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Approved For Rtj se 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R 00060011-7 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7 Approved For Release 2000/09/14:6?$0-01826R0000060011-7 I FEB 1956 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Officer, Office of Personnel THROUGH : Deputy Director of Personnel for Planning and Development SUBJECT : Semi-annual Report Transmitted herewith are the Section 1 and 2 summaries of the semi- annual report of the Mobilization Staff. Additional details on subjects mentioned in the summaries may be obtained from the Director of Personnel memorandum to the Deputy Director (Support) dated 19 December 1955, "Report on Wartime Preparation by the Office of Personnel," which covers the six months ending 30 December 1955. Chief, Mobilization Staff Enclosure: Summary of Semi-annual Report Approved For Release 2000/098DP80-01826R000100060011-7 SECRET Approved For Releasev00/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R00010QQP011-7 SW ARY 25X1A Section 1 - Programs and Accomplishments, 1 July - 31 December 1955 During this period, progress has been made in the two main areas of mobilization planning, namely, requirements planning and mobilization assignment of personnel. This progress is represented in the first instance by the development of a detailed service M0S and rank structure for the Agency's military manpower requirements. On 3 December 1955, requirements totaling fficers and men were forwarded by the DDCI to the Secretary of Defense for review and allocation to the military departments. This represents the first time the Agency has been able to go on record with the Department of Defense manpower authorities as to mobilization requirements, which are the key to further definition of manpower policies. The first figure submitted is subject to change as Agency operational planning progresses and more precise expression of manpower needs, civilian as well as military, becomes possible. Accordingly, a program of reappraisal is processing currently with the DD/I headquarters close to completion, while the DD/P and DD/S head- quarters components and the foreign field are showing a slower rate of progress. In the second area mentioned, the Defense Ad Hoc Committee on military reserve policy for the CIA has made its report to the Secretary of Defense and the DCI, which places on a firm footing, the mobilization utilization by the Agency of its em p1 ee reservists, either in a military or a civilian status. CA Notice o on status of reservists represents Agency implementation of the c mittee recommendations. "Cold war" personnel planning, in connection with the three-year planning cycle of Clandestine Services, has progressed to a point where the first phase of the cycle has been completed, although results remain to be sum- marized. The Staff prepared the Personnel Annex to the General Plan, collab- orated in the development of Exhibits F and 'G, the Personnel exhibits to the program plans, and reviewed and commented to the Support Planning Committee, CSPB, on the country appendices for all area divisions plans. Section 2 - Program Plans for the Current Six Months Period from 1 January 1956 to 30 June 1956 The completion and coordination of mobilization manpower requirements, both military and civilian, remain a priority objective for the next six months. This will require review for manpower implications of the various general and country war plans as they are developed. Since coordination difficulties increase as the amount of material increases, approval will be sought at the earliest practical date of a force basis for the Agency in time of war as a means of orienting the individual planners to the general framework within which they must work. Closely related to the ements objective is that of completing the screening of approximately re r employee 25X9A2 Approved For Release 2000/09/' DP80-01826R000100060011-7 ayl4 Approved For Release%?000/09/14: Cl* I 0-01826R00010000011-7 SUMMARY (con't) reservists against the requirements, so that the Department of Defense can be informed of our proposed mobilization use of this personnel and, ,therefore, their status as ready or standby reservists. A course of -action with respect to a civilian reserve comes next on the list for action with proper attention paid to the central problem of peacetime cost and wartime personnel control. This program may not be reached in the current six months but it is an objective. There remains considerable development work in the area of improved techniques and methods which will be summarized in a Personnel Mobilization Planning Guide in the CIA series. Procedures for the approval and dissemination of wartime T 4ts are required and a current record of deployment of personnel in the theater is needed by the CIA Commander Designate. The transition to the wartime organization is as yet unresolved and requires the development of check lists for emergency personnel action and similar redeployment procedures. In the "cold war" planning field, the cycle does not pick up again until fall, but the summaries and evaluations must be made of the first phase if the full benefit is to be derived from this activity. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: Cl 71826R000100060011-7 Approved For Reled 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R00044Q(060011-7 PS it as rLf Sr 'S Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7 MISSING PAGE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT MISSING PAGE(S): t~(- Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7 Approved For Relear000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R0001QV60011-7 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7 roved For Relea 000/09/14: CIA- W01826R0001Q 60011-7 SELECTION STAFF Approved For Release 2000/09/14 :I80-01826R000100060011-7 Approved For Relear2000/09/14: Ilk 0-01826R0001Wb60011-7 REPORT OF PROGRESS AND PROGRAM PLANS SECTION I Report of Progress and Accomplishments During the Period 1 July 1955 - 31 December 1955 Pages 1. Work Load and Flow of Applications . . . . 1 2. Policies and Procedures . . . . . . . . . . 2 SECTION II Report of Program Plans for 1 January 1956 - 30 June 1956 1. Work Load for the Next Six Months . . . . . 4 2. New Policies and Procedures to be Devised 4 APPENDIXES A. Statistical Report - Membership in the CIA Career Staff, as of 31 December 1955 B. Memorandum for the Record, subject: "Possible Conflicts Between CIA Career Service Plan and Statutory Rights of Veterans, dated 6 September 195511 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: Cl ~01826R000100060011-7 ~U$1R Approved For Relea%W2000/09/14 : C -01826R000146t60011-7 SELECTION STAFF Semi-Annual Report of Progress and Program Plans 1 July 1955 - 31 December 1955 The processing of applications for membership in the Career Staff continued in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the CIA Selection Board and the CIA Career Council. As of 31 December 1955, the CIA Selection Board had acted upon _applications for membership in the Career Staff. This is approximately 53%6 of all persons eligible. It is anticipated that the Selection Staff will be on a current basis by 30 June 1956. Approved For Release 2000/09/14. P80-01826R000100060011-7 Approved For Rele2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000'1060011-7 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7 Approved For Releas&0000/09/14: CIA-RDP 1 leFR00010IM0011-7 I. Report of P4ogress and Accomplishments During the Period 1 July 1955 31 December 1955. 1. Work Lad and Flow of Applications a. As 0f 1 July 1955, the CIA Selection Board had acted 25X9A2 on - applications for membership in the Career Staff. Of this 25X9A2 number -applications were approved (Type A); 22 applications were deferred (!Type B); 12 applications were denied (Type C); 25X9A2 and 9 declinat' apply were accepted (Type D). There remained approximately applications in various stages of processing, i. e. , in the Career Service pending a recommendation to the CIA Selection Board, in one or more of the seven offices of record, etc. b. During the reporting period approximately= persons 25X9A2 (less attrition) -ecame eligible to apply for membership in the Career Staff. Notices of Eligibility were individually addressed to these person and forwarded through command channels. Notices of Eligibility were addressed and forwarded through command channels for ally eligible Staff Agents. These numbered approximately 300. c. The dead of Career Services returned= applications 25X9A2 with recommen4ations as follows: - Type A, 34 Type B, and 25X9A2 4 Type C. d. The .nalysts of the Selection Staff brief each Official Personnel Folder after determining that there is an evaluation completed withi* the last 18 months. The briefing is done to determine if there is any information contained in the Official Per- sonnel Folder which should be followed up by an Examinin Panel for the information of the CIA Selection Board. A total of =Official 25X9A2 Personnel Fold rs were briefed during this reporting period. Prior to November 19$5, each Folder was briefed independently by two analysts. On-t1e-job experience by the analysts has made it possible to eliminate onei of the two briefings. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80--`01826R000100060011-7 SECRET Approved For Releasg/2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R0001 60011-7 e. Approximately= names were forwarded to the seven offices of record with a request to furnish, for review by an Examining Panel, any information in its files which might have a bearing on an applicant's suitability for membership in the Career Staff. The seven offices of record are Inspector General, Inspection and Review Staff, Medical Staff, Office of the Comptroller, Office of Security, Office of Training, and Office of Personnel. approved; 12 applications were deferred; and 16 applications were denied. f. Nine meetings of the Examining Panels were convened during the reporting period and three were held. Final action was taken on ction Board meetings plications for mem- 25X9A2 bership in the Career Staff as follows: applications were 25X9A2 g. As of 31 December 1955, the CIA Selection Board had acted on . applications for membership in the Career Staff as follo applications were approved; 28 applications were deferred; 25 applications were denied; and the declinations of 3 individuals to apply for membership in the Career Staff were accepted (see Appendix A). 2. Policies and Procedures a. "The Career Staff of the Central Intelligence Agency", was revised and published to reflect the changes of policy approved by the CIA Selection Board and the CIA. Career Council. There were two such major changes, as follows: (1) Prior to the revision of the time spent in the military of an employee who had been restored to duty was not creditable toward the three-year provisional period for eligibility to apply for membership in the Career Staff. As a result of a meeting between members of the Office of the General Counsel, Office of Personnel and the Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDI'8 -01826R000100060011-7 SECRET Approved For Releas4.2000/09/14 :CIA-R PA-T 26R0001S060011-7 Civil Service Commission, (see Appendix B), the CIA Selection Board and the CIA Career Council ruled that such time would be counted toward eligibility to apply for membership in the Career Staff. (2) Prior to the revision of the decision of the CIA Selection Board to accept, defer or reject an individual's application was subject only to appeal to the DCI by the Head of the Career Service concerned. Revised now states that when an individual's application for membership in the Career Staff has been deferred or rejected by decision of the CIA Selection Board, the individual has the right of appeal to the CIA Selection Board. b. The CIA Selection Board discussed what, if any, procedures were necessary to implement paragraph 7b of 25X1A "Separation from the Career Staff". The Board decided that a continuing screening process to maintain the standards for mem- bership in the Career Staff was necessary and proper and that the reasons for removal from the Career Staff would not in all cases be reasons for dismissal from the Agency. The Board agreed that a procedure would be written to cover such a situation. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CI,R-01826R000100060011-7 ` Approved For Rele2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000"1060011-7 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: C1%d1*04 1-01826R000101Oy0060011-7 II. Report of Program Plans for 1 January 1956 - 30 June 1956 1. Work Load for the Next Six Months As of 31 December 1955, Mersons (less attrition) 25X9A2 had been notified of their eligibility to apply for membership in the Career Staff. =applications had been received with recommendations from the Heads of Career Services concerned. 25X9A2 Of these, -have been acted on by the CIA Selection Board. There are as of 1 January 1956, applications on hand for 25X9A2 action by the CIA Selection Board and -still to be received 25X9A2 from the Career Services. It is estimated that by 30 June 1956, the Selection Staff will be processing applications on a current basis. 2.' New Policies and Procedures to be Devised As the need arises, more definitive policies will be proposed to the CIA Selection Board for adoption concerning membership in the Career Staff. During the next six months, it is anticipated that the following procedures will be devised. a. The procedures for processing staff agent applications have not yet been completed. These procedures should be finalized during the next six months and will be forwarded to the CIA Selection Board for approval. b. Procedures for implementation of paragraph 7b of "Separation from the Career Staff" will be forwarded to the CIA Selection Board for approval. c. Procedures for processing applications by the Selection Staff on a current, rather than a backlog basis, will be devised. Approved For Release 2000/09/14: -4- p~-01826R000100060011-7 ti- Approved For Reled%po~2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000"I &60011-7 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7 25X9A2 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7 Approved For Rele 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000 W60011-7 Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7 Approved For Rele2000/09/14: CIA ET1826R000'1~060011-7 C 0 P f 6 September 1955 SUBJECT: Possible Conflicts Between CIA Career Service plan and Statutory Rights of Veterans 1, As a result of a telephone conversation between of Personnel and Pie. Irons of the Civil Service Commission, a meet g was held in the office of John W. Steele, Room 1718, Civil Service Commission Buildings attended b of Personnel and of the Office of the General Counsels from 1130 to 1230 hours,, 2 September 1955 (Mr, Steele may be reached on Code 171, Extension 5291). 2, The issue for discussion was as follows& Under policy to be embodied in a revision of -, CIA would not credit military service toward the three year eligibility period for the Career Staff except in those cases where the service was undertaken at the request of CIA or in the performance of CIA functions; would this violate any statutory rights of veterans? 34 At the outsets we indicated to Imo, Steele that, although we could find nothing in the applicable legislation or CSC Regulations directly in point, since the issue of possible conflict had been raised internally, we wished to secure his advice as the Veterans, Preference expert of the Civil Service Commission, We explained to him generally the concept of the CIA Career Service and told him that the general philosophy behind such a program had been informally approved in earlier discussions with the Commission, Ito Hr. Steele agreed that there was nothing in the statutes or regulations directly bearing on the cased However, he felt that this was because of the necessary broadness of statutory language and because in demising regulations,, the Commission had not considered this type of situation, He pointed out that should a case arise under our Career Service program and be brought to the Commission for determination of the applicability of Veterans' Preference legislations, the Commission would have to look to the intent of the statutes which he felt sure was to prevent the veteran from losing any rights to which he would otherwise have become. entitled, as a result of h s military service, Approved For Release 2000/09/14 'SEM 80-01826R000100060011-7 Appr v d or Release 00/09/14 : CIA 01826R000100400011-7 5. Airs Steele pointed out that it was most unlikely that a case arising within CIA would ,[et to the Commission for determinations flowev , we emphasized th' t we wished to accord with the law and the proprieties, whether or nit the degree of our conformance was ever open to question, 6 Some discussion f:+nsued on the nature of the benefits that would attach to membership in the Career Services Mir. Steele specifically asked if preference would be given to Career Employees in any reduction in force? We replied that, although no overall RI? plan had as yet been developed for the Agency, it was likely that retention preference would be granted to members of the Career Staffs We emphasized the obligation undertaken by those who applied for an accepted membership in the Career Staff the obligation of unlimited mobility. We stressed the greater values considering the functions of this Agency, of a mobile employee, other things being equal. rs We then raised the key point that concerned us, that is, the extreme case of an individual whom after a few days of civilian service with CIAO might enter the military and, upon restoration to CIA civilian employment., would booome immediately eligible for consideration for the Career Staff. We pointed out that the various criteria for mevbership were such that it would be almost impossible to determine their applicability in such a case, since no one within CIA would have had a fair opportunity to appraise the Individual. 8. Mr, Steele?s conclusion was that although we must count all military service for eligibility, since eligibility is based solely upon length of service, and this is the very interest of the veteran most specifically protected, there could be no objection to our determining in individual cases that an eligible individual did not yet meet the requirements of the selection criteria. 9o The overall conclusion of the conference was that the most satisfacstoxy phrasing for CIA. Regulation would be one counting all military service in determining eligibility so as to avoid a possible conflict. it was also agreed that it would be violatory of the spirit of the law, if not of its letter,, to blanket out by adminia= trative action all those who offered military service as part of their three year eligibility period, although it is recognized that there may be a higher percentage of rejects in this group simply because of the difficulty of determining their suitability under established criteria. CQ Fy Approved For Release 2000/09/1E -IDP80-01826R000100060011-7 `Approved For Relea 000/09/14: CIA 9t1826R0001t4p 60011-7 The point was made to Mr, Steele that CIA was not sure Urhether or not its was subject to Veterans i preference iegislationt ni ? Steele conditioned, his conclusions upon the assumption that sac were,, or that (as we had stated) we wished to comply with - the policy of the legislation whether subject to it or rActa Approved For Release 2000/09/14SE 80-01826R000100060011-7 pproved Far Release 2000109/14- CIA-RDP80-018.26R0:00100060-G.I -7 This report has not yet been submitted. D00 /d Rzd aOT- ey 0%' i w DUO CVMP aP1 M q 0/ -- I ORIG CLASS PAGES s#Y cL.&SS .._ ~L.._,. JUST 49XT RRY AUTH H : R 14.2 Apprg~rec FOr Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP80-01826R000100060011-7