers the fourth quarter of calendar year 1973. 25X1 e1 .,y .;J~~v.:~c.a~1 a aawl Approved For Release 2005/07/22: CIA-RDP80B01495R000600100022-4 Approved For Rele~e 2005/07/22: CIA-RDP80B01495ROQQ~00100022-4 SUBJECT: CRS Receipt of CIA-Produced Sensitive Intelligence Documents - Progress Report 2. No appreciable improvement has occurred since the last quarterly report. By directorate the status is: , OCI continues to cooperate by regularly transmitting its formal finished intelligence reports and ad hoc memoranda for indexing, The other DDI offices apparently provide all their finished intelligence reports and memoranda. None of the DDI offices (with the excep- tion of OCI), however, has forwarded their fourth quarter 1973 ad hoc typescript memoranda to CRS. of older DDI sensitive reporting on VietnamRandrSoutheast Asia began in the third quarter 1973 but no reports were received in the fourth quarter. ti~ Official finished intelligence reparts produced by OSI and OWI are regularly received. If ad hoc finished. memoranda are produced in these offices, they are not being sent to CRS for indexing and filing. 25X1 Approved For Release 2005/07~~1 '_ C1A=F~'[7~81495R000600100022-4 ` Approved For Release 2005/0/22 : CIA-RDP80~01495ROQ~,00100022-4 SUBJECT: CRS Receipt of CIA-Produced Sensitive Intelligence Documents - Progress Report DCI/SALT Support Staff Current negotiations with the Staff should provide us with reports dating back to 1969 and ensure receipt of all future reports. DCI/NIO Support Staff Meetings have been held with the NIO Support Staff to ensure receipts of NIEs and SNIEs for the data index. Arrangements also have been made to obtain back issues of NIO ad hoc memoranda for indexing. 3. In a watchdog role CRS can, at best, observe and report. Distribution of sensitive intelligence reports to CRS must result from the initiative of the directorates and production offices. It is my opinion that little additional progress will be made in this area until the producers of such intelligence are directed to provide a report on what has been produced and on the degree of their compliance with MCA-38. 25X1 Director, Central Reference Service -3- Approved For Release 2005/07/22: CIA-RDP80B01495R000600100022-4