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Approved For Release O 4/OY/3'I : GTA--DP8&0P1139A 00010005-6 0'ODIAC-Dm3.0 DRAFT 1 July 195- 8 I N T E L L I G E N C E A D V I S O R Y C O M M I T T E E CO TEE ON DOCi ION The Au toion t Introduction The utilization of mechanical-electrical devices to perform rcruti 1 k;s f ter and more accurately than can human workers ban been c, Ueed automcti .- 0ybernetics reeeerch has aaqwxed the control system formed by the brain dl nervous system with a l -elact rical cc li.~ation, systems o The of the marriage of automation and cybernetics has expuAed the scope of librEzr service to a partial overlap into the fields of analysis so jealously gtaarde?a by? the research personnel of the ivory toner. era o No er, . the research Managers, have aecogazed that the docu ntallat. and his mechaenized approaches to psi-tial problem solution can =ake a sigaift .nth contribution in time savings to the research process o With the diversity of subject confronting intelligence as ysis Epee bend-in-hand the short dead- line 3 ed by the policy maker. Good policy cm only be made through kncwa- ledge of all the facts be miring on the decision before the policy maker. It in the. duty of the i ni'ormt-tion services to providl to the estia .tor, a thrtvLqh to the decision maser, the maxima m of time to consider all, facets of the problem before the decision euat be made, We can best reach this g ml by beccoing skilled in &U. time'-saving techniques o Ff~ N?p :CmI~ II?T~i9iAnJL Approved For Release 2004/03/31 : CIA-RDP80BO1139AO00200010005-6 Approved For ,,sf_?Tj&3311?[P80B011390200010005-6 CODIA('- 10 DRAFT 1 July 1958 I" Ccnmittee on Documentation must be contitruelly Wormed on ne r t i- ral ques and r3yateas to short -n the inforaoation-furnishing portion oft int i11i? gee ce protection process. A part of this responsibility falls in the a tom ~ti+us and cybernetics field. A aubcoc l..ttee on aux oamtion. popr; tted by kanowled `b1r p'resentatives of the intelligence : neies can du al with the detail of eu tion research with which the a%iza committee need not and should not become involved. 7 following prom is proposed for the first yarn of operation of the k bcamaittee on Aut tiono The Subca ttee v "ad meet once a. w nth Nuoliscusg one aspect of automation in depth in addition to auch other busi.a an v =1d farcmt time to 4? be assign A a~ First Meeting: :lit devices for infOrMatiOn stogy sySt bve regoleted the speed with which continuous information processing ~ function. A ea; ttio c r.Lson of input devices vould be p enter bo Second Meeting: A revi of the physical nethods of storing Information in devices. The laws of z ture~ have been applied to Information stogy such as I?he laws of heat, light, r VhDAIcaa, o3a istry, a+cowstics, electro-statics, m *tLcs sand e l. troni c,, ? it t Meeting: The tocImiTa s of display of results of a t li zed information processes have occupied. a sizeable Smvp of rese ^cbe o A review of the present state of the ar would round out the first qtr ? 8 program of study of i,nptxt, storage and output in meckaex t information handing. Approved For Release 2004/03/31 : CIA-RDP80B01139A000200010005-6 Approved For Rel '?a 0 1.1.NQZA OB01139A0Q00010005-6 3 OODIAC-D-10 D R A F T 1, July 1958 da Fourth Meeting: The attention of the Subc ittee during the second quarter would be occupied with the mechanization of routine in-proceta operations which would help the information services provide faster service. Aut tic dissemination would be the subject of the first session, eo Fifth Meeting,. Continuing the general quarter's subject,, this meetii g would, deal with auta tic abstracting. The implication of machine techniques for prediction of missing or garbled words in ccem ni ticns vould be included in the presentation. f. Sixth Meeting: The quarterly program would be concluded by study of eut tic indexing techniques and devices. The construction of authority files using statistical and concordance methods wo lld, be emphasized.-. gga Seventh Meeting-. The third quarter would be ooncerned with apeciali.;Pd aut tic auxil xy systema The first session v meld be on hanict 1. translation and, the compilation of foreign a glossaries by machine. h? Eighth Meeting-. The mechanized use of symbolic logic for inductive and deductive reasoning in the solution of problems involving non- numerical concepts ? the so-called "digtta-Uzin4f of the reasoning process input. The application of such techniques to intelligence problems is manifested in the AOSI4P lC program. Approved For Release 2004/03/31 : CIA-RDP80B0l139A000200010005-6 Approved For A*M240Yi3YN'1T'?6fl&TDP80B011390200010005-6 .14 CODIM D-10 DRAFT 1 July 1958 1, ~ Ninth Meeting.. The development of mobile or miniaturized d:Lgital., caters for field or other use bCc progressed to the point that intelligence agencies need to be aware of capabilities. A case in point is the LEFREMUN computer developed by Bell. Telephone laboratories or the MOBI-DIC of the Army. Tenth !Ming: The last quarter of the year would be occupied with plus and, program for future research in automation in response to intelligence information handling requir nts A An overall objective of the Oubc aittee for the whole year would have been to be alert for possible processes which could be automatized, but for which no equipment now exists. This meeting would consist of reports by Army, Air Force and, State representatives ko Eleventh Meetings Continuation of reports by ibcc .tteee on identified requirements for mechanization of routine processes Reports to be presented by lay, NSA aitd CA 1 o Twelfth Meeting.. Preparation of as report to rain ca moittee on higbli,gbts of the year's work and plans for second year ? s activities. The principal subject for discussion each maeUng would be presented by a minber of the Sibcomeuitt a By assigning these subjects in advances, . benefit will be obtained without unduly burdening any member. C-0-N-F-I?D-E-NmT-1-A ]L Approved For Release 2004/03/31 : CIA-RDP80B0l139A000200010005-6