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Document Release Date: 
October 16, 2006
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Publication Date: 
May 22, 1969
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Approved For Release 2006/10/16: CIA-RDP80B01495R000100140021-6 lwv~ "A" Conversation between Mr. Maury and Carl Marcy, Senate Foreign Relations Staff 22 May 1969 Mr. Maury: We appreciate your sending this draft and want to be helpful but we have problems with it. We have read it carefully and as you know all the Director's testimony before any committee has been in executive session and on a Top Secret level. Mr. Marcy: That is right. Mr. Maury: It is obvious that the main theme of this draft is derived from the Director's testimony. Mr. Marcy: That is right. Mr. Maury: We do not see how this can be revised in a manner suitable for publication. Therefore, I'm afraid we cannot be responsive on this request. Mr. Marcy: So what you are saying is that the Dulles quotation is true, that ?1 P1/CDF Pages 1 _ one is able to read into this material what they want, depending on their prejudices. It does amount to a selective declassification and I don't lmo-m what we can do up here. There are two questions, as to the sources. One on which the information is based and the other the source as far as the Chairman is concerned. He would make a statement like this. We of course would not do anythin? that would compromise your sources and do not want to do anything that would hurt you with our domestic institutions. The Chairman would not want to be a party to that. I am not asking whether we can say priovately that you have information to give us or that Approved lIe{Yf~}.rnY--'~90~014U(2~1?-rse it would '' 711P Approved For Release 2006/1 0'd$ : E"'DP80B01495R000100140021-6 be read into it and that could cause trouble. Fulbright has already said he is going to assert flatly on his own that some of these things are not as Laird has stated. Mr. Maury: Our concern, our primary concern, is the protection of what are in fact quite sensitive intelligence sources and methods. You know what they are and what it would cost us. . Mr. Marcy: That is number 1. Mr. Maury: That is the basis for our position. It would jeopardize our sources. Mr. Marcy: You feel a statement like that would jeopardize your sources ? Mr. Maury: Yes indeed it would. I have spent some years in Soviet field and this would be most helpful to them. We see your problem and are sympathetic but this is our life's blood and we cannot be a party to putting this in the public purview. Mr. Marcy: That is what I hoped you wouldn't say but that is why we sent the draft to you. Mr. Maury: I notice that there is no classification on the paper. I would hope that until you resolve this problem you would handle it on a TS basis. Mr. Marcy: Yes, we are -- we have not shown it to anyone, not even to the boss yet. We have talked over the possiblity of using this as a technique. I will send it to him with a report of your comments and I am sure he will react -- he will probably want to talk with the Director. I will tell him I have just talked to you Mr. Maury: I am sure the Director will be happy to talk with the Chairman about this. ~r Approved For Release 2006/10/16: CIA-RDP80B01495R000100140021-6 Approved For Rele Q006/10/16: CIA-RDP80BO1495R000100140021-6 ^ UNCLASSIFIED ^E ONLY ^ COf )ENTIAL ^ SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) rift Speech: " Prejudices ntoltigence and the AIM FROM: EXTENSION NO. y~ mgt.Iati,. Counsel S TAT DATE 22 A" t IS" TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) rro% lk DATE OFFICER'S I - COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom p rC - _ RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) . w the se tiVity Of tbAC TA subject. suggest that the copy 2, the speech and my covering 390"", phi all + es irslely urritton, material be h nd d on an tax**$ Wyse basis. -- 5. 7 -- 8, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. L-- FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS ~ECRelease 3_62 EDITIONS Appr d or U'NfADI~JX%P8 IW INTERNAL nn CLASSIFIED 1405F tl011001488 1