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Apprn IPri Fnr_P Iep a 20O0!0d?12 Fi ti1 'F Dr80.01i 826-RI5166866 1300 1 Or-5 FITNESS REPORT INSTRUCTIONS TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE OR PERSONNEL OFFICER: Consult current administrative instructions regarding the initiation and transmittal of this report. TO THE SUPERVISOR: Read the entire form before attempting to complete any item. Asatthe heting his supervisor whossigak- directs and reviews the work of the individual, you haveprimary responsibility for strengths. nesses, and on-the-job effectiveness as revealed by his day-to-day activities. If this individual has been under your supervision for less than 30 days, you will collaborate with his previous supervisors to make sure the report is accurate and complete. Primary responsibility rests with the current supervisor. It is assumed that, through. out the period this individual has been under your supervision, you have discharged your supervisory responsibili. ties by frequent discussions of his work, so that in a general way he knows where he stands. IT IS OPTIONAL WHETHER OR NOT THIS FITNESS REPORT IS SHOWN T17 THE PERSON BEING RATED SECTION I (To be filled in by Administrative Officer) NAME (Last) (First) (Middle) 12. DATE OF BIRTH 3. SEX 4. CAREER DESIGNATION 5. DATE OF ENTRANCE ON DUTY 6. OFFICE ASSIGNED TO 7? DIVISION S. BRANCH 9. NATURE OF ASSIGNMENT 10. IF FIELD. SPECIFY STATION: 11. GRADE f-7 DE PAR TMFN TAL F I E LIE _ _ _ - 12. DATE THAT THIS REPORT IS DUE 13. PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REPORT (Inclusive dates) WHAT SPECIFIC ASSIGNMENTS OR TASKS ARE TYPICAL OF THOSE GIVEN TO HIM DURING THE PAST THREE TO SIX MONTHS (List in order of frequency): DOCUMENT AD. NO CHANGE IN CLASS ^ DECLA+SSIfIED CH NGED TO: TS 3 D NEXT REVIEW DATE; AUTH; HR I" ~~- DATE REVIEW'EA; VMS READ THE ENTIRE FORM BLFORF ATTEMPTING TO COMPLFTI ANY ITAJ4 The Fitness Report is an important factorin agency personnel management. It seeks to provide: 1. The agency selection board with information of value when considering the application of an individual for membership in the career service; and 2. A periodic record of job performance as an aid to the effective utilization of personnel. SECTION III -- I certify that, during the latter half of the period covered by this report, I have discussed with the rated indi- vidual the manner in which he has performed his job and provided suggestions and criticisms wherever needed. I be- lieve that his understanding of my evaluation of his performance is consistent with my evaluation of him as evi- denced by this fitness report and I have informed him of his strengths, weaknesses, and on-the-job effectiveness. If performance during the report period has been unsatisfactory, there is attached a copy of the memorandum noti- fying him of unsatisfactory performance. has C] has not been shown to the individual rated. SIGNATURE or RATER (Employee's immediate supervisor) I HAVE REVIEWED THIS REPORT (Comments. if any, are reflected by attached memorandum) THIS DATE ISIGHATURE OF REVIEWING OFFICIAL (Ctfictal next higher in line of authority) Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R0006onl %nnl n-s Orf'D T (When F711-il 3117 ? pp..~~j~~~~~ G OU THINK THA A I qffF ?4=091 At( d A I~~ 00600T30010 D. DO YOU FEEL THAT HE REQUIRES CLOSE SUPERVISION? E. WHAT TRAINING DO YOU RECOMMEND FOR THIS INDIVIDUAL? characteristics OTHER COMMENTS (Indicate here general traits, specific habits or not covered elsewhere in the report but which have a bearing on effective utilization of this person): SECTION VI _ --------- appropriate box under subsections A.B.C.&D Read all descriptions before rating. Place ?X"in the most app DIRECTIONS: Consider only the skill with which the C. DIRECTIONS: Based upon what he has said, his actions, person has performed the duties of his job and rate and any other indications, give your opinion of this person's attitude toward the agency. him accordingly. _ __ r,.r ..-_rurv 1. DOES NOT PERFORM DUTIES ADEQUATELY, HE IS INCOMPETENT. 2. BARELY ADEQUATE IN PERFORMANCE? ALTHOUGH HE HAS HAD SPECIFIC GUIDANCE OR TRAINING. HE OFTEN FAILS TO CARRY OUT RESPONSIBILITIES 3. COMPETENTLY. PERFORMS MOST OF HIS DUTIES ACCEPTABLY, OCCA- SIONALLY REVEALS SOME AREA OF WEAKNESS. PERFORMS DUTIES IN A TYPICALLY COMPETENT. EFFECTIVE MANNER. A FINE PERFORMANCE, CARRIES OUT MANY OF HIS RESPONSIBILITIES EXCEPTIONALLY WELL. PERFORMS HIS DUTIES IN SUCH AN OUTSTANDING MANNER THAT HE IS EQUALLED BY FEW OTHER PER- SONS KNOWN TO THE RATER. 5- 6. IS THIS INDIVIDUAL BETTER QUALIFIED FOR WORK IN SOME OTHER AREA? E No L__ ]YFS. IF YES. WHAT? (j. DIRECTIONS: Considering others of this persona grade and type of assignment, how would you rate him on potentiality for assumption of greater responsibili- ties normally indicated by promotion. HAS REACHED THE HIGHEST GRADE LEVEL AT WHICH SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE CAN BE EXPECTED. (= 2. IS MAKING PROGRESS, BUT NEEDS MORE TIME IN PROMOTION TO A HIGHER ORE PRESENT GRADE BEF GRADE CAN BE RECOMMENDED. 3. IS READY TO TAKE ON RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE NEXT HIGHER GRADE. BUT MAY NEED TRAINING IN SOME AREAS. WILL PROBABLY ADJUST QUICKLY TO THE MORE RESPONSIBLE DUTIES CF THE NEXT HIGHER GRADE. IS ALREADY PERFORMING AT THE LEVEL OF TILE NEXT HIGHER GRADE. AN EXCEPTIONAL PERSON WHO IS ONE OF THE FEW WHO SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FOR RAPID ADVANCE- MENT. 2. OF DOUBTFUL SUITABILITY.. WOULD NOT HAVE AC- W NOW . CEPTED HIM IF I HAD KNOWN WHAT I KNO A BARELY ACCEPTABLE EMPLOYEE.. DEFINI TELY BELOW AVERAGE BUT WITH NO WEAKNESSES SUFFICIENTLY OUTSTANDING TO WARRANT HIS SEPARATION. ITA? A TYPICAL EMPLOYEE..HE DISPLAYS THE SAME SU BILITY AS MOST OF THE PEOPLE I KNOW IN THE AGENCY. A FINE EMPLOYEE - HAS SOME OUTSTANDING STRENGTHS. AN UNUSUALLY STRONG PERSON IN TERMS OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AGENCY. EXCELLED BY ONLY A FEW IN SUITABILITY FOR WORK IN THE AGENCY. $26R00060013nn~ Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01 ..WILL DEFINITELY LEAVE THE AGENCY Al in, 1,^-.1 OPPORTUNITY. HAS STRONG NEGATIVE ATTITUDE TOWARD AGENCY... IRKED BY RESTRICTIONS... REGARDS AGENCY AS A TEMPORARY STOP UNTIL HE CAN GET SOMETHING BETTER. TENDS TO HAVE AN UNFAVORABLE ATTITUDE TOWARD THE AGENCY.. BOTHERED BY MINOR FRUSTRATIONS.. WILL QUIT IF THESE CONTINUE. HIS ATTITUDE TOWARD THE AGENCY IS INDIFFERENT LD LEAVE IF O U ... HAS "WAIT AND SEE" ATTITUDE..W SOMEONE OFFERED HIM SOMETHING BETTER. TENDS TO ALLOWANCES R FORE RESTRICTIONS W IMPOSED N BY HAVE ATTITUDE WORKING FOR AGENCY..THINKS IN TERMS OF A CA- REER IN THE AGENCY. FAVORABLE ATTITUDE DEFINITELY HAS AGENCY..BARRING AN UNEXPECTED OUTSIDER OPPORE TUNITY. WILL PROBABLY ENDEAVOR TO MAKE A CAREER IN THE AGENCY. HAS AN ENTHUSIASTIC ATTITUDE TOWARD THE AGENCY ..WILL PROBABLY NEVER CONSIDER WORKING ANY PLACE BUT IN THE AGENCY. DIRECTIONS: Consider everything you know about t is person im making your rating..skilt in job duties, conduct on the job, personal characteristics or habits, and special defects or talents. (When Fills n =r. zR YRDP80-01_826R000soo1300 ..5.____- This favorable or unfavorable secfions dd ae nn aid in describing the individual. Your description is not in itself butiacprquiorvieseits The in relation to a particular job or assignment. e descriptive words are to be interpreted literally. a series of statements that apply in some etagere to most people. On On the left hand side of the page below are the r i g h t hand side of the page are four major categories o f descriptions. The scale w i t h i n each category i s di- vided i n t o three small blocks; this i s to allow you t o make finer d i s t i n c t i o n s i f you so desire. Look a t the state- per- hnve the statement t opinion applies to whether ah column tell 5 how means you much ment on t h e left - then check the category tNot right best son phrrose you are rating. Placing an "X X" in the e applies to an individual. Placing an X" in the "Does Not Apply" column means that you have the definite opinion that the description is not at all suited to the individual. A. ABLE TO SEE ANOTHER'S POINT OF VIEW. NOT OB- SERVED DOES NOT APPLY 2. CAN MADE DECISIONS ON HIS OWN WHEN NEED ARISES. 3. CAUTIOUS IN ACTION. 4. HAS INITIATIVE. 5. UNEMOTIONAL. 6. ANALYTIC IN HIS THINKING. 7. CONSTANTLY STRIVING FOR NEW KNOWLEDGE AND IDEAS. B. GETS ALONG WITH PEOPLE AT ALL SOCIAL LEVELS. I1. CALM. 12. CAN GET ALONG WITH PEOPLE. 13. MEMORY FOR FACTS. 15. KEEPS ORIENTED TOWARD LONG TERM GOALS. 17. HAS HIGH STANDARDS OF ACCOMPLISHMENT. 18. HAS STAMINA; CAN KEEP GOING A LONG TIME. 21. ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITIES. 22. ADMITS HIS ERRORS. 23. RESPONDS WELL TO SUPERVISION. 24. EVEN A~pl'd0d For Rel a e:20 0/09/1 25. ABLE TO DO HIS JOB WITHOUT STRONG SUPPORT. APPLIE5 TO A LIMITED DEGREE APPLIES TO A REASONABLE DEGREE ccrnr-r _ Approved For Rele nn/ N COMES UP WITH SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS. STIMULATING TO ASSOCIATES: A SPARK PLUG'. I - I - I I I C I .1 i I I I I I --1 1 1 I l 32. CLEAR THINKING. 33. COMPLETES ASSIGNMENTS WITHIN 1 1 ALLOWABLE TIME LIMITS. ---_-- 34. EVALUATES SELF REALISTICALLY. 35. WELL INFORMED ABOUT CURRENT f ( EVENTS. 1 1 1 1 I 36. DELIBERATE. 37. EFFECTIVE IN DISCUSSIONS WITH I I_,. _1 ASSOCIATES. -- I( 38. IMPLEMENTS DECISIONS REGARD- LESS I_ 1_ _j OF OWN FEELINGS. 39. THOUGHTFUL OF OTHERS. 1 I - 1 40. WORKS WELL UNDER PRESSURE. I _ - I_ ~ 1 1 I 41 DISPLAYS JUDGEMENT. 42. GIVES CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE. FACILITATES SMOOTH OPERATION OF HIS OFFICE. DOES NOT REQUIRE STRONG AND CONTINUOUS SUPERVISION. A. WHAT ARE HIS OUTSTANDING STRENGTHS? WHAT ARE HIS OUTSTANDING WEAKNESSES? I 1 I-I I I I I 1 Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R0006001 3nn1 n_S lr I J _L I I _L_ _ l_ _a _L._L ~-- u