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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 ""we USAR1JJR CENTRAL REGISTRY (Pl V) . 513th INTELLIGENCE CORPS GROUP APO 154 US FORCES AEUMO-CR .30 July 1962 U SAREJJR CENTRAL REGISTRY STANDING OPERATING PROCEJERES NUMBER 1 (U) (SHORT TITLE CR-SOP-1(U)) 1. (U) Pux .poses To describe the functions.of the USARLUR Central Registry (CR) and -prescribe the procedures relating to the operation thereof. 2. (U) References: a. Army Regulations: (1) AR 345-15 (2) AR 345-20 (3) AR 345-274 (4) AR 380-22 (5) AR 381-45 (6) AR 381-117 (1) USARkIJR Ci rcular 380-5 (2) USAREIJR Ci rcular 380-6 )WNGRADEO AT 12 YEAR II TERVALS 3) USARIR Ci rcular 380-50 'OT AUTOMATtCAUY DEC[ASSIfeD. DOD DIR 5200.10 4) USAREUR Ci rcular 604-5 USAREUR Ci rcular 380-91 (6) USARELTR Ci rcular 635-350 (7) U SAREUR Ci Luarters US rcular AREUR L 680-30 etters. (1) Letter, AE AGB-S(P SS), Headquarters USAREXJR, 16 June 1961, subjects Central Registry Checks by French Liaison Officer (U) (clas). 1 U) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 AkUMO-CR `W W 30 July 1962 SUBJECT: USAREUR Central Registry (2) Letter, AEAGB-S(DS), Headquarters USAREUR, 25 January 1962, subject: Central Registry Checks by British Intelligence Service (BIS) (U)(cias). (3) Letter, AEAGB-S(DS), Headquarters USAREUR, subject: Release of Classified Information to Austrian Army Intelligence Service (U)(alas)(to be published). (4) Letter, AEAGB-S(PSINV), . feadquarters USAREUR, subject: ?getter of Instructions USARHJII Central Registry (U)(olas) 14 May 1962. d. Other Documents: (1.) Document, Department of the Army'Policy for Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments (U), Short Titter DA-DCMI(A) (u)(olas). (2) USAREZJR Intelligence Collection Directive. e. 513th INTC Procedures: (1) Administrative Procedures Number 15(U), Headquarters, 513th INTO Group, 5 June 1961. (2) Letter, AEUMO-S2, 23 April 1962, subject: Changes t+a pro- cedures for Safeguarding Military Information. (3) Memorandum Nr. 380-50-1, 24 May 1962, Headquarters 513th INTO Group. 3. (U) Scope: This directive includes procedures for: a. Operation of the Microfilm Library. b. Marriage Requests. c. Intelligence requests. d. Post requests. e. Consulate requests* f. German requests. 01"I`I GI L U S E WILY CR-SOP-1(U) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 J y 1962 SUBJECTS USARECR CENT REGISTRY m g. Central Personality Index Operations. It. Analysis of Information, i. Impersonal Index Operations. 3. TOP SECRET, SECRET and SENSITIVE CONTROL. k. Retirement, Microfilming and Shipping. 1. Files and Service.. (U) Organizations a. USARHJR Central Registry (CR): The repository for intelligence files and information, primarily counterintelligence, concerning pertinent personal or impersonal subjects coming to the operational attention of USARIITR intelligence units. CR consists of three branches. (1) File Research Branch (FR): A branch of CR which receives the results of file checks and performs research on the "hits" of requests from US agencies and authorized agencies of foreign governments. PR furnishes complete,, accurate and properly evaluated summaries of information (SOI) from the files of CR. F.R consists of six sub sections. (a) Microfilm Library (See Annex "All) (b) Marriage Processing (See Annex "B") (c) Intelligence Desk (See Annex "C") (d) Post Desk (See Annex "D") (e) German Screening Desk (See Annex "F") (2) File Maintenance Branch (FM) A branch of CR which processes all requests for Central Registry checks and refers their results to FR for research. This branch administers the files of CR bys opening dossiers, carding (personal and impersonal subjects), strengthening index cards, combining doubles 4 IPCIAL 0 USE 4y a . _ . CR-SOP--1(U ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 AEUMO-CR 30 July 1962 SUBJECT:, U SAREUR Central Registry and analizing information received to determine its retention value. FM consists of two sub sections. (a) Central Personality Index Section (See Annex "G") (b) Analysis and Impersonals Section (See Annex "E") (3) File Control Branch (FC): A branch of CR which maintains and safeguards TCP SECRET, SECRET and SENSITIVE information. FC screens, microfilms, retires and ships all "closed case" intelligence files to the United States Army Counterintelligence Records Facility (U SACRF) at Fort Holabird' Maryland. FC consists of three sub sections. Annex I) Annex J) (a) (b) (o) TOP SECRET, SECRET and SENSITIVE Control Section (See Retirement, Microfilming and Shipping Section (See Files and Service Section (See Annex Ii) 5. (U) Policy: These procedures apply to the following listed USAREUR intelligence units and appropriate divisions of DCSI, USAREUR insofar as their contributions to and service derived from CR are concerned& 5, a. 66th INTC Group b. 513th INTC Group c. 163rd MI Bn d. 766th MI Bn 6. (U) Procedures: a. A dossier opening may be requested by any unit listed in paragraph or may be initiated by CR. This constitutes the opening of a file and is not to be confused with case opening or case control numbers. Control numbers are NOT assigned to ANY cases, by CR. 1OF' WAL ?USEc::`. CR SCP-1(U ) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B0l 139A000200120008-1 ,7l!;3JL'~i'1' . uo.aru'ilitt liens tLef~ls Lry (1) Case o-.ficers physically located adjacent to CII will submit material for opening attached to a completed ARUM Form 168 (Operational `,'rork- sheet)t with identifying data typed in as indicated on the form. In those cases where DOB end/or PGB are not lmow,%n positive identifying data such as an Aral, serial number may be utilized. In the case of an impersonal opening, identifying data is limited to title of dossier. If it is desired that the dossier be returned to the interested case officer, A3M ;corm 172 (Dossier Control Card) should be attached to the opening recu.est. If priority handling is necessary, the opening request with forms ind.icated herein, may be hand carried by the case officer or his representative to OPT, for file check of subject and then to Analysis and Impersonal Section (A & I) for immediate opening action. (2) Case oNficers of intelligence units located away from CR will submit information for intergration into CR and/or dossier opening requests throu, ii their parent operations division by using a letter of transmittal in lieu of the forms mentioned above, until, such time as a USAREUR form is devised by CR for field use by all intelligence units. 1). Preparing documents for Submission to CR: Generally, the governing precept for intergration of material into CR encompasses information concerning any pertinent personal or impersonal subject coming to operational attention of i?SAIRT?TT[l intelligence units, including counterintelli.;;ence, collection and source lends ^nd development efforts. Case orficers at the headquarters level. Will ar-en cll. material destined for CR end forward only that in.!'orra~tion which will be of surficient positive, lasting value to the USARTIIR intelligence effort to ,,-warrant retention in CR (See LOT, USAREUR Central Re ?istry, dated 14 E'by 1962). (1) Material for either dossier openi.nE~, or integration should be for:ra.rded in one legible corny to section. Thermo-Ci'ax reproductions cannot FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CR-SOP-1(U) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B0l 139A000200120008-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 Af?UM0-CR 30 July 1962 SUUJCCT.. USAILETfR Central try be accepted because they deteriorate with time end generally do not microfilm legibly. A xerox copy is acceptable. (2) Each document must be scrutinized. by a case officer and only those pertinent personal id impersonal subjects indicated. for indexing in CR. Personalities will be underlined with red pencil; impersonal subjects with b1lie enncil. On a, personality, only the name, DOB, POD, residence and occupation viii be underlined. On an impersonal subject underline only the title or name which will be entered on the impersonal index tab. (3) Case or ciders located adjacent to CR: (a) Will utilize 1EUM Form 168 to submit all documents to be integrated. into CR. vkiich reauire special disposition, sensitive control or any action. on the part of CR necessitating special instructions in the remarks section of, this form. (b) Material to be integrated without special instruction may be submitted to CR;s after underl%rt%rig,h,a.s been performed by the case officer on--' DD Form 94 or 95 If the title or subject of the material intended for file is the same as the subject of the dossier in which it is to be filed, the case office:, should print the dossier number, complete with proper prefix, in the upper ri(ht han(l. corner of the ton pb. e of the document. However, if the title or subject of the materir)7_ intended for file is different than the subject of the dossier in which it is to be filed, 4h'tJL Yorm 168 must be completed and attached. (4) Case officers of intelligence units located a,:la.y from CR will a ?ho_rto the same procedure os outlined in sub-para.^ (3) above, except that ?etl.:or of tr^nsmitta?. will be used.. in lieu of 2,U.',: Poi 168. c. Reproduction o=' Dossiers: Because of time, labor, expen.:e, as well --,onrity considerations, reproduction. of dossiers or portions thereof will FOR OFFICb., ~.,.~~.~ Cif-SOP-1(IT) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 Ar11r"0-CR 30 Ju.1,y 1.962 SU6J1 CT3 USAREIfR Central Rec-istry be accepted because they deteriorate with time and generally do not microfilm legibly. A xerox copy is acceptable. (2) Each document must be scrutinized. b.v a case officer and only those pertinent personal kid impersonal subjects indicated for indexing in C11. Personalities will be underlined with red pencil; impersonal subjects with bl i'e ep ncil. On. 8, personality, only the n,, DOB, POB, residence and occupation vill. be underlined. On an impersonal subject underline only the title or name which will be entered on the impersonal index tab. (3) Case oFfieers located adjacent to CRR: (a.) Will utilize AETR. Form 168 to submit all documents to be inte,crated into CR which reai.iire special disposition, sensitive control or any action on the part of CPL necessitating special instructions in the remarks section of this form. (b) Material to be integrated vithout special instruction may be submitted. to CR ter tuiderl riirip- been. performed by the case officer o'n 1)T) Form 94 or 9) If the title or subject of the material intended for file is the same ass the subject of the dossier in which it is to be filed, the case officer should print the dossier number, complete with proper prefix, in the upper rii;ht hand. corner of the ton pa..Me of the docuument. However, if the title or subject of the material intended for file is different than the subject of the classier in tlzich it is to be filed., 4Ir-UIi ,Form 168 must be completed and a,ttarched. (4) Case officers of intelligence units located away from CR will "Mier to the same procedure as outlined in sub-para,, (3) above, except that ~et!sr of' tronsmit`al. ',dll be used, in lieu of 1. ,U;. form 168. c. Reproduction o' Dossiers: 3ecavuse of time, labor, expense, as well s cur:ity considerations, reproduction of dossiers or portions thnreo'L' till FOR OFF!CU1.L U-' CI2-sop-1(U) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B0l 139A000200120008-1 SUBJECT : USARETT11 C en trATRe Sri s try be kept to e. minimum. (1) Any request for dossier reproduction should be forwarded through parent operations division to CR: ATTPZ: Microfilm Library. to d.eterrnine If dossier is on microfil.N or roper. Wherever possible only portions of dossiers should be requested, and these portions clearly identified. The following types of reproductions are available and should be clearly indicated: (a) Microfilm strip or reel (b) Thermo-Pax copy (a) Photo prints (d) Xerox copy (2) Case officers locsted, adjacent to CR will first contact the Microfilm Librarian to determine if dossier is on microfilm or paper. (a) If the dossier is on microfilm that portion of the reel to he reproduced must be bracketed with grease pencil and paper clips and placed. on two spools by the case officer or his representative. The Microfilm Librarian will then prepare DA corm 11-161 (Photography Work Order), which the requestor signs and indicates priority and type of reproduction desired. The completed reproduction will be returned to the Librarian who will notify the requ.ector. (b) If the dossier or any portion of it is on paper, the request will be submitted to the Files Control Branch, where a DI Arm 96 (Request for Reproduction), will be prepared by the Control Clerk in }~C. The requestor will 1' not1 led Sen to pick up reproductions. d. Withdra.wir end. Acoimtin- for CR.Dossiers: (1) No CR "record cope" of a dossier will be removed from CR with- out specific approval o' the Chi.e?, CH. Reproductions may be issued from CR as ribca in par ranh c above. FOR OFFICIAL JSEZ ONLY CR-SOP-1 (U) Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B0l 139A000200120008-1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/10/11 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200120008-1 ^ l.11U%J-UP1 f V U L4,L.y L )Wf- STIrBJFJCT : L?S.(.REUR C entry' Re ~?;ic try r%w (2) Case ofi'teers located in the building with CR may check dossiers out or CI'-~ for their use ',-.1-thin the iui.lcUinp,, (See Annexes "I" and 111(") (3) Case officers located. en av from R will submit regl.,e t for "record cony" dossiers btr,letter (See Annexes IIIII and. "K"). e. Central T':eni stry Cheri::- on Personal 1ftJcctc These requests for information from CR files fall in two principle ccte:-oriel: routine and priority: (1) Routine (a) Those originating ~' a. US military unit or an adjunct to a military unit will be subrnittecl on 'J:; ;.'ors. 41.15 ?(Recuerlt for Central Registry Check) in duplicate, which must be completed in full as indicated thereon. 1?Jon- military :reoue.rtors may utilize a reasonable facsimile of AIR Yorm 415 e o long as two copies are submitf:ed and the follovdnc; information is* included: Name of requesting unit, Cull name, date and place of birth of the subject, reason for request, any 1motivn. derogatory information. (b) Those requests being hsndcerried. by a of an. authorized user of CR and being submitted to CR for only a file check of the indices, may be submitted on 1L ;Form 41.5 or A.EUM iPorm 188 (R) in one copy. (2), Priority requests (a.) Those '-,hieh err-na.te outside the build-in; housing Cit will he ., by electrical resso =, including pertinent d,'.ta. requi.rod in sub- ' 's c-m