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Publication Date: 
June 10, 1964
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Approved For Release 2006/11/06: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000400050049-3 SECRET OGC 64-1784 10 JUN 1964 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of C.ntrsl l*t*1ltgence SUBJECT: Agency Procedures in Connection with -- Prosecution in Crtmtnsl Cases W Operattonal Security is Involved 1, This memorandum contains a recommendation in ph 4 for approval by the Deputy Director of Centrol ceo decisions concerning prosecution in criminal cases Execu:ie peector oral recently proposed that Agency hih have oerational security implications be formalized in c p w writing. He suggested also the de st rabUtty of not reducing the matter of regulation. We agree with these sug- to a p ac urees ge;sttesr. The prose rees suggested herein, howe"ro are concerned only with Agency decisions with respect to prosecution (and other dtactpltnary actions). The Executive Direector?COmptrv1lor and the DDCI need to be informed promptly on any occasion when there its indication that a crime may have been committed by an Agency employee or agent. The responsibitty of Deputy Directors to so inform the Executive Director-Cornptreller and the DDCt continues. 3. Thar following proc dures are PIOPO*Gd: component has information indicating that an Agency employee or agent may have committed a crime Bch involves Goverumant money or property or the comp ent will report promptly to the Inspector General and the General Counsel. b. The Inspector General will then conduct an investigation. C, The Inspector General will report the results of bis investigation to the Deputy Director of Central Intellt- goncee, the General Counsel, and the Deputy Director of the ti,~CF~I~~:D Approved For Release 2006/11/06: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000400050049-3 Approved For Release 2006/11/06: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000400050049-3 component having cone and responsibility for the, employee or agent. d. The General Counsel will determine whether there asonable basis to believe that a crime has been committed. e. If the General Counsel determine* there is no reasonable basis to believe that crime has been committed, he will so advise the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. the Inspector General, and the appropriate Deputy Director. Insofar as criminal prosecution is concerned, the case will ~nsidered closed. f. If the General Counsel determine& there is basis crime has been committed, he will discuss security aspects with the appropriate Deputy cd the inspector General. If there is agreement rational security aspects preclude prosecution appropriate Deputy Director will so inform the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence with a commendation. that the case not be referred to the Department of Justice for prosecution. g. If the three officials fall to agree or hat possible prosecution should be further explored, al Counsel will discuss the case in general terms with the Department of Justice in order to determine whet! a prepared to prosecute and, in the event the Justice try is in the affirmative, the nature and extent of the evidence which will be required for prosecution. The s- cussioo will not reveal the identity of the individual nor the location of the incident. K. If the Department of Justice belle -basis for prosecution, the General Counsel will so advise the Deputy Director of Central intelligence,. the Inspector General and the appropriate Deputy Director. Insofar as criminal prosecution is concerned, the case will then be considered closed. Approved For Release 2006/11/06: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000400050049-3 Approved For Release 2006/11/06: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000400050049-3 ULU I1* t. If the Justice attitude is in the affirmative, the morel Counsel will advise the appropriate Deputy Director of the Nature and extent of the evidence regutred. The appropriate Deputy Director will initiate * memorandum to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence in which he will "commend in favor of or against referring the case to the Deparbnent of Justice for prosecution. In those instances in which he recommendo against referral, he state the rearms for his recommendation in sufficient detail to permit review and decision by the Deputy Director of mistral tlntte:lli- gee. such memorand shall be forwarded to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence through the General Counsel ae the Inspector General for their concurrence or non concurrence. I. When the incident involves. dither directly or Di rectly, a covTonent other than the component of the # dual, the memorandum required in subparagraph i. stall be forwarded the the other iatore d neat for concurre nce or noncbncurrence as well as through the General Counsel and the Inspector General. k. The decision to refer or not to refer the case to Department of Justice for prosecution will be made by the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence. 1. In any case which to not referred for prosecution, **or adnAnistrative or disciplinary action* may be recommended to the Deputy rector of Central Intellismuce. M. cases arising within the ice o of G ral Intelligence, the responsibilities of the Directors specified above will be discharged by the Executive ,rec r-Coznptro r. 4. Your approval of the foregoing procedures is recommended. L41. ~h~~rma~iL Approved For Release 2006/11/06: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000400050049-3 Approved For Release 2006/11/0 E{~ P80BO1495R000400050049-3 ce Sheet for General Counsel Memo random to the Deputy ,th Prosecutian in Criminal Cases Where -f Central Intelligence. Subject: Agency Procedures in ` d, dated 1 0J UN 19 64__ _.:_.._? CONCURRENCES: Is! a Opector Gene S r- . rma~ 2.6 j j'~ 196, 2 JU'- iQE4 Deputy IX"ctdf* or Support Signed:l Tohn X. Blake; Deputy -- I :rector for Sct -c & ecbology .end,ation Ca tatned in Paragraph 4 is Approved. 8 JUL 1~4 JL Deputy Director of Central Inte:t igence ate: l stributt+ : 0 -t I ? DDCI I - DDIP IDDII DDIS I /_/ 1 DDS&T Approved For Release 2006/11 /06? ;t I , DP80BO1495R000400050049-3