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Document Release Date: 
October 20, 2006
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Publication Date: 
December 24, 1975
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80B01495R000100180003-2.pdf71.76 KB
Approved For Release 2006/11/01 : CIA-RDP80B01495R000100180003-2 December 24, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Meeting with Richard Kaufman, Joint Economic Committee Staff STATINTL 1. Mr. Kaufman was in the building yesterday to see I Ion matters pertaining to next year's JEC brief- ing. He asked to see me on the Soviet defense spending question. 2. Kaufman was concerned about our dollar cost com- parisons. He knows they were completed by this time last year and did not-seem wholly assured when told recently that it would be several months before we could produce the 1975 figures. 3. 1 told Kaufman that we were redoing the ruble side of the equation. He is quite familiar with that. aspect. I also reminded him that the same people who were doing ruble costing now were the ones who would normally be doing dollar 'costing and we simply could not do both at the same time. He raised the point that new defense appropriations would be going to Congress early next year and, that coincidental with the budget, he anticipated the release of dollar cost figures by DoD. I told him that if DoD did that they would have done their own costing because we were not doing it for them now for the very reasons I had mentioned. I tried to make the point quite clear we were not playing games with the Com- mittee but were sincerely trying to do the very best we could on a situation already complicated enough and now compounded with new information. I told him we were very much aware of the Committee's interest and when we had finished dollar cost- ing he would be among the very first to know. 4. Kaufman too?K all of this in good grace and I think he believes us. At any rate, there were no threats to re- sort to Proxmire letters in an effort to obtain something we do not have. Approved For Release 2006/11/01: CIA-RDP80B01495R000100180003-2 Approved For Releas - 5R00010018000. 5. Kaufman wants to build a Committee data base on both the military and civil side of the economy and with regard to the latter asked if he could see such things as OER's analysis of the Soviet five-year plan. He will be out next week to talk about China with nd I will let him read the five-year plan analysis at at time. DISTRIBUTION: VD I ` AD/OSR D/OER OLC attn:~ CSO Chron STAT Approved For Release 2006/11/01 CIA-RDP80B01495R000100180003-2