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Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 ~3EF~'~;5~ I~aT~Li,iC7~TvL~ x~G~~if:I' Zi~STfi~CTZc~~ IiQt3~iT~tLW 13?P~ItiSL IiST~LLIGi~.I~IG~ 1~G~:I~1~;Y i y~~LLZC~.~iGZ ~R~~C;I?ES~lt.f: f~vlJ~Is ~PI~~,ICATIi;~ t:t~' Ii?~'~AI,~~T'ICia I11:Ir1I~'ZC~3'I~"t i~ara~ra~'r; L,p~lica.~ility --~_____........._ I~eferonces -____?~__________-._ ~~ca~rounc~ _____w__p-,__m.o_~._.,._ Install atit~~a I~ant ificatian ~;lecnt~ (III. t g E~Ler~inat#.e~?x t1~ IIF,'s .. __.-.-s._.-,b~ect~we~s, iti ~u~ust 1'~n3. ~. !tIAI 58-7, 3t_~ r`ti}~ril 1~b5, ":standard Int~lli~,e~~ce ~.e~ortinp Farm,' as a~e~zd ~~d . DIA review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 e. a~Z ~i5-~Z~I , AIF ~ar~ :~o. 1 Tnatr~ctioua {I~atallatiozx~) , as ~arrienc~ ed . #. ~:ax~~ 65~~--~, 1~,I~ ~uz~ i~c, .~ iza~truttic~~s.~ (~,irfiel:~ :valuation}, ~s a~e~cd~~. r~T:L1. ~5-2??-3, ~I~' ~orz~ ?iU, 3 Ta~structigns {Coa~tt~ ara.~ Lt~naiza f3e~ic8a ~valvatioo) , as a~;ezadec~, l~s. ~I~~'k ~~_-:5--1 s 1 ~u~u?:t 1Qb~, "'~u~cCia:xa3 Cla~af.~icatioz~ rkan~book. i. ~lIA; ~.~--5-1 , 1:~ ~'ay l~f~f~, ::Air ~:'~rot t-~at~=ri~1 ~rc~~rau~ {~x'~P} ,~ro~iuctioa :~T 2S CIS 25 U&CI~CBtfE 2 5 CIMCPAC 25 USCI~iGSt~ 2 ~ CI[~8?klErd 2 5 el~csAC s cz.- ~, Departs~eot of State 2 SfII8~3IGC ~. DISA (Cif'/CU8t1 2 Air Uaiv+ersity (AUL3T-53-720} l CtxsmRt~aut, Aq USMC S t~AIC l Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139AOQ040032~}003-2 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 A~~`pro~;d F~I~ ~'006/03/17 :.CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 '~lf'j ~~~d~ aw~~,~ lst draft completed 13 Jul 66. It was based on lst draft of the draft-DIAR as coordinated with I?Tessrs. Olson and Alexander of AP-1 and Williamson and Hoge, ASS-6 2nd draft derived from comments by ''`r. Alexander, AP-lIt, and Nlessrs In'illiamson and Hoge, MS-6~ on 1st draft. DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGLfiICY INSTRUCTION HEADQUARTERS DEFENSE N0. 57- INTELLIGE[CE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20301 INTELLIGENCE PROCESSING EXPANDED APPLICATION OF INSTALLATION IDENTIFICATION Purpose - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Appli cability _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ References __________________ _ Background ----------------------- --_-_- Installation Identification Elements (IIE's) - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ Determination of IIE' s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scope - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Seeurity --------------------------- EffectiveDate ___________ _____________ Paragraph 1. PURPOSE: This instruction establishes the expanded applicability of cur- rent standardized installation identification elements (IIE's) to DoD intelli- gence publications heretofo re not employing such identification elements, and the administrative procedures involved. 2. APPLICABILITY: This instruction applies to the Military Departments, the Unified and Specified commands and their component commands, and to the Defense Intelligence Agency. 3. REFERENCES? a. DIA Organization and Functions rsook, as amended. b. DIAI 57-4, "Preparation and Submission of Field/AIF Requests," 25 June 1965. c. DIAM 65-2-1, AIF Form Ido. 1 Instructions (Insta]lations), as amended. d. DIAM 65-2-2, AIF Form No. 2 Instructions (Airfield Evaluation), as amended. Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 e. DIATd 65-2-3, AIF Forrn No. 3 Instructions (Coasts and Landing Beach Evaluation) , as amended. f. DIAi~I 65-3-1, "Handboob for Installa`~.on Naming and Functional Classi- fication," as amended. g. DIAM 65-5-1, "Air Target Material Progra~- (ATMP) Production :Zanage- went System," 15 May 1906. h. DIAM 65-6-1, "Air Order of Battle Data Input Instructions," 1 Novem- ber 1966. i. DoD Directive 5000.11, "Data Elements and Data Codes Standardization Program," 7 December 1901. j. DoD Instruction 5000.12, "Data Elements and Data Codes Standardization Proceduses," 27 April 1965. k. ASD (C) Menorandam for the Direc~`wr, DIA, via Chairman, JCS, "Stan- dardization of Intelligence Data Elements and Data Codes," 20 September 1965, designating DIA as ARA to develop recora,~nendations for DoD standards for tYiose data elements and data codes required in DoD intelligence data systems. 1. DIAI b5-9, "Data Elements and Data Codes Standardization Program," 21 February 1966. m. DIAI b5-b, "Automatic Data Processing Systems: DoD Standard Geopoli- tical Code," 31 march 1966. n. DIAR 55- , "I'ntelligen ce -Standards and Administrative Procedures fo r Expanded Application of Installation Identification," September 1906. 1. BA(X GROUND a. References 3. a. through h. reflect the important role of standard installation identifications in intelligence processing throughout the DoD Intelligence community as included in a series of DIA Automated Intelligence Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 File (AIF) publications, such as the Target Data Inventory (TDI), the Basic Encyclopedia {B.E.), etc., all of which are shared with the intelligence components of the Military Departiaents and the U&S commands. The intelligez ce processing system under which these installation records are produced will continue under currently prevailing pro cedures. b. References 3. i. through n. reflect a recent .trend pattern in part caused by the DoD-directed emphasis on standardization of data elements and data codes. One phase of this stnadaraization effort has focussed attention on installation identification. The reviews conducted reveal frequent dis- crepancies in identification in both manually produced and automated intelli- gence publications throughout the DoD intelligence community. In the interest of accuracy and clarity, this instruction, therefore, prescribes an expansion of the application of the DIA-established standard Installation Identification Elements (IIE's) to all DoD finished intelligence publications containing installation data. Additionally, the requirement for this expanded standard- ization is seen in the extention of the DIA-established IIE's to the USIB Intelligence Community as a whole. 5. INSTALLATION IDEN'PIFICl~TION CEMENTS IIE' s : The standard IIE' s are as follows: a. The Name of the Installation The name approved by the Board of Geographic Names (BGN) will be used for the place-name portion of the insta11at3An name. For further details of naming procedures, see DI~ti~I 65-3-1 (ref. 3. f.). b. Basic Encyclopedia: Plumber (B.E. Number, or BEND) This is the identification number for the installation. Consult DIA,~I 65-2-1 (ref. 3. c.) for procedural details of assigning this number. Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 :CIA-RDP80B01139A000400320003-2 c. The DIA Installation Category Code DIAM 65-3-1 (ref. 3. f.) is the guide for assigning category codes. A more detailed description for adaption to special requirsnents is found in the individual category summary sheets iii various DIA publications, such as the TDI and CPFL (Contingency Planning Facility List) . DIA is prepared to consider any recom-nendation for modification or amendment required to categorize the instillation in question. Such recommendations should be submitted by letter to DIA from the tIilitaryr Departments and the U&S commands. d. Geographic Coordinates of the Location of the Installation Fifteen-character geographic coordinates. Consult the DIA Point Reference Guide (DIA PC-560/1-64) for determining the point at which the location will be read within a gives type of installation. AIF Form No. 1 Instruction (ref. 3. c.) is the pride tp how to enter coordinates in an input form. The Military Departments and U&S commands will use the Field AIF (ref. 3. b.) as the vehicle for indicating coordinates to DIA. e. The DoD Countzy Code i s u.s s,:r~ t Consult DIAI 65-b (ref. 3. m.). This sarfi~e.~?feie~fl. IIE.~ in ttu~Grr,a'~~:~i n arc intelligence publications. f. Graphic Reference for Coordinates This is required only when requesting a new B.E. number from DIA through the use of the Field/AIF (DD Form 1L~95} . -~lxcc