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25X1A9a Approved F 2/05/01 : CIA-R0P80-0 4011.11Crraill.1111.1..e,T MINUTES OF THE CIA CAREER COUNCIL .Uth Meeting, rida3r, 9 September 1955g 3:00 p.m, WI Conference Room, Administration Building Peesent: Harrison G, Reynolds, D/Pers? Chairman Sherman Kent,'ADD/T, Alt-. for DDII, Member Lyman 0, 4Arkpatrick, lila Member H. Gates Lloyd, ADD/S? Alt. for DD/S? Member ,-D/CO., Member EO/TR ? Alt. for DiTH? Me ? Alt, for DD/P, Member cutive Secretary Reporter er Guests Special Support Assistant Wit Deputy Director of Security cc of Personnel ice of Personnel Lawrence Ee, Houston, General Counsel 1 Office of Personnel , Walter Pferzheimer,, Legislative Counsel Edwerd R. Seunderps, Comptroller Special Assistant DD/I John R. Tietjens, Chiefs, Medical Staff 15 Deputy Director of Personnelj puty General Counsel 1, The minutes of the 13th meeting of the CIA Career Council were approved as distributed, 2. The second item on the agenda, 1 'concerning selection of candidates to senior schools of the Department or Defense was noted. The notice was on its way to the printer. It was agreed that the Director of Training would be asked to inform the Council concerning the question of CIA obtaining a slut at the NATO War College. . ' , 3. The third item concerned the policy On CIA Honor Awards for Intelligence Activities. Messrs. Reynolds] ] had con- ferred with General Cabell as directed by the Council at its iOth meeting.. The Deputy Director had requested that the revised staff study be : Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-R ILLEGIB 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Relears02002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000%40070004 8 reconsidered by the Council. The Council concurred in the staff study and directed that it be forwarded to the Director for his approva. 14& The Chairman requested Mr. Houston, the General Counsel, to present item four, the proposed legislative program of the Agency. There was dis- tributed to the members present, a revised analysis of the wording of proposed legislation cempared with that already contained in the statutes. On the recommendation of Mr., Kirkpateick the Council agreed that CIA should present to the Congress through the Bureau of the Budgets exactly what legislation was felt to be needed, regardless of whether favorable or unfavorable reaction from the Congress was anticipated. Further, CIA should not rely necessarily for needed legislation on that which was contained in bills sponsored be other agencies of the Government. a. Section ls Extension of benefits to overseas eMployess stationed in U.S. territories and possessions, was approved for inclusion in the proposed amendments to P.L. 110. ? , b. Section 2s Authority to pay travel allowances or dependents to acquire education, was approved for inclusion in the Proposed amendments to P.L. 110. The language proposed was that presently existing in the Foreign Service Act0 co nationals inclusion do personnel inclusion Section 3, Authority to order U.S. citizens and Foreign to the continental U.S. on home leave, was approved for in the proposed amendments to P.L. 110. Section 4, Extention of home leave benefits to', CIA overseas equivalent to those of the Foreign Service, was approved for in the proposed amendments to P.L. 110. so Section 5p Authority to pay travel expenses of dependents of overseas employees to the nearest medical facility, was approved for inclusion in the proposed amendments to P.L. 110, after changing the words "hospital or clinic" to read "suitable medical facility". .f. Section 6, Authority to pay costs of medical treatment for overseas dependents when illness or injury is related to duty or station of the employee was revised to read "suitable medical facility" instead of "hospital or clinic". After lengthy discussion of the meaning and interpretation to be placed upon "line of duty" and"cireumstances related to the duty" it was agreed that the General Counsel would clarify and rephrase this matter working with Dr. Tietjen, Chief Medical Staff. Section 6 was approved for inclusion in the proposed amendments to P.L. 110. 2 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R0007000700048 25X1A Approved For Relealise2002/05/0.1 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000741881167000478 g. Section 70 Authority to conduct physical examinations and inoculations of dependents, was approved for inclusion in the proposed amendments to P.L. 110. h. Section 8, Authority to extend certain overseas medical benefits to TDY personnel was approved for inclusion in the proposed amendments to P.L. 110. io Section 9, Permanent authority for allowancee,:including educational allowances rather than authority by reference to other legislation, was approved for inclusion in the proposed amendments j. Section 10, Authority to pay death gratuity of 41?000 was approved for inclusion in the proposed amendments to P.le, 110. This decision was taken after recognition that other pending legislation (notably H.R. 7089) proposed a different formula than the CIA formula 25X1A k. Section 110 Authority to employ more than the 15 retired military officers now permitted by P.L. 53 . it was decided to refer this matter to the Director before definitely including it among the proposed amendments to P.L. 110o The figure of 50 exemptions for staff emplOyment was considered. In the meantime effort e would be made by the Inspector General, the Office of Personnel and the Clan 25X1A destine Services to determine how many cases might be involved. When this is determined a specific figure could be 'written into the proposed amendments, 25X1A 1. Section 12a Authority to make advance Payments) especially rh Section 13, a typographical error in P.L. 110 was approved for inclusion among the proposed amendments to P,L. 110. n. Section 14, Authority for the DCI to appoint not more than 6 Deputy Directors was not approved for inclusion among the proposed amendments to P.L. 110. it was believed that this would unnecessarily tie the Director's hands. It was decided to recommend to the Director that he first seek White House quidanee on this matter. 3 Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000700070004-8 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000700070004-8 %00/ ?111.9 o* With regard to Missing Persons legislation, it was agreed to delegate to the General Counsel's office the responsibility for incorporating the necessary material into the proposed amendmente to Pole 110 or of "riding along" with the permanent Missing persons legislation being sponsored by the Department of Defense*, 5, Item 5 on the Agenda, Retirement legislation was next considered* After lengthy discussion of the provisions of the so called "Kaplan Bill", being sponsored bf the Civil Service Commission: the reported views of the White House Task Force (the Duflon Committee) and the previously established CIA posititel on accelerated retirement for overseas service, it was agreed that the General 6ounsel would draft appropriate legislation, following the original formula previously approved by the Council, for inclusion among the proposed avendments to P*L. 110* This draft would be presented to the Council at ita next meeting on Friday 15 i'eeptember0 It was further agreed that we uould not include our propoeals in the comments that we were required to neke on this Kaplan Bill to the Bureau of the Budget by 15 Septeebero It Was agreed that the Office of Personnel and the General Counsels It was agreed that no further action would be taken at this time 80 It wae agreed that consideration of additional allaWances or salary differentials under special emergency or hazardous conditions, when No declared by the Director would be tabled until more study could be given to the problem? 51,3 The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. to meet again on Thursday 15 Feptember* 4 scutive eecre ary CIA Career Council Approved For Release 2002/05/01 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000700070004-8