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August 17, 1964
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*OGC Has Reviewed*
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 ?
Current I uterst Items
1. yilarlar Retirement Bill
Prospects for our bill ap
of business on 14 August than they 1d a week earlier. The following
material was prepared and forwarded during the week to Mr. Edward Braswell
of the Senate Armed Services Coemittee staff at his request:
1 Y AUG 1964
ALM+ H 70
a 'little b
REVIEWER: jjj 91 5
ter at the close
a. Updated cost estimates for annuity
five years and at an assumed point in time
retiree roll has stabilised. (Adjustments
cess to reflect the new 1964 pay rates aua
Coemiesion mortality statistics.)
b. Spread sheets for each grade 087
sheet tor GS-16/18 showing the distri
retirees over the next five years as to age
peyments over the next
when the else or the
were made in this pro-
to use Civil Service
Agfa 5end a. cow
ion 04 ant (1
and length of service.
c. Bar chart *!Iw%rizthg the spread Sheets described above.
d. Cost estimates based on actual annuity computations or the
individual retirement cases shown in the spread sheets providing both
CIA and CSC annuity payout and the ditrerenees in cost under both
ence 34
t of explanation or our use o. Foreign Se
or estimating cost.
f. Statement or explanation of the operation ('
ment Fund including tables projecting income, out,
for the next five years.
Messrs, Kirkpatrick, Helms, Echols, and
on 14 August. The purpose of the emoting was fo
Heine to brief Mr. Braswell regardieg the Agency,
ties, and to give him a better understanding
th Mr. Braswell
Kirkpatrick and
ion and activi-
r this retire-
ment legielation, joined the briefing and was able to
give Mr. Bruseell a first-hand look at the type 0 iiojee concrne1 an
the "young man's" point or view on retirement. There was also Some dis-
cussion of several of the questions Whieh have come up in our earUer
meeting* with Mr. Braswell.
Since the nifty meeting, we
drafting the following amendments
with W4 Braswell at our first opportunity to r
particularly f., g., and J. below.
a. Change requirement for approval
by the chairmen and ranking nority members of the House
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000300140028-8
CiaVairV?,r1= 4:tki
mft All
Approved For Release 2061/417r7CIA-RDP80-01826R000300140028-8
SURTMV: Current Interes
Armed Services Coemittees to a reqirent or consultation with
these Conmattees.
b. Revising the definition of 'child for survivor beneAA
purpose, to the Civil Service language Which, by inclueing students
up to age 21, is more liberal than Foreign Service. A corresponding
change WAS made in the section covering the beginning and ending
dates of the child's annuity.
c. Including requirement or 'idou's annuity to terminate von
her remarriage. This change conforms to Civil Service requirements.
a. Liberalizing the survivor annuity provision to conform to
Civil Service by setting the annuity at 55 per cent (rather than
50 per cent) of the employee's annuity and by increasing the hese
'for the 2:> per cent reduction formula :ram ,21400 to -$3,600. (The
employee's annuity is reduced by 2 per cent of this base and 10 per
cent of the amount over it if he elects a survivor annnity.)
e. Increasing the Agency service requirewent for voluntary
retirement at age 5u with rs o service rum .ive to ten. (The
five-year requirement was inserted by the House Sub-committee.)
t. Complete revision of the involuntary retirement provision to
base the distinction as to benarits on length_of service rather than
0,44. Previously, an immediate annuity was provided at G6-14 and
over or an employee with at least ten years a:: Agency service
Including at least live years of 'qualifying" service. A GS-14 not
meeting these service requirements was to receive the bene its pro-
vided for a GS-13. A G6-13 and below receivfa separation pay (one
month's pay per year of service up to one year). In addition, he culc.:
elect a refund of his contribution to the fund or, it he had five
years of: service, a deferred annuity. There was a special provision
for GS-12's and 13's who died before reaching age 60 and obtaining
a deferred annuity to fl$ider such death a '-emoth in service.
The proposed revision ot' this section provides an immediate
annuity to an involuntary retiree who has twelve years of Agency
service including seven year. of qualifying service. Those vho do
Lt . these service requiresents would receive separation pay at the
rate of two aonthe. pe.Y Per year of service up to two year.' pay.
In addition, they may elect a refund of contributions or, if they
have five years of service, a deferred annuity. There is no pro-
vision to coastder Jeath before receipt of a deferred annuity to
be a death in service.
g. A new section has been added to place a limit of 400 on
voluntary retirements or involuntary retirements uith immediate an-
nuity daring the first five years under the Act. (Mandatory age
retirements, disability retirements., deaths, and involuntary retire-
ment.* without an immediate annuity waula not be counted against
this total.)
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000300140028-8
Approved Foi- Release 2 /31-: CIA-RDP80-018nR000300140028-8
SUBJECT: Current I
h. Conforming the sections on credit .or military service to
Civil Service language. This had been intended in the earlier bill
am' Is the stated intent of Foreign Service.
t. Inserting a requirenent that a retiree coneent to be recalled
to duty in the Agency.
j. Incorporating the Civil Service provision for cost-o livind
increases in annuity.
In this review we also noted the desirability of naking one or
tvo technical conforming changes which will be taken up after there is
understanding of the probability of acceptance of the substantive ameed-
ments to be discussed. The only point which has bothered Mr. Braswell
significantly libieh has not been modified in the proposed amendyents is
that of reemployment pay. tie questious the present (Foreign Service)
provision which permits receipt 4 salary plus annuity up to the amount
n:;. salary rate held at tine of rettrenemt. It is more liberal than Civil
Service but less liberal than the provision for retired military officers
Which this same Committee just approved in the Dual Conpensation Act.
&)eLrzantation oi the pay adjustmen
sonnei actions, to be prepared in ny
or xficers on the executive pay scale.
11 people concerning
Act. Special per-
Ce, will be needed
A representative of this office assisted OGC staff oiTicers in
their research and preparation of correspondence regarding certain ques
tions an retroactive pew.
AlD's )trector of Pe
what elt.tve date CIA V46 a
the Acting General Counsel, we
es o..2: the date of enactment.
25X1A9a to
and advise bin
the original at
25X1A9a 1)64. Mr.
called us on 12 August to lind out
the new rates. After checking with
ree that C/A 'would make them eifective
th Senator to review our Latest letter
him consideration I or an adoinistrative or
said that be would semi s. copy to Mr.
ill the offer down; be requested that ve delay .ing
our letter 2.cor one neen and it will be nailed 13 August
? reports that his nesting with the Senator was friendly.
4. Exerc se Room
At 1600 hours 14 August 1)64, the DD/S, the DiD10/6, the EO-DD/S,
the Director of Personnel, the AD/Logistics, the C/Logistics Services
Division, and Mr. of GSA visited the Agency Exercise Room,
BE-14,. At Colonel Vbite's invitation, Mr. Kirtpatrick visited the facility
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000300140028-8
Approved ForRelease 2i L131 : CIA-RDP80-018211k000300140028-8
Current Interest Items
later in the aL"ternoon. Mr. Kirkpatrick said that he thought we probably
'would have two prablene: (a) having the room open 22 hours a day during
Which i3 hours would be without an attendant; b) during the time it was
amettieneed, the possibility of seeeeme overextending himself with no one
to assist his. He acquiesced that we would have to operate on this basis
until we had some experience.
Bering Colonel Vlaiteis visit it wus ecplained to him that we
were alie.dy apprehensive about the honor aybeing effective became
on Friday apt during the moving of equipment from one room to another
three tavola balls were stolen ane on Friday morning during the unpacking
at certain small items and 'while there were people present in the room
at all tines, one pair oi handball gloves were stolen. (If these items
were not stolen, they were so er:ectively reeved :irom the place of
unpacking that we have been unable to locate them)
There are several it. yet to he completed in the Exercise Room:
(a) installation of the Universal Gym which is in town and will be Installee
this week; (b) inetallation of 36 loceers; (e) placement of numerous appro-
priate signs and instructions. The formal opening is still scheduled for
1 Septeuber 1)64.
5. Eml. Aeivity Association
As a result of personal conversations between Colonel White and,
Mr. regerding the memorandum from Central Cover Staff
about the planned activity ol? the Employee Activity Association and its
memberthip drive, ameeting will be held an 13 Auexst (with CCS) with
the hope of reaching an agreement that will permit DD/P personnel to
participate in certain activities as well as the MA's conducting a
membership drive.
6. Kendjelve quota
Our quota for the coMbined fund drive covering UGF, National
Health, and Joint Crusade has been set at 436,600. This quota was set
according to the Civil Service Commisilion's general formula for estab-
lishing geotas for other agencies which fix the quota for the coehinea
dra2t at the 1)63 UGF quota plus 3C per cent. We believe that we will
have no difficulty achieving this quota--our contributions in these drives
- r 1)61-62 vas 4138,352 and in the succeeding two years our contributions
were $154,65, and 460,413.
Emmett D. Echols
Distribution: rector of Personnel
0 & 1 - Addressee
1 - IG
D/Pers Subj
25X1A9a OD/Pers (17 August 1964)
Approved For Release 2001/08/31 : CIA-RDP80-01826R000300140028-8