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Approved For Release 2006/07/24: CIA-RDP80B01139AQ0.0400320009-6 C 0 P Y C-+O44-1-D-E?N4-I4OL OODIB-D-IIi/3 30 October 1964 UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD COIIe1T1TEE ON DOCi -TION CODIB Support Staff: Mission and Functions Attached in the approved statement resulting from action on CODIB-D. 111/2, 27 August 1964, as reflected in CODIB-M-57, 23 October 1964, Para. 2. Charles A. Briggs Secretary C-044 -I-D- -N4-I.&--L GROCP I Bze1tt4ed from auto ratio grading and declassification prove or Release - - Approved For Release 2006/07/24: CIA-RDP80BO1139A000400320009-6 C 0 P Y CODIB-D?11I/3 30 October 1964 UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD C)IB Su ort Staff: Mission and Functions r^r ^ .^. .rrr^r^.r.rrw .^n r ^ Pursuant to NSCID No. 1, pares. 3 b (2) and 6 a (3); DCID No. 1/4; and W MB-D-394/6.- Attacb^ent, para. 3, a permanent secretariat activity for the Cc*snittee on Docunentation (CODIB) of the United States Intelligence Board (USIB) is established. This activity is designated the SIB Support Staff (CSS). 1. composition and Orgsnisation r ^rrris+r rr. The CODIB Support Staff is ccnnposed of professional intelligence offieerr, from DIA and CIA, and. of clerical support from CIA. The Staff is under the direction of a staff chief who reports to CODIB through its Chairman and Secretary. The mission of the Staff is to support CODID in promoting means by vhich the Intelligence Co minity can make optimal use of information of intelligence value, however recorded. 3. Functlow (a) To assist is the identification, definition, and specification of interagency relationsblpri vhicb affect the flow, the processing, the con- trol of substantive informa?tion and evaluated intelligence, both internal and external to IISIB member agencies. GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved For Release 2 Approved& Release 2006/07/24: CIA-RDP80B&39A000400320009-6 (b) In the ge7osral area of iata- otion processing systems to assist CODIB in problems idantifioation, in datrexudidAg feasible approaches to solving the.. probless, is speei $ aged assigning GWpropriate tusks lieeMng to problem .solution, in the acquisition, synthesis, and 8= 17814 of factual. data pertinent to problem solution, and in system design and specification respeoive to the p dblsm solution. (c) To Wowullis a fbeal point for the e~ocben?e of inforsstion vithin the Intel3.iganee ?ossamoity an the solution of infom~t ion processing probluns, including studim, research aM , cootrsats, proposed egr gnats and action, pubiicatioass smyonrs, and doe imstrations. (d) To dsae1. for CM D consideration, policies on responsibilities of Individual agency infor ation processing facilities to perform functions of common concern to the Intelligence Coe- nity. (e) To assist in administering and supporting CODIB subcooiittees, ad hoc groups or task teams which have been organized to carry out specific functions or to perform special tasks. For example, with reference to the task teams organized to implement OBIS action on the SCIPS report, it is the function of the CODIB Support Staff to assist in problem definition, design. fact gathering, analysis, planning, and pre,_' 1nainaary sys,'~hem dDay-to-day work will involve: determining essential elements of information problem boundaries, specifying tasks, planning and scheduling, forms design, instruction writing, interviewing, analysis, systems design, and report writing. The Support staff will provide the continuity not realizable by ad hoe task teams and will coordinate overlapping interests between task teams. (r`) Tb provide referral service from the SCII'S data base. (g) To assist in the monitoring of interagency agre nets in the field of CODIB's responsibilities. (h) To assist is the coo nation of selected information processing activities with foreign intelligence services involving the interchange of information which has been authorized by TiiIB. C-0-N-F-I-D..EJ..T-I.A-L Approved For Release 2006/07/24: CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320009-6