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DDI Notice DDI N 50-66
No. 50-66 17 June 1974
Rescission: DDI N 50-59, 22 May 1970
1. The Coordinator for Academic Relations is the DDI's principal
advisor on academic affairs and is specifically charged with the
development and active coordination of the Directorate's overall
relations with the academic community. His general objectives are to
broaden and to improve relations between the Agency and appropriate
elements of the academic community. He will seek to further communi-
cations and mutual professional respect between members of the
intelligence and the academic communities, to devise ways to attract
qualified professional-level people from the academic community to
careers in intelligence, to facilitate academic, research on subjects
of possible interest to intelligence, and, in general, to improve
attitudes among academics toward the Agency.
2. The coordination and advisory functions of the Coordinator
for Academic Relations include:
a. developing a diversified series of Agency-
Academic seminars on substantive questions both at
Headquarters and in the field;
b. developing new programs for the interchange of
ideas between members of the intelligence and the
academic communities and for the improvement of the
Agency's overall image;
c. facilitating the release of selected unclassified
research material to the academic community, and helping
to locate materials which should be declassified and
disseminated externally;
d. developing guidelines and procedures to
govern contacts between the Directorate and the
academic community;
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e. assisting the DDI and Directorate offices in
the selection and use of academic consultants;
f. coordinating Agency responses to specific
academic requests for Agency materials;
g. advising the DDI on requests for DDI
employees to lecture or to teach in universities;
h. maintaining liaison with non-DDI offices
that also have regular contact with the academic
3. To rationalize the Directorate's approach to relations
with the academic community and to provide those relations
guidance and order, the Coordinator will organize and chair a
DDI Academic Relations Committee. Each office of the Directorate
will nominate an Academic Relations Officer (ARO).as its repre-
sentative on the Academic Relations Committee. Nominees with
extensive and recent contact with the academic community would
be desirable. The ARO will keep track of Agency-Academic
relations in his office and assist the Coordinator for Academic
Relations in developing, monitoring and coordinating relations
between the Directorate and the academic community.
4. The ' ator will work closely with
relations program. in developing and coordinating the academic
5. Although the activities of the Coordinator will abet
the recruitment of professionals, the responsibility for hiring
remains with the operating officials of the Directorate and the
individual offices. Likewise, the actual placement of external
research contracts is outside the purview of the Coordinator,
although he should be informed of them by the contracting office.
Deputy Director for Intelligence
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15 ".,CIS R'dP80B01495ROP0200030004-6
30 September 1974
Coordinator for Academic Relations (CAR) Objectives
1. To establish in FY 1975 regular meetings with office
academic relations officers and, through this mechanism, to
coordinate and expand meaningful DDI-wide relationships with
academia--both faculties and students.
2. To carry out a program of seminars with academic
colleagues, to exchange substantive views and enhance the
reputation of CIA by building respect for the quality of DDI
analysts and their work. To effect the procedures necessary
to coordinate the seminar activities with similar programs
being conducted under NIO auspices to avoid any possible
redundancy or cross purposes.
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NO. 18-4 5 June 1972
1. The participation of DDI people in campus speak-
ing engagements is clearly beneficial to the Agency and
will continue. The purpose of this Notice is to provide
guidelines for this program.
2. Participation of DDI personnel should be in re-
sponse to requests initiated by the academic institutions
involved. DDI officers should not solicit or initiate
speaking engagements for themselves or other DDI officers.
3. Acceptance of requests for DDI speakers will
be made on a highly selective basis, having a view to
the strengths of a particular university or college,
the atmosphere on that campus, the personal knowledge
and confidence of DDI officers in the point of contact
on campus, the subject matter of the request, and the
availability of qualified DDI speakers.
4. As a general rule, DDI speakers will confine
themselves to specific topics or areas in which they have
substantive competence., App-oval to give general brief- j
ings on CIA or its relation to the intelligence community
or foreign policy formulation will be the exception rather
than the rule.
S. Requests to make campus appearances will be sub-
mitted through the Office Director or Staff Chief for
concurrence. The request should.then be submitted through
the Coordinator for Academic Relations (CAR) who will
forward recommendations and the request to the Assistant
Deputy Director for Intelligence for approval. Requests
should be routed from office chiefs to the DDI Administra-
tive Staff for preliminary staffing.
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6e In all cases, an information coi)y of the Yeauest
for approval must be provided the
and the Office of Training.
7. The optimum setting for speaking engagements
is the seminar, the class room, the faculty lounge, or
any such small and closed gathering, of scholars and stu
trading views on world affairs. As a general rule
scale gatherings open to the general public will be avoided.
8. There must be an explicit understanding between-
the DDI officer and his academic point of contact on:
-- The subject matter of the speeches
or seminar appearances to be scheduled.
The size and nature of the audience.
The fact that the speaker is not
available for ad hoc or unscheduled,
appearances witF of er classes.or
campus groups.
9. In addition, the academic point of contact must
be in a position to give CIA a reasonable prior guarantee
of minimum publicity, before and after the speaker's
aa-rnr__e..:_~ri.nace _ is a_3U.I._ s.peakerto grant
1_a_._pxess or T interview Q.r rr~akestatement to_ public
media persorineWhen and if a DDI speaker is confronted
with such a situation, he should decline politely and
seek the assistance of the academic point of contact in
explaining why public statements are not possible.
10. DDI officers speaking on campuses on substantive
issues will inevitably be asked questions about CIA and
intelligence, and may be guided as follows:
a. Questions concerning CIA activities, sources,
methods of collections or other sensitive issues
should be politely turned aside on the grounds
that the speaker is on campus as a substantive
specialist, and that he is not authorized, qualified
or prepared to answer such questions.
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b. In the case of less sensitive questions--
the general role of intelligence in U. S. foreign
policy formulation, employment opportunities
in the CIA, etc.--the speaker should state that
he did not come to the campus to speak to such
questions, but that he is willing to chat in-
formally with the questioner(s) after his
11. In those cases where a DDI speaker is granted
approval to speak on the organization of CIA and its role
in foreign policy formulation, the officer in question:
a. should be guided by prior study of CAR
files of permissible statements and rejoinders;
b. will speak on such subjects on a given
campus only if his appearance on the campus
also involves speaking on some substantive
Deputy Director for Intelligence
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~?F C) r T I) E` T I A L
Do/I NOTICE - - - r)7A T ;- o n
18-3 (Pe r ised)
I f lam- (c~:'viscaj
24 January 1973
c~ssio~. DD/1 Notice 18-3, 2 December 19701
1. Policy
Employees in the Intelligence Directorate are encouraged
to attend meetings of academic and professional organizations
which will keep them abreast of developments in their spe-
cialized fields.
Office heads are hereby delegated authority to permit
employees to attend meetings at their own, expense with
no charge to annual leave, and to approve attendance at
meetings at Government expense as staffing requirements
and' budget limitations permit.
It will be the responsibility of office heads to insure
that the DDT is made aware of attendance at academic and
professional meetings and to coordinate this attendance
with other officers as appropriate.
In approving a'teda ice at.acade^i-_a-nd professional
Guides for Approval
meetin, s-, office heads should consider the foliowin~
(c_) Location in relation _ to vra ' ile or need Tr_ ave
_r _
to meeC._nos On the "Best Coast i e: i.nsive ,4 t e
cons'1_.min_g. Some meetings are usually held in ?Ita
na.te ears in t' r.v ;es~err. and Eastern Unite-.
A one year delay in these cases will save money and
time. -'
(b) e sated attendance at annual meeting; Some
meets 05 are of value to an individual only :=e in
C 0 N I D E N T T A L
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several years. If this is the case, some other in-
dividuals should be offered the opportunity to attend.
(c) Membership. Does the individual show enough
interest to e active or to retain membership in
the society sponsoring the conierence?
(d) Benefit to the Agency and the individual as
an Agency employee.
Office heads or their designees should approve atten-
dance at professional meetings. Notification should then
be forwarded to the DDI through ODDI Admire Staff at least
four weeks prior to the scheduled meeting date. This
notice should include the following information: name,
location, duration, and cost of the meeting; name, grade,
and position of the person attending, whether he is a mem-
ber of the organization sponsoring the meeting, the last
date he attended such a meeting, and if he was sponsored
by the Agency.
Attendance at conferences of an academic nature should
be approved by office heads or their designees and forwarded
to the DDI Coordinator for Academic Relations with an in.-
formation copy to ODDI Admin Staff.
Attendance- at iriternatioi 1. conferences should be approved
by office heads or `'their .de ' v. and n m ade
in accordance wit A 25X1
cop), of this notification should be forwarded to ODDI Admin
4. Security
When an Agency employee is asked to participate as
a member of a panel or to present a paper at an academic
or pr l mAAting, he will also follow the instruc-
tionsi Unofficial Public Appearances and
C O Nl F I l) E NTI A L
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C O N F I D E N T I _~
Deputy Director for Intelligence.
C O N F I D E `: T I A L
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19 April 1972
MEMORANDUM FOR: Administrative Officer,
SUBJECT Administrative Notes No. 148
1. The ADDI has specifically requested that the
following be re-quoted from Admin Notes No. 144.
"Travel Staff Studies have been coming
in with very short deadlines. In some cases
the lead time has been so short that the
travel has had to be delayed. To facilitate
orderly processing of studies, please comply
with .a d time in accordance the with
2. OTR has advised us that because of the many dupli-
cations of presentations in the Mid-Career Course and
Advanced Intelligence Seminar, that anyone having taken
one will not be eligible to take the other until three
years have elapsed. It is particularly important to bear
this in mind when submitting nominees for Mid-Career.
3. Once again we urge you to make sure that all
parts of the biographic profile are updated prior to-
sub-mitting them to us. We would not have submitted a recent
candidate for an OTR course had the biographic profile
submitted to us been updated to indicate that he had
recently taken a similar course.
4. Hal Ford has asked that his title , Coordinator
for Academic Relations, be added to the required con-
currences when requesting approval to speak before academic
groups. Please add this concurrence line to the format
attached to Admin Notes No. 147.
In accordance withi the provisions of
(Employee Conduct) s.ou e brought to the
attention of all employees during the month of April.
Chief., Administrative Staff
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Approved For Rekeks 2:OO6/Oa'1
A --R 6P. 0B0149'5Rb0
MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant Deputy Director for
SUBJECT Request for Publication of Article,
Speak before Group, etc.
1. I request approval to publish/appear --------------
2. Any other information that may be helpful in
describing the activity, whether identification as CIA
employee will be given, etc.
Person making request
Attachment: (if applicable)
CONCURRENCES: (See F, N ~ N~' ~.-r
hector o 0-- ice 0C , D OER etc..
Director o ecurity
Assistant to the T)Z.rect01-
tsistant Deputy llireC i-or Intelligence Late
10"e.t co,-'. LY(ee'-' .~~)
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