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Document Release Date:
July 6, 2000
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Publication Date:
October 9, 1952
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Approved For ase''00/08/16 : CIA-RIP,, Q1826MU03004023-2
nfofmatiOf 9 October 1952
Chief, PPD
Chief, C1?B/FPD
Interim Assignment Branch
1, I visited IAB today on the invitation of to talk
to some of the clerical employees -v.,-ho had just entered on duty.
explained that these new employees had complained to
her that our recruiters misrepresented the job to them.
2. After talking with this group of five or six girls, answering
their questions and ex-plaining, wherever possible, the reasons for
some of the delays and inconveniences that they were now being
exposed to, I was convinced that the basic problem was not what
the recruiters told them originally in the field, but rather a
morale problem due to their reception by CIA when they first entered
on duty. They had numerous questions of a varied nature which no
one had answered satisfactorily during their initial processing. A
proper orientation lecture when they first entered on duty would
have been the answer.
3. The first impression that the new employee has of CT-4 is all-
important and is carried by him throughout his career with the
Agency. For this reason we can never do enough to make this first
impression a good one. ~ the new Chief of 1AB, agrees that
many improvements could be made to help their morale while the
employee is involved in the necessary processing and clearance
proceedures. ire further agreed that these improvements should be in
the form of excellent orientation lectures, informative training
courses and in combatting the prevalent attitude that these employees
should merely be kept busy.
It. It is respectfully recon ended that this very important morale
problem be brought forcefully to the attention of those who can
bring about aggressive policies and training methods at the point
there the individual first enters on duty and in the Interim Assign-
ment Branch.
PI'D/CRB/JR f;aap (9 October)
Orig. and 1 - Chief, PPD
1 - Chief, IAB
Approved For Release 2000/08/16 : CIA-RDPP826R000300150023-2