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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 USAREUR CENTRAL REGISTRY(PROV) 513th INTELLIGENCE CORPS GROUP APO 154 ' US FORCES AEUMO,CR(FR) ANNEX A TO USAREUR CENTRAL REGISTRY STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES UUMBE2:1 (U) (SHORT TITLE cR-spp-gu)) ? MICROFILM LIBRARY 30 July 1962 1. RESPONSIBILITIES OF LIBRARIAN: a. The.Microfilm Librarian works in close conjunction with the filming unit and receives filmed dossier numbers for indexing on 5 x 8 cards. When developed film comes into the Lnrary unit, labels are made from the Camera Operator'a Certificates' which are then filed in "books". Film is checked and filed in the labeled boxes for use. In the changeover to 5 x 8 cards, the Microfilm Librarian will backtrack and Pick up areas that have not been previously logged, as well 4s any new information received. b. Dossier Reproduction Requests are channelled to the Library. They are processed through to the Photo Lab and picked up for screening . and eventual return to requestor. 0. The daily care of keeping the Reading Room and viewers tidy is also controlled by the Microfilm Librarian, as well aa the cabinets the Microfilm is stOred in. The maintenance of film boxes includes the ?hang- ingot' labels when frequent use has made them illegible and washing the film when it becomes blurred. Records are maintained at the end of the day of all microfilm used as well as reproduction requesta processed and 5 x 8 cards procPssed. OFFiCIAL USI; ONLY filaTPY h MA nn Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Ams0 NOV AEUMO-CR(FR) 30 July-1962 SUBJECT: ?Microfilm Library. ? 2. CONTROL OF MICROFILMt a. Control of classified- and unclassified - material Contained in the microfilm library is initiated when a new reel of film enters the library. Each individual reel of film is accompanied by a Camera Operator's Certificate which iscertified at the exact time of the filming by the "camera operator. . The certificate shows the first and last dossier numbers and corresponding subject and also three flash points in the reel. Notations are indicated as to repair work done on the reel of film. From this certificate a label is rade for the reel's container. .The label shows what the first and last dossiers are, the three flash points, the date, and security classification. After the reel of film has been placed in its box, it is recorded on the inventory list. The corresponding Camera Operator's Certificate is filed in the exact same order as the film is filed', that is, alphabetically by dossier prefixes and then numerically by dossier numbero b. Between the hours of 0800 to 1200 and 1300 to 1700 the Library is never unattended. Either the Civilian or ?Che military librarian is always present. The Library is secured between the hours 1200 to 1300, 'and from 1700 to 0800 hours. c. It is possiblefer properly cleared individuals with a "need . to knOW,k to remove film from the Library during the working day but there are definite controlling devices which are employed. The librarian fills . .out a single copy of DA For 1203 with the reel and dossier numbers of the indiVidual reel required. The requestor then signs the DA Form 1203 which t - ANNEX "A" TO CE-SOP...1(1) rr'N r- r. 0.R.1 k, _ _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B0_1139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 AMMO-CR wF30 July 1962 SUBJCT: Microfilm Library. is maintained by the Librarian until the film is returned, at which time the film is filed in its proper place and the DA Form 1203 is returned to the requestor. d. Film which leaves the Library to be reproduced in the 66th INTO Group Photo Lsb is signed out on a DA Form 1203 and also is logged out in a separate suspense file thereby maintaining a-double check, e. Sensitive film is stored in the USAREURentral Registry TOP SECRET, SECRET, and SENSITIVE CONTROL OFFICE. This film is retrieve - able only by the authorized persons designated by the original designator. f. When an interested person is authorized to have access to a specific reel he signs for the reel on a DA Form 1203,, An empty box is main- tained in the microfilm library which contains all identifying data and the location of the sensitive reel. g. The film is stored nightly by the Librarian so as to insure its being filed in its proper order. This is also another means by which the Librarian each day checks to see if any film is missing. If there are any missing reels, the military supervisor is notified immediately. h. Every six months a complete inventory is taken to insure that each reel is present or accounted for. BUFORD E. McCHAREN JR Major, Al (Inf) Commanding FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ANNEX A TO OR-SCP-1(U) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Noir USAREUR CENTRAL REIGISTRY(PROV) '513th ITELLIGECICE CORPS GROUP APO 154 US FORCES ADIL'EO-CR(FR) ANNEX "B" TO USAREJR CENTRAL REGISTRY STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES NUMBER i (11) - (SHORT TITLE CR-SOP-.1 (U)) 30 July 1962 MARRIAGE PROCESING The following is a Standard Operational Procedure governing the receipt, processing and disposition of Marriage Applications by USAREUR Central Registry in accordance with the provisions contained in USAREUR Circular 608-30, dated 6 May 1962' as changed, with Annex "A" thereto. 1. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: (by USAREUR Circular 608-30, as changed) a. AE Form 415, Request for Central Registry Check, in duplicate. b. AE Form '2505, Alien Personal History Statement, or AE. Form 3132, Marriage and Visa Questionnaire, single copy. c. AE Form 5306, Request for information from the Penal Register (Strafregister) single copy. 2. SCREENING MOWING REQUESTS: In order to insure that information contained on AE Form 415 is sufficient; to condlIct a file search, the following items will be cbecR:ed. - a. Last flare; first name; middle name or initials; maiden name ..and any aliases. (Cheek against similar data on other inolosures) b. Exact date and niece of birth. (Check against similar data on other inclosures) c.? FULL mare grade, service number and organization of the Aervice member to whom married; is proposed. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYATMEX "B" TO CR-SOP-1(U) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 30 July 1962 AEUNO-CR(FR) SUBJECT: Marriage Processing 3. CARDING OF REQUEST BY MARRIAGE DESK: Upon receipt of an appli- cation, a 3 x 5 card will be prepared for inclusion in the "Active" file to contain the following data: a. Fn.11 name of alien fiancee,-to include maiden name and/or aliases. b. Exact date and place of birth. c. Date received, screened and forwarded to GPI or rejected; whichever is appropriate. 4. REJECTION OF REQUESTS: Application which fails to meet the oLiteria for processing when screened as outlined in paragraph two (2) above will. be returned to requestor for corrective action. In connection with the rejection of an application, the marriage clerk must take the following action: a. Annotate the upper right corner of the original AE Form - 415 with the appropriate numerical reject code number (See Appendix 1). b. Prepare a, card on the alien fiancee as indicated in para- graph 5 above and file it in the "Active" file. c. Give the entire application, together with all inclosUres, to the typist for return to the requestor. 5. ? PROCESSING ACCEPTED APPLTCATTINS PRICR TC FILE SEARCH: When the application has been screened and is determined to have met the criteria established for processing, the following action must be taken: a. eriginal copy of the AE Form 415 is withdrawn; narked with a large green "X" and "0" to facilitate file search. process; stamped in the ANNEX "B" TO Ch-SOP-1(U) FOR OFFICIAL W:r2. ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 AEUTX-CR(ER) ? NEP 30 July 1962 SUBJECT: Marriage ocessing upper left corner with the date of receipt and given to the typist for carding as specified indparagraph 3 above. b. The remainder of the application is stapled together and filed in the alphabetical "Suspense" file. c. After the original AB Form 415 has been carded, it is hand carried to the Central Personality Index for file searching. 6. PROCESSING APPLICATION AFTER FILE SEARCH: Upon return of the AE Form 415 from CPI, processing action as indicated 'below must be taken: a. Withdraw the suspense copy of applicatioa from the alpha- betical file and attach the AE Form 415. b. When the result of the file search is No Record" or "Nothing Derogatory", indicate same and ipitial the upper right corner of the AE Form 415- 0. When the file search result indicates research is required, place the entire applidation in the "Hold" file for subsequent research and preparation of a summary of information. d. IT SHOULD BE,NOTBD THAT IN ANY CASE WUERT THE FILE SEARCH DISCLOSES ADVERSE INFORMATION OF A LOYALTY NATURE, THE MIRE APPLICATION IS TO BE FORWARDED TC PSI BRANCH, SECURITY BATTALION, Hei 5i)TH INTO GROUP, FOR FINAL ACTION AND DISPOSITION. . e. When action?indicated in 6a through c abDve has been completed, the card pertinent to the application must be pulled from the "Active" file, annotated with the final re4u1ts and date completed, then 'refiled in the 'Completed file. ANNE( "B" TO CR-SOP-1(U) FOR OFFICi.j. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 AEUMO-QR(FR) 4low "Igo% July 1962 SUBJECT: Marriage Processing f. When all action specified above has been completed, the appli- cation is. given .to the typist for retorn to the requestw. 7. FINAL ACTION ?MCR Ti, RETUR4 OF APPLICATIN TO THE REOPESTOR: After processing action has been completed, the typist will prepare the documents for final disposition in aocordanoe with the procedures outlined below: a. The documents contained in the application will be separated. into two categories as indicated: (1) Group I: consists of the original AE Form 415; one copy of the AE Form 2505 or .1.52; English translation of record of convic- tions contained on the strafregister, if applicable and a duplicate copy of our letter of transmittal. (2) Group II: consists of the duplicate copy of AE Form 415 if available; strafregister; original plus one copy of our letter of transmittal and any other inclosures accompanying the application other than those specified on Group I above. b. Documents indicated in Group I above for which the file search indicated No Record or Nothing Derogatory will be stapled together, starTed, "Card and Destroy" and forwarded to the Carding Section. c. Group I documents for which the file search disclosed infor- nation of an adverse suitability nature will be stapled together, stamped "Card and File in HE 500 477" and forwarded to the CErding Section in biocks of 100. d. All documents indicated in Group II above will be returned ANNEX "B" TO CR-SOP-1(U) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 AILWW-URVH) ___July 1962 ? SUBJECT:. Marriage P?rtessing to the requestor under the letter of transmittal which informs the requester of the file search result. e. THE ONLY EXCEPTICN TO THE ABOVE MENTICNED RULES FOR DISPOSI- TION OF THE APPLICATRNS IS IN THE CASE WHERE FILE SEARCH DISCLOSED ADVERSE INFORPATION OF A LOYALTY NATURE. IN THIS EVENT, THE ENTIRE APPLICATICN IS FORwARDEM DIRECTLY TO THE PSI BRANCH, SECURITY BATTALION, 515TH INTO GROUP, FOR APPROPRIATE ACTIfN AND DISPOSITION. A. ACTION TAXEN BY THE CARDING SECTION: Upon receipt of the documents specified in Group I above, the.Carding Section will take appropriate action as indicated below: a. When the documents are received with the stamp "CARD AND DESTROY", the allan fiancee will be carded to include identification of the service member by utiiif4 the "Co-Subject" type information card shown in APPENDIX 5. After carding action is completed, the documents are destroyed. b. When the documents received are stamped "CARD AND FILE IN HE 500 477u, both the alien fiancee and ?the service member will be carded utilizing te Reference Dossier type card with an American Screening Reference Number shown in APPENDIX 5. The documents are then filed under the reference number in HE 500 477. 9. TELEPHONIC INJUIRIFS CONCER7TNG STATUS CF APPLICATION: Upon receipt of a telephonic request concerning the status Cf a particular application, the marriage clerk may check the "Active" and/or "Completed" files and inform the person calling of the current status of the application. ANNEX "B" TO CR-SOP-I(U) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Inv AEUMG=CR(FR) 50 July 1962 SUBJECT: Marriage Processing HOWEVER, ONLY THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF INFORMATICN MAY BE DISCLOSED CVER THE TELEPHCNE: a. Action completed by this office on (DATE and .tie application has been returned to your unit. b. Request was received at this office on LI1 and is currently beinel. processed. It will be returned to your unit as soon as the necessary action is completed. c. Request was received at this office on 1pATE) and was rejected fnr failure to meet the established criteria for processing. d. Request was received at this office on(2ATE) and has been forwarded to another section for additional action. The request should be returned to your unit in approximately (allow 60 days trom date forwarded to PSI Section) days. BUFORD E. MoCHAREff JR Major, Al (Inf) Commanding AUNEX "B" TO CR-SOP-1(u) Fci)FFiCL " ? 1,z ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 uortn.Lun CiALLUUirmuluntxvituv NOW 515TH INTELLIGENCE CORPS GROUPwv APO 154 US FORCES O.-CR(FR) 50 July 1962 APPENDIX I TO ANNEX "B" TO USAREUR CENTRAL REGISTRY ? STAIMING OPERATING PROCEDURES NUMBER 1 (j) (SHORT TITLE CR-SOP-1(U) AE Form 4i5: a. FulJ ?name, grade, service number, and organization of service member to be entered in item 13, AE Fora 415. b. Clarification cf alien fiancee's correct nme, to include maiden name and/or aliases if applicable. Entries recorded on AE Form 415 conflict with data or other inclosures to the application. c. Clarification of adien fiancee's date and placeof birth. Entries on AE Form 415 lonflict with data on other inclosures to the application. d. AE Form-415 (Request forCentral Registry Check) be prepared and submitted in duplicate. Subject form should be checked for accuracy and signed by the personnel officer concerned. BUFCRD E. MoCHAREN JR Major, Al (Inf) Commanding APP I TO ANNEX "B" TO CR-SOP-1(U) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 :Jax.;.zuz.1 "4115th I7TEILIGE10E CORI'S OROUP A720 154 US FflRCES AETJ1TC-C1'.(F11) 30 July 1')o2 APPENDIX 2 Tc ANOEK "C" Ti USAREUR CENTRAL IVGISTRY STADDIC CWERATING FR(CEDURES NAZBER 1 (U) (bKET TJTLE CR-S0-1(o)) l'orlTs TO BE RY'BET,..ED AND STY1JORITI1TG CUIDE OR SOT'S 1. In providing an answer to the requeetor, all the basic principles of good report writing nalst be adhered to at all times. A Summary of Information which does not provide answers to the basic questions, WHO, WITAT, WIrgl and HCV, i NOT a good SCI. 2. :ten information in our files des not answer these questions, suitable annotations in the SCI, sAch as "not further clarified", date and place not indicatedl "reason not :indicated", will be utilized by the analyst. 3. Where elements of the identifying data disagree, but the SUBJECT is positively idenified, such differences will be underlined to indicate this situation to the :requester. Example: If the requester asks for a CR check on a Jorres E. Johanson, born 15 June 1952 in STUTTGART, Ciermany..aniour inforM'atiOn shows James E. Johnson, other identifying data identical, the -nave Johvon will be underlined to call attention to the difference in avilinF. The addition of "Luta" names of any other information which adds to, or is different fr,r.n the basic request will also be underiined. :Remember that ';his &miles OTTIN to positive identifi.cation. Where only one letter of a neme or one number of n se-ies appears different from the basic request, the 143VT7F none or number series that is in disar;reel'ent will be underlined. APP 2 TO ANNEX. "C" Tc CR-SOp-i(u) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 DeciVilViWpprovedForRelease2012/10/11:CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 SUBJECT: The Summary,t Information (SCI) Noe 4. CLASSIFICATTC,A A1,7) GROUP YART.:iGS: Appropriate security class 11 - tion will be'indicated on draft elmmaries in accordance with the provisie(1, of All 3'00-5 and proper fj,,-roun category in accordance with provision of .AR ;*0- C., Classification will be based sole1.7., upon the content of the summary. 5. cooi"DilcArpi: If informati-m on file appears to be of current intelligence interest or sicnificant past operational interest to USI, the matter of releasing that information to the requesting agency must be coordinated with the appropriate unit concerned. If the need for coordination in clearly evident, the analyst will take necessary action to effect the coordination. In questionable cases, the Cfficer or NCO supervisor will be consulted. Where coordinatien is effected, a memorandum for record will be placed on the draft of the summarY of information, indicating contact for coordination and initials of person consulted will be obtained on the file copy of basic request. PERTINFflT IN-FORMATION: Analyst must review each request to ascer- tain nature of request and re-son for same. Replies to intelligence agencies will reflect all available 'information; whereas, other requests, by, their ? very nature Fay require only a review and summary of information on. derog- atory or other Pertinent informaticn. BUFCRD F. TreCHARFN JR Major, AT (Inf) Commanding APP 1 TO AffilEX. "C" TO CR-S0P-10) FOP OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 ,..0513TH INTELLIGENCE CORPS GROUP.' MO 154 US FnCES AEUMO-CR(FR) APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX "a" TO USARUTR CENTRAL REGISTRY STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES NUMBER 1 (U) (SHrRT TITLE CR-SOP-1(U)) 50 July 1962 THE SUMARY OF INFCRATICN (SCI) Reference tta..-2 1. PURPOSE AWD USE: The SOI, DA Form 568, is employed to present a concise history or summary of information available concerning an individual, organization, or an occurrence. It is a simple, brief narrative which is sufficiently detailed to enable a reader unfamiliar with the matter covered by the summary to understand what is contained therein without reference to other documents or, records. 2. PREPARATION: The Research Analyst will review the dossier . thoroughly, extracting all information pertinent to the subject of the request ( and prepare 's, draft in the fort of a narrative summary. If the only informs,- tion on file is that. reflected on a CPI card, it will also be presented in narrative form. - 3. EVALUATIMS: Evaluations for inf Tmation recorded in the sumary vil,1 be the same as those reflected n the d-ssier(s) or the-CPT card. If no evaluation is recorded, and cannot be determined by the source or the content, then such will be rfiected in the sJmmary by a parerthetical refer- ence (Unovalnated). Where information has been extract;c r T more portions of a dossier(s) and it bears different evaluat:it. wiJI be placed at the end of each portion of reported information. notation APP J. TO AN*;1, "C" PC. CRLSOP-1(C) CAZ OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 'tor' vior AEUMO-CR(FR) 30 July 1962 SUBJECT: The Intelligence Desk information falling into one of the following categories will be forwarded to DCSI, ATTN: AEAGB-S(DS) for approval of the release. (1) Tel' SECRET information. (2) Information regarding US Nationals wlich would be likely to be harmful, derogatory, or prejudicial to the Interest of the United States. (5) US relations with a thi.rd nation. (4) Information regardirm- personnel of operational interest to USI. (5) Information which sould cause embarassment to USAREUR, the US Army or US Government. 6. (U) bETTER REQUESTS: Letter requests usually contain more back- ground- information on subject and In generalwill specify the area around which the reply should be based. These are treated on a, first priority basis. 7. (U) MISCELLANEOUS INFORYATION: Summaries of Information will conform to AR 581-150 as defined in appendix 1. Special attention should be given to the writing style used for these reports as indicated in appendix 2. Analyst will insure rough drafts, of which an example is attached as appendix 5, are clear, concise and complete. Final DA Form 566 attached as appendix 4 will follow the instruction outlined in the Correspondence Mennal, AR 540-15. 13(311j'1D E. 1,7eCHAREN JR Major, AI(Inf) Crmmanding ANNEX "C" TO CR-SOP-1(U) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 AEUMO-CR(FR) 30 July 1962 SUBJECT: The Intelligence Desk 5, (C) NORMAL REQUESTS: a. Requests received from JIC units, such. , as SITTTGART, BERLIN, etc., will be handled by the Intelligence Desk. Due to the nature of the work of the JIC units (debriefing of refugees) it is necessary to report only the date and place of prior screening, report number, knowledgeability, and any intelligence activity on the part of the. Subject of the request. The requesting agencies are not interested in information concerning persons who are not positively identified. In the event that the files do not contain complete_ identifying data, a NEGATIVE reply will be returned. b. Requests for information from French Agencies falling within the following categories will be accepted but the results of the CR check will be furnishedto DCSI, MN: AEAGB-S(DS) for determination concerning the releasability of: or foreign. Information classified higher than SECRET. Information regarding US Nationals. Classified information emanating from a third agency, US (4) Information regarding personnel of operational interest to USI (5) Information which would cause embarrase-ent to USAREUR, - the flS Army or US (overnment. c. .Eennests from British intelligence Service vhich result in ANNEX "C" TC. CR-SOF-I(u) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 O-CR(FR) Wi tily 1962 ? gUBJECT1 The Intelligence Desk (Ti) SCOPE: A more direct and complete reply may be -aide to an intelligence agency on many aspects of intelligence operations including our methods of gaining information. For example, if CIS coverage was instituted, a statement-co that effect would be of interest to the requestor. Intelli- gence agencies are interested in receiving both derogatory and non-derogatory information on individuals of interest to them. The research involved in processing intelligence requests will require in many instances searching through voluminous, unclear, and confusing dossiers, necessitating a continuing effort to render a concise, accurate and oom?rehensive summary of information. In these instances, quantity .must be sacrificed for quality. NO detail can be overlooked, no stone unturned to furnish the requestor with all available information in our ,files. 4. (j) SPECIAL CONSIDERATTnNS:., In general, all requests from any intelligence -agency must be inspected closely since they are often used by allied intelligence agencies as a liaison channel for submitting requests for information to this headquarters. . Many times we will have on file that Information contained on BEA, JOIC, and DRC reports. ?This information is not reported to DAD, as they are the , disseminating agency for these reports, and they have them on file. It is only necessary to report that we have no additional information, if the files so warrant. AANEX "C" TO CR-SOP-1(U) FOR OFFICIAL CL-Y: ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 AL71:10-CR(FR) Norie *16 July 1.962 SUBJECT: The Intelligence Desk 5- (11) SCOPE: A more direct and complete reply may be 'lade to an intelligence agency on many aspects of intelligence operations including our . methods of gaining information. For example, if CIS coverage was instituted, a statementai that effect would be of interest to the requestor. Intelli- gence agencies are interested in receiving both derogatory and non-derogatory information on individuals of interest to them. The research involved in processing intelligence requests will require in many instances searching through voluminous, unclear, and confusing dossiers, necessitating a continuing effort to render a concise, accurate and comprehensive summary of information. In these instances, quantity must be sacrificed for quality. No detail can be overlooked, no stone unturned to furnish the requestor with all available information in our files. 4.(u) SPECIAL CONSIDERATE/NS:. In general, all requests from any intelligence -agency must be inspected closely since they are often used by Allied intelligence Agencies as a liaison channel for submitting requests for .information to this headquarters. Many times we will have on file that information contained on BEFRA, JOIC, and DEC reports. This information is not reported to DAD, as they are the , disseminating agency for these reports, and they have them on file. It is only necessary to report that we have no additional inftrmation, if the files so warrant. ANNEX "C" TO CR-SOP-1(U) FOR OfFICIAL U ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 New- USAREUR CENTRAL REGISTRY(PRONT 513TH INTELLIGENCE CORPS GROUP APO 154 US FORCES ? AEUMO-CR(FR) 30 July 1962 ANNEX C TO USARFER CENTRAL REGISTRY STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES NUMBER 1 (U) (SHORT TITLE CR-SOP-1 (U)) TUE INTELLIGENCE DESK 1. (C) INTRODUCTION: This portion of File Research Branch is concerned with CR file checks submitted by US intelligence agencies in Europe, and occasionally requests submitted through liaison channels for the British and French. The workload of requests handled by this desk is split between Department of the Army Detachment (DAD) requests sub- mitted through the DAD Liaison Office of this headquarters, and those received from the Office of Special Intelligence (OSI), A-2 (The G-2 of the Air Force) the Legal Attache (Department of Justice, FBI), Joint Interrogation Centers .(iJIC), and all United States Army Intelligence units (USAI). 2. (U) REPORTABILITY: Requests for information, submitted by a US Intelligence agency are treated in a somewhat different manner than other .requests. The requester is provided with a summary of information contain- ing ANY and ALL information. ONLY on requests which are CR checks for OSI on indigenous personnel being considered for non-sensitive employment, and those submitted by various units of the US Army for CR checks on Army servicemen under consideration for security clearance, may the NO DEROGATORY INFORYATION(NDI) stamp be used, and then only when information on file so warrants. Many intelligence requests will require coordination with an operational section of USAI due to the sensitivity and current aspect of the 1---,--7-6-ii-e-{7:? DrIc7, :..1Aui:n 6T nT 4!ito11,,.;? txr) bi,, :;17:,VaS ANNEX U TO CR-SOP-1 (U) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 . Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 REGISTRY STANDING OP N P OC 1. ? IDENTIFYING NO: BORN RESIDENCE OCCUPATION NATIONALITY POLITICAL OTHER AEUC Form 99 (L) 18 January 55 AT: I ir)TYPED: CLERK # TYPE INV: OPENED : CLOSED : RESULTS : FWD CRF : : THE ABOVE PERSONALITY WAS THE SUBJECT OF A REQUEST FOR CR CHECK DAM , IN CONNECTION WITH HER PROPOSED MARRIAGE TO A MEMBER OF THE U. S. FORCES. THE CR CHECK DISCLOSEDt AND THE CORRESPONDENCE WAS DESTROYED, CO-SUBJECT r Previous editions may be used. DOSSIER LOCATC)R I AGL (1) 3-62-200M-87E IDENTIFYING NO: ? BORN ' RESIDENCE OCCUPATION NATIONALITY POLITICAL OTHER REP: bUit r AT: HE 500 477, Information Release: A RELEASES TO NON-GERMAN AGENCIES DT TYPED: CLERK # : TYPE INV: OPENED : CLOSED : RESULTS : FWD CRF : AEUC Form 98 (L) Previous editions moy be used. DOSSIER LOCATOR 18 January 55 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 :_Crik-iip"F'801 -E-36-1-i - - 39A000200120009-6 AGL (1) 3-62-200M-e, Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 mmeAREUR CENTRAL REGISTRY(PROV) 513th INTELLIGENCE COPS GROUP AVO 154 US FORCES AEUMC-CR(FR) 30 July 1962 APPENDIX Z.Z. TO ANNEX ?Br TO USAREUR CENTRAL REGISTRY STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES NUMBER 1 (U) (SHORT TITLE OR-SOP-1(0) MARRIAGE REWESTS COMPLETED ACTIONS: 1. No record; however, attention is invited to record of convictions on the inclosed Strafregister. 2. No derogatory information; however, attention is invited to reoord of conv4ctions on the inclosed Strafregister. 3. No record: however, attention is invited to statement in item on AE Form .1J2 Marriage and Visa Questionnaire). 4. No derogatory information; however, attention is invited to statement in item AE Form 2505 (Alien Personal History Statement). 5. (RELEASABLE) No derogatory information; howtver, , born in j was the subject of a previous marriage screening during , conducted in conjunction with an application for permission to marry submitted by a member of the US Forces. (NOT RELEASABLE) No further pertinent information available. _BUFCRD E. McCIEAREN JR Major, AI(Inf;i Commanding APP AT( ANNEX "B" TO CR-SOP-1(U) d c)FFICIAL IC '73":11'1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 AETMO-CR(FR) )u July SUBJECT: Points to I ie,membered and Stylewriting 00;4, for 5.11s - 4. 1-10T YOSITIVELY IDEUTIFIED will be used where requeotor provides incomplete identifyinr_r, data, but we have comnlete identifying data on SUBJECT of the request. 5.- NOT .FiaTHER IDENTIFIED will be used where both the r?questor and our files have incomplete identifying data or where requestorfurnished copplete identifying data and our files do not provide complete identifying data. 6. Wherever poseible, he date activities took ':dace, dates of membership, and other such dated information will be used in releases rather than the date of our information. f!;xampie: "Information dated 10 Oct 56 indicates that Hans SCHHIDT crossed the border at BRESLAJ illegally", is not as-- acceptable as, "Information on file indicates that Hans SCHMIDT crossed the border at BRESLAU illegally on 25 Sep 56." Where dates are not available, the sapie release should read, "Infornation on file dated 10 Oct 56 indicates that Bans SCHMIDT crOssed the border at BRESLAU illegally, date not indicated." 7. In writing monetary amounts listed in German ue DV 250, NOP 250 DI,. P. Individuals are the subject of a request for CR check and HOT the subject of a CR check. 9. names of news periodicals, beeks, and ships wilt be underlined rather than arrearinp: 'n Tirtes. In this respect, c,,nfine quotes only to that inferliat'on extracted ft r. research material and a requirement exists to quote in exact context or to show unuseal terms or phrases used by the writer of the original repo-t. Pr 2 TO ANNEX "C" TO CR-Sf.-1(U) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 DAeEculasirlit9d Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 STE3.7CT: Points to Bagimeemembered and Stylevrriting Guiritefor 10. Unclassified SOP s or writeups containing only one paragraph need not be preceded by (U); conversely when a classified writeup contains to or more paragraphs, classificati-n of paragraphs will appear immediately pre- ceding each paragraph.. 11. Careful consideration will be given to markings, and warning notices on all releases of responsible for indication of the classification drafts. 12. Use only West Germany -end East Germany in SCI's as opposed to GDR and OR. 15. Use of parenthesis should be avoided wherever rossible, substituting instead colons, semicoins, and commas where applicable. 14. To assure clarification, .all unfamiliar abbreviations of organize,- tions should be 'written out both in German and English, i.e., Deutches Reichspartei (German Imperial Party - DRP). Many organizations carry the same abbreviations, therefore it is necessary that these be w::.itten out in their entirety in addition to giving the designated abbreviatim. The more common abbreviations may be used without writing out such as FDJ, MfS, FDGB? and VEB. classification, group informat-Lon. The analyst IS andgrow markings on all BUFORD E. Mon:MIEN JR MOOT, Al (Inf) Commanding APP 2 T( ANTTEX "-C-" TO CR-S03-1(U) FOR OFFI Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 AblINU?UWA) N040, vise APPENDIX 3 TO ANNEX "C" TO USAREUR CENTRAL REGISTRY STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES NUMBER 1 (U) (SHORT TITLE CR-SOP 1 (U)) ? ((7) Information on file at this headquarters indicates that Irnocy GINPUAI 'aka 222Eat GINALSKI, born 11 Dec 23 in TARNOPOL, Poland, revealed the folloy- ing information to members of this organization during several interviel; conducted during June and July 1961: SUBJECT'S father, a member of the Polish Home Army during World War II, had been sentenced to life imprisonment in Poland for anti-government activities. In order to effect HIS father's release from prison, GINALSKI, who had established a post World War II resi- dence in England, wrote to the President of Poland in early 1955 offering to return to Poland in exchange for HIS father's release. According to GINALSKI, HIS father was then released and SUBJECT returned to Poland on 18 Dec 55 aboard the ship pitosz in keeping with HIS part of the bargain. Upon debarking from the Batory.p SUBJECT was immediately arrested and imprisoned by Polish security officials. GINALSKI stated that HIS arrest was apparently caused by an unnamed reporter of the British communist newspaper Daily Worker, who traveled on the same ship with SUBJECT, and in whom GINALSKI had confided during the voyage. According to SUBJECT, the reporter denounced GINALSKI as having mode disparaging remarks concerning the Polish Communist Government and for planning to escape from Poland at a later date. SUBJECT was released from detention in Mar 56. SUBJECT claimed that whilE HE was still under arrest, HE was pressured by the Polish Security officials to bring HIS wife, children, and belongings from England to Poland. HIS family arrived in Poland in Apr 56, 7.1' 1? {fj 52G0,10 (App 3 to Annex C to CR-SOP-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Nup, No. AEUMO-CR(FR) after HIS release. GINAISKI stated that HE settled in DANZIG and ohtairlk. work at a textile factdry. SUBJECT further stated that the Udzial Bezpiec- zenatwo Publicznego (Public Security Force - UBP) furnished HIM two mont:hs salary in an effort to convince HIS wife that HE had been working since HIS arrival in Poland. SUBJECT claimed HE was fired from the ? job with the textile factory in Oct 57, because of HIS participation in the Boy Scout Movement and because of some anti-government remarks HE had made. HE then obtained employment with the Port Service in DANZIG, with such duties as guarding foreign ships and arranging sight-seeing tours for the crews of visiting ships. SUBJECT freely admitted participating in black market activities while working at th DANZIG port. HE stated that were it not for the constant harrassment HE experienced from the UBP, HE would gladly have re- mained in Poland' as HE was managing quite well financially. SUBJECT stated HE was arrested again in November 1960, after again making critical remarks against the communist regime. HE stated HE was in custody for interrogation until 21 Dec 60, when HE was released pending trial. On 14 Feb 61, HE was tried and sentenced to six months imprisonment. SUBJECT claimed that before HIS referral to prison HE was released on HIS. own recognition while HIS appeal and certain other legal procedures were being prepared. During this period of freedom, HE managed to escape from Poland. Since HE still had in HIS possession a pass which allowed HIM to enter the port area, SUBJECT clandestinely boarded the Panamanian ship.Aspromonto, which was bound for (App 3 to Annex. C to CR-SOP-1) CONFIDEI Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 low AEUMO-CR(FR) the Persian Gulf. HE transferred to the Swedish freighter Cunue at th acl Canal, and eventually reached England where HE proceeded to the home of HIS mother=in-law in.GODALMING, where HE obtained employment. Fowever, on 17 roy 1961, HE was informed by authorities that HE would not be granted asylum in England because HE had been ashore at KIEL, Germany, and had not come directly from a communist country. HE was then deported from England aboard a Norwegian freighter bound for Poland. While the freighter was delayed at a British port with engine trouble, GINALSKI escaped from the freighter and boarded another uuidentified ship which took HIM to the Kiel Canal. Mere, on 19 May 61, HE entered West Germany and eventually reported to the German authorities as an alien refugee. In Jul 61, during a short term employment with a US installa- tion in Germany, SUBJECT furnished HIS employing agency information regarding HIS reason for returning to Poland in 1955, which contradicted HIS earlier story. HE stated that during Nov 55, while serving as a radio operator aboard a merchant vessel which entered the Port of DANZIG, HE went ashore and was arrested by Polish secret police because, being a Polish subject, HE was sus- pected of treason. HE claimed that the police found radio valves (sic) on HIM and accused HIM of being a Western spy. HE was sentenced to prison for spying and after serving two and one-half years in prLson, was released under a General Amnesty Act. (F-6) SUBJECT allegedly departed the NUERNBtRG area in July 1961, intending to resettle temporarily in NEUSS, near DUESSELDORF. (App 3 to Annex C to CR-S0P-1) CON t- IDENTIA Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 _ , oyes NW' AEUMO-CR(FR) At that time the investigation of SUBJECT was turned over to the 513th ITC Gp; however, subsequentichecks in the NEUSS area have failed to reveal HIS whereabouts. Additional information regarding SUBJECT may be obtained from the BND, BfV, and Liflits Land Niedersachsen and Land Bremen. The above infor- mation was forwarded to the Canadian Immigration Office on 4 Jan 62, and to .the Security Office, AMConGen, MUNICH, on 30 Jan 62. Available records dis- close no further pertinent information. (App 3 to Annex C to CR-SOP-1) CON E.4TIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 AEUM04R(PR) At that time the investigation of SUBJECT was turned over to the 513th INTC Op; however, subsequent checks in the NEUSS area have failed to reveal HIS Whereabouts.- Additional information regarding SUBJECT may be obtained from the BUD, BfV, and IfVls Land Niedersachsen and Land Bremen. The above infor- mation was forwarded to the Canadian Immigration Office on 4 Jan 624 and to the 7eourity Office AMConGen, MUNICH', on 30 Jan 62. Available records dis- close no further pertinent information. (App 3 to Annex C to CR-SOP-1) CchN )ENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 -U LEP Ban g I Iter STANDING OPERATING PROCEDU 1 (U) . . WAV SlJI'MAki OF 111FOR1ATIOU DAIL' PREPARING OFFICE [1AREIJit Central, Reaistry (Ereevi,?513i,Leelidaerip,A,P0 15/1., etilarereeee SUBJECT CODE O USE IN INDIVIDUAL PARAGRt PH EVALUATION GINALSKI, Ignacy (0 DOB: 11 December 1923 POB: TAHNOFOL, Poland OF SOURCE: COMPLETELY RELIABLE USUALLY RELIABLE FAIRLY RELIABLE NOT USUALLY RELIABLE UNRELIABLE . RELIABILITY UNKNOWN OF N OF INFORMATION: , , A CONFIRMED DY OTHER SOUROT" El PROIMOLY TRUE ,,,,,,, .? ? . 2 C PO5.31A,Y TRUE ?, ? 0 DOIJIMM.P.,I.Y- TRUE ? 4 .0 .... E IMPROLIAKE r TRUTH CANNOT SE JUDIA,,O ?? SUMMARY OF INFORMATION (C) Information on file at this headquarters indicates that Ignaey OlNATI3vT aka (1201T s_ GINALSKI, born 11 December 1923 in TARNOPOL, Poland, revealed the feltee. ing information to members of this organization during several interviews ceudnet ,d during June and July 1961: SUBJECT'S father, a member oe the Polish Home Army de -Ira World War II, had been sentenced to life imprisonment in Poland for anti-povevnea,et activities. In order to effect HIS father's release from prieon, GINALSKI, who had established a post World War II residence in England, wrote to the President of Poland in early 1955 offering to return to Poland in exchange for HIS fether's re- lease. According to GINALSKI, HIS father was then released and SUBJECT returned to Poland on 18 December 1955 aboard the ship Betorz in keeping with HIS part of the bargain. Upon debarking from the Patorz, SUBJECT was immediately arrested and im- prisoned by Polish security officials. GINALSKI stated that HIS arrest was eppor- ently caused by an unnamed reporter of the British communist newspaper pIlly Tesoni: who traveled on the same ship with SUBJECT, and in whom GINALSKI had conhsit;a- during the voyage. According to SUBJECT, the reporter denounced GINALSKI as having made disparaging remarks concerning the Polish Communist Government and for planning to escape from Poland at a later date. SUBJECT was released from detention in March 1956. SUBJECT claimed that while HE, was still under arrest, HE was pressured by the Polish Security officials to bring HIS wife, children, and belongings from England to Poland. HIS family arrived in Poland in April 1956, after HIS release. GiNA16KI stated that HE settled in DANZIG and obtained work at: textile factory. SUBJECT further stated that the Udzial Bezpieczenatwo Publiczneeo (Public Security Force DEP) furnishod HIM two Lonths salary in an effort to convince HIS wife that HE had been working since HIS arrival in Poland. SUBJECT claimed HE was fired from the job with the textile factory in October 1957, because of HIS participation in the Boy Scout Movement and because of some anti-government remarks HE had made. HE then obtained employment with the Port Service in DANZIG, with such duties as guarding foreign ships and arranging sight-seeing tours for the crews of visiting ships. SUBJECT freely admitted participating in black market activities while working at the DANZIG port. HE stated that were it not for the constant harrassment HE experienced from the UBP, HE would gladly have remained in Poland as HE was mOueeing quite well ,financially. SUBJECT stated that HE was arrested again in Novem- ber 196,0, after again making critical remarks against the communist regime. HE stated HE was in custody for interrogation until 21 December 1960, when HE was releaeed pending trial. On 14 February 1961, HE was tried and sentenced to six months imprisonment. SUBJECT claimed that before HIS referral to prison HE was dr,c,mr,n1 contoins inlormuIion olectInn ito notici3:1 I ho United Sentes r -3 el the EspioorTo Lnv.s, hilt! V?:', .., Sc,I,ons 793 and 7)4, in n Icve lotion of it5 c.ontcnt; r;rly ;r:tct unuutharized ? :::7!..TD AT ?E:' ::r cy I ea NS, FRANKFURT; 1 cy INTC File (APP4 to Annex C to CR-SOP-1) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11: CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 4 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2012/10/11 ? CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0 t.) HDENTIA SUBJECT: GINALSKI, Ignacy (U) DOB: 11 December 1923 FOB: TARNOPOL, Poland released on HIS own recognition while HIS appeal and certain other legal procedures were being prepared. During this period of freedom, HE managed to escape from Poland. Since HE still had in HIS possession a pass which. allowed HIM to enter the port area, SUBJECT clandestinely boarded the Panamanian ship Aspromonte, which was bound for the Persian Gulf. HE transferred to the Swedish freighter Cygnus at the Kiel Canal, and eventually reached England where HE proceeded to the home of HIS mother-in-law in GODALMING, where HE obtained employment. However, on 17 May 1961, HE was informed by authorities that HE would not be granted asylum in England because HE had been ashore at KIEL, Germany, and had not come directly from a communist country. HE was then deported from England aboard a Norwegian freighter bound for Poland. While the freighter was delayed at a British port with engine trouble, GINALSKI escaped from the freighter and boarded another unidentified ship which took HIM to the Kiel Canal. There, on 19 May 1961, HE entered West Germany and eventually reported to the German authorities as an alien refugee. In July 1961, during a short term employment with a US installation in Germany, SUBJECT furnished HIS employing agency information regarding HIS reason for returning to Poland in 1955, which con- tradicted HIS earlier story. HE stated that during November 1955, while serving as a radio operator aboard a merchant vessel which entered the Port of DANZIG, HE went ashore ard was arrested by Polish secret police because, being a Polish subject) HE was suspected of treason. HE claimed that the police found radio valves (sic) on HIM and accused HIM of being a Western spy. HE was sentenced to prison for spying and after serving two and one-half years in prison, was released under a General Amnesty Act. (F-6) SUBJECT allegedly departed the NUERNBERG area in July 1961, intending to resettle temporarily in NEUSS, near DUESSELDORF. At that time the investigation of SUBJECT was turned over to the 513th INTO Gp; however, subsequont checks in the NEUSS area have failed to reveal HIS whereabouts. Additional infor- mation regarding SUBJECT may be obtained from the END, Bff, and Lffits Land Niedersachsen and Land Bremen. The above information was forwarded to the Canadian Immigration Office of 4 January 1962, and to the Security Office, American Consulate General, MUNICH, on 30 January 1962. Available records disclose no further pertinent information. (App 4 to Annex C to CR-SOP-1 A Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120009-0