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February 18, 1954
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Approved FRelease 20( : CIA-RDP80-018 000600060006-8 OGC HAS REVIEWED. 18 Febr;a 1954 SUBJF,CT : Ifulti-Purpe ;e Slots 1. PROBLEM: To establ:Lab some means by which Individuals possessing unusual qualifications may be employed or retained by the Central Intelligence Agency,, despite the fact that their capabilities cannot currently be fully utilized by any single component of CIA. 2. A SSUMPTIONS t a. Long-range estimate: of personnel requirements based upon anticipated. operational needs would indicate the necessity for retaining in the employ of CIA., personnel possessing univ,ual qualifications or the employment of such personnel when their services become availe:41 s. b. Establishment of a block of positions for the purpose of accommodating personnel placed in the category of full time interoffice consultants and specialists is considered by General. Counsel to be within the legal authority of the Director of Central Intelligence. 3. FACTS BARING ON THE PROBIEMt a. The CIA currently has within its employ individuals who possess unusual qualifications which should not be lost to the national intelligence effort even though such unusual qualifications at present are not being fully utilized within their present assignment, b. Recent T/O reductions have limited the opportunities of staff and office heads with respect to making appropriate reaesigament of such individuals. co The Central Intelligence Agency does not at present have any sfiparata block of positions set aside to accommodate personal in this category. ea The establishment of a block of positions for the purpose of accommodating personnel placed in the category of full time inter-office consultants and specialists is considered to be feasible by the Assistant Director for Personnel. Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600060006-8 Approved For Release 2 CIA-RDP80-01R000600060006-8 a. CIA RegulationM establishes the Office of Personnel and 25X1A sets forth the functions and responsibilities of this Office. b. CIA Regulation establishes the Office of Training and 25X1A sets forth the functions and responsibilities of this Office. so CIA Regulation establishes the Career Service Program 25X1A and sets forth the functions and responsibilities of the CIA Career Service Board, de Functions of the Office of Personnel, as quoted below, are related to the problem as atated. "The Assistant Director for Personnel shall: a. Formulate and recommend policies . . . . which shall govern the administration of personnel throughout the Agency* c. In=pact, review, and evaluate all phases of personnel management activity . . . . for adequacy of personnel programs at all levels of the Agency, f. Provide personnel service for the Agency to include: (2) Procurement and placement of personnel for all components of the Agency." (CIA Regulation No. - paragraph 2.) e. Functions of the Office of Training, as quoted below, are related to the problem as stated. "The Director of Training shall: as Formulate and carry out training policies, plans, standards, and programs to increase the capabilities of personnel to serve the Agency, b. Develop and direct, in coordination with appropriate .Offices, training programs in the United States relating to the skills and techniques required in the specialized opera- tional activities specifically charged to the Agency. h. Direct a comprehensive program for the selection, professional training, and career preparation of junior officer personnel in cooperation with the various Offices of the Agency." (CIA Regulation No. paragraph 2.) 25X1A f. Continued efforts by the Office of Training to identify the specific functions performed by individuals assigned to the various components of CIA for the purpose of developing and conducting realistic training programs "BGNJL Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600060006-8 Approved For Release 23/06 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600060006-8 has resulted in a centrally loom s a- wsito oft o~ 1_ ~~ ~3 o xr a detailed responsibilities and functions of the various Offices of CIA utich the Office of Training serves. g. The establishment and administration of the Junior Officer Trainee Program has resulted in a carefully developed set of criteria against which prospective candidates for this program are selected. Experience in this field could be readily applied to the selection of personnel for assign- ment to Multi-Purpose Slotse h. Assessment and Evaluation Staff, Office of Training, possesses the capability of aiding in the selection of personnel to be assigned to Multi-Purpose Slots. L The facilities of the Office of Training are ideally suited for the administration of Multi-Purpose Slots and, in consideration of the continued daily contacts between this Office and the other components of CIA, acceptable procedures could be readily established for the full utili- zation of personnel assigned to Multi-Purpose Slots. ~. It is estimated that ton Mlti-Purpose Slots would be adequate. Establishment of these Slots within the present CIA personnel coiling might be accomplished by requesting that three unencumbered Slots be provided from DD/A and DD/P and four from DD/I. k. A suggested procedure for administering Multi-Purpose Slots is outlined as followas Personnel currently employed by CIA. to Candidates for reassignment to Multi-Purpose Slots be nominated by appropriate staff and division chiefs and submitted to the Director of Training through the appropriate Assistant Director, Office Dead, or DD/P Senior Staff Chief. % 2. Individnata so nominated be entered for an immediate assessment program. 3. A panel consisting of representatives of the Director of Training, the Assistant Director for Personnel, and the Office or Staff proposing the candidate be convened to consider appropriate courses of action e.g., (a) Additional formal training required by the individual.; (b) 4b-the-sob training which will improve the indivi- daalis capabilities and usefulness to CIA; (c) The Office of Training through its contacts within the various components of CIA to develop a series of part.tim programs for the full exploitation of the Individual's caps. bilittes and qualifications; -3- bw Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600060006-8 Approved For Release 20 '6 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600060006-8 (d) At the coxplet:Ion of each succeeding calendar year, reconvene the panel and review the effectiveness of the individual's program and the possibilities for his permanent reassignment within the Agency, CONCLUSIONS: a. Authorization for Multi-Purpose Slots would provide a practical method of retaining the services of individuals possessing unusual qualifications during periods when their capabilities cannot be fully utilized by any single component of CIA, b. The skills and unusual qualifications of individuals occupying Multi-Purpose Slots would be available to all components of CIA in direct response to real but non-continuing requirements* co The capabilities and flexibility of CIA would be enhanced by retaining the services of individuals possessing unusual qualifications* d, Multi-Purpose Slots can be established within the present CIA personnel ceiling. e, The facilities of the Office of Training are well suited for administering the Mlti-Purpose Slots. 6. ACTION RECO1 4NDEDs a, Approve the conclusions set forth above. b, Authorize the Director of Training, in coordination with'the Assistant Director for Personnel, to develop detailed procedures for administration of Multi-Purpose Slots consistent with these conclusionse c. Authorize the Director of Training to request the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence to approve the allocation of ten additional Slots to the Office of Training, d, Recommend to the Assistant Director for Personnel that Multi- illed at? any level from Purpose Slots be so established that each my be (f grade GS-7 to grade GS-1.5, " Vj e, Fix upon the responsibility for adminis- tration of Miati?Purpose Slots as here proposed, MATTHEW BAIRD Director of Training Approved For Release 2001/09/06 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000600060006-8