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Document Creation Date: 
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 16, 2006
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Publication Date: 
January 1, 1972
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01495R000200110044-3.pdf160.89 KB
0. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGEN `NOTICE FQR: All Approved For Release 2006/10/1 SUBJECT Guidance on Implementation of Executive Order 11652 . _ 1. The purpose of this notice is to furnish guidance in the . classification and marking of Q documents and material in. , accordance with the requirements of Executive Order 11652 2. Thel Control System, continues in effect without reissuance or reapproval. 3. The DCI exempts from the General Declassification Schedule of Executive Order 11652, all levels of classified information within the purview of the Control System, 4. In accordance with the above and in compliance with Executive Order 11652: rY (a) All documents or material whether in governmental or industrial sphere will be marked on the first page: SCHEDULE OF EXECUTIVE ORDER 11652. EXEMPTION CATEGORY (? 5 B (1),M(D, (3 ), or .L4)J AUTOMATI LASSIFIED ON APPRO_V'A (effective date or event,' if any) 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/10,~14~ 1 \-RDP80B01495R000200110044- ';p;-~~ CLASSIFIED BY T1t TT1T !T'1fT1 T1Yl /1T A' /'~T1TTT'1T A T -11 T A f+~ TT'1T A MT/1TT 3of/2 "5337-72 p -of /O Approved For Release 2006/10/16: CIA-RDP80B01495R000200110044-3 5337-72 Page 2 If the Curr en !i b r+ Yri'f=drriiation-or or_r.etliods, khte- follo n asking shall be placed material elating to-sdnsitiv-e- t-li gerrce, soux__C .Q atr the bottom o he fir age: "WAR TG NOTICE SENSITIVE Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions Special Access or, Billet Approval, Form 25X1 () If the document or material is to be furnished to persons outside the E~ecutive Branch of the Govern ment, -th6 following marking will be placed at the bottom of the first page: "NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION" markings unless the title of the document is shown 2018a, Security Access Approval, Form 2018b, cover sheets and briefing and debriefing statements will bear the markings -in., paragraph 4 (a) above on the bottom of the page in place of the old Group I stamp, 4 Document receipts do not require the new and it contains substantive information. 25X1, (f)' 1 messages sent J4 II in either hannels will bear Gt.Q eAe the following abbreviation at the end 'of the 25X1 INTE ..,IGE SOURCES AND 5. These guides apply ~o all forms of hard-copy computer output material or'information. `It is the responsibility of computer Approved For Release 2006/10-,I;C~; h+4~RDP80B01495R0O0200110044-3 Approved For Release 2006/10/16: CIA-RDP80B01495R000200110044-3 users to insure that these instructions are followed with res ect to the classification and marking or computer output, classified and marked before being removed from the premises. computer components will institute appropriate procedures to insure that such output produced in their centers are properly 6. ? Additional guidance will be provided as the need becomes apparent. Approved For Release 2006/10715' C14RDP80BO1495R000200110044-3