(Sanitized) POOLS

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Document Creation Date: 
November 17, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 6, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 28, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-01826R000300150027-8.pdf132.63 KB
L{ x .y [ . F __ 4 .'ova 4.y( i:`iR rt 'S i.. Approved, `F Yiaelease 2000/08/1 1 F L3?j 826R00030015pD22- 25X1A that CJi"i . 0.,7e ea T)r 'r'.yt .y c :a. lb'C to tItA, L3 i "i3,a~rtra io c d 5:.0 p? ~ c; pp t.~{ 1~'' I.w ~ .-..,, [..:....4,.?S. .Y ,p fr?- ~L. r ~..(.A i o CIA ~1.4 t 5.~::.= In :', 25X1 A Hol ci Fo Ia od that this ~; a: ilia r b s mu d by OBEY k 4 2. that the", 2 ugor cu to 9!oi j :i4T, Pool" be c.-; tn,,-u to t ho CIA [Inolan--.flied n .n Pool, t z nthg Aotiv"` tie'`, o :' tho PPoo i s the juriodlctio2i of 'riq to'.:x,'arl .-)D till f'-,jjVr that whei ver '.7: tkblG non c~loiAc.L Gand ` every t';ro kse .i.ies lzmtcad of daily. halbitat -, and (c) c?-, prospoc` ,vo c?a ploye'. c? eaxod. atz.;;ne ntcd iapo2 a`i i l' to Ilar v adu';uat4 -l y the G::o t. a V ititi r t ere:,n. that AD(V,4~rs) r this i ~ tx tis P? r c uito tot (a) str ; s ncualitynn G.A3ct .on vs c;, zsa,T ty. (b) brief pro; o cttvo c. plc es on what to o po t in z t r of Vocurit; dol y s az: a ra ws o:',ras Pool that t"4 _ m3.n t et ative ruld t: ?srlin r. g staf 01" the. pr 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/0 826R000300150027-8 Approved For -Release 200070 IR1 d26R000300150027-8 E~.,. i.~ _tJe L~Cio S.. 93: ~. Ti ~.'~Y ~S i::r.~. t?~~ ~'~rq .: .~,:.E?""4.,S. i~..I. .,c~.a.~ i_ i..^^';; cP ~'.~.7 ,n,4 4~v-4; 1~. it'4'i ~~''.~r V ? * .1 to t e art, . 'gam a ~ V.$ 7 t .,w r yq wo k L4Q; o C Lv.f"4at`: ti G?i~ 3 .. %'a -:3 v?> d~ 't! :~3 > be huld to the e ad of a to we---.A, uo'ir& o 10, that L', 3 t..,-1.v ne P e : ooY.. ne! only of co'. # 41 .a',`?.on of j:re ?. ? t utiti.?w wV7.1 to 6nm4?:l the rot to Lj*'J4A 9+ at c13Z:i 4a. 'i?.": & 1 CviLt be -Von in Lj' c"-s o bait ? os?r t ''{{ 55qq p j t" by a y~~t~ f6'k A-ass/~ Le.`,iZ~:sA i,ioldiv9 In b t3+J ^.i.,;~3 N.:~_.:~~(~ 5,~.f :I kl ~. v4.4.-.A~~~X yi ;L po +YOtt'j3 GTA .'~,,~~..^s. 3o-M?r ; r in ~.,E:rS~.c"~"~.~. G:k zt ~s.;.a ~.~a 7''rcs the w,~t C,1 K o .'?+~ Y:,! U. that 'F`wd clenrwwcn,, rind that F or::7onxi Ln turn ad v'.L c O.t.'f c S of data EW,3 )ltatees M be y'! easod f 4 'i'ra nin Pool y I.t. that the r :c -w ~ x policy 1,00 so that it be us ea as v n adjunct to try"nL ng. (Off co haw sjo V into 1:141o habit of na ?in on thu r ii e.:o project for won: x i, c h is a functional res onnibij ty of t of i r Offices), 25X1 A 12. that tho 25X1A ,cJtrcet q ;nrt,ors be riZu rbi shed to 1 ke th h..b_itab1o. (. ploya.oa aln their f1rc-t i mproc lion of CIA frog theso. b1111T i s) . 13. that OCL rases i4,- to establ o'n a branch 1ihr at the M 25X1 A street Pool. 34. that iaoti.o w` u r i'aciii t.ic C 1 ? tea ins i. ; at the tnee Pool. Approved For Release 2000/08/1 pop 44 8000300150027-8 Approved Fo elease 2000/0 I'S 300150027-8 Zvi a f :' t?r`i i c w :a. tr