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C Approved For Release 20J4: CIA-RDP80BO1439R000500110025-0 Santiago, Chile June 13, 1969 CONFIDENTIAL Mr. Edward L. Allen Director of Economic Research Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 Thank you very much for the copies of your recent surveys on agriculture and the economy of Chile. I am sorry that neither myself nor Sidney Weintraub, the Director of the combined AID/Embass Economic Mission, were able to bey on hand when arrived in the early part of May. It was necessary for both of us 25X1A9a to be in Washington at that time. , however 25X1A9a was able to meet with the members of the Mission and did talk at some length with John Sprott, the Chief of our Economic Section. Mr. Sprott indicated to me that his 25X1A9a discussion with convered rather thoroughly the subject and points of view of the memorandum, "The Chilean Economy: Trends Under Frei and Prospects for 1969-70. " But, and this is the important point, he feels that even after this lengthy talk there seemed to be no willingness to understand the concern of this Mission over what we then considered and still. consider to be a clear bias in the report. seemed to want to defend, 25X1A9a not to discuss or understand, and I am afraid this really served no purpose. I find this attitude difficult to accept and it causes me to question, I think unfortunately, the intelligence quality of other reports by this staff. State Dept. declassification & release instructions on file ~, 1969 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80BO1439R000500110025-0 Approved For Release2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80B01439WO0500110025-0 CONFIDENTIAL 25X1A9a in the course of his discussion with John Sprott, indicated that the answers we formed and sent up on the early draft of the "Chilean Economy... " had been rebutted with several unofficial copies floated "around" (but not to us). I have found this whole procedure of "intelligence"-- the preparation of a report that is clearly biased and tendentious, an unwillingness to listen to other points of view during its preparation, its circulation as a supposedly impartial study, an unofficial rebuttal that is bootlegged around, and then a desire only to defend and not to understand what it was we were getting at when somebody from your staff took the trouble to come all the way to Chile -- somewhat less than intelligent and somewhat less than worthy of your organization, for which I have a high regard. Sincerely, Edward M. Korry American Ambassador cc: INR - Thomas Hughes - Asst. Secretary of State ARA - Charles Meyer , Asst. Secretary of State ARA/BC - Fred Chapin. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80B01439R000500110025-0 ( Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80BO1439R000500110025-0 P CIA No. 595+ Y 17 April 1969 The Honorable Edward M. Korry United States Ambassador The American Embassy Santiago, Chile Dear Ambassador Korry: Knowing your personal interest in intelligence appreciations of Chile, I am enclosing copies of our two most recent surveys, IM 69-19 on agriculture, and. IM 69-53 on the economy as a, whole. our senior economic analyst on Latin America, will be in Santiago on 5, 6 and 7 May. He would appreciate an opportunity to discuss with you and your staff the basic judgments in these intelligence surveys. We hope that as a result of this exchange it may be possible to narrow the gap on our respective views of the Chilean economy. Sincerely yours, /s/ Edward L. Allen Director Economic Research Enclosures: IM 69-19 (Copy Nos. 35 and 36) IM 69-53 (Copy Nos. 19 and 20) Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80BO1439R000500110025-0