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Approved For Release 2000/08/0 ".a= P80-01826ROM06090001-5 ,x t, 'If ILLEGIB .~ pEC 19 19571 CONFIDENTIAL IORAIr'DUM FM: Director of Personnel SUBJECT: A Plan for Improved Personnel Assignment and Utilization Support 1. `i*hiz :memorandum presents a plan for providing centralized staff services tau: support to the Career Services in the field- of personnel adsignent, utili- zation, and relations. 2. In de7re1,r3i:ing the plan, rre have critically reviewed the work we new do in tease fields and the way we do it. We considered curcfully prevailing rorson..iel philosophy as well as the problems in personnel ;.,,anagement faced by the Agency at Its current stage of develo3aaent. ,:ie believe the glen proposed recognizes the finer asingly more predominant role the Head of each Career Service is assuming as a personnel manager. 4. To summarize, the plan is comprised of the following segments: a. S port to the Clandestine Sex-Dices Career Service - Tab I their usefulness or which can be done better elsewhere. 3. Against this frame of reference, the .turfy attempts to derive the basic work which we should do,, the manner in which it should be done, and the staff re- qu.t ed to do it effectively. F`tuictions and progre ns outlined are not limited to those within the current Personnel Assigxuent Division charter; neither have efforts been made to preserve traditional functions which w;; believe have now outlived (1) A delegation of authority to approve specified types of perS w) onepl actions should be made to the.Read of the C Career Seryiee by the Director of Central Intelligence, sub ;ect to per- iodic review by the Director of Personnel, in his staff relat ion- ship.to the Director. (2) The Deputy Director (Plans) as Read of the CS Career Service should appoint a Senior Official as his Personnel abd Career Service Officer and redeler at to him personnel spit zor1ty (3) Positions cngagcd in CS Career Mana,,*ement activities no located in the Office of Personnel (C's Branch, PAD, and SSA/P: :rs should be shifted to the Deputy Director (Flans) to constitute a Personnel and Career Service Office under the DDP and head-d by the Officer appointed as 00 Personnel and Career Service.Officer b. Centralized 3tafl Personnel As: i anent and Uti.lizatic;n Services - Tab II (1) Close personnel representation to Offices and Career Services. (2) Increased sup rt to Career Sei-.vice Boards of the Deputy Director (Intelli$ence)and Deputy Director (support) SEW- CONFIDENTIAL. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP80-01826R001000090001-5 Approved For Ruse 2000/08/07 : 80?1826"?0000CUWIDENTIAL SUBTrXIT: A Plan for Improved Personnel A3signIuent and. Utilization Support (3) DeveloFr:ient of a comprehensive Eti lcyee Utilization Proms :1. (a) Agency i.ca3sig:ent Uni:;. (u) i4rnagement Davelupi,l3nt Frograr. {c) As3istance in Crr