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25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A Approved For Relea4.0001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R0008W20012-3 MITHITES q1-11g COUTLIL 34tb. Wiestina, Thursday, 3 Novn0her 1956, 3:00 PJ1. DCI Confarenne Room). ,Absinistration Bnilding 1Fre TaIrrison. G. Reynolds, Director or Personnel, Chairman Natt-sor Bzird, Director et' Training, Member _ Chicro Main Starr, CC, Alternate for ?Irector of ber 11.1111,11trier Inspector General, Keleher of of Opermtions, 11D/P1 Alternate for WIZ, Maxier sistent to tha DD/I (Aein), Altmnute for rtmizty ), MOmbor Deputy' Director (Support), Member Deputy Director of Personnel for riamrtuE am. tive Secretary Office or Parsomatl, Reporter Guests Special Swills:et Assistant (earsonnel) sistant Ereoutive Officer, DD/P DO' ce of the General Counsel Mampmmeat surf , Legislative Connsel Special Assistant to the DD/S Chief, LETS , Deputy Director of Personnel the Ad Hoc Committee On Foreign Language Development 1, Tise minutes GC the 33rd meeting held on 31 October tmr;, approved. after c,z....ntsajh 3 babe= aniTlified to reed as follows (et?dded rortion is onderlInsd): "3. The Council discussed in some detail the dropping of the provision permitting CIA to employ a larger nurber of retiret military personnel than now pitted (Pnblic Lau 110 Approved For Release 2001/08/%4arkagEr-01826R000800020012-3 25X1A . Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000800020012-3 %WI etrert !elinut= 34th neeting of CIA Career Council 2,3 era-meted by Public Lev 53) wad agemeci that mule eetitea era eeemopelate ineemawb ve were infermed. Stemvse racat labe mac ble and it .71eoeardise the ....__Nattattf the Dill. ? 2. Prior to taking rep the ?teazel Agendas Kr3 likewan iteul presented to the ceeeert. that 1xt1n rii ea the proposed CIA Legialaticto thet had to do eeth eeeelerated.retireemaxt. peattinent papers etre dieteihnted (attached eereeo). The proposal included., basically, one and a half years credit toverd 7.'Ott:4WtlaIt for moll year ot sfavice overmatt at a non-hardship post and. two years' eeeeeet Zoe each :fear et a hardzhip poet. Vo1untary retirement would be subject eo the approval of the Direetor after the Individual had pasteet age 50 end btol fN) -,7mea total Goverment service. With respect to "iewoluntexy retireuent" it become elear aizzing the discuseiGal that retirement lat. se coalii not be eroleneeree A person. Itto vas involeantarily rketed- for reesaas other than "2= teeree Odartva cor sisceedrot or delie.queney at arey age aft= 25 rairs t)7e fS7i1 WO 50 ell:Ur e.N) years a service) wouls1 be eligble to count ii tee_ ereeetter whatever acceleratedn credit he had *warned, aceording -to the basic ef. eee and a he:Lt yeers gcm. non-hardehip mem= date and to years for "eseeeet.ele Cetty? In other uoreo.ss if the individual i$ entitl.ed retiresent tat.12. 14.5 igic4TA3ka rime Ly cep-rated, including such reasons as ineTicieneys eeeeeeetereetnetoreos abolishing of" the jobs etc., be would be atitled also to gor tan oversees zervice. 'But Council reco,snizeds as the nubmitted es:me:Zero ateere4.4 that eraikt of 2 for 1 at a hardship post raised the retire- eeeeetty o eignificantly high figures. It agreed, however, that um should etteeet ar.nerii3tiiw hoWit. . The Inspeetwe Cemeeel ativrz? l. that he vas working ez leat ot yerkgesed baranidy posta =ft 1,mM. circulate the Itet when it wae ,t? Teee Cci1am:leased the eropos. Regethatiess Assioneentes'' 25X1A rort 3 on the Agenda) 'which had been prepared as a nin w casio persomel :poitcy. The Council eeeeeed that it vould be preferable for this policy to be ::;47ErtaCift`. Ck?011 the Director's eigeteture as a. all-enployee notice rather then as a eaceilatien.acL direeteel that the matter be referred back to the Council in tImi.t feeee? The Council retrieved the cireumstences of the publication of Regulation 'Career Planning for indtvidnals" and directed tbet it be republiehel in Utit fax originally e.ppreved by the Council. 5. The Ad Roc Committee on Zweig:a language Del:element met with the il (Item h co the Agenda). It vas egrend, to refer back to the Ad. Hoe Calatittee the poirato raised by the DD/P and the Director of Training with instruetiene to repo& baok to the Council at its matt meeting on 15 Novembers if possible. 2 Relt-CeR-Peor Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000800020012-3 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000800020012-3 %PO *tort Minutes at Vith Meeting at CIA Career Council 6. The Council discussed the problem or coordination ise publication or rogillatious on which. the Council bad taken action. It was agreed that in the future with respect to all regulations effecting personnel policy that when the draft had been prepared by either the Office at Training or the Office of Persomei it would be circulated to members or the Council sufficiently in advs.:see ar the meeting e.t which it would be acted upon so that the C-cencil AIWA; take final action with the necessity for editorial or other revisions belxig made prior to peztaics.ticn. It would be the responsibility at tan tiveSeereUry to dstennine froze the members at the Conseil hoe' Skikeh thlUt end their stare needed for further study. This would fe.eterssine the date Ixtrad beplactel on the Agenda or the Coinicil. It vow further agreed that ,?.:C?c(a' tItie Council tai take:a attic% the proposed. rootlet:ion would lie open until oZ bustivass the relieving Tuesday (i.e., three marking dale - Friday, Icgs:.?:10ew:, and. Tuesday) berZore it would be sent to the printer. If no 15101ber or thfil Courtell had requested an extensiozt at time beyond the el..om of business the regulation would be printed as agresd at the yrendotts Laerottegat Czwien. Cvtnicil brien,y discussed once in the ?imam of vtang 7ora U.itopses a the deve:i.oplents in the Carter 8arrie0 ProrAwl. It was that main had been accomplished in the pest .4)r-es, years but that vas stillnuch &tine/111;y in getting the story to al, working levels in The Executive Becreftry was inetasuated to pres:nat e program 7-zu by the Ceirocil at its meeting on 29 Eorrsaber The Council discussed the problem of persons 'alth Aa5,.rvice Ow41,92aticas on the TiO of the Director's Office and referrad the -.latter to tbc 7.1-xv:cutive Secretary or preparation at a eolution. :The repay Director ( Alvort) subsequently decided. to ammo this respousibi7..ityg 9. The Council adjourned at 5:2? P.M. to meet next on /5 Vevenber sod loveeber. 25X1A9a Executive Secretary CIA Career Council Attechments Proposed CIA Legislation an Aoseisarsted Retirement 3 S-E-C.R-FoR Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000800020012-3 Approved For Re141006 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R00116110020012-3 ? of such vehicles. SECTION' 5. Section 10(a)(1) of such Act is emended by inserting "Chapter 171 of" lamwellately before "28 0.8.0." SECTION 6. "Such Act is amemded by inserting a new. Ovee.9 iihel read as follows: Section 9. (a) For the purpose of eemputteg eligibility for retirmaent and the amount of the aunneity under the Civil Service Retirement Act (Act of 22 lie/ 1920, as amemeleds, 5 U.S.C. 691) each year of service abroad as an employee of the Agency after 18 September 1947 shall be credited as one and one half years of service and each sadh year served at a post abroad classified by the Director as an unhealthful post by reilsoa or elimatie or other extreme I:auditions shall be credited as to years of EfelViM The retirement asps prescribed in the Civil Service Retirement Act shall be lowered by the nuaber of months of eetee service, credit granted for service *bread and at unhealthful poets. Seen additional credits :shall be granted proportionately tor ,:f.acerzionel years of service: Provided, That volevetary retirement dm/1 net be allowed until such persons ehall have reached 50 years of age and shall have completed twenty years of actual service uith the United States Goverment* and them only with aver:nal of the Direetor, (b) NO annuity paid under the Civil Service Retirement Act shall be reduced solely because the annuitant has retired at an age lowered in accordance withthe proVisicee of sebsection (a) of this Section. The base asp providedby the Civil Service Retirement Apt for emeeutimg a percentage reduction in aresuities shall be APProvelfailteariblistkiPthiiiinidataik-aliFiligeffifiliteNiOtii2ilenraaaart age sada amergepts with sebscatton 00 of this Section." Example Approved For RelSkiki00:1-A/Wr61AlliDP8010482620012-3 OOMPARISON OF RETIREMENT SYMMS ImMiteMiii getting at age 60 with 30 years actual service with an average salary for his highest five year, of $7465 (top step Of Grade GS-W, a. With 4yees overseas at non-hazardous posts. CSC Retirement With CIA Proposed Acceleration ZeLaMesjilimet CSC Jt 2 1/2% x 7465* 5 -4 559, 15 1 VS x 7465 x 5 - $ 559.85 1 3/4% x 7465 x 5 - 653, M) 1 3/4$ x 7465 x ? s53020 2% x 7465 20 - Y) 2% 7465 x (2042*) 284.60 Annuity 53 Annuity - t 497.65 2% Scale Used By Service 2% x 7465 x 30 Annuity - $4479. * 2 yea; a additional credit for overacts service , (Alternate No,: With our aocelerationo the, individual could retire at ag 58, in this case at normal GIC retirement annuity of $ 199.05.) b. With 16 years overseas, 4 of which ware at hasardous posts. Normal cqc Retirement Annuity same as above CSC Retireaent With CIA Proposed Acceleration 2% Scale Used By 1 1/2% x 7465 x 5 - $ 559 85 1 3/4% x 7465 x 5 - 653.20 2% x 7465 x (204644*)- }479.(2 Annuity - $5692.H5 2% X 7465 x (3942**) Annuity - $4777.60 * 6 years additional credit for the 12 ye .= at nen-haserdous posts, 4 years additional credit for the 4. years at hazardous posts - total of 10 years additional credit. f* 2 years credit based on Foreign Service provision for 6 months credit for each year spend at a hasardoua post, (Alternate Notes With our aceeleration the individutl could retire at age 50, in this case at normal CSC :votiremea; annuity of $429$005.) Example 2. This case is designed to compare the CSC retirement -scale with the Foreign Service Retirement seals at age 93 with 20 years actual service (10 years overseas at none-lhasardous posts). Figures are based on an average salary of $7465 as above. Normal CSC Retirement 12912ZRINUALABIL-421. 1 IA% x 7465 x 5? $ 559.85- 3/4% x 74.65 x 5 653.20 2$ x 7465 x 10 - Annuity - .05 Less 15% for retiring 10 years under age EC provides annuity of $2300.15 CSC Retirement With CIA Proposed Acceleration For Service Abroad 1-1/2%x 7465 x 5 - $ 55985 -- 1 3/4%x 7465 x 5 - 653.20 2%x 7465 x (1045)- Annu4ty 3452.55 Less 15% for retiring /0 years under age 60 erovides annuity of $2934.67 0-S-E OH-L-17 2% Scale Used By tackLaJbmWat_ 4 7465 X 20 Annvity 42986 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000800020012-3 Example 3. a Approved For Repeuip 2091(0?/9/1.,R,p1A-,RQP80-01826430Q0490020012-3 Wil'ARISON MTIRGiraft. SYST4= Individual retiring lit*age 60 uith 30 years actual varice alth an average salary for his bigheat five years of 12690 (top step.of Grade GS-15). a. With 4 years overseas at non-hazardous poste. CSC Retir nt With CIA Proposed Acceleration 1 1/2$ x 120690.x 5 - 6 951.75 1 3/4% * 120690 x 5- 1110.038 2% x 129690'x (204.4* aannuM- 7?45673 Amauity 07614, 6.271-4SALW4Mtitt. 1 1/2%x 12690 x 5 - $ 951.75 1 3/4% x 12690 x.5 - 2% x 120690 x.20 at6 Annuity .13 2% Seals Ueed Ba E9rdm,g-ml-fm. 12A90 z" * 2 -yeare additional credit for averseaa aervice (Alternate Note: With our acceleration, the individual could retire at age 58p in this case at CSC. retire:Teat annuity of $7138.1) b. With 16 years overseasv 4 of which mere at hazardoas 11120,,;ffl_114411 Annuity Same as Abo * 6 years additional credit for the 12 years at nonhanardous poets, ' 4 years at hazardous poste - total of 10 ye* ra additional Credit . ** 2,yews credit based on Fore4ft Service proviaion for 6 months credit for each year spent at a lansardenn pont (Alternate Note: With our acceleration, the individual could retire at age 50, in this caae at CSC retirement enmity of K713.6013.) Ex4111910 4. This case ia.dozigned to compere the CSC retir nt scale with theaPereia- Servide Retirement Scale at age 50 with 20 years actual service (10 years overseas at nonftazardous pests). Figures are based on averagc Salary of. '$12690 as aboVe. CSC Retirement With CIA Propeced Acceleretion Uzad By 1.',2K.WOJE-011n4La:aa. Dval ce 2% ? 12 690 1/2% z 121)690 x 5- $ 951.75 1 3/Alt x 120690 x 5 - 1110.38 12,690 (204-6a4)*- Annuity 7 at3 - $8121.,60 . Normal CSC Retirement iPstanUeJ11,NL 1 1/2% x 112p60 x 5 - $ 951.75 1 3/4%x 120690 x 5. 1110.38 2% x 1;690 x 10 ? a.Annuity a m600.13 Less 25% for retiring 10 years under ,,o 60 provides annuity of 0910.33.0 ? CSC Retirement ? With CIA Proposed Acceleratten - For Service Abroad., 2 1/2% x 22i,690 x 5 - 951.75 12v690 x 5 - 1110.3S 2% x 12,690 x (10+5)- Q9 Annuity - 5669.13 Lass 15% for -retiring 10 years under age 60 provides annuity of $4988.76. C-I-A 1-11,-Tar?-RallaA-L Ua8-3 Approved For Release 2001/08/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000800020012-3 2% Scale Used By 720.1gO, 2% x 120690 x 20 Annuity $5076. ,