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Publication Date: 
December 24, 1953
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Approved For Rase 2000/09/12: CIA-RDP80-O''16R000500190010-0 2.Uscr 1953 TO t Chaff s s CIA, Gareor Services Board 4,: += ; ~ riff n CIA Honor Awards ward :Glaesirieatiaaat of National Saauri4 Modal" TO cyetea"I,hie if CIA?s responsi.'b 1ity for a.c uni.ster'ing awards of Natiio tal Security Medal should be unclassified o sjc d bear .-2 ific,%tion of "Confidential'" or higher, 2 "~ Rcts j arr n:t c the Preb1m c 19 January 1953 ?reei t Truman in at let??tr -to the Honorable =x lter 3, Sn i.thp DCIi c1.~assified "nestriated Security inform .acne Lt cK' t A) tauthoa1.sed n to wke awards of the 'm tionat Security Medal? F .ti 3.0501 lmSai'eguar Sing Official Inform .ation. in the 25X1A w x~ s of the united States" g, aboUshes the ae xr"ity cleaeif3 cats oca of :sa?e~~+~ted~' a ece CIA 1 oti.ce No'- of 27 November I953 "Cl"$ific ition Of cum ts" nmkes it necessary to review material presently classified ugestri.cted Security Inforr tton" for the purpose of downgrading or upgrnding ten such -t.& ria1. is to be transmitted outside the Agenago da Prior to the effective date of. the Executive Order' other Government deptrtwits have asked for information concerning the National Security Medal and it is expected that further requcate will be received, Approved For Release 2000# h 2 : CIA-R PP80-01826R000500190010-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500190010-0 3. Discussion The Fresident4s letter of 19 January 1953 appears to impose the classification "Restricted - Security Information" on correspondence pertinent to CIA's responsibility for the National Security Medal. This responsibility, however, has became rather widely known to other elements of government through normal inquiry and the transmittal of recommendations for the National Security Xedal. The fact of CIA?s interu:st in and responsibility for the National Security Miec al can be compared to the interest of the Departments of Defense, State, Arrr, Navy and Air Force in thy, Medal of Freedom, which is not classified. The 3ational Security Medal, the senior award for distinguished achieve- ment or outstanding contribution in the field of intelligence relating to national security is logically administered by the nation's top- ranking intelligence officers who occupies the same position in respect to the National Security Medal as do the Secretaries of Defense, State, Any, Navy and Air Force in respect to the Medal of Freedom. 4. Conclusions a. Declassification of the Director's authority to awara the National Security Medal woula be consistent with unclassified delega- tions of authority to award National Decorations granted other govern- ment officials. b.. Such action would have no effect on the classification of recom- mendations, supporting data, or citations, for the, , award of the National. Security i edals as these will continue to bear the classification re- quired by the content of the material. Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500190010-0 Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500190010-0 a c r*AIVF 'n'YKPT _ 5 Action Recomunded The CIA. Classification Control Officer ask the White Howe Classification Control officer to review the correspondence conveying U ority to the Director to make awards of the National Security Modal for the purpose of downgrading it. Future :orrespcnc ce relating to the Directorva authority for the Nationa.3 Security Medal, be tanciassified? /5 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2000/09/12 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000500190010-0