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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
February 25, 1952
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-01826R000300150026-9.pdf99.73 KB
C - Approved For elease 2000/08/1. - 'DP8( ,p'1826R000300150026-9 Socurit/ f~form:ti:9;' 25 February 1952 P ~MORAN DUI FOR: Assistant Deputy Director (Administration) FROM : Assistant Director (Personnel) SUBJ: CT : Personnel Ceiling for Clerical Pool. 1. PROBLEM. To estimate the size and review related aspects of the clerical pool in light of the new personnel ceilings. 2. FACTS BEAaING ON THE PROBLEM. 25X9 25X9 a. The relative scarcit~__of_clerical personnel, particularly typists and steno apaers, makes.it_difficult to recruit people for this kind of work. b. The demand for clerical personnel is great enough that these individuals are able to locate immediate employment in other Federal and private agencies and are consequently unwilling to remain unemployed during the period required for full CIA security clearance. c. The quality of presently available clerical people is such that some refresher training in job skills (office practice, typing,, shorthand, e is frequently desirable prior to assignment on the job. d. Approximately 160 people in clerical positions were separated from CIA during November and December 1951 and January 1952. It is estimated that the turnover rate in this category will continue or possibly increase slightly as the On Duty strength of the Agency increases to full ceiling. Additional clerical vacancies are continuously created as personnel in these categories are promoted to higher grade positions. e. It is believed desirable to have fully cleared employees immediately available in the Pool to fill Agency clerical vacancies. Since it ordinarily takes 90 days or longer to obtain full security clearance, accessions of provisionally cleared personnel in monthly increments of -trill result in approximately = persons undergoing security clearance assigned to the Pool on a continuing basis. f. It is imcortant to secure replacements .for clerical personnel as rapidly as possible in order to relieve professional and technical. personnel of clerical duties, Approved For Release 2000/08/190 ~A" ~ ~'0~ .Approved For~lea e / 1 ~' : A- 80~.G~I 8268000300.1.50026-9 ,. F i.BCi!tl~y ,.~,..'~i?ut141'~ g. Apropcrr t:ionate nuanber of vacar.cie~ reinai.-ning under the nevrly established cei zngs are or c erica personnel. 25X9 h. A~.~ esti7,~ated marlin o.f l~-2U per cent o~ provisionally cleared cl erica.J_ people gill be last due to sece;irity disapprovals and res3_gnations prior to f:i.n,al clearance and job assignments. 3. ACTIUI~I IiECC~r~~~~iLT1L7~D. It is reco:runended that a personnel ceiling off' be establish~cl_ nor the clerical pool in order to provide a steady ___ _ . _ ._ 25X1A9a Approved For Release ~ ~ 00$00150026-9