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Approved For Re,Lagse!~;~ ,G6 IASEC-M-7 (Draft) 17 February 1972 INTRA-AGENCY SECURITY COMMITTEE Seventh Meeting Room 4 E 64, CIA Headquarters Building Thursday, 17 February 1972, 1430 Hours I Acting Chairman Presiding MEMBERS PRESENT: REPRESENTING: * Present for Part of Meeting Art 'l I M9 Aft V Approved For 46 1 National Intelligence Programs Evaluation Deputy Director for Intelligence Deputy Director for Plans Deputy Director for Support Office of General Counsel Deputy Director for Science and Technology Secretary LOWR t:~k130004-5 V far v Approved For Release ttft:, jy~pl V15R@00200130004-5 $~b r iq",f Amr;1T IASEC-M-7 (Draft) 17 February 1972 Office of Security FI Staff CIA Top Secret Control Officer MY L- A AL M ON Approved For e~ O674f f1t C1 ,-R DP80B01495R000200130004-5 Approved QPei ~Tff, [8ft R0Qp200130004-5 nt IASEC-M-7 (Draft) 17 February 1972 STAT The Intra-Agency Security Committee was convened by the Acting Chairman, at 1430 hours on 17 February 1972 in the Office of Security conference room, 4 E 64. for the information of the representatives attending, set forth the reason for the meeting by reading a Memorandum for the Record dated 24 January 1972 by Mr. W. E. Colby, Executive Director -Comptroller, under the subject: "Contingency Survey of CIA Classification Policy. In the light of the growing Congressional interest in problems of overclassification and declassification, specifically the upcoming hear- ings by Congressman Moorhead, I suggested to Mr. Coffey, DD/S, that we do some contingency study on what the CIA policy and reply will be to any questions posed to the Director on this problem. Mr. Coffey referred to ongoing studies in this general field but said he would look at it more specifically with this prospect in mind. ointed out that the members had already addressed themselves to the problem of overclassification last month which resulted in Committee guidance being processed for promulgation in a Headquarters Notice. Today the Committee would address itself to declassification. Approved For-Rele N WAR: a 1 ~T &A Approved For Release 2006/10 1 P8 AD hjJ I SR. Y200130004-5 K IASEC-M-7 (Draft) 17 February 1972 Prior to entering a discussion on the broad subject of declassifi- cation, the Acting Chairman asked CIA Top Secret Control Officer, to give the Committee a run-down on the Agency's current declassification procedures. I began by stating that the Agency does not have a current formal program, as such. He said, however, that in the early 1950s following the promulgation of Executive Order 10501 there was a formal program of classification review. It arose out of the need to upgrade or declassify all Restricted material because that classification was eliminated. This change caused a review resulting in the downgrading of a substantial body of documents. The program functioned within the classification control network. Reclassification bulletins were issued regularly by the CIA Classification Control Officer in the Office of Central Reference (OCR). There was little interest in the reclassification bulletins or in the master reclassification files maintained in OCR. By the early 1960s, the reclassification process, costly in terms of manpower, virtually disappeared. The Central Reference Service (formerly OCR) continues to disseminate and file the few reclassi- fication notices received from other agencies. The Central Top 4 M. USE OINLY l~~ Approved For a ease t1 /i1 . ~IA-R DP80B01495R000200130004-5 T Approved For Release 2006/10/16: CIA-RDP80B01495R000200130004-5 USE Y IASEC-M-7 (Draft) 17 February 1972 Secret Control activity continues to issue semiannual notices of Top Secret documents which have been downgraded. About 100 CIA TS documents were downgraded in 1971. The Classification Control Network remains active, functioning largely for the handling of internal classification questions or problems and responding to ad hoc requests both internal and external for the downgrading of specific CIA documents. In effect, said, the Agency has not had a program of continuing review for downgrading purposes for many years probably because of the Director's statutory responsibility for the protection of intelligence sources and methods and the continuing use by the Agency of productive sources for extended periods of time. This position, indicated, is backed in a real sense by which states that "All classified information or material originated by CIA is considered of an intelligence nature within the definition of Group I above and is excluded from automatic downgrading or declassification. " I J ent on to say that the Agency thus generally limits its downgrading and declassification efforts to a program of responding to specific requests. However, the Agency has recently undertaken a Approved FARM= O0130004-5 Approved For Release 2006/10/16: CIA-RDP80B01495R000200130004-5 MedI TRATIVE-I TER AL USE fhY IASEC-M-7 (Draft) 17 February 197Z Propaganda', and earlier titles in the series for the years 1947 to 1966. In addition, Agency offices have frequently expended many man-hours in sanitizing classified documents in order to permit their contents to be disseminated in an unclassified form. project to declassify the I oncluded by saying that against a backdrop of growing Congressional interest in the entire classification process, and in light of the new Executive Order, the time is now opportune for the Agency to take a close, hard look at the situation in terms of cost and manpower to effect appropriate action in the near future. The Acting Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mr. for his presentation, whereupon the members discussed the subject of declassification in great detail. The Committee subse- quently agreed that the Agency's current regulations are adequate in. light of the provisions of the existing Executive Order 10501, but noted that a minimum of assets have been expended on this effort in past years. In view of the apparent imminence of the issuance of a revision of Executive Order 10501, the members believed that no new directives on declassification and downgrading need be issued at 6 Approved For Wease C1 'AL UK ONLY 1 ~6/ b : IAA- ? 80B01 495R000200130004-5 Approved M F Pt ' ele, 1116 ffift 1 Ntffil e IASEC-M-7 (Draft) 17 February 1972 this time. The Committee also agreed that priority attention should be given to the formulation of directives on declassification and down- grading as soon as we have adequate assurance as to what the provisions of the new Executive Order will be on that subject. In conclusion, all present recognized the budgetary exigencies which will result in order to accommodate any additional assets required, especially in light of the delicate judgments necessary to protect intelligence sources and methods. As an item of new business the Acting Chairman furnished the members with a copy of the Forrestal Diaries which are tentatively scheduled for public release pending approval of the USIB. solicited the members' comments as to whether any of the representa- tives present interposed an objection to their release with respect to such disclosure posing a threat or compromise to intelligence sources and methods. No objection was voiced by the representatives from NIPE, DD/I, OGC, and the DD/S. The DD/P and DD/S&T requested that their judgment be held in abeyance since they were unfamiliar with the subject matter. Adjournment: 1640 hours Approved For R s~ 4 "I ( 141 0Cfflhc130004-5 Approved For Release 2006/10/16: CIA-RDP80B01495R000 0130004-5 A T - ~1, E- TE L USE L.? IASEC -M -7 /Annex SECRETARY'S NOTE: The DD/P and DD/S&T subsequently telephonically stated that they interposed no objection to the release of the Forrestal Diaries. On Z9 February 1972 the membership of the Security Committee approved release of the Diaries, whereupon the SIGINT Secretariat was so notified by the Secretary. Tv T- TF . ,q 4 "f 11, f~' r A~:!PreealsMO iii~ ~C C-?~~ i' tera~~'. SSE Approved Fo1 IA-RDP80B01495R000200130004-5