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March 4, 1967
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Approved For Release 2006/09/07: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000400070016-7 4 MAR 15;7 M lRAlIZ*1M FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT : Inspector General's Report on Foreign Intelligence Collection Requirements RIFUMCE : Your memorandum, same subject, dated 18 January 1967 I. This memorandum is for your informatton? It presents our general reaction to the Report and out- lines the steps that are being taken in response to it. 2. The IIDI has reviewed the Report in some detail and certainly agrees with the basic thrust of the Report-problems do exist in the areas of requirements and collection guidance. Although not agreeing with none of the assertions, be decided not to argue with those but rather to do what mist be done to use the Report as a basis for developing workable actions for remedying the deficiencies that do exist. 3. As you forecast in your memorandum, it is taking a good deal of staff a work to consider each of the recomsendationB._ther assigned to the DDI for action. These suit be related one to another and to the total responsibility of the Approved For Release 2006/09/07: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000400070016-7 Approved For Release 2006/09/07: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000400070016-7 Directorate. In order to develop workable actions the geport, the DDI has established a tear of senior persons from CO sad the interested producing and collecting offices in this Directorate. The DDI has instructed the toss leader, dir. puce Clarke, to analyze each of the 20 recc endations along the fol- lowing lines: a. Define the deficiency the recommendation is supposed to remedy. b. Assess degree to which action remanded In the report is likely to remedy the stated deficiency. Restate the action in operable terms. d. Insure action element is proper. ,e. Determine whether situation otter recon sonded action is taken viii have undesirable side effects. f. aocommea4 acceptance or rejection of restated action or merits. 4. In addition to reviewing each separate recom-- tion, the tee* is examining the principal problems and deficiencies to sake certain that appropriate action Is provided for each. S. T ere are a number of problem that crop up giving this kind of a report the serious attention deserves. a. Th+e i. -ct of recommendations concern lection ran ire nts on the other reeaponalb of management have to be weighed cnrezui Jy . gree with the thrust of the report that manage- grit has given this subject area only sporadic attention in the past. But In righting the balance, we asset be careful not to awing too for In the other direction. Approved For Release 2006/09/07: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000400070016-7 a Approved For Release 2006/09/07' : CIA-RDP80BO 1495R000400070016-7 b. It is clear that most of the recossea- detions require woes restatement it they are to serve effectively as directives or guides for action. Turthormorej the recommendations need to be sorted into categories and priorities. For example, recommendations No. 1, No. 8, and No. gd obviously are major matters and they interrelate. Recommendation No. 2 is a detail which is easily subaaumed in No. I. e. The authority responsible for each recommendation needs careful consideration in terms of insuring effective action. l ommen dation No. 16, for eaaaspl-e, calls on the to provide the members of the SIGINT Group CGa with certain training and entree. We believe, ho"ver, that the action that Will bar required if the recommendation is to be offec-- tive rests with the CIA $IGINT Officer. 6. Nine of the 27 recommendations call speci- fically for joint action by DDI and Dom'.. In others, the recommendation to be effective will also require such joint action. I mention this because, although our review and that of DDS&T been on a unilateral DireCtoraati basis so far, any Implementation is going to require the close collaboration of DDI and DDS&T. The next step probably should involve some staff work between the two Directorates. 7. 1 believe we can have comprehensive cents ready for you by close of business, Friday, 10 March 1967. However, I wish to note that the DZ has a koon interest in this report and its implications for management responsibilities and resource demands within this Directorate. Be will return to Headquarters on 20 March. I would prefer to hold off any final reaponso to your memorandum until after his return. In the moan- tiaeae, I will be available to participate in whatever discussions your Senior 2a.cutive Group nay have on this subject. EDWARD w. PROCTOR Acting Deputy Director for Intelligence ODD! :BCC : : f k Distribution; Orig and one ddressee; i-DCClarke; 1-ADD! Chrono; 1--ODDI Chron8' Approved For Release 2006/09/07: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000400070016-7