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25X1A ? Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000900080012-6 I-21\1MM ?A00 Lii CUME FOR COYYSTITIVE EVALUATION PAN= PRFEACE This ifandbook is for the guidance of Agency per.sonna toluz) are appointed by Hoes of Career SeTvieop to eervi,. OD CompoUtive 25X1A Evaluation Panela* isd.2.orriation presorted, howner, should be or iriturtet to an sktpervisors !tithe win parir.icipatein ths. e:!airrAtion procees and 7eho11, in the finalpzall.rs1.? 1.7.'4 arin7.11:r 111;ibIO for its cffectiveness. oxidieIkies a,nd procedures preeented are ititsni:7!.e., ?;-,o be advisoryin natnre rather thnn irai!platoni. It is m-i1ize-1 that riatittell in the evicosition of:?,1areor SCI7Vice3 Vld the dicavirsior,, coographionity and occprationally, of their pozvonne7. will 1.eire tLa dvir 1y the Gareor Services of inteTnal oFqr7itir 7 their neods- However? the rze f thia 75.7tn,lbT:0:,1< the fraTo of reel:1333M/ for the operations nf Compstitivo 13 of all Career 3eiivices t411i prvAde disireblel degrcA 25X1A uniformity 5..,n promotion 41,6FALTEISLM:AM Malay and Procedurez on the Coaz..petitiv-E; P. to fArl s-f4 forth in Regniation1111111 Competitilia Promotion* ?????!!!MINIP Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000900080012-6 Approved For Release 200Q48/30 : ClA-RDe 126ROOO9QOO8OW-6 GUIDE FOR CONPETITINt PROMOTION PANELS I. INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPETITIVE PROMOTION PROGRAM High esprit de corps of Agency Personnel depends to a considerable degree upon the achievement of a fair and effective promotion system which will earn and retain the respect of all members of the Agency. The Agency has adopted the competitive evaluation promotion policy with the aim of ensuring maximum equity, objectivity and impartiality in promotions. This program is based to some extent upon characteristics of the various promo- tion systems in the Foreign Service Corps of the Department of State, private business and the Military Services, but is specifically designed to meet Agency objectives of building and maintaining a Career Staff of high caliber. Its chief characteristics are: A. Performance Measurement: Appraisal of the employee's value to the Agency in terms of the quantity and quality of the work he has performed; his conduct, skills and personality; and his potential for future assignments. A conscientious effort is made to record, via the Biographic Profile and Fitness Report, complete, factual and objective information re- garding each individual. H. Equal OnR2rtunity for Admancement lidain_ASAmajitaigl: Every employee eligible for promotion is evaluated: (a) annually, (b) in comparison with every other member of his Career Service who is in the same grade and occupational category, and (c) in the case of personnel in grades GS-7 through GS-14, by an impartial Competitive Evaluation Panel. This system differs from the usual Civil Service practice where promotion depends rigidly upon the grade of the job to which the individual is assigned. Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RD000900080012-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-R10110114dilialip00900080012-6 Iwo N.0 Gpavtio, chxdoment.: The rolative standing of the persam rated depend ongroup The Fitness Report contains the opinions of individual supervisors and reviewing officers; the exanull competitive rating repro,Te.o%s thA lonsensus or a group of experienced senior :,,embers of the emplotp,e's lamer Service with respect to the employee's uerit for proraaor, comparison 'with his contemporaries. The Ojective isto eko the pro ootioA system genuinelr free from favoritisA and bias. PrR4P., .,:P445) R....-3Q3-P tor Feralart10:74,- 2a promotion system requires that persoanal serve lon,ft,' onou71, 1,11 clech grade to provide a basin for a thorouTh evaluntior, of tT'xqr -oor.formaitce at the level, This is accomplisholi nlImpri periods of service in each grade durintwhch cerson-.:C sr; 'not in the vane of consideration for prorao%ion. hja vion of .0, -414v.4110 In each grade, tha normal practice mill bo to promote thew T,110 *ro by the Competitive Evaluation Panel ranked highest ea-tho-114, provided their Omlifleations higher utilised to advantage at the next/grade level. In other ',:ort;?,s the available proaotions mill go to those found by the Panels and HOAIS of Career Sovvices to be the most oompetctnt and valnable to CTA. XIESEIMI Ao aizAP xt.,E913- -PPIT":0-40-MCM eligible employees ram! Competitive EValUation of all seplorese-441041e WY/MN qualifications, on the basis of the perfe7?aenco,/acceptence o5.* Cereer Staff obli length of service tionsp footlAileertrie, and value to tha Age-,7 is the mos7..:, critical in the selection of personnel for promotion elesnent-oZ-the-pzio=Uomesse, -The product a aticn will consist of a list of wpioyees ranked in order of marit for prow- tion for the use of the ;load of the Career Service in making firal - 2 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000900080012-6 " rgIcaur Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDPMMart: 000900080012-6 Amer promotion recommendations. The list will include the employees the Panel considers at the time of panel action to merit promotion within the numerical limitation which may be prescribed by the Head of the Career Service. Panels will be comprised of a minimum of three members of the Career Service concerned, senior in grade to employees being evaluated, and appointed by the Head of the Career Service to serve for the period required to evaluate all eligible employees in the grade groups and competitive area(s) assigned. B. Information used by Panels in Evaluating Employees: 1. Listing of all personnel in the zone of consideration for promotion in the grade level to be evaluated. 2. Listing of personnel recommended for promotion (in order of preference whenever practical) by Senior Supervisors. 3. An indication from the Head of the Career Service, if he desires, of the number of personnel to be on the Panel's rank order list. (The Head of the Career Service may predetermine the approximate maximum number of promotions to be made at each grade level on the basis of guidelines, such as past promotion practice and the status of staffing of the Career Service.Ratima Rather than reveal the maximum figures, he may direct the Panel to provide a rank order listing for each grade level which will contain a somewhat larger number of names. This will provide for the likelihood that some individuals on the Panel's rank order listing will not be promoted for the reason that their qualifi- cations are not utilizable currently at the higher grade and the use of a personal rank assignment is not considered appropriate.) Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80 0900080012-6 I * 8pproved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-R040-01826R000900080012-6 4.A t45lee2ile/ of service and performance of each employee in the ns of consideration. The official Personnel Folder is also available to the Panel if needed. 5. Personal interview, whenever feasible, of employees, their supervisors, or others having knowledge of the employees being evaluated. The importance of interviewsof percent in grades G8-12 and above particularly is stressed. C. 21,gaticeaUederpatzleaselausjamazjareSeluatilivz gal-Dees: 1. Eseemnialsenslealtv. eualitn and level of lob etrform0) ae One of tit chief considerations in competitively evaluating employees is the performance factor - how leall has the job been performed - the quality and quantity of work done.- In the interest of rendering marbmo equity in judging thie factor, Panel Members should bear in mind the level of tha they job performed be, employees Wane ceatuatet ? an may happen, Sescapie? that a-hZekeesee.e. eae7:1:eae than his current grade forming work of a lower level/ Performing work and be rated unduly high, whereas an employeaeseisgeed-te-a a level than his current grade may posaione/highC: ik1444a7 &Lai. .istit77 7,' 7 seeeptamesemailet =tea tre. llere"inle ThWp a yin OW. agreit 00SP CII?La es:operable ratings become more meaningful when considered in relation to the characteristics and level of the job eat-formed b. In addition to past and current performance, the pctentiality the individual has demonstrated for the performance of more very difficult .and responsible duties in the ,future is wise itte.ertrte Fitness Report ratings on this factor and records of pereforman considered careAtfly. Lf assignoients of higher grade level should be eareFellyeeesiseeated. dsSIIIPP - 4 - Ap oved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDR8041826R000900080012-6 ? ii Cs A common criticise of proration -isnal systome is that t.z; tend to make employees relustwIt to tol;:a individuals instead flittrat3e,nlaci 13;0 Iiieilli4.".1u rniw47:1-C;1170i.V.H provaili/g opinion. Since this terlcy the merit system and the effacttivonews of the Affency every effort must be made to give duo oredit to cATAlyes who have shown themselves crnp:Ible of argrad ii-,Capondtt jegPSIA, creative wPrkp self-rellancs end U,6 accotaK-a;:! unusual rosponsibflity. If tha ltitietive of oeraascc ims lad to some difficulty, be shonY. not T:A og7.7orsl-JJ. j4ccd because a calculated risk did not vork ant AI th;., line of action was worthgbile. Similer.17, Panel should be wary of employees who restrict 'noir outplic. LA order to concentrate on a few work products.for the purpose of receiving special commendations. Ci. Dxtra care-should be talon to letermlne the ?Ltzirlt motion Of employees whose duties giva thomn opstortunity far comparatively little substantive output which Can be rsadily evaluatedp or whose duties and parformance cannot, for :c3curity reason', be completely documented. Similaxly? apploycoa engaged :in training assignments must bo given full considemtica for their efforts in the light of theln reported adcomplishments during such training: .05o Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000900080012-6 Approved4 or Release MOMMO rcWURUMMMONOMMMM 2, SINEMORMIU e. In evaluating the performance of employees performing eneseutive or supervisory duties, it is stressed that principal consideration should be given to the derv'rify! Of importance meat skills. Pheta*e-ift-Vilair-teasteeeen ate the demonstrated abilities of an executive or supervisor to plan and ergeniso his unit, establish sound policies, train and supervise employees: the and aohleve efficient operation, m.1 E.7,1comp12slerwev-ei :i'oquared objectives. A factor which should be given considerable le,1.1 his of the employee to mot/baraer 3taff obligstlene. This may be eirgm?. Flirted by acceptance of assignments to isolated or hardship poste, undertaking of specialised training which may lead to protrncted periods of service in difficult or unpleasant area of the world and, in general, by a demonstrated willingness to put the needs of the Agency before personal preference or convenience. 3 Value Rot 44Spzoo to Sow Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000900080012-6 retaining SitereCZ...1. Arvui.olung and Seeping 4ne tomcatted number of qualified Career personnel in all line* of wnrk ice - Services face. sakdmaihmast evineewar. its UOJOr providing with include expeeSee Cakaur suer *embers *as brcader base of training and **patience to increase their versatility an4 assignment potential is well as the-avesesattrfr-olt ,:avoloping flew exploited in higay speciEtimed fields. In competitively evaluating caploraes for pranotions, oonsidenal Ili?PPARRO 6 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP804I1826R000900080012-6 ammomm should be given to the present value of the employee to the as well as Agency, aseireas-bseSinte-e_4gelkeet v?.c. the in the future. Of peatinence toksItiJ Agency is a consideration of possession of scarce occupntional skills and experience which are difficult to replace and wtich may have required arduous training Cr unpleasant assignments for their acquisition. 4. Length of Service Length of service in a grade level (beyond the rdittmen time requirement) shall be a factor in the evaluation of an employee's in record to?tho.eedwagetwat premsaien ',met we eerned by 'meritorious Sufficient for appraisal.. performance over a suegAeAe4;teed ef ti'nq 4f'4"T: at lower grade levels as well as experience gained prior to entry their with CIA should be evaluated on the basis of/vi Agency caner. ? Notwithstanding the usual leelgth of service .!ruire--- moots, it is important to keep in mind that no employee should be rated lower than his performance merits simply because of the recency of his last promotion, To do so might penalise unusual efforts and talents as well as enhance the chances for promotion of those whose principal claim is that of seniority. 5. gliaLtticatin Orichkssaal. 4cgrjoinegss ?reaps, Personal Chert.t. The degree to which an employee exceeds the minim= standirds of Si nificant experience,,training, and education is ots;' te we.? iger.leetlen; providing the tans ef enzartvgines; trIginlynr.and education is of Npproved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000900080012-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-V0P80-01826R000900080012-6 MISS demonstrated usefulness in connection with the employeea work and probably futere etl'ert4en_ trroC";Z!.4,1? nt"" .A.-vanf-tops their similarly be evaluated ta tens of the epplinnt!en tt n probab3e future assigemontse 6? olhoranillerlign Panels must at Cape-shw414-leeeletmee-?0, +het* 410.44?44.. E4 assignments overseas or otheruise outside headquarters are given equal consideration for promotion and are not penalteed nor by by their non-availability for interview or tipretteas current docurantation of perforeancee, In evaluating employees whose records reflect adverse repeets or criticisms, care should be taken to determine whether the , adverse materiel has been out-dated by more recent l'avorable perfornmnee, Giving undue weight to past reports ef defects which an employee has corrected may create an unjust permeen handicap to his career* Thus, Panels must be as eensitive to records reflecting improved performtece as they are to those which reflect deterioration. On Panel Members* personal knowledge of an individual ehould ,et be given undue weight? However, if a Panel Member, through yersonal experience or otherwise, isHmerisant of pertinent, information not in the record, he shell make that information for investigation and consideration. available to the Panel/ .,.i 1,22y.-,11 jth-rs1.aLJ ,mr:7 may fee],. he self from ranking any candidate whom hekeenIL - evaluate dee to close association or otrOng pers?nal feclings0 Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-ROP80-01826R000900080012-6 8 Approved For Release 201141408/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000900080.0.12-6 d. Whenever competitive evaluation establishes employee's ratings as essentially equal, it is appropriate that Panel Members give added weight to consideration of age, length of qualifying experience and general background. D. Suggested Steps in Competitive Ranking by Panels: 1. Names of all eligible employees recommended for promotion by Senior Supervisors will be provided to the Panel by the Head of the Career Service. 2. The records (Biographic Profiles or equivalent) of the above employees will be preliminarily reviewed by Panel, Members for familiarization. 3. The records (Biographic Profiles or equivalent) of all other eligible employees in the competitive area will be reviewed. From this group, the names of any other employees considered by the Panel to warrant final ranking for promotion will be selected. 4. The names of employees recommended for promotion by Senior Supervisors together with the names of other eligibles selected by the Panel will be considered for Panel ranking. Whenever feasible, interviews will be conducted of these employees, their supervisors, and others having knowledge of their work. This step is particularly desirable in the consideration of employees in GS-12 and above. 5. Each Panel Member will individually rank all employees (selected as above) after completion of the review of Biographic Profiles or equivalent summary of service and performance, and the com- pletion of Panel discussions or interviews. 6. Upon review of the individual rankings, any wide discrepancies Approved For R4feaPsW224061geng :tgliktkedatlIMANWM8(61121=6 be discussed and more information obtained if necessary. Thereafter, Panel Members MANY' nAillait rgankinms- ymmir7F1- Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA2110P80-01826R000900080012A "01.! "9 41.,A4-AdviA3 rankings with equal weight being given to each Panel Memberfa judgment. The individual ranidngs for each employee will be totalled, and the final ranking will be determined by listing tho employzbe tit the lowest total ranking points first, the eaployee with the second If a Panel Member dis- lowest total of =Icing points, second, etc,i qualifies himself on ranking an individual, the rankings of the other members will be given proportionately more weight in the mathematical computation. MaILThatt-261W-Ataa.i.W.azia-ka-t2 araakagragaitatai Fmk Panel IW 2 tat marJber 1 a a a 2 ? c b b 3 e a c 4 b d a 5 d o' d Deter4pat1on of Pin4 Rank .Order of Emmloyees Final garacknA 1 2 3 4 5 A letaLMILL3 6 8 12 34 0, IMr57, 'int mrtto._MA 4ch,pttr nTh n. elr4t1,tmn fc?r reqUested pm:notion 44116P,4 14.10 etf the nArserServico. the list will be adjusted accordingly and forwarded to the Head of the Career Sonia* for his use. 1.pproved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-R0P80-01826R000900080012A ? NPPro , ? t d For Release 2000/00130 CIA-PIPP00-011126R000900000012-6 in. arcanaann=" 011 P A. BY Offke ot PerSonnell The Office of Personnel will be responsible for the program of preparing accurate Biographic Profiles of personnel to be evaluated. Duo to the volume of work involved, participa- by PersoAlicl Officers, Career Matuagement Officers, and employees in this program will be necessary. Additionally, the Office of Personnel dfl pvr, clarification on promotion procedures, and furAieh listings of permor in the zone of consideration, qualification requiremants for specific positions or lines of work, and position evaluation information. B. tairstradisa2gingattSaatiaatearSorvick: Important responsibilities of Career Management Offizors will be the provision of Secretariat support to Competitive Evaluation Panels, the obtaining of information concerning employees being before or during Panel considerations* and sorvinz as a point of liaison between the Panel and Senior Supervisors. C. Bvisersonnsl Ofacorpind AcIministratiSfAcila in 0. e Ofiay Personnel and AdmLnistrative Officers will be responsible for ensuring that Usti' Of personnel recommendal for promotion by Senior Supervissi-s are provided to the Panels and will assist Collier Supervisczo in tido regard. May will participate mith Office of Perzonzwa in developing Biographic Profiles or the equivalent for Panel nao. rat ase 2000/08/30 : CIA-R0P80-01826R000900080012-6 11 hek Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-RDP80-01826R0009000%224i6 SUBJECT: Concurrence in Competitive Promotion Regulation and Handbook CONCUR: 25X1A9a Distribution: Chairman and Members, CIA Career Council Executive Secretary, CIA Career Council Chief, PED Chief, Regulations Control Staff Approved For Release 2000/08/30 : CIA-MM9412111/4000900080012-6