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Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80B01139A000400190004-6
28 July 1964
Biblio raphics Task Team - II
Attached for discussion at the 6 August meeting is a draft task
statement submitted by the Team Chairman
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Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80B01139A000400190004-6
Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80B0l 139A000400190004-6
A CODIB-?D-111/10 2
F 28 July 1964
B_rtcs Task Team ?II
Statement of Task
1, Scope
The idea for this team was formed by combining two of the groups suggested
in the CODIB report to 1JSIB on the SCIPS Report (CODIB=D=82/28, 26, February
1964, page 21~. The CODIB report envisaged one group to "develop and publish a
standard item list" and another to "develop and implement standard item description
lists " These two tasks are distinctly different, although they use some common
elements of information. By the same token some of these elements are common
also to other task teams- content control., foreign publications, and also installations
description. The differences between the two parts of the "bibliographies" task team
are in many respects as great or greater than the differences between that task team
and others. Thus the "Item list" is an inventory and standard identification of
publications of all kinds of use in intelligence work. The emphasis is on
identification, being able on a continuing basis;; to call a given series by the same
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czaa >; a'r sari in all processing anani2 attons using tha : item %""4e purpose
of ark, or% item description lists, on the other band, I,% U. standnl xliz.- header
star eats 'those describing the document as opposed to its contentsl , Both #-cCa cepts
are !,Iosely reiated;,, of course, sine both have to do with icentilici. on of Jtemi
nth r tha?a content, and both speak. to the p' ,ohlen- of er+ ;s. ,sys; era correlation.
How?:ver, the product of each ei'cortvF tuld bt dffle.rente In the case of an ite::: hst9
Ws 1a?ouid be an updated identification list avs:ilaabie to all which woidd faciliitate
cr;r s--system sommuotcatton about the e,dstence and pro ;ie; sind: of the same
do,:.x:meats in different systems.. Such a Iisi,would need to be a ~;oiutxntly updated
tool requiring a standardfa;i authority and a ccnlrod. publishing pciaf , Standardizing
iterr description lists, on the other band, would not result. in such a list (al.thou r .
if all systems standardized thef r header data,: they would of cou;.tas b? better able
to produce input to such a list and thus regaire less centralized reso.ution to
proc.ruce the list). Instead, the Immediate product, would be staadard3 for header
f 1ormation which might or might meat. be accepted in all vomponc-:nt systems of tree
Logically, it might seem best's andardize ail a.ment uescrrption elements
for the entire commwUty, and then devise a system for rjiporting certain of these
e1on?ents to a central poia for mairter nce of an inventory or Item l: st. This
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Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80BOl 139AO00400190004-6
would, i-i the present circumstances, be impractical, especially if we were forced
to wait for general acceptance and use of such a standard for document description
before producing an item list Further, the gains from an item list can be realized
by concentrating on only a very small number of document description elements,
which could be more easily standardized, at least for an inventory, than the total
11 at of elements. For instance, perhaps all that is needed to begin a fruitful cross-
talk between systems is an inventory containing category, series title? originator,
classification and some kind of unique item number. Since most if not all local
systems already control title, originator and classification (although title and
orig naUor vary so much that at present it is extremely difficult to cross-correlate
between systems, all that would be necessary is the provision of a unique number
which would tie together items called by different names in different systems
a3d/or different levels of source or originators.
It is therefore apparent that the "item list" might precede the final acceptance
o~ ataa.drrdizad complete document description elements by many of the community
V systemise. Further, introduction of such an item list into the community would,
ii' an update system were devised, enable the kind of cross-talk which would in turn
facilitsit. acceptance of further standards on other descriptive elements.
It is proposed, therefore, that this task team, now charged with both jobs,
tackle them one at a time, starting with the "item list. The following task
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statement, therefore, will deal with the "item list', and within that task, only
with the first phase of the work. On this latter point, it should be pointed out
that the CODIB report on SCIPS (cited above) defines the task as follows: "develop
and publish a standard item list." It is felt that the first task is to define the scope
and develop a plan for such an item list. This task can be accomplished by ad hoc
task team methods plus tasking the departments and agencies with some fact--
gathering homework. The actual preparation and updating of the item list itself,
however, may require some mechanism with a greater measure of continuity and
centralized direction, and possibly EDP support.
The following task statement, therefore, refers only to the "item list" and
within that, only to the first, or planning phase:
II . Item Control Task Statement (First Phase)
A. Ob fictive
To develop a plan whereby an inventory and standard identification of
publications, document series, and other processing items of substantive intelligence
can be developed and maintained
B. Initial Problem Parameters
1. Scope
a. Items containing or directly concerned with information on foreign
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b o All subjects and areas
c o All sources and classification
d. All forms and degrees of processing
2. Characteristics
a. Dynamic reporting and update system
b. Roth periodic reference lists and ad hoc query response
c o May or may not maintain samples
3. Constraints
a. Must service entire Intelligence Community
b. Must consider local item control objectives
c o Is not intended to provide content control or document retrieval
C, Initial Tasks
1. Review and summarize present item identification systems and
Will require review of SLIPS data base and some departmental
2. Identify common elements of item identification systems.
Establish categories of items useful for community identification
4. Obtain rough estimate of volumes by major categories.
Will require some departmental homework.
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Approved For Release 2006/07/25: CIA-RDP80B0l 139A000400190004-6
5 Id.:fy control points In the community where item control is or
9!i~-, =1d be established.
Will require review of SCIPS data base, departmental
homework, and coordination with Content Control Code Task Team.
6. I:21x, op gross alternative plans for an Item register.
7. .. - 'aye additional tasks required to accomplish objectives of
I (Item List) and Part 11 (standardization of elements)
8. Mak initial report to CODIB approximately 3 months after task
teary members are designated and available.
Da Resources Required
This task involves the following types of work: team discussion of goals,
plans, etc. ;pla.ntng and scheduling of homework tasks; departmental homework;
analysis of re u35s of that homework; resolution of differences and preparation of
alternative plans for implementation. Three types of resources will be used. the
Task Team as a group, the Individual team members, and the CODIB Support Staff.
Their genera] task will be as follows:
1. Task Team as a group: setting goals, determining schedules and
deadlines, discussion and resolution of problems identified by staff
work, monitoring all work connected with the initial tasks (#1?S above)
2. Individual Team Members: obtaining the information required from
departmental components.
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C-0-N-F-1-D- E-N-T-I-A-L
3. CODIB Support Staff: work at various times in the SCIPS data base;
Identifying common elements of the item identification system after
departmental homework is done (task 2); establishment of alternative
categories of items useful for community identification systems
(task #3) for decision by the group; helping idividual members to
obtain gross volume figures (task #4) and pulling these figures together;
use of the SCIPS data base and members' information to identify
alternative control points for item control for decision and resolution
by the group (task #5); preliminary staff work to identify and present
gross alternative plans for an item register for consideration by
the group (task #6); staff work in initial drafting of additional tasks
required to accomplish objectives. again for group decision (task #7).
Since departmental homework is required as well as group work, it is felt
that the job can best be done by the Task Team with the assistance of the full time
members of the CODIB Support Staff in the work outlined above. This is particularly
important since the overall task of this phase of the team's mission is to prepare
gross alternative plans for an operational sYstem. This would be very difficult to
accomplish without some full-time assistance and continuity. However. planning and
direction will be in the hands of the Task Team. whose members will in addition
assist In arranging for the departmental homework.
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Membership of the Task Team will require clearances above Secret,
and members should be assigned from or have ready access to and knowledge of
the publications control focal points in each department: CIA, DIA, State, NSA,
Army, Navy, Air Force and NPIC. CIA will appoint a member in addition to
the Chairman to free the latter for planning, coordinating and cooperation with
the CODIB Support Staff. With the active support of the CODIB Support Staff.,
members of the Task Team will spend about one day a week equivalent in addition
to arranging for obtaining departmental homework.
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