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TUE PROGRMSIVE Approved For Release 2001/03/041,taarDP80-01601R001 According to an official estimate re- cently presented to ConFess, the for- eign intelligence-gathering activities of the CIA, the military services, and sundry mysterious agencies of the Fed- eral Government cost the taxpayers about $3 billion a year. A less official but probably more realistic estimate current on .Capitol I fill places the cost of these operations at about twice that amount. Except for a few favored mem- bers of the Appropriations and Armed Services Committees, no one in Con- gress knows precisely where in the Fed- ?eral budget these appropriations are hidden, or how much they amount to, or what they produce. Senator John Sherman Cooper, Kentucky Republican, is sponsoring legislation that would require they/ CIA to provide the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees with ? the same reports it now furnishes to the White Ilouse----"fully and current- ly," as his bill states. Tire Senator makes a persuasiVe case, maintaining that "the Congress, which must ,make decisions on forpigil ? at sec-inky, 'Ii ii '01, 0 COMIllit tJi ?Wit, j :?? ?1 SirMie f'S of rho ? .1 ? ? (es% .to t.yo?o;?.o di'r Ir. ? ? I ilIntally re-,poir:ibiliiv fIllr ir;rw_ Prninttli. Mid Far less pelqwlsive is Soma tor Coo- per's contention I 111. tornilwrs of ilic,p committees can. ? and should ?be count- ? ed. on to keep such information se- Cret from their consiitucnts. In (fir last analysis, aren't all Americans re- sponsible for "decisions On foreign pol- icy and national secnrirr ? Aren't all Americans called 'mon to "commit the material and human resources of the nalion"?thrir material and hu- man- resources? Therefore, shouldn't all Americans have access to "avail- able information and intelligence"? If the American people had known all the facts about Indochina eight or ten years ago, they might not have acted any more wisely than, the nation- al security managers who were .privy. to the data. But they could haidly have acted more foolishly. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 LOVIS POST-111SPATC7 Approved Fpr Release 2001%049' au. Asnavoi 21%-riF;k Congress Facts.On per ? 'tett the tIA to Ina e vailab 'fads and analyses" to Senate and House committees dealing With foreign relations and the '.4110.t1 tedices. The CIA re- potts Would include Material prOduced by all agencies. W,4 AT COOPER and his AtittOttates Want, as a practical Matter, Is the sante basic intel- ligence that is disseminated to the White House, the Pentagon, and other branches of Govern- ment. They do not Want to b fed tidbits carefully selected b persoos Who may have an a to grind. ' Vast sums have been? Voted congress to buy 'weapons systems that insiders Main- tained were essential to counter perils that turned out to be Critics of such spend- log Want to be able to question the CIA, Which has the reputa- tion of putting out sound and honest reports. Arnow, witnesses-who have stestifiecrf a vo r ably on the Cooper bill are Adam 'Jarmo- husky Of Harvard Law School, former assistant secretary of defense, and Herbert Scoville Jr., former director of science , and technology for the CIA. "IT SEEMS TO ME," Yar- ? inolitisky Said March 36, "it is rather inappropriate for the Congress of the United States to be in the position of the schoolboy who is lectured by his instructor's rather than in the position Of the graduate student who is able to go into the library and look , up the sources." Scoville noted that the CIA frequently litiefed congressional committees but said this ? was not so satisfactory, in his opin- ion, AS the situation would be if the CIA had a legal duty to keep Congress informed. He pOinted .out that measures Must be taken to safeguard the in- formation. "I believe the regularized pro- vision of national intelligence to the Congress by the CIA would improve security," he said; "not compromise it." ' ,In the House, a companion bill to Cooper's has been intro- duced by Representative Paul :nrgil.ey (Rep.), Illinois. By wiLTAAm K. WYANT JR. - A Washington Correspondent of the Post-Dispatch ? WAVINGTON, April 11 CONGRESS CAN be gimlet-eyed when looking at welfare projects, ibut thus far has played the doting, indulgent parent if cloak-and;clagger E work is afoot. It is bad form for a legislator to inquire as to how many billions the intelligence agencies are geeting, or ak for a peek at what they find out. ? That is changing. Senator John Sher- :man Cooper (Rep.), Kentucky, appears to ? be making good progress with his propos- al that the Central Intelligence Agency make available to congress what it knows about matters relating to foreign coun-- tries and the national security. Proponents of the Cooper bill say it will I prevail because the existing situation does not make ense. Congress needs light to snake Its decisions. Why should Congress . be ignorant of facts and analyses astern- bled by the United States at great cost? Congress now operates in the dark. As Cooper noted when the Senate Foregin Relations Committee opened hearings March 28, the foreign intelligence infor- mation developed by the CIA and other agencies is available only to President Richard M. Nixon and the Executive . ;.Branch, as a matter of law. "I contend that the Congress, which .ntust make decisions, upon foreign policy iind national Security?which is called . upon to commit the material and human resources of the nation?should have ac- cess to all available information and intel- ligence to discharge properly and morally 124s responsibility to our government and its people," Cooper said. SENATOR COOPER'S proposal would areiend the National Security Act of 19-17, OtTcrer which the CIA was established. There is a precedent for what he wants to ottb? in that Congress required in 1946 that Its joint Committee on Atomic Energy be kept fully informed of the work of the Atomic Energy Commission, a federal agency. It was remarked at the hearings by genator Stuart Symington (Dem.), Mis- &sum a member of the Foreign Relation,s arid the Arnied Services Committees, that Ie had been unable to obtain nuclear in- ((Inflation as a member of those commit- ees. Ile became a member of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy last spring. "I learned more about the true strength dr the United States in six days in Europe tibotit this time last year than I did in my PreVious 18 years as a member of the Alined Service,s Committees" Symington Braid. Testimony A e rtbmedfortiRekea 5 ta ti o r s a ..portunity to complain aboit(lhe Defense Department's habit of reporting a new Russian "threat" at the time the Pentagon's money bill is going through Congress. Congress, some Sena- tors complained, is asked to take these so-called threats on faith, "We all know," said Senator George D. Aiken (Rep.), Vermont, "that when the appropriations bill is pending, the Rus- sians In particular become eXtretnely powerful ..." v? THE COOPER RILL -gave the public in- sight into the curious procedure under which, for security reasons members of on Setiltail,illir tearimdia d lollou,rse are asked to vote n inu defense issues?in- cluding the funds to be petit on intelligence ? Without being able to know what they are do- ing. For example, the CIA, 'the National Security Agency, the Def ease Intelligence Agency and others are said to Cost up to six billion dollars a year, hut no in the SenateeXcept five senior members.of tbeAp- propriations Committee-is privy to the amount of money spent. Mammoth SLUTIS are hidden in the federal budget. Senator ;$Y,mingtO'n tried un-. ritccessfally late last November to .put a fopt -billion -dollar an- nual ceiling on outlays of the NSA;',DIA'and military in- telligence activities. He He was fe-. feeated 31 to 56. Symington told, the Senate .he had tried--to get informatioa? about intelligence outlays from the Appropriations Commqtee staff, but it was de-: nied him. ". ? This was _-called.bY SenatOr William Fulbright (Dem.), Ar-. kansas, chairman of the For- eign Relations Committee, "a shocking and unprecedented sit- uation." Senator Cooper's bill would not throw light on intelligence- gathering costs but would di- . .. ^ se 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R001400210001-6 STATI NTL -`fricsliniGrakt run Approved For Release 2001103/04: CIA-RDP80-0160 APR 1972 Senate GrOfip Backs Walters For CIA Post Associated Press The Senate Armed Services Committee yesterday ap- proved as day-to-day working head of the Central Intelli- gence Agency an Army gen- eral who came up from the ranks, Maj. Gen. Vernon An- thony Walters, 55, President Nixon in reorgan- izing the American intelli- gence community made CIA head Richard lielms responsi- ble for supervising and coor- dinating the effort spread, through several services and agencies. This leaves routine to the CIA deputy director, the, post Walters will take if the' . I full Senate approves. The nomination 'carries with it promtion for Walters to !the rank of lieutenant general. - Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 STATI NTL /OliK MES Approved For Release 200f/Maa.761A-RDP80-0160 Congress 'and C.I. ?f: The. Senate Foreign Relations Committee conducted hearings last week on a bill requiring the Central Intern.: / gence Agency to provide the appropriate Congressional committees with the same intelligence analyses it regu- larly furnishes the White House. This legislation, intro- duced last year by Senator Cooper, ought to be expedited in the interests of strengthening the machinery of foreign Policy. As Congress reasserts its rightful role in the foreign -policy process, it is essential that its members be as fully informed as possible. The respective Congressional .committees are entitled to share the fruits of intelligence- - gathering operations for which the American taxpayer Is billed up to $6 billion annually. These fruits include ? assessments which sometimes sharply challenge Execu- tive policies, as the Pentagon Papers revealed. There is ample precedent for Senator Cooper's pro- posal. A former C.I.A. official testified last week that v the agency has been furnishing highly classified intelli- gence on world atomic developments to the Joint Atomic Energy Committee for fifteen years, with no security breaches. Even now, senior agency officials provide oral briefings to other committees on request but only with White House approval. Congress could better discharge its own constitutional responsibilities in the foreign policy field if it had full and direct access to this information. Beyond the Cooper bill, it is high time Congress revived its languishing effort to establish closer scrutiny of intelligence operations. In a move designed to side- track legislation with this aim, the Foreign Relations Committee in 1967 was invited to send three members to, the C.I.A. joint briefings held by the Armed Services and Appropriations Committees, which are ,currently responsible for overseeing intelligence activities. But noi meetings of this group were called during all of last year?an "oversight" of frightening dimensions. .It is not enough for Congress to know what the C.I.A,. Is saying. Itris also essential that at least key members of ? the legislative branch, which provides the funds for worldwide intelligence-gathering and other undercover operations, keep informed about what, in general, this _secret arin.of the United States Government is doing. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 C71 L4 11 Las .? ? STATINTL ? F TMUULu IJ STATI NTL ' 1 ? the creation, control and acceptance of defense policy by the ? . ? 11 ifFA" fl tr.; 1 I d U ? .4.?:..e...144;,? r,?1.+;.i , c, Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01?1HAM1400210001-6 NEWPORT NEWS, VA. PRESS M 48,828 S ? 74,643 1APF.1 at a-Sharinq Sen. John Shermman Cooper (R- Ky.) complains that the Senate can. ? hardly carry out its foreign policy role' adequately unless it receives up-to-date information on relations with other . countries and he is not satisfied with the data which seeps down from the executive branch. so he is pushing an ? ?amendment to the 1947 National Secur- ity Act that would require the Central Intelligence Agency to keep the Senate .and house Armed Services and Foreign a Affairs Committees "fully and cur- \ rently" posted. ? The White House looks upon this proposal as an attempted encroach- . me.nt On the responsibilities of the sec- retary of state and raises the question . of whether it would violate the con- ? stitutional requirement as to separa- tion of powers. Behind this argument is the fear that once Congress started getting hold of secret intelligence data there would be no end to it.While Sena- tor Cooper said the legislation "would not affect in any way or inquire into the intelligence gathering activities of the CIA, its methods, sources, funds or per- ? sonnel," that' is a portal which an ele- ment. in the. Senate Foreign Relations Committee wouldn't mind entering. >4; . However, this and other reltvan congressional committees do ? need ac cess to the best current data on mat- ters which they hear testimony on and debate and it is a dis,advantage to have to rely on the executive branch. A constructive way out Of the im- passe was offered this week by a for- mer senior CIA employe in committee testimony. He said it .would be advis- able for the agency to give information and 'analysis on a continuing basis and proposed that a staff of "carefully" chosen officers . be designated to pro- vide liaison, adding that the mind bog- gles at. the thought of truckloads of classified documents being delivered to the Senate and House. There is no reason. why such a system should have to pose any of the dangers that have been raised directly or implicitly in response to the Cooper bill. Of course Congress would want to satisfy itself that the officials chosen were just as aware of its needs as the desires of the executive side of govern- ment, within the realm of recognition that the CIA can serve security needs best only by remaining as essentially a secret operation: s. a Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 -11 Approved For Release 2001/ J FCCAINTOR-0160 MARCH 1972 472 v7 er ?r1 L STATI NTL 11 .1z ByThomas B. Ross ports to the Foreign Relations . Sun-Times Bureau Committee, the Senate Armed . WASHINGTON ? John A. Services Committee, the House ,J F o r e i g n Affairs Committee McCone, a former Central In- and the House Armed Services telligence Agency director, has endorsed a bill that would re- Committee. It also would re- quire the CIA to turn over its quire the CIA to provide spe- secret intelligence reports to cial information on request. Congress. Tuesday's witnesses will be , Chester Cooper, former in- ''' His endorsement indicates telligence analyst for the CIA \I that the CIA has abandoned its and the White House, and Her- long-standing opposition to the bert Scoville, former head of , circulation of its secrets out- the CIA's research division. side the executive branch. Sec. of State William P. Rog- j Aides to the Senate Foreign ers, who has asserted the Relations Committee reported right to testify for the CIA, has Monday that McCone had corn- been asked to appear after the mitted himself to testifying in Easter recess to present the favor of the bill during hear- administrations position. He ings starting Tuesday. The may send a subordinate but aides said the Nixon adminis- presumably not Ray Cline, j tration had r e g i s t e r e d its head of the department's bu- opposition to the bill, thereby ireau of intelligence and re- preventing the current CIA search. director, Richard M. Helms, a , An ITT director' presidential appointee, from Cline, a former deputy CIA ? 1 taking a position on it. dire c to r for intelligence, STATINTL Indirect support recently told the committee . But McCone's testimony is that he favored the distribu- sure to be interpreted as in- tion of CIA reports to Congress, direct CIA support of the bill, provided the "sources and Former directors of the agen- methods of intelligence gather- cy, a loyal and tightly knit ing" were not jeopardized. group, rarely, if ever, take a Cooper insists that his bill pro- public position that the in- c vides adequate protection. umbent director opposes. McCone is scheduled to testi- The bill was introduced by fy next month. It may be the J 'Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R- first in a series of appearances Ky.) last July, shortly after before the committee. As a di- the New York Times, the rector of the International Washington Post, the Sun- Telephone 8.E Telegraph Corp., Times and other newspapers he is a potential witness in the published the Pentagon pa- committee's planned irivesti- ers. The papers revealed that gation of the involvement of the CIA. consistently expressed major corporations In U.Se a skeptical view of Vietnam foreign policy. from the Truman to the Nixon According to memos re administrations. Cooper and leased by columnist Jack An- other senators argued that derson, McCone was given re- Congress might have blocked ports on ITT negotiations with the deep U.S. involvement if it the CIA to devise a plan for had received the intelligence blocking the installation of Sal- j estimates. vador Allende, a Marxist, as ? Regular reports President of Chile in 1970. Cooper's bill would require the CIA to make regular re- Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 r4/7:1q qr, An tea Approved For Release 20001041A-RDP80-01601R0 iscor4 Surrom4 Of -Hill Units on ? By Jack MCWethY Connressional QuarterLT Advocates of Pentagon pol- icy or overseers of the mili- tary? There is sharp disagree- ment over which role the House and Senate Armed Services committees play. These facts emerge from a Congressional Quarterly study: ? On both committees, about two-thirds of the mem- bers come from states or dis- tricts whose No. 1 source of federal money is the Penta- gon. ? In the 11 years that the committees have been author- 17,ing money for weapons, 65 per cent of the big money bills were passed on the floor with- out amendment to the dollar total. ? Not once in the same Il years was an amendment to REP. F. EDWARD HEBERT money's no object Roles efehzse the $21.3 -billion weapons au- thorization Nil and only two were accepted by the House. Hebert offered one of the adopted amendments and sup- ported the other. "That's right," smiles He- bert. "The power is .awesome." In the Senate, John C. Sten- ' nis (D-Miss) and his predeces- sors as committee chairman once enjoyed the same kind of unwavering majority sii-pport. But the scene has changed in the last four years. ? Former Air Force '`ecretary Stuart Symington, next to, Stennis the rankin7.: Democrat1 on the Senate committee, says: "More than ever before in the years that I've been around here, people -- liberals and conseryatjves?are appre- hensive about the future via- bility of the economy and the soundness of the currency." This kind otapprehension, the Pentagon," - says Rep. Otis G. Pike ID-N.Y.), one of the dis- alter dollar totals of house senting five. "The Pentagon Missourian says, is having a , controls the House Armed direct effect on the way the .committee bills adopted over' objections by the committee 'Services Committee." committee and the Senate in general look at the defense Rep. Les Aspin (D-\\-is.), a budget. committee member who was an economic adviser to former chairman. It's happened only three times in the Senate. ? Both committees consist- ently cut the Pentagon's Defense Secretary Robert S. budget request, but one mem- McNamara, ---- e, -;?s: "We used to ber of Congress who used to;hi !tnk of the House Armed be a budget planner in the Services Committee as the one Pentagon said the requests arc we could count on to carry routinely padded in anticipa- .tion of the cuts. Making America's defenses strong against the Soviet threat is like a horse race to F. Edward Hebert, the crusty Louisiana Democrat who heads the House Armed Serv- ices Committee. . Though the dissidents give . - "In war they don't pay off ,Hebert high marks for fair- for second place. There's one ness, his power is an irritant bet and you've got to have the to those who feel the commit- winner," Hebert says. tee is not tough enough on the : "I intend to build the Pentagon's budget request. strongest military we can get," "If the Armed Services he adds. "Money's no ques- Committee isn't looking out ition." fur the taxpayer, then who the t Hebert's attitude exasper- hell is?" Aspin asks. "Nobody ates a five-man minority on on the floor of the house is the 39-member committee, but going to be able to push they are helpless against the through an amendment to an chairman's overwhelming sup- Armed Services Committee port in committee and on the bill, and God knows, we've floor. tried." . "The House Armed Services Last year, for example, 21 iCommittee doesn't control the amendments were offered to ... ...... _ .. water for us." - Hebert dismisses these charges as ridiculous. "Yes, I'M a friend of the military, he says, "but I'll take them to the woodshed and spank them any time." STATI NTL 'Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 AMY YORK Tnas 2 fc MAR 19724 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R Soviet Missile Peril I. Now Found Unlikely By U.S. Till 1980's , By WILLIAM BEECHER ? special to The New York Times WASHINGTON, March 21-- The Defense Department, which in the past has justified re- quests for a missile defense system by Russia's projected ability to destroy a large part of America's Minuteman mis- sile force by the miq-nineteen- seventies, now estiniates that this (bleat may not materialize until the hineteen-eighties. The new analysis was re- vealed in testimony today by Dr. John S. Foster Jr. before the Senate Armed Services Committee. It stems from the 'conclusion of the American) -intelligence ? community that! Soviet tests of a three-part' liwarhead for its giants SS-9 Intercontinental ballistic mis- sile have failed to demonstrate enough accuracy .. to seek out and destroy three separate Minutemen in their steel and concrete silos. Dr: Foster, who is the Penta- gon's director of defense re- search and engineering, said that Russia ?"may have can- celed or curtailed the SS-9 trip- let program." Since there have been no tests of the Multiple warhead since late in 1970, he said, some anlysts have concluded that the Russians may intend o seek such a missile-kill capa- !about 19S0, or slightly before, moves the point of jeopardy to bility in improved new mis- he said. silos for which nearly 100 silos A third approach, assuming have been under construction a high priority effort, would since then. Despite what appeared to be !evidence of a less immediate threat, Dr. Foster said that the Nixon Administration still wanted to continue with the Safeguard missile defense sys- tem. ' The Administration request- ed in the new defense 'budget about $1.5-billion 'to continue construction of defenses around two Minuteman complexes, to start construction at two inore and to do preliminary work on a missile defense around Washington. the -Russians of the ability fo warhead can be controlled to destroy a substantial part of limited extent, most of the the Minuteman force in th now concede that the control and dispersion of the existing system does not appear suffi- cient to go after three separate Minutemen effectively. Within the Administration, mid-to-late-nineteen-seventies, when the missile defense would be operational. While noting the Administra- tion's hope that an initial agreement limiting defensive the current argument is whe-; and some offensive missiles can ther the Russians intend to tryi be achieved soon, Dr. Fosterl to develop a better multiplej said: "We cannot be certain of this, nor can we be sure of the exact provisions of such an iagreement; Meanwhile, ' the !safeguard program now pro- warhead for its existing mis- siles, or wait to deploy an im- proved system in the nearly 100 large silos constructed at posed enhances the probability ,several sites in the Soviet Un-, of success" in arms control; jon. talks. The arms talks between4 Tests of the missile for the. the United States and the So-iinew silos is expected soon de- viet Union are to resume Tues- ay in Helsinki, Finland. Other officials privately esti- mate that an initial agreement lease analysts say. Well-placed Administration sources suggest that the -Unit- will probably be announced at II ed States and the Soviet Un- the time of President Nixon's t ion may agree to limit anti- visit to the Soviet Union in May. Since the final shape of an agreement has not been worked out, they say, the Ad- ministration wants Congres- sional approval for an ex- panded defensive system to ap- ply pressure on Soviet negotia- tors to accede to some Ameri- can demands. They declined to go into specifics. In his testimony today, Dr. Foster said: "Analysis of the latest projections concerning Soviet missile growth rates and accuracy -improvements indi- cate considerable variation in the time period,' in which our Minuteman forces would be seriously threatened." One analysis, he said, as- suming a slow Soviet multiple. warhead development effort, suggested that the Minutemen would not be seriously jeop- ardized "until the early nine- teen-eighties or beyond." A second set of assumptions threaten survival of the Min- utemen in a first strike "as early as the mid-seventies," he declared, adding: "Prudence re- quires that we take the more pessimistic projections serious- ly." In the past, when the Rus- sians were rapidly building up their force of SS-9's and test- ing three-part warheads of about five metagons each', Ad- ministration officials warned that, if the Russians perfected accurate multiple warheads, a force of 420 SS-9's could de- stroy about 90 per cent of . Dr. Foster's rationale for ex-i Ars:1-11::.'s 1,000 Minuteman panding the Safeguard program. But the Soviet Union halted was based on two primary ele- ments--a desire to continue the SS-9 building program at pressure on the Soviet Union defense analysts insist that about 300. And although some 'limitation agreenlittioreVed r to conclude a strategic arms ew6pailefeta%6S2aelt hedge against acCeVernent by ? ballistic nussiles to 200 in each country. They would also ope to halt temporarily new con- struction of land-based missiles and conceivably sea-based mis? sues, pending negotiation of a comprehensive agreement at ;Helsinki.? I The missile defense agree. merit would lapse after a spec- ified time, they add, unless a imore comprehensive agree- ?ment was achieved.. Continued development of missile defens- es, which the Russians do or :want to see expanded in the ,United States, might keep pres- sure on the Soviet Union to conclude the more cornprehen- ? ? sive agreement, these- official argue. STATI NIL /04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 CERIMAN SCI2.110, Approved For Release 2091pa4lA,RDP80-016 nryilung att UJe?eerecyllfl ? By Lucia Mouat Staff correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor ? ? Washington Sen. Stuart Symington (D) of Missouri saw no particular reason why the 46-page statement of the Defense Department witness should be classified as "secret." Never a man to mince words, he bluntly suggested as much to the -witness. Only a few hours after the Senate Armed Services Committee executive session, the Senator had his answer in the form of declassification of the entire statement with the exception of two sentences ? and even on those, 'he was told, the need for secrecy was questionable. -The debate in Washington over the executive branch's need for secrecy tOntinues as 4.r;oronsly as it did in the days when the Pentagon papers were published and behind-the-scenes minutes of the administration's India-Pakistan policy were disclosed. ? Only this month, for instance, the President moved to cut the scope of government classification by halving (to 12) the number of federal agencies allowed to stamp "Ton Secret" on government papers and by speeding up the automatic declassification procedure. Mu c,h of the prodding for such change, limited as the results appear to . some, has come from Congress. Conceding the need? for secrecy in certain delicate diplomatic and defense matters, the legislative branch nonetheless continues to try to narrow the radius. One of the foremost champions of the public's right to know and of a more assertiVe role for Congress in foreign policy is the tall and courtly Senator Symington. This onetime businessman, secretary of the Air Force, and presidential candidate (1960) who now is serving on three of the Senate's key defense and fore3gn-policy committees, sees the issues from a unique vantage point. . Despite the military element in his background and his consequent service on the National Security Council, the Senator says he thinks. far too much information is being withheld from Congress by the executive branch. "I don't get enough information on which to make my decisions, and I resent that," he conmmented in the course of a recent luncheon interview. "If we could just get this passion for secrecy out of the way . . . having run quite a few businesses, I have a difficult time voting other people's money in the blind. There's just no true accounta- bility." Following up his words with action, the Senator from Missouri is trying to obtain declassification of a report recently ?com- pleted for the Senate sub-committee on U.S. security agreements and commitments abroad which he chairs. He admits that "the going is a little heavy." Based on firsthand visits to Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia in January by two subcommittee staff members, the report concludes that while the war in Vietnam is indeed winding down, war in Laos and Cambodia is increasing in intensity. As the Senator describes it in a letter accom- paning the report to Sen. J. W. Fulbright (D) of Arkansas, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations: Committee, " We-are of- fered nothing ... but the prospect of more of the same, at higher cost." Senator Syming- ton further arius that Ae4igsci6 ties, such as ?'MPP En PMFoisi WICqv have strong foreign-policy ramifications and are subject to no "true" congressional over- STATINTL Stiffer policy urged To remedy this lack of an outside check, the Senator proposes creation of a ?select Senate committee on the coordination of U.S. Government activities abroad, to over- see the operations of such influential groups as the Central Intelligence Agency and the Defense Intelligence Agency. The proposal, in the form of a resolution, is in committee. In the meantime, Senator Symington, who has traveled widely in the course of his work on the Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, considers con, trol of the purse hy Congress an effective weapon for pulling more information from the executiVe branch. "If we keep voting the money, we're vol- untarily abdicating our constitutional pre- rogative,".he says. "We should refuse the money until we get the facts." Information and power are closely linked in his view. He is fond of quoting a comment made 15 years ago by the late Dean Ache- son, former secretary of state, tliat the shift of power from Congress to the 'White House was the greatest change in govern- ment in thfs century. "If that was true before Kennedy and Johnson how much more true is it today?" he asks with an arnused twinkle in his eye e t2 ROMEO 1 Symington argues that national security no longer, if it ever was, a physical, mil tary matter but also a question of having viable economy and of ? "remember, I'm Democrat" ? credibility and public faith policies of the national government. / He has Withdrawn his support of the wa Vin Vietnam for many reasons, not the lea; of which are economic. Also, he sees a U. weakness for pushing people aside and sa3 ing, "Let us show you how to fight." I terms of national security, he sees Wester. Europe and the Middle East as much mor important to the United States. Time will tell whether the Senator and hi colleagues succeed in getting the informs tion from the White House that they seek It is noteworthy that Senator Symingta secured declassification status last .Decem ber for a voluminous, two-year tee report on U.S. commitments abroad Among its points ? bound not to pleasi the executive branch ? was the assertioi that multimillion-dollar U.S. support of th4 30,000-man army in Laos could in no wa: be considered an intelligence operation. As for the Senator's role in all this, Rep James Symington (D) of Missouri, the Sen ator's son, notes in his book "The Statel3 Game" that in any argument or challeng( his father displays a solidarity of deter Rpoltnatata0044 the jaw line of Mt A. supporter of the so-called war-powers ushmore. bill, now before Congress, which seeks to A ?formidable challenge to any administra tinn STATINTL Approved For Release 2gesiMpoi;:pL4.-RDP80-01601 19 MAR 1972 '108iresTilii4ii1ty Grows Think Tanks Fight for, Life: ss'ss By Stanley Karnow The military establish- - stient's disenchantment with ww,bington Post Stall Wr.ter the think tanks was further A decade or more ago, iew exacerbated last year when 'organizations in America Daniel Ellsberg, formerly were as influential as the with the most prestigious of Federal Contract Research the research groups, the Centers, popularly known as Rand Corp., admitted to "think tanks." Sponsored by haying filched the super-sen- the Pentagon, these idea sitive Pentagon Papers from generators played a decisive its headquarters in Santa role in shaping high policy . Monica, Calif. and, although : remote from ? the electorate, they were Security Clamp ? sometimes as powerful as That si-dent spurred the any other branch of govern- Pentagon to impose a secu- ment. rity clampdown on Rand Now, however, the autono- and to tighten its controls in ,mous non-profit brain trusts other research organiza- have not only lost much oi tions. It also provoked at- tacks against think tank in- 'their authority, they are t . struggling for sheer survivalellectuals as being too lib- they face an assortment eral, thereby balancing the 'of difficulties that threaten. image of them as cold war- to put them out of commis- . riors. Legislative dissatisfaction with the think tanks, which 7 The think tanks in their heyday laid the groundwork- had been growing for years, for the U.S. space' program, - also reached a peak last fall, : and they conceived the when-. Congress slashed the strategies that steered the budgets of four key research nation through the 'danger- outfits by $8.2 millii? ous years of its nuclear ri- about 13 per cent. ?fvalry with the Soviet Union. The cuts hit what are ? Their employees, frequently called the "paper factories'. 'armed with only chalk and ?organizations that essen- blackboard,' developed reva- tially turn out ideas. They lutionary 'analytical tech- are Rand, which works niques and new weapons largely for the Air Force; systems, and their research- Research Analysis Corp., an ers produced thousands of Army affiliate; the Center studies, some with titles like for Naval Analyses, which is "Communist Vulnerability backed by the Navy; and the . to the Use of Music" and Institute for Defense Analy- ? "Performance of Miniature. sis which serves the Secre- ? Pigs After Partial Body Irra- tary of Defense and the diation." Joint Chiefs of Staff. A dozen independent re- The budgets of eight other ? search organizations still op- Federal Contract Research ? erate on a total ? annual Centers were left intact. But budget of more than $264 these outfits, in contrast to affilion, most of which goes the "paper factories," con- for weapons development centrate primarily on the research. But the activities of these outfits are being in development of sophisti- cated military hardware. efeasingly exposed to- clad- The largest recipients ? cism. among them are the Aero- space Corp. and the Applied Physics. Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University of Balti- more. Ominous Outlook Their principal patiains in the Defense Department, which once relied on them heavily for new concepts, ? have- long had doubts about (D-Tex.) asserted that "the warranted, for the think time has come for the mill- tanks also have been tar- tars* services to begin plias- nished in the public mind as ing out the think tank.oper- cabals of Dr. Strangeloves atioris." Mahon added* that concocting sinister schemes the functions of the think to blow up the world. This image, however fan- ciful, has been strong enough within the U.S. stu- dent population to prompt many universities to break their relationships with cer- tain of the research organi- zations. ? Links Severed tanks should be taken over directly by the government. Congressional hostility to- ward the think tank stns from various motives: Some legislators, like Sen. J. Wil- liam Fulbright (D-Ark.) see them as evil tools of the Peotagon. Others perceive them to be composed of dan- gerous "eggheads," while still others contend that their employees enjoy privi- leges not accorded to, civil servants. The belief that the re- search groups enjoy special deals lingers from . past probes into their activities. A 1905 investigation of Aero- space, for example, revealed among other things that it was dabbling in Florida real estate with public funds and that it had spent $3.133.03 to ship an executive's. yacht from Massachusetts to Cali- fornia. Legislative View Legislators who have no- strong opinions against the think tanks explain, mean- The Institute for Defense Analyses, for example, for- merly numbered 12 universi- ties as members of its -corm-, ration. But after students at Princeton, Columbia and elsewhere demonstrated against this link, all the oni- versitias have sr"-ered their formal ties with the Instf- tute?although academie fig- ures still participate in the organization as individuals rather than as representa- tives of their schools. Some of the think tanks also lost prestige because of their dubious involvement In Southeast Asia. Rand, for instance, undertook an elab- orate study that fundamen- tally served to justify the use of tactical U.S. air? power, in South Vietnam, while, that the idea factories The study endorsed the elude them. Sen. Thomas J. i bombings on the grounds McIntyre (D-N.H.), whose that peasants blamed the Senate Armed Services sub- Vietcong for turning their committee on research and villages into targets for air development is_ supposed to strikes. keep watch on the think tanks, says that it is "almost impossible for a small-town lawyer" like 'himself to ask the 'hard questions" about the research units. McIntyre told an Inter- viewer not long ago that his biggest concern about the think tanks is a "lack of knowledge about what they're up to." Even with ex- pert help, he added. the Sen- ate could not adequately study the budget requests of the research organizations. The men who direct the their free-wheeling opera, As ominous as the budget research outfits hope to re- Later Rand studies on Vietnam were far less ac-. commodating to the White House and the Defense De- partment. In August 1970, for example, Rand specialist Brian M. Jenkins published a report entitled, "Why the North Vietnamese Keep Fighting," that effectively punctured official U.S. con- tentions that the enemy was on the brink of collapse. Frank Analysis A year before, when he was serving in Vietnam,. Ellsberg wrote a brutally tional style. These doubts.. cuts was the view of the fu- gain their former financing frank descriptive analysis of have been compounded by- ture of the research units ?and maintain their free- the failure of the South VI- internecine I?entagon aracessed_ by Cos egs? VI:6A domin that date RE9Yeeikt ?Idgtigigg91144 th #11-P "CO- ilttRgiMegOill"erl nedy and Johnson adminis- proPriations Committee tees again this May. Yet Washington reaction to his -trations. ? chairman George H. Mahon ? their optimism may be un- study, he candidly disclosed ' ? . . . raPS.P4GX.I.X_S Ti.14% STAT INTL Approved For Release 20011004AM aa-RDP80-0160'11M Congress Cuts Secret Panel Meetings by 5% 1971 Record Shows 36% of Sessions Are Closed-Door in Year Reform Act Is Passed Exclusive to The Times from the Coneressional Qiiartsciti WASHINGTON ? Con- gressional committees met in secret slightly over one- third of the time last year. Congressional Quarter- ly's annual tabulation -of committee sessions showed 36% were held be- hind closed doors in 1971, the year a new law? aimed at opening meet- ings to the public?went Into effect. This marked a decrease from the 41% closed com- mittee sessions recorded in 1970, but matched the secrecy score for 1969. - Since 1933, when Con- gressional Quarterly _ be- gan its annual tally of open and closed commit- tee meetings, 23,720?or 37%?of the 64,231 meet- ings reported have been held in executive (closed) session. The highest secrecy .score was 43% in 1968. The record low was 30% In 1939. The House, as usual, topped the Senate in the number of executive ses- sion s. The public w as barred from 415-1,131 of 2,785?of it s committee sessions. This was a de- crease from the 48% of 1970 but comparable to (thd 42% recorded in 1969. Senate at 30% Senate committees had a secrecy score of 3052? down from the 33% of 1970 but up from the 28% in 1969. It closed 580 of 1,905 meetings. Few executive' sessions were held by joint con- gressional committees. Of 126 joint committee meet- ings reported, only 20, or .16%, were closed. 'Most noteworthy in 1971 wlis the opening of select- ed House Appropriations Committee hearings. Interior and Insular At- Although only 8% .of its fairs Committee and the sessions-36 out of?_455? he- 1Y 4 ed in the past. A AppricpvgdtEorAwkeaen 0 R contrast to the 0% record- their meet inCorn- ? The 1970 reform act sti- pulated that House Appro- priations budget hearingS are to be held in open ses- sion, except when testimo- ny may affect national se- curity. ? Ways and Means was the only other House commit- tee to meet more than 100 times and close its doors more often than not. It closed 69 of 111 sessions for a secrecy score of 62%. On the Senate side, only one committee which met niore than 100 times held the majority of meetings in executive session. The Armed Services Commit- tee closed 118 of 150 meet- ings. 50% Record The Senate Public Works Committee barred outsiders from 50% .of its sessions. . .7 The House. Edueation and- Labor Committee re- mained at the top of the list of committees which met more than 100 times. and mainly in open ses- sion. The committee closed ? only six of 199 meetings for a secrecy score of 3%. - - Other House committees which met more than 100 times with comparatively few closed sessions ...were Interior and Insular Af- fairs, 20% closed sessions; Government Operations, 22%;? Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 24%; Foreign Affairs, 28%; Public Works and Mer- chant Marine and Fishe- ries, both with 31%. Judiciary was the leader among Senate committees which met more than 100 times and had a low per- centage of executive ses- ' sions. It closed only 15% of 167 meetings. Both the merce, 21%; Appropria- tions, 30%. ? .. .The Legislative Reorga- nization Act of 197.0?the 'first reform act in 24 years_ . . ?was designed, in pelt, to. open up committee ? proceedings to publ scrutiny. It included provisions. for .the public announce- ment of committee roll call votes and coverage. of hearings by _radio and television. - - The act stipulated that Senate committee bug-- nez.,...a meetings are. to be open, except for mark-up (when a committee revises and decides on the final lannage of a bill) and vpt- ing sessions or when the committee doses them by majority vote. ' Of those Senate cominit- tee meetings specifically. designated in the -Congres- sional Record as business, sessions ? organizing, marking-up, voting, brief- ing sessions-975 were. closed to the public in 1971. . ? ? According to the .reorga- nization act, House com- mittee business meetings . are to be open, except when the committee closes them .by majority vote. Excluding the House Ap- p r opriations Committee, 79% of the sessions listed as business were held be- hind closed doors. (House A p propriations subcom- mittee mark-up sessions are not reported to the Record.) Public mark-up sessions are rare. Most committees prefer to write legislatiqn in private for a variety of reasons. Sonic members believe that open meetings tend to encourage greater ; ? ? sumption. Others think committee, action is hin- dered by the necessity of observing formal proce- dures. Inhibition Charged Another objection is that open meetings inhibit the free exchange of ideas: One committee, which has held . open- .mark-up ses- sions in _ the past, found that such meetings' usual- ly attracted more lobbyists than public. The House Education and Labor Committee -led in open business meetings. It closed its doors only six times out of GO. Congressional - Quarter- ly's statistics on open and closed committee meet- ings are derived from the daily digest section of the Congressional Record, Al- though required by. the 1946. Legislative Reorgani- zation Act, not all commit- tee meetings are actually listed in the.Record.- . Committees . use differ- ent criteria for defining a meeting. Some do not re- port their meetings regu- larly to the Record. i0;0400Mcionfab0210001-6 STATI NTL PRESIDENT ORDERS . C. LIMIT ON LABELING OF DATA AS SECRET Calls for Faster Release of Material Not Injurious to .the Nation's Security By RICHARD HALLORAN epees' to The 'Sex T.mes WASHINGTONe March 8? President Nixon signed today an Executive order to limit the secrecy surrounding Federal docuinents, a major source of 11EIV 01/03/04 9 cE4Ailgti080-01 STATI NTL der been in effect, then, large portions of the documents in the Pentagon papers would al- . before the Hoitse Armed Sere ma . .. . ? ? . Under the new order,' ' 10-Year Limit Set "top!i ei ien I headed by Representative Lieltrative error', to prevent ember- . Michigan, NmedozpepoDsietimooncrtaot the ' rassment to a person or a . conceal inefficiency or adminis tion be classified in order t ready have been declassified. vi . { vices subcommittee, which isil secret" papers can become pub-. Hebert-Arends bill. ? ? lie after 10 years. Thus, docu-, IN:11-. Buzhardt said that, in an ments in the Pentagon papers{ effort to stop unauthorized dis- Department of Defense, J. Fredls The general counsel to the The Executive order further Buzhardt, testified this morninestates: "In no case shall infor- that were written before 1961{ would have been automatically{ declassified or would have been! subject to a challenge in which! th Government would have had! to 'Prove that injury to the1 national security would have{ resulted from their publication.1 Similarly, many "secret" pa- pers dated before 1963 and{ closures of secret information, Pentagon researchers had begu looking for a type of paper that could not be Xeroxed or other wise duplicated, The Pentagon vapers given to The New York Times and other newspapers were reportedly Xeroxed copies of the original doctements ? in some cases, Xeroxes of Xeroxes In issuing his order today, Mr. Nixon said, "We have re- "confidential" documents dated{ vtersecit time,he) burden enweof aprreoopflaFc?nr earlier than 1965 would have{ e first been available. The Pentagon' t:.a{: burden ? and even the information about the Govern- throat or administrative sanc- tion ? upon those who wish to 'from 1945 to 1963. preserve the secrecy of docu- The President said in a state- ment. The new order means that ments rather than upon those large numbers of papers from who wish to declassify them meat. that his action was "de- a ' the Truman and Eisenhower after a reasonable time Under the new order., papers{ ' signed o lift the veil of secre- Administrations should become can be classified only if their{ cy which how enshrouds alto- available, plus those of the disclosure "could reasonably bel gether too many papers writ- early Kennedy years. Docu- ten by employes. of the Federal expected" to cause damage to ments concerning the Bay o the national interest. Previously establishment?and to doso without-jeopardizing any of our Pigs operation in 1961, for i a paper could be stamed "se legitimate defense or foreign stance, will be eligible for pub- cret" even if the threat of dam- policy interests." lie inspection unless the Gov- age to the national security was The Executive order, which ernment can prove that such remote.The new order further re- disclosure will harm the na- will become effective June 1, duces the number of Federal calls for reducing the number tional interest, agencies, outside the White Later this year, under the or- House, that can classify docu- secret," "secret" cr. "confiden- der to of documents classified "top ments. At present 38 agencies documents pertaining e tial" when they are written and, for limiting ? the. authority of iwill become eligible for inspec- officials to stamp such classifi-4tion unless the Government can cations on those papers. - Rely on Discretion the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 can classify papers "top secret" or place them under the lesser classifications. Must Identify Officials After June 1, however, only The order drew some Imme- 12 agencies, such as the State At the other end of the proc diate fire on Capitol Hill. Rep- Department, the Defense De- ess, the order calls for speed- resentative William S. Moor- Partment and the Central In- ing up the process of declassi- head, Democrat of Pennsylvania, ,telligence Agency, can use the fying these documents, making who is chairman of a "top secret" stamp and 13 more them availaBle to the public, House subcommittee on Gov- with certain exceptions that ernment information, said, the Administration pledged "Congress may want to write would be narrowly applied. { its own statutory law on this The President and Adminis-e important and sensitive ' mat- tration spokesmen who ex-I ter." plained the new order readi ly1 Along the same line, conceded, however,. House Armed Services su that the mittee began hearings this success of the program would morning on a bill proposed by depend largely on the discre- tion of officials. Mr. Nixon said, "Rules can never -be air-- tight and we must rely upon the good judgment of incfiVid-; uals throughout the Govern-I ment!' ? -1 The action is a result of a 14-month study ordered by the 'President Otili publicatiorMOM o. secret Pentagon study of the prove that the national interest will be harmed. Representatives F. Edward Hebert, Democrat of Louisiana, be held personally responsible and Leslie C. Arends Repeee. for the propriety of the classifi- can of Illinois, the committee chairman and senior minority member respectively. While the Nixon Administra . through excessive classifica- tion plans to keep control of don,' the President continued, the classification of documents- "shall be grounds for admin- in the hands of the Executive listrative action." That would branch, the Hebert-Arends bill be art administrative reprimand, cial daVAR.Wittiti5i Ito 4114#0411fAl ? ? cu. .6 . commission to undertake con-The Vietnam war. Had the new or- itinuing reviews of secrec le? elesese., will be able to use the "secret" stamp. In the agencies that will be able to use the "top secret" label, only 1,860 officials will be authorized to assign such a classification, against 5,100 at present. Moreover, the President said, each agency will be required to identify those officials doing th classifying. "Each official is to cation attributed to him," the President said. "Repeated abuse of the process A I v in: that, wherever possible, classi- I fled information be separated department, to restrain compe- tition or independent initiative, or to prevent for any other reason the release of informa-, tion which does not require protection in the interest of national security." The President ordered that the "top secret" label be used "with utmost restraint" and that the "secret" label he em- ployed "sparingly." As to declassification, the President ordered that "top secret" documents be made available after 10 years, "secret" papers after eight years and "confidential" items after six years. But there will be exceptions, including the following: leInformation furnished in confidence by a foreign gov- ernment or international organ- ization on, the understanding that it be kept in confidence. elInformation covered by law, such as atomic energy infor- mation, or documents pertain- ing to codes and intelligence operations. elInformation on a matter "the continuing protection of which is essential to the na- tional security." That broad statement would appear to give advocates of secrecy, consider--. eble leeway.. IgInformation that, if dis- closed, "would place a person in immediate jeopardy." That pertains to intelligence agents. May Ask for Document ? But anyone may, after a doc- ment is 10 years old, ask for a review of the reasons why it is still kept secret. He must specify the document he wishes to see, which means that he must know that it exists. More- over, the agency holding the paper must be able to find it "with a reasonable amount of effort." That part of the order also applies to documents written before the order becomee effec- tive. The President said that the National Archives had "160 million pages of classified doe. uments from World War II and over 300 million pages of classi- fied documents for the years 1946 through 1954." . , Only a small number of those postwar documents have been made available. The vast ma- jority are not now subject to any sort of automatic declassi- 4-g fira agyiltde.d under the eia-pp It are subject to declassification only after 12 years, as opposed to the top Iimii nf In years under.the new STATI Approved For Release 2001/034t *IRDP80-016 .......$0,44, ?....,_,.....,,,,,e,.....04s....1,...4. -.. 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The Airline, Air America, Is also supported by C.I.A. ?J First Congressional Restraints Are Imposed on C.I.A. ? , ?? _ I,forts of Senators Clifford pi By BENJAMIN WELLES 'Case, Republican of New eJr-1 Special to The New York Times sey; Frank Church, Democrat' WASHINGTON, Feb. 12?The of Idaho, and Stuart Syming-: foreign aid authorization bill, ton. Democrat of Missouri. signed by President Nixon on They are members of the Monday, includes for the first Foreign Relations Committee. time in a quarter-century new Together with the committee's controls on the operations, cost !Chairman, .J. W. Fulbright, and personnel of the Central 'Democrat of Arkansas, they Intelligence Agency. :have protested increasingly in The controls, which thus far 'recent months that Congress have attracted little public at- has too little knowledge of, let tention, are the first to be alone control over, the agency's added since Congress creaoted the agency through the Na- tional Security Act of 1947, a measure that wsa amended in 1949. This act exempts the CIA activities, particularly in South- east Asia. Senator Case urged on July 12 a tightening of restrictions over the Defense Department's use of its funds overseas and from most fiscal and personnel, over its power to transfer sur- controls imposed on other fed-I plus" military material to other eral agencies. Funds, personnel United States agencies. Mr. and material voted by Congress Case insisted that the CIA: be to other agencies, such as the included in the restrictions lest Defense Department, can, for United States involvement in example, be switched legally to Cambodia develop surrepti- the C. I. A. tiously, as he said it had in The controls were inserted at Laos. liVithrough the ef- Voillt7ratil9V/91ig various pohAsobrovedepor aid bill large cumvention of Congressional intent in the funding of activi- ties such as the Thai troops in Laos through C.I.A. rather than through more open Government agencies." "It would also," he said, "eliminate the possibility that the Cooper-Church prohibitions against the use of American troops or advisers in Cambodia could be skirted by using C.I.A. personnel." Stennis Their Irritant The ire of the committee members is reported to be less against the C.I.A. itself than against Senator John C. Sten- nis, Democrat of Mississippi, Chairman of the Armed Serv- ices Committee and of. the so- called "Oversight" Committee for the agency. The Oversight Committee comprises senior menthers of the Armed Services and Appropriations committees plus four members of the For- eign Relations Committee. It is supposed to watch over all the agency's activities. Under Senator Stennis's di- rection, however, it did not meet at all in 1971?to the an- noyance of Senators from the Foreign Relations Committee, who contend that C.I.A. activi- ties around the world intimate- ly and sometimes decisively af- fect the conduct of United States foreign policy. They have now moved to by- pass Senator Stennis and to gain some control over the 'agency's funds, personnel and 'activities by writing controls into the aid bill. Some Congres- sional sources say, however, that there are still loopholes. Specifically, according to legislative specialists, the new controls will require the fol- lowing atcions: CIA-RDP80-01601R0014002100014,;11-,,.. DAILY ORLD STATINTL Approved For Release82ohN/ . ? ? ? .????:???? 133, CONRAD KO ? ? ? - n WSKI ? 034 : CIA-RDP80-0160 et/6V Anderzen Popers The bloodhounds are baying on the tracks of Jack Anderson, who conducts a weekly news column, The Washington . Merry-Go-Round, published in 700 news- papers at home and abroad. Investigators for the FBI, State Department, De- partment of Justice and probably other agencies are hot on his trail. Rep. F. Edward Hebert (D-La.), anti-union, racist chairman of the House Armed Ser- vices Committee, announced Thursday a subcommittee will get into the act immediately when Congress opens on Jan. 18. ' Anderson has published in his column excerpts from the minutes of the Washington Special Action Group (a subcommittee of the National Security Coun- cil, abbreviated as WSAG) and other documents and memoranda meant only for the inner circles of the Administration. They expose the double-dealing and lying of the Nixon Administration, particularly in rela- tion to the Indian-Pakistani conflict. Anderson has also made some of this material available to the press generally. Among the information Anderson disclosed is the revelation that Nixon's adviser on national security affairs, Dr. Henry Kissinger, on the one hand pub- licly told the press that the Administration was friendly to India and on the other hand told the Wash- ington Special Action Group behind the screen of of- ficial secrecy that Nixon "wants to tilt in favor of Pakistan" and that Nixon believed "we are not being tough enough on India." It is quite possible, after the exposure of the gov- ernmental lying during five Administrations, Democrat- ic and Republican, in the Pentagon papers, that some governmental figures may have begun to think twice about the questionable "wisdom" ? from a pro- capitalist point of view ? of Nixen's policies in the Bangla Desh situation and in Asia generally. The differences in the ruling class and its collabo- rators on this score are useful to the people. Besides the facts revealed by Anderson, there is an important issue involved in his disclosures. That is the right of the people to know. Anderson has not made this a major feature of his expose, but it is there any- ?way. It is also involved in the defense of Dr. Daniel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo, who are. being prosecuted and persecuted for their part in tearing away the veil of secrecy in which the searing facts of the conspiracy which plunged the United States into barbaric aggres- sion in Indochina had been buried. STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 YOE5. DAILY 177:1 ? Approved For Release 2001/pW tgA-RDP80-01601R STATINTL ? By JAMES WIEGIIART ? _ . . Washington, Jan. 6 (NEWS Bureau) ? The State Department only last week re- jected a request by Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman J. William Fulbright (D-Ark.) for the same "secret" information on the India-Pakistan conflict that. has been widely publicized in the Anderson papers. Although Fulbright was out of U.S. senator from New York, said the country a ad could not be statements on its position in the statements of administration poi- reached f o r I5-day war. icy simply did not coincide with This is what Fulbright sus 7 events in India as he knew them pected when he requested ? last i ? March and on Dec. 11?that the over the last eight months. State Department turn over to In the cable, which was released his committee diplomatic cables by Anderson and widely published from Dacca and New Delhi which in newspapers to d a y, Keating reportedly questioned U n it e d complained that the administra- States policy statements on the tion's justification of its pro- India-Pakistan dispute being ? is- Pakistan policy was inconsistent sued in Washington. with the facts and detracted from A committee source told Tim the administration's credibility. NEws that the department re- Meanwhile, the House Armed fused Tulbright's written re- Service Committee is undertaking quests for the secret cables?the an investigation of its own aimed last time only last Thursday? at curbing overuse of the seCrecy in order to "protect" the individ- classification . and closing what uals filing the dissenting cables. the chairman calls an "open sea- son" on p r i n t i n g government Accuracy Challenged ii secrets. ., - comment, com- mittee sources told THE NEWS ?-todaY that he would demand a full - scale ;probe of the Nixon admini- stration's hail- . ? dling of the In- dia - Pakistan conflict. ? A series of secret docu- ments and dip- lomatic cables released by syn- cated columnist Jack Anderson over the past few days revealed a conflict between the admini- stration's public and private J. William Falbright The cables sought by FulbHght came from Archer Blood, former U.S. Consul General in Dacca, and American Ambassador to India Kenneth Keating. Both re- portedly criticized U.S. policy in the ? Inia-Pakistan dispute, and Keating challenged the accuracy of accounts of U.S. policy being issued in Washington. According to Anderson, Keat- ing warned the administration /that Pakistan could not Stay united and that India was the potential and actual great power of the area. Blood cabled reports of the slaughter of civilians by the Pakistani army in Bangla- desh, but the administration evi- dently believed his reports were exaggerated. Last Thursday, the department .turned down a Fulbright request for a copy of a secret Dec. 8 cablegram from Keating to Sec- retary of State William P. Rogers. In the cable, Keating, a former Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 Inm...???.?????????V . V/ EN OF BOOKS Approved For Releasell2EW00:74 RE 1/03 $ 4 ? r-RIA-RDP80-0 The CHII's Hew Cover .Elle -- -- Ope The Rope Dancer - adventurer has passed in the American the by Victor Marchetti. . spy business; the bureaucratic age of ingt Grosset & Dunlap, 361 pp., $6.95 Richard C. Helms and his gray spe- kno cialists has settled in." I began to have fina Richard J. Barnet an uneasy feeling that Newsweek's ingt . article was a cover story in more than vote I one sense. An call In late November the Central Intel- it has always been difficult to faile ligence Agency conducted a series of analyze organizations that engage in A "senior seminars" so that some of its false advertising about themselves. Part of i important bureaucrats could consider of the responsibility of the CIA is to iari3 its public image. I was invited to - - ---------the spread confusion about its own work. attend one session and to give mybeci The world of Richard Helms and his views on the proper role of the "specialists" does indeed differ -from ized Agency. I suggested that its legitimate that of Allen Dulles. Intelligence organ- Hel] activities were limited to studying izations, in spite of their predilection ovei newspapers and published statistics, for what English judges used to call lige] listening to the radio, thinking about "frolics of their own," are servants of Age -the world, interpreting data of recon- policy. When policy changes, they Bur must eventually change too, although the naissance satellites, and occasionally ? publishing the names of foreign spies. I because of the atmosphere of secrecy can had been led by conversations with a and deception in which they operate, ove number of CIA officials to believe that such changes are exceptionally hard to vice they were thinking along the same control. To understand the "new Age lines. One CIA man after another espionage" one must iee it as ipart of imp eagerly joined the discussion to assure the Nixon Doctrine which, in.essence, rin me that the days of the flamboyant is a global strategy for maintaining US 1 covert operations 2 were over. The power and influence without overtly reo upper-class amateurs ? of the OSS who involving the nation in another ground He stayed to mastermind operations in war. ne? \.i Guatemala, Iran, the Congo, and else- But we cannot comprehend recent lig( where?Allen Dulles, Kermit Roosevelt, developments in the "intelligence corn- neN Richard Bissell, Tracy Barnes, Robert munity" without understanding what fur Amory, Desmond Fitzgerald?had died Mr. Helms and his employees actually Pr( or departed. do. In a speech before the National' In their place, I was assured, was a Press Club, the director discouraged/w small army of professionals devoted to journalists from making the attempt. d, preparing intelligence "estimates" for "You've just got to trust us. We are n, the President and collecting informa- honorable men." The same speech is p, tion the clean, modern way, mostly made each year to the small but with sensors, computers, and sophis- growing number of senators who want h ticated reconnaissance devices. Even a closer check on the CIA. In asking, ti \I Gary Powers, the U-2 pilot, would now on November 10, for a "Select Com- c, be as much a museum piece as Mata rnittee on the Coordination of United n -Hari. (There are about 18,000 em- States Activities Abroad to oversee p ployees in the CIA and 200,000 in the activities of the Central Intelligence t entire "intelligence community" itself. Agency," Senator Stuart Symington p The cost of maintaining them is some- noted that "the subcommittee having ) oversight of the Central Intelligence i where between $5 billion and S6 billion annually. The employment Agency has not met once this year." t figures do not include foreign agents or mercenaries, such as the CIA's 100,000-, the Air Force and veteran member of t Symington, a former Secretary of t 'man hired army in Laos.) the Armed Services Committee, has t A week after my visit to the "senior also said that "there is no federal n seminar" Newsweek ran a long story "the new espionage" with a picture agency in our government whose activ- , ities receive less scrutiny and control ? of CIA Director Richard Helms on the than the CIA." Moreover, soon after , STATINTL n& . o.rAllen3. cover. The repAr : S?RDP80.01601 R001400210001-6 to some of the me peop Newsweek said, "The gaudy era of the P.P?t???? DAILY Approved For Release 20013/M64176IA-RDP80-01601R TC &Nor ofvv`oe," seirtic":" .7* STATI NTL OM Patriotic victory in Laos ? VIENTIANE?Royal Lao Defense Minister Gen. Thongphan Knocksy said in Vientiane on Monday that forces of the Lao Patriot- ic Front ILPF had captured two more bases south of the Plain of Jars and now directly threaten the big Central Intelligence Agency dase at Long Cheng. Knocksy said the situation in Laos was growing "confused." and that 30.000 Meo tribesmen had already been evacu- ated from Long Cheng. lie said that on Saturday the pro-U.S. regime had to retreat from Ban Na and Khan Kho airstrips. 14 miles north- west of Long Cheng. On Monday, LPI' attacks were reported eight miles northwest of Long Cheng. headquarters for the CIA-run "Sec- ret Army" of Mei) mercenaries. The LPF's Kaosan Pathet Lao news agency reported on Monday that the 1.13F had scored a tremendous victory in the Dec. 18-21 fight- ing. capturing the entire Plain of Jars?Muong Sui region?killing, wounding or capturing LOU Meo "secret Army mercenaries, shoot- ing down 17 planes. and capturing large stores of equipment, in- cluding tanks and heavy artillery. * On Sunday in Saigon. Rep. G. V. "Sonny" Montgomery (D-Miss). a ranking member of the U.S. House Armed Services Committee. said the "Communists" could take over Laos anytime they wanted and also accused the CIA of making a mess of things in the small, South- east Asian country. "What I know about Laos is that the CIA has done a pretty lousy job and has been ineffective." the Mississippi Democrat said. Ile said he favored reducing U.S. spending in Laos and replacing the CIA with regular U.S. military advisers. Mont- gomery was evdently unaware military advisers of any kind are prohibited by the 1962 Geneva Agreement on Laos which the U.S. signed. - Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/04 :.CIA-RDP80-01601R MONESSEN, PA. VALLEY IBDEPENDENT ?DEu 2 8 1971 E ? 18,086 STATI NTL eview of intelligence YEARS AGO, then Sen. Eugene Mc- Carthy used to come down hard once .in awhile on what he viewed as ex- cessive secrecy about the Central In- telligence Agency's budget and oper- ations.lhough there was considerable sentiment favoring closer surveillance . of the,ClAr.and a greater degree of accountability to Congress, nothing much came of McCarthy's efforts. Despite his attempt to shed some light on how much money the CIA spends, and to force disclosure of such Information as could be revealed with- out hurting the national security, the agency remained essentially hidden from the public. The size of its budget continued to be concealed in appro- priations for other governmental func- tions. Watchdog committees set up by both House and Senate presumably were privy to quite a bit of informa- tion, but most of Congress as well as the general public was kept in the dark. ? That period is recalled by the cur- rent effort of Rep. Lucien N. Nedzi, Democrat of Michigan, to extract more public information about the CIA and other intelligence groups. The situation is basically unchanged today: no one who is telling seems to have any clear notion of what the CIA budget amounts to, though estimates (range from four to six billion dollars annually. The approximate size and extent,of CIA operations remain hidden from the public, which also gets only frag- mentary (and often disquieting) hints as to the CIA's role in foreign policy decisions and implementation. For the past several months Nedzi has been chairman of a group set up by the House' Armed Services Com- mittee to oversee intelligence opera- tions. Inquiries thus far; he said the other- day, have led him to conclude that from the standpoint of national security "more can be made public than is being made public." This is the heart of the matter. No .responsible person suggests that the operations of the CIA or other intelli- gence agencies ought to be made an open book to the public ? and, by ex- tension, to other governments. Intel- ligence work is by its nature secret, and would quickly be undermined by excessive disclosures. The public which is served by intel- ,ligence agencies and which foots the bill for them, however, has the right to general information about how big they are and how much they spend ? and above all, about how well they stay within carefully defined limits of their proper function. Congressional review of the situa- tion with this in mind would be a' sound step in the public interest, Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01 LIMA, OHIO NEW93E.0 15 1971 E ? 40,873 S ? 45,674 Secrets Target STATINTL enate . , ? By GEORGE KENTERA -WASHINGTON (NAN A) ? Both Senate and House are showing a growing restiveness over being kept in the dark about this country's vast intel- ligence apparatus. This restiveness is particu- larly strong in the Senate at present, but it also exists in the House ? and it has been present almost sine, 1949, when the Central Intellig,Ace Agency (CIA) was first gr.lated power stirirMess to ?pie ate without ions an p congressional revie.e. the intelligence budget, and .. The mounting frustration on they are dissatisfied with the critics and students of the prob- Capitol Hill is har,ily likely to present system, under which lems." produce any legislation requir- only a handful of senators and An ofiponent of the war in ing disclosure by tne Nixon ad- representatives knows any of Vietnam, Nedzi thinks his ap- ministration of intelligence the facts. funding or activities.. On the night of Nov. 23, the But it is almost certain to -re- Senate held an extraordinary suit next year in discreet ef- debate on an amendment by Sy- forts, primarily by Cengres- mington to the $70.8 billion de- bill. The sional.eommittees and subcom- fense appropriations ? Meet and the State Depari-menl.:,1 On the Senate side there are '11 Fiurties and also "eight hours of contin- - the central intelligence subcom- also two subcommittees. One is uous discussions" at Inc nation- .al security agency. . mittee of the Armed Services ?And Rep. Lucien N. Nedzi,I Committee which includes Sten- Detroit Democrat and chairman i Still to come. are the FBI, .the nis, Symington, Democrat. Atomic E n e r g y Commission Henry M. Jackson of WaAing- and, .finally, the intelligence ton and Republicans Peter II. agencies of the armed services Dominick of C o I o r a d o and that reportedly spend the lion's Barry Goldwater ' of Arizona. share of the intelligence budget. This subcommittee reviews CIA "I haven't come to any con- programs, but not financing. clusion...Yet on the whole ques- The other is the intelligence tion of how far one should go in operations subcommittee of the making public activities of this kind," , Nedzi says.. "What I Appropriations Committee. Its deal, about the nation's Intel- members are Chairman Allen J: think I d like to. do Is get people ligence setup. But they believe Ellender of Louisiana, Stennis, from .the agencies to present un.- Congress as a rule ought to Democrat John L. McClellan of classified versions of their posi- know something, perhaps about Arkansas and Republicans Mil- ton R. Young of North Dakota . ? and Mrs. MargL-et Chase Smith of Maine. It seems worth noting that Sy- mington is a part of these elite pointment in July as chairman of the intelligence subcommittee groups and yet is a leading pro- by Rep. F. Edward Hebert of tester against the setup they "represent. Louisiana, c h a i r m a a of the One reason may be Ellender's [louse Armed Services Commit- tee, may have "tempered the explanation on Nov. 23 about the way five senators (from the mittees involved, to lift at least amendment would have set a strong passions" some frustrat- Appropriations' Committee) de- of a special House subcommit- tee on intelligence, is quietly laying the groundwork for whatl is likely to be public hearings about the many-sided intel- ligence apparatus. Members of Congress like Sy- mington and Nedzi are not seek- ing to know all, or even a good _ ed house members have about /:ntelligence procedures. cide what funds the intelligence partially the curtain that now limit of $4 billion for Intel hides an intelligence effort said ligence spending ? by the CIA, agencies need. ' have been introduced"This method of appropri- to cost up to 86 billion a year. National Security Agency, DeF Still, more than a dozen bills Sen. John C. Stennis, D-Miss., lease Intelligence Agency andi ating funds for these intel- powerful c h a i r in a n of the for intelligence work performed gross this year aimed at making ligence activities has been in of- Armed Forces Committee, has by or for the Army, Navy and already felt compelled to prom- Air Force. larly the CIA, accountable to know i Congress. That is a rate slightly "We five 1 ise a thorough committee study F if t y - s i x senators voted who sit on this committee hear and, "if necessary," an inves- against and d e f e a t e d the higher than average since 1949; the testimony of those applying' ? ' ? d' ' 1 for funds. The funds are justi- I tigation into intelligence opera- amendment ? but 31 senators 10 tue ' tions. , voted for it. And one of those 31 almost 200 such bills have been . In making that promise to the votes was from Montana's Bern_ introduced ? and none has Senate, Stennis specificially re- ocratic Sen. Mike Mansfield, the passed. ferred to. President Nixon's majority leader, who praised Whatever review power Con- reorganization early this month Symington and said, perhaps gross has over intelligence mat- of the U.S. intelligence system significantly: ? ters resides in four congres- - a - reorganization that some "He has raised an issue which sional subcommittees. senators fear removes the sys? is just now in its infancy, but On the House side, one is Ned- , - tem even farther from any ac- which in time I am confident subcommittee, created in countability to Congress. will grow to enormous propor_ July. The other is the int& Two other signs point fo? some tions. It is time, in my judg_ ligence operations subcommit- tee of the AppropOatons Com- mittee. Its members are an of- ficial secret, but there is good -reason to believe they are the ranking three Democrats and two Republicans on the lull congressional action next year: !merit, that we take a long, hard _ sen. Stuart Symington, the look at our intelligence commu- Missouri Democrat who has nity, its function and objec- long protested the lack of infor- fives." . mation Congress gets about in- Nedzi thinks so, too. In his telligence matters, reportedly is preparatory work, he and his icommittee's defense subcom- ready to prbg a demana0 ztt subcommittee aides have al-- orgle? a ons o texas. accounting in private session. the.. CIA , the Defense Depart- ... _ _ i fled to us. . "We ask many questions. None of this information is in writing, nor is it recorded, but it is simply given to us, and we weigh it and then recommend appropriations as is seen fit- ting...I would hesitate to suggest that more senators and more members of the House be in- volved in this sensitive work." At another point, Symington and his supporters referred to new i spiper disclosures t w o ? years ago that the CIA was fk- ?.....?? }lancing much of the war .-ii Laos. . 0-f0i1601jR001400210001-6 the Senate pwpavgt IsKrRoleased2001103/04fli ore STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R . . DANBURY , CONN. NEWS-TIMES clEC 3 1971. E 29,870 A_ blank e eek with rp9 maximum imif Even in these days of $230 billion federal budgets and $27 billion federal deficits, $579 million is a lot of money. It represents about $11,000 for every man, woman and child in Danbury. One would expect that when Congress votes an appropriation of $579 million, it would know what the money is going for. But in the case of the current Defense Department budget, it does not. . ? That $579 million fund is the last item on the table of aircraft procurement requested by the Pentagon for fiscal 1972 and is identified merely as "classified projects." Senator Stuart Symington of Missouri, the only senator who is a member of both the Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committee, suspects this is one of the hidden items to cover intelligence .funding, for the CIA and . for other intelligence oiiFFATIMIs But the Pentagon won't admit it is, nor will it say it isn't. , Senator Symington, a former Air ? Force secretary, has been on the Armed Services Committee for the ? past 20 years ranking immediately behind the chairman in seniority. Not once has he or the full committee,? let alone the entire Senate. been informed what hidden funds are included in the defense budget for intelligence operations. During this period, U.S. intelligence operatives have been credited with or blamed for U.S. involvement in affairs of foreign 'countries, including the secret war. in Senator Symington last week tried 'to- put a limit on the blank check Congress provides for intelligence operations. He offered an amendment to the defense appropriations bill to put a $4 billion lid on the blank check. He didn't ask that the budget provide a breakdown of the $4 billion, nor that secret material be revealed to the Senate. He just wanted intelligence funding limited to intelligence, so we don't get into another situation where U.S. personnel are organizing and running a war on foreign soil, and an airline to go with it, without Congress or the American taxpayers knowing about it. Unfortunately, only 30 other sena- tors joined Senator Symington in voting for the amendment, so the intelligence operatives not only continue to have a blank check but one without limit as far as Congress is concerned. The usual Pentagon supporters in the Senate won this round. But the tiuestions Senator Symington and others raised about U.S. military and intelligence officials involving this country in distant wars cannot be hidden away like the $579 million. appropriation. Sooner or later, the administratio9, the Pentagon, the CIA and ?the: 3 involved will have CciTa-Frirp to thee questions. As far as taxpayers are concerned, the sooner the better. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R SAN ANTONIO, lbc. NEWS r.DEC 2 Ira11 E 61,290 7 Symington hits CIA inactivity WASHINGTON ? If then- But Symington says that the tral Intellizn.ce,..Agency and al- lied u i Is in the government have been inefficient or unres- ponsive, Sen. Stuart Syniington CIA subcommittee of the Armed Services panel has not met this year. Symington's challenge c n- ter ed on the Administration's (D-Mo.) wants to know how and. alleged failure to consult Con. why. .gr es s. While he admitted the Symington, ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, also wants an ex- planation of why proper con- gressional committees were not consulted in advance of admin- istrative changes in the intelligr ence operations announced b/. President Nixon. - A White House spokesman says there were consultations with: key congressional leaders ,before the changes were made. changes might be "construc-' Live,' he posed several ques- tions based upon the White House press release that de- scribed the reorganization as an effort to improve the "efficien- cy and effectiveness" of all U.S. intelligence..._.__ Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 t?. STATI NTL Approved For Release 200t/fr3,cOJl,:igfrA-RDP80-p1601R0.0 crliwc Fri-1 . Q1/4.) 'LI] (7-1 ? ",r1 . oind fvfo is 1,-, colorsfine c.-21 is no',7 as 11 P.reCJVCViVeOSf.:.2oy poop5o ? , ? ' -. ' By P,OBERT S. ALLEN . - r Chile's Marxist President Salvador plans and other bombastic propa2,anoa consumer goods and st-eadily spreading,. .Allende and Cuba's Communist dictator ivluch has been said about ideological Beef is now available only one week a Fidel -Castro are finding much in Com- "pie. in the sky," but: nothing, about month, and then in srn. all quantities; mon to talk about during their' 10 days ? the bleak realities of economic and social poultry, eggs and dairy n,00ds are scarce - and in some parts of Chile already are of hobnobbing. ?? - ! systems in deep trouble. - The economies Of both their countries There is good reason for this silence. rationed. As a consequence, black mar- are in dire straits .and steadily sinking The undeniable record in both countries kets have sprung up in most supplies. ,; further in the mire. . a is not the kind to talk about. . Even small dressmaicers are havin to pay under-the-table prices to oct cloth Inflation is rampant despite stringent Castro admitted that in an amazingly ? ' " ? ' . h - price and ? monetary controls; food, mate- frank speech to top lieutenants and 0 The money supply risen 75 per ? Hai and other shortages are widespread. party leaders earlier this year. He. not cent since January., and the government and -rationing common; mismanage- only told them 1970 was a debacle, but is admittedly turning out currency at a . d . Ps -a siip ? ment, incompetence and waste are gross this year wouldbe no better, . recor rate rice control re nosed to offset this, but are having little effect..? and ruinous; and the chaotic and clot "We are steadily losina; around in our. s Production is falling steadily, par- tructive excesses charac ristic o ex tef -? struoale to create a true 'Ivl-arxist state," o .an e nt tremist governments are taking a stag- he said, "The innumerable tieularly in th copper mines rece ly gorilla human, social and industrial toll, and immense demands facing usare.over- expropriated from U.S. owners. Copper ? That 'disastrous Cost has been heaviest whelming.. There is virtually no liken-experts constitute 80 per cent of Chile's . e. ' grimmest in Cuba where Castro has hood of inaproving our economy and and is vital to the coca- for . . been in power some 12 years. . - social structure in the foreseeable future. try 'ign trade S solvency and stability. But under Allende, the nation has suffered a After one year of Allende s bungli,g S250- We will -be doing well if we merely hold million balance-of-payments deficit as.: . 'n arid incoheren rulea Chile is v. ell headed our own." against a ? $135-million favorable bal-: t ' . ? ? on the. same calamitous road. Given Having made this confession, Castro ance before he came into power. time, and the doubtful submissiveness of then announced the launching of a"cru- - 0 Illustrative ' ' - the Chilean pcoole, that country too will sade to eradicate vagrancy, parasitism ii .rioe great copper mines. As a result of clustrial woes is what has happened in of Chiles spreading wind up as insolvent and 'shattered as and other vices in order to root out icle- n t Castroite Cuba. ? ?logical weaknesses and to redouble our . . . , eflorts to create the new, socially con- - per cent wage increases, wild-cat ,. Te to lltan-z strikes,. costly darriages td expensi hat tragic Island are litera ve . ?-? htariauled n-..asses o'l ? ? .scious, Socialist m an ." . . t ? Mac'ninery and equipment, and v; ide- p lly kept Allende, took a different turn in a spread absenteeism, copper production ein,r only threaa-,;li a masaive -In- . . fusion of Rassian l--now two and one hour speech early this at .Chuquicamata and El Teniente, the ? nif hg to around S1.5 million a day. araannt- at . month at a giant Santiago rally . corn-. two biggest mines, is now costing an 1.-', for that, famine and the most prirai- rnemorating his first year in office. The average of 47 cents a pOund while the tin l co on wo he - , Marxist grandiloquently proclaimed: , world market price is 49 cents a pound spread?as they already are in re- . ' iving nditis uld wide "Today the peasant feels himself a . Manifestly, Chile's key economy is not mete rural areas. ? citizen, and the workers' arc conscious thriving on a profit margin of 2 cents a - . ? .that they are the government." . - .pound. . It's very cluestiona.ble whether Chil- But sionificantly, despite talking long. The big question mark overhanging ed'lPn ., g history and tradition of and sonoro.usly, r,lende ca.renuly. Chile s future. is, what about th.e mili- -s-' with a lon ocracv 2,a incleeende,nce, would x.?....?.,.t 4.,,,c,,, e.,,,1,,,-,,?,,,,,,,,.t. ,.?,,i des?da_:. avoided specifics..and details. He 'oerated tary? - opponents, particularly in the Chilean Unlike Cuba, where Castro 's seizure lion. a . . . D ia only time will tell. congress where they are in a mtiority, ? of power included the disorgiinized mill after one ear of Allende - and effusively lanced supporters. But tary forces, Allende 's tissue-thin elec- - -Me.inwlli!e., y. ' and his extremist cohorts, Chile has a about his record?virtually nothing. - .toral plurality by ?which he maneuvered bead start for the same. catastrophe- That's understandable, because it's into office did not ? affect the Chileanl wracked depths to which Castro has nothing to talk aboutas evidenced by army, navy and air force. , brought Cuba. . the following: . - ' So far: they have stayed out of Politics . nurinAppftetvedaFtreRelelaSez20111/03/041:(01*;.RDP80.-6116011R0611401)2icild9ft have their way? ...with Allende, they have emitted much IS pc:- cent, actually is closer to 30 par up to a point.. 'nri-t. point is when the glowing rhetoric about grandiose aims, ct,.;*f.. ? military feel their interests are directly ce.,17.t. n nci f: et t i :ag worse all the tinle. Approved or Release 2001/03/04: f'fArl-S)Pi8c5)(-391601R Consinos ancil aze CYL, ? President Nixon has issued an executive order which invests Richard Helms, director of the CIA, with author-. ity to oversee all the intelligence agencies (the National Security 'Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency; etc.) and to cut "bureaucratic fat" and professional overlapping . wherever possible. There may be merit in this new order, but there is incontestable merit in Sen. Stuart Symington's reaction to it. The Senator notes that the CIA was ..brought into existence in 1947 by an act of Congress. Its vowers . and duties are defined by legislation adopted by the Congress. The director and deputy direeZor are sub- ject to confirmation by the Senate. Last year the Congress appropriated between $5 billion and $6 billion ?for the intelligence establishment; ? no one knows the exact aMount, since, part of the CIA's budget is artfully con- cealed. Yet the Senate was not consulted about the pro- posed reorganization: Senator Symington serves on the CIA subcommittee of the Senate Armed Services Com- mittee. To his knowledge, the subcommittee was not consulted about, nor did it approve, the reorganization ordered by the President. As a matter of fact the sub- conunittee has ndt met once during the current year. This is an amazing state of affairs. Surely the Congress has a right to be consulted about the reorganization of an agency which owes its existence to an Act .of Congress and is sustained by annual appropriations voted by the Congress. .-. The fact is that the CIA enjoys an autonomy almost as complete as that enjoyed by the FBI. Whatever the orig- inal intention of the Congress, the CIA functions. today as. ? an adjunct of the White House. The intelligence it gathers is available to the President; it is not available to the Con- gress. Under the proposed reorganization, it will be even . more directly responsible to the President, and by its over-. sight control over the other agencies will be supplying him With) a unified appraisal. An agency that gathers informa- tion for the President may be tempted to provide him with the estimates it thinks he wants (as the Pentagon Papers have shown, intelligence reports that do not coincide with White House opinion are apt to be ignOred), and as Joseph Kraft pointed out in a recent column, there is: much to be said for diverging, even conflicting, reports in the highly subjective area of intelligence evaluation. The CIA is closed off from scrutiny by the press, public and the Congress; like the FBI, it functions in splendid bureaucratic isolation. Mr. Helms is such a gray eminence that a private elevator takes him to and from his office in the structure in Langley, Va. Like Mr. Hoover, he is usually not "available," except at budget time. Re- cently, however, he has been trying to give the agency a new, or at least a brighter image, since he is well aware of a growing restiveness in the .Congress and of the need to slash budgets. A Nation, editorial of May 3 called at-. tention to the way in which Mr. Helms was "breaking cover", .to. talk about the brilliant achievements 'of the STATI NTL agency and to assure- us that i Is s CC Ica e friends of' the democratic ideal. Now he is up to the same antics again. This week he is the "cover boy" on News- . week, with the. predictable feature telling of gallant CIA capers, of a kind that could have been made known only by the agency that is so super-secret it feels compelled to conceal its activities from the Congress. - Congress should not take any more of this guff from the agency or its director. It has authority to insist that its authority be respected and it has a clear responsibility to act in that spirit. In an editorial last August 2, we re- marked on a measure, introduced by Sen. John Sherman Cooper, which would recuire the CIA to make its intel- ligence reports available to the chairman of the germane committees of the .Congress (Armed Services and For- eign Relations) and also require the agency to prepare reports at the. request of the Congress. There is precedent for sueh legislation in the instructions given the AEC. After all, the CIA often gives to foreign governments information' and reports which it will not make available to the Senate or. the House. This is selective secrecy carried to a grotesque extreme. Hearings will be held on Senator Cooper's bill (S. 2224) during the first week of February. It is a Wise and sensible proposal. We hope it is adopted. We hope too that the CIA subcommittee will come alive and begin to exercise a real .degree of oversight over the agency. Better still, the Senate should adopt the resolution offered by Sena- tor Symington (S. 192, November 13) to create a. select committee- which would oversee the -CIA. But there is really only one way to deal with the problem of the CIA and that is to make it clireCtly responsible to the Congress. If it is engaged in activities of such a character that they cannot be reported to the Congpess, then it should be told -to abandon those activities. There is no place for a secret agency of the CIA type within the framework of a constitutional democracy, which is how Justice Stanley. Reed once characterized our form of government. As long as the CIA can plead secrecy; Congress will .be un- able to exercise effective oversight. The time has comc. to make both tbc FBI and the CIA subject to close and: continuing Congressional su servision and control. SIATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 LP. s._ AiicimEs IitiS Approved For Release 2001 %!ft-RDP80-01 11 9 F-73if ri Eif M ,s? - 71jFe r[ 1 [14 Lt1t- '4JilRha 'Reshtiffling,With More Poitioi-is Going" to Military.Men, Worries Key Lailiake,r.s . ? WASHINGTON (UPI)? Key senators are co n- cerned that CIA ,Director Richard Helms might; have been "kicked up- stairs" in the reshuffle of AMeri s intelligence community, with more fluence in spy activities going to military men. Helms has assured . in- quiring senators that he had no reason to believe - he had been shuffled aside in the nation's intelligence hierarchy. ?? But there is concern on . Capitol . Hill. that Helms has lost out in the shakeup of the intelligence net- -work ordered by President .Nixon last month: Sens. Stuart Sym:l!igton t/- (D-Mo.) and J. William :Fulbright (D - Ark.) are -concerned that the shakeup h a s increased P e ntagon predominance in the intelligence field, and Sen. JoheStennis (D.7 .Miss.) is conducting an in- vestigation to find out 'whathappened. Wha t ha s disturbed 'Helms' friends in the Sen- 'ate is that the day-to-day control of the CIA ap- parently has been relin- quished to a military man, Lt. 'Gen. Robert E. Cush- man Jr., in order to free Helms for his new .duties as overall director of the CIA and all other intel- ligence units. Cushman, a marine, is deputy director. of the CIA. -' the Joint .Chiefs of. -Staff and the deputy sec- retary of defense have been given a new voice in the intelligence command through membership on .a 'committee, which, under the direction of presiden- tial adviser Henry A. Kis- singer, will oversee intel- ligence. - 'Helms, in a closed-door meeting with the Senatev/ ? Armed Services Commit- tee this week, said he did not think he was being shoved out of the way. Stennis, the committee. chairman, said Helms. "as- sured me that his domin- ance over it (the CIA), his effectiveness, his powers over it will not be dimin- ished one bit." ? . ? , But Stennis indicated he still was not satisfied and rwe- are goinc,b into it and, we are going to analyze it and study it and have an investigation ? if one wants to use that word--if necessary. We do not take these things lightly. The stakes are too high." No one in the Senate really knows what has happened at the CIA. Not , even senators like Stennis, wlio are let in on the na- tion's intelligence secrets, were told in advance.' ZO, IROQI-44)0210001-6 ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 ??- ST. LO I -jr4idd ForFelease POST-D el ? E - 326,376 S - 5 41?p368 _____ ,c,--4'. 1 ? --11 r ( /3 El itA V . (11?1,--q -_ 4- -.. .,k, j) I .1 , , 11 '4.-...) tc-t, ,Th -- i:--,5 \Li LC! .' Y??''''-?'( \ . . ....... an- '../..q, ci...,q_, STATINTL By TAYLOR PENS ONEAU A Staff Correspondent of the Poet-Dispateh i nt-1 _ cola " vol.!. r.i y ; "One of the things that wor- ? ries me most of all is that I de cee any reason way we WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. should pass aparopria.tions for the CIA to oeganize an army, .THE EEI,EAGUERED CONGRESSIONAL minority that has, pay the troops -and conduct a ' fought to pry loose the Government's secret figures on intelligence .r full-scale War in Laos," Thal- ! expenditures mounted a challenge this week, that though unsuccessful, , "Yet people of may make the objective more attainable, . this coui1tryI think we have; democracy in Although an attempt by Senator Stuart SYmingtom (Dem.), Missouri, to lurat in- telligence outlays was rebuffed by the ? a Senate as expected, an increasing num- ber of members?including some of Sy- mington's opponents?predicted that the day would come when Congress Was no longer in the dark on the country's un- dere.over activities. of the inte.ligence operations were given in Lacs.. he said further that ? Posaibly most significant, the debate as the most o ions reasons for the he had "ne.'s et- asked, to begin with, whether- or not there were any funds to carry on the war in this sum the CIA has asked for."' ? "It never &lined on me to ask about it," Mender said. "I did see it publicized in the newspapers some time ago." ..Fulbright and his allies point- ed to Ellende?r?1: statement as prime example of the i,ecessit and undercover endeavors by the armed which war, k one is to be forces. ? ; fought, has to be declared by - Congress. Yet Cong,ress did not Many observers regard Symington's know about the war in Laos move as the most determined attempt until. it was well under way." yet to force Congress to account at least ? When prodded by fellow Sen- somewhat for 'the activities of these ators, Ellender conceded that agencies. - he 'did not kuow in advance Although waste and duplication in many about CIA financing of any arm en Syming,tords proposal brought out amendment, the greater intent Ives to that the seemingly broad war being or- Ipr?oyide Congress, and the American pub- ganized and financed ? in Laos by the lia, with more insight into both the do- Central Intelligence Agency may finally mestic and foreign activities of these - persuade eo'inYiTilt,in-rnahrhesitant mem- aaanaies. bars of Congress to assert themselves '''' ? ? More in this ticklish field. USING HIMSELF as an example, Sym- ington contended that he had been unable ? THE MOST SUCCINCT appraisal of to determine the appropriations this year Symington's effort came from one of? . ? ? the opponents, Senator Charles Mathias of the Foreign Relations Committee the Armed Services Committee as .Vell as an ei-bfficio member of the ApPropriations Committee. .: Senator J. William Fulbright (Dem.), Arkansas, ass'erted in the debate Tuesday that the llissourian should not feel in- because nraheady? nod rims- covered where intelligence ? funds were in the defense ap- propriatimis measure.. "When they read a line item. and.find that there is so much ;for aircraft, or for a carrier,' ,thcse may or ?InaY .riot be the .real amounts," Fulbright said. REPLYING Senator Alien J. .Ellender (Dein.), Louisiana, chairman of the Appropriations 'Committee and a main opoonen' ,lof Symington's amendment _add ;that there was no spereilic op propriations for intelligenme ac- . from many different anpropriLions Included in the bill," be said. Much of, the ?.argumenr h:e -week centered on the ddiat, which came under congre:,"cmel scrutiny earlier this yea foe clandestiee role in tld .ti,ns of Radio Free Emma.. . . aence, even though he is a mem- ? Jr. (Rep.), Maryland, who remarked and - Moments before, the vote that the Mis- sourian had focused "our attention on water that is not only muddy, but ac- tually murky." "Many members may be reluctant to , ! stir this water for fear of what they may find," Mathias said. "I think we ; cannot delay much longer in turning our attention in this direction for fear that ; what is there may evade our exarnina- tion and our concern." ? 'This feeling may be ;realized sooner than expected because a number of , Senators, in the wake of the Symington . matter, said. they would .push for an executive session by the Senate to con- sider the intelligence question. It could mean a major breakthrough for those of Symington's persuasion?especially if. a censored transcript was made public later. ? SYMINGTON sought to amend the De- .partment of Defense 'appropriations bill ? for fiscal 1972 to place a 4-billion-dollar ceiling on intelligence outlays. Most esti- mates put this yearly expenditure cur- rently at more than 5 billiOn dollars. , The proposed limit, which the Senate ideated Tuesday 5t; to 31, would have applied-to the CIA, the National Security ;Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency a i.mgton answered, "but why ? aren't the rest of us to be. trusted, too?" Ellender was not hushed in ? .a his rebuttal as he told the Sen- ate that "this method of appro- priating funds for these intelli- gence activities has been in elfect for at least 20 years that I know of, since- I have been on the committee." , Only a few persons consider these funding requests because of the sensitivity of the subject, . Ellender said. In addition, he expressed an opinion of many of Symington's opponents in say- ing that the intelligence field was too much of a hot pot.atb to "discuss in the open." VHS APPROACH was adopt- ed by Young alSo, who asserted that proper defense of the CIA in the debate would require documentation of activities that could not be done. "Spying is a dirty business, . but it is a business every nation in the world engages in," Young said. 'Russia - does a. bigger job of it than we do. You can not disclose secret information" In an action earlier this yea . against the use of intelligence unds, the Senate passed a bill hat would provide $35,000,000 o fiscal 1972 for financing the perations of Radio Free Eu- ope and Radio Liberty through - he Secretary of State. ' The measure, sponsored by enator Clifford P. Case (Po. ? _ .? ew Jersey, is intended to di- orce the CIA from the funding f the stations. Radio Free Eu- ope, beamed to eastern Eu- ope, and Radio L lb erty earned to the Soviet Union, ?-? ensibly on private contribu- lomnrsa in West Germany, os- .te However, Case said in Jariu- ary that funds had been ex- panded from secret CIA budg- ets to pay almost totally for'. the costs of the stations. The House has approved a Ii providing for a. commission conduct a twe-year study of a stations. Continued funding foe greater congressional aware- 4. ness of undercover activities. Ellender became a prime tar- . get of the Symington side, he-. ? cause of an occurrence last r week that Pre Missourian re- t lated to the Senate Tuesday) Symington, when asking staff S members of the Appropriations Committee about intelligence 'figures, was told that they could 'discuss the matter only with, o Ellender ai.d four other senior r members of the panel. ti "1117:3 MdZ.M.ZS? that these bil- lions of dollars of the taxpay- ers' money are being aathorized 3nd appropriated by the Senate witir the knowledge and approv- al cf just five af its members," oaminnton coreranled. I he other ioar are Senators John L. Ma- (Dem.), Arkansas; John C. SterneSS- (Dern.), Missis- sippi; Milton R. Young (Rep), bi North Daketaa. and Margaret to Chase Smith hiaine. ? "th Symington...a mention of this of them would be channeled . naattar constIVIed an attack on through the commission. A corn- the syalead aaw... therefore, pos- promise between the two bills ;ibly. ? his arta zest jab of ,the have to be worked out ia a -t y. Aa he ?rara...ireed.t ensued, a conference ? between the' two Radio Liloirti In his seemed .\ one of t'ne ddeeo rear SYmm hous_u_ar Approved For Releaset120011/03104/1:2CIALRPKT? a01604R99'110.0210001:=6 br-47,nt w:,,s particularly erldelli's " In Mt tzumiL. qui .of the: CIA. "You're to 1-attested," Sym- . ..? IY4SHIL\TM):1 sii Approved For Release 2001/03/646:161\A-W6P80,01601R00 II\ A '5 `o'Cil F.'''. I ?4 ii Li 11 n - STATI NTL ITh F1 't I. vo.:.:9 e, 1.4 1$' , C)6-1,,, TT CV *S"?.1 t1 vt-74 13 , l'nns IntcrilaCunal .Some key senators fear that the military has gained exces- sive influence in the U.S. intelli- gence network even though a civilian has been named its top director. - jThey are concerned about the possibility that Richard Helms, popular director of the Central. Thtelligence Agency, might have given up considerable influence to his ,military assistants when he was named ever-all car of the CIA and other U.S. intelli- gence agencies. With his added- duties, they fear, 1.1-elms will have to turn over .many of his CIA responsi- bilities to Lt Gen, Robert E. Cushman Jr., a Marine. ? Moreover, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the deputy secretary of Defense have been given a new voice in the intelligence corn-mi -d through membership on a committee under the direc- tion of Henry ? A. Eissenger, President Nixon's adviser on na- tional security, to oversee U.S. intelligence activity. e . I. ? Sens. Stuart S yen ingto n, 1)-Mo., ana J. William Fulbright, D-Ark., fear this reorganization means that the Pentagon is tak- ing an increasingly larger role in intelligence activity. , Helms this week told .a closed session of the Senate Armed Services Committee that this was not so, but chairman John C. Stennis is conducting an in- vestigation to find cut just what the situation is. Stennis said Helms "assured Inc that his dominance over-it (tee CIA), his effectiveness, his power over it will not be dimin- ished one bit." No one in the Senate actually knows if there has been any less- ening of Helms' influence-within (the CIA), his effectiveness, his access to CIA secrets. Only five members of the Sen- ate and five from the House evt3n are given information on the intelligence budget and de- tailed briefings on the operations of the various oth Cr intelligence services. STATINTL ? . Approved For Release 2001/03/04.: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 DAIL n;i; Approved For Release 2001/63WYdRI-RDP80-01 SYMIK4-7CM'S S.71,0,"ir ftj c )fri- 0 0771(/ rcf7r1r2 417 ('' L"''' il'ii fi tj ' %L., - E i..::ub ..,',...;. t.i") v2.1 STATI NTL Will?The Senate refused yesterday to limit .U.S. intelligence agencies spending after a - rare open discussion on how Congress super- vises the secret spy network. The proposed $4 million ceiling, an amend- ment by Sen. Stuart Symington, fl-Mo., to a defense money bill, was rejected 5+3 to '31. Sen. Symington, a former scut:au of the Air Force, said that tho he served on the armed services and foreign relations committees he had no idea how much is spent on intelligence gathering. He said the $4 billion limit was just a shot in the dark. LESS SCRUTINY "The point," he told senators during the div- ner-hour debate, "is that we do not have the facts required to allocate the resources of the ;country." "There is DO federal agency of our govern- ment whose activities receive less scrutiny a'nd control than the CIA," Sen. Symington said, and the same is true of other intelli- gence agencies of the government." - As a case in point, Sen. Symington cited the - central intelligence subcommittee of the .Arm- ed Services Committee headed by Sen. John Stennis. ? ? He is one .of five setiators entrusted With- the details of the intelligence budget, it came out 'during the debate. Another of the five, Sen. Allen Ellender, D- La., :chairman of the appropriations :commit- tee,. acknowledged that intelligence outlay were .hidden by padding out line item apPro priations in various bills. He said he could not reveal how much is spent on intelligence because "that's a-top Se-: cret." ? ? Sen. Ellender conceded he did not know in advance about the CIA's financing of any army in Laos.. Sen, J. William Fulbrig,ht, chairman of the- foreign relations committee, argued that such lack' of congressional knowledge demonstrated the need for more accountability. "One of the things that worries me most or all is the CIA going off and conducting a war of its own," Sen. Fulbright said. He disputed Stennis' contention- that revealing the total budgets of intelligence agencies Would disclose any military secrets. "I don't believe it is tragic" for the Senate to demand the information thru such a device as the Symington amendment, Sen. Fulbright said. 'The Senate is due an explanation." - Se?. Symington at one point shouted "I can be trusted" in expressing his frustration over being kept in the dark. Sen. Stennis argued that Congress itself had set up the agencies. . '- He told senators: "You're just gbing to have to make up your mind that you can't have an accounting ? shut your eyes and take*.what comes." . - . Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RD080-01601R001400210001-6 STATINTL 0\ ? WAS-HI `.2 011 P.0 Approved or Release 2001/8311(PdP41-RDP80-01 IJiiUegeice - 071 '17-r ..T . ? ' -3 ? _FL 7 - 1' ?:,? i. _'' ti:b. :EL ? .,. ' :1.`) b.: ' .,,- - Sena,-Ee ou,- I .. ?.? ? .. ,..... ? . .? . i? ? By George C. Wilson was such he had just one meet- covert intelligence operations: ? (-- Washington Pot Staff Writer lug, just one meeting." He said such lack of l informa- !Senate is due an explanation" toils intelligence agencies of the nation's resources. The Missourian said he did tion undercut his effort to vote ? After a sharp debate p.unc- tuated by. such shouts as "the not know how much the var- sensibly on the allocation of - and "I can be Amsted," the the government spent in any Several senators expressed Senate last night voted 56 to one year, adding that he under- uneasiness over the White 31 against an amendment to stood published estimates of House's recently announced re- put a ceiling on spending by $6 billion were too 'high. But organization.. of intelligence .government intelligence ag,en- his amendment, in an attempt functions. "No doubt about it," cies. . . . ' to force an accounting, would Symington said of the reorg,ati-- .'? Sen. Stuart Symington (D- have limited total spending by ization, "we're putting intel- Mo.), in 'offering the amend- all the various agencies to $4 ligence in the hands of the inent to the defense money billion in the fiscal year start- military." ? .. bill, said his purpose was to ing next July 1. Stennis, in declaring that let Congress in on what Amer- Chairman Allen J. Ellender Congress In Its own laws creat- ing the agencies stressed the - need for secrecy on. Intelli- gence operations, said to his fellow- senators: "You're just: going to have to make up your i mind that you' can't have an accounting --shut your eyes' and take what comes." i He promised that the Sen- ate Armed Services Committee yVoUld conduct an In-depth! 'analysis of the' nation's inte111-1 gence activities, including the , ington's allies, especially Irestructuring recently ordered. lean intelligence opera.tives 03-La.) of the Senate Appro- are already doing and plan to priations Committee and its !do in this country and abroad. Intelligence Operations sub- "The point," he told the 'sell. committee said during the de: ators during the dinner-hour bate he could not tell fellow debate, 'is to state that we do senators how much is spent not have 'the facts required to on intelligence because "that's allocate the resources of the a top secret." 'country," ? - -? Ellender conceded under i-.. Symington and his 1 allies questioning by fellow senators thus made the stiffest ch41_ that he did not know, in .ad- lenge yet to the way Congress vance about the CIA's financ- /ries to keep track of the Cen- lug of any army in 'Laos. Syn' tral . Intelligence Agency, De- . fense Intelligence Agency, Na- tional Security Agency- a n d . the separate intelligence arms . of the Army, Navy and Air Force, operations which alto- ' .r gether epOrtedly cost some $0 billion a year. Chairman J. W: Fulbright of by the White House. ? the Foreign Relations Commit- tee, argued that such lack of congressional knowledge about worldwide activities demon- strated the need for more ac- countability. ? "There is no federal agency "One of the things that war- of our governitent whose ac- ries me most of all is the CIA . t'Vities receive less scrutiny going .off and conducting a nd control than the CIA," war of its own," Fulbright said: Symington said, 'and the same He disputed Stennis' contort- is true, of other intelligence tion that revealing the total agencies of ? the government," budgets of intelligence agen- As. a case in point, Syming- cies would disclose any mill- ton cited the Central Intelli- tiny secrets. gence subcommittee of the "I don't believe it is tragic" Armed Services ? Committee for the Senate 'to demand the which is chaired by Sen. John information through such a de- :Stennis (D-Miss.). . vice as the .Symington amend- When Stennis during the de- ment, Fulbright said. "The Son- 'bate said "it is so tragic" to try ate is due an explanation." - :to limit intelligence operations Symington at one point through hasty action on the shouted "I can be trusted" in Senate floor, Symington shout- expressing his frustration in ed in reply: "I wish his interest being kept in, the dark abut In the . meantime, .Stennis said, "The only thing to do is vote this amendment 'down" and work for reforms in a more orderly .fashion. ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 STATI NTL STATI NTL ST. LOUIS YOST Approved For; Release 2011I10a1049ZIA-RDP80-01601R0 ro i; 771-.W) - -Ia STATI NTL inc,-ra ?Egfeimet,, Sp 0 . ! , : By a Washington 'Correspondent ? "in general about intelligence headed by Henry A. Kissinger, of the Post-Dispatch ? appropriations." He said he was presidential assistant for na- 'told that the staff had been in- tional security affairs. WASHINGTON, Nov.. .23-- ? Structed to talk about those ap- Senatoa St u a r t Symington propriations only with five (Dem.), 'Missouri, in a major -senior members of the commit- . 7 af 'I/ 6jj d, attack 'on secrecy in govern- tee--chair1nan Allen J. Ellender ment,. proposed today that Con- (palm), Louisiana, ?and Sena- tors John L. McClellan (Dem.), Arkansas;- -Sohn C. Stennis - (Dem.), Mississippi; Milton R. Young (Rep.), North_ Dakota, and Margaret ?Chase Smith (Rep.), Maine. ? ? . Symington said he had the greatest respect 'for the five members, "but I do not believe that they, and, they alone, should render final decision on both said authorizations and ap- propriations without the kriceal- edge,- let alone the approval, of any other Senators, including "those on the. Armed Services Cornalittee who are not on this five-member subcommittee of appropriations, and all mem- bers of the Senate 'Foreign Re- lations Committee." . gross cut intelligence expendi- tures from more than. 5 billion dollars to a mandatory ceiling of 4 billions. He. charged, in a speech pre- pared for delivdry, that present intelligence operations were wasteful, overlapping and in- adequately supervised by Con- gress. In a. reference to the Indo- china ,war, he said that he be- lieved "at least one war" could have been avoided if it had not been for "pressures, combined ?with unwarranted secrecy," on the part of the intelligence !agencies. .? Symington's proposed ceiling would apply to the Central In- telligence Agency, the. National 'Security Agency, the Defense -Intelligence.. Agency and all other intelligence units, includ- ing those -within the branches of the armed services. -- He said that he had not been able to determine how much ?was being appropriated this year for intelligence operations, -although he is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee and the Armed Services Com- mittee and an exofficio mem- -ber of the Appropriations Corn- -mittee. -?? When the 'finaldraft of the 'Military appropriations bill was before the, .defense appropria- tions Subcommittee last week, he mention was made of the .multibillion-dollar appro- priation ..requests that it con-- tained for much of the 15 in- telligence operating or advisory .operations. .organization put policy. control r-' After the meeting, he said, -cf. intelligence in a new corn- ..he asked the ,committee staff .mittee .in the .White .H o u s e, ''This gives executive privi- lege to . the final policymakers and therefore, except for ' the power of the purse, enables the policymakers to, in effect, take the entire question of intellisa gence out of the hands of Con: gress," he said. Symington had charged earli- er this year that Kissinger, rather than Secretary of State_ 'William P. Rogers, had become - the President chief adviser on. foreign policy and, unlike Rogers, was not available int.. questioning_ by Senate commit- . tees. Ile complained recently tbat. the change .in intelligence. .ar- rangements had not been, dis- cussed with anyone in the Sen? ate. He said today that Kissin- ger. had called him and said that Syminaton was correct and that the change should have been discussed with the proper -Symington quoted press esti- committees of Congress. mates that put intelligence ex- Symington said it was non-- penditures at 5 to. G dot- sense for anyone to think that . J H Jars a year. e said that de- a high degree of secrecy was' spite his committee ? assign- necessary for intelligence oper-- ments he had been unable to ations. say _whether . these ? estimates .Ile pointed out that cong,res- were accurate. ,. Another Sen- sional and public .discussions ate source termed them fairly constantly referred to the costs accurate.? of such neW weapons as the. ...The Senator renewed his criti nuclear, aircraft carrier,' the 'cism of a reorganization of the. C-5A transport 'plane or the intelligence machine r-y an- main battle tank. These discus- tiounced earlier this month by sions ado not go into how these !President Richard ? M. Nixon.. weapons-. ?veuld be used in a war, he said. "By the same token, knoW12. 'edge of the over-all Cost of in- telligence does not in any way entail the release of knowledge. about bow the various intelli- gence groups function or. plan te function," he said. "Why should there be greater mates. ? . danger to the national security He objected also that the re-. in making public over-all intel- ligence. costs than in making public- other over-all security Oasts?" . He said it could mean turning intelligence operations over to the military, thus leading to billions of dollars -in additional and often unnecessary defense expenditures, because military.. estithates of enemy plans, pro- grams and production tend to be higher than civilian esti- Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 STATI NTL roved For R,_9Iegse? STATI NTL - Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP8 VASHINGTON, r.c. -NATIONAL OBSERVER MEEKLY -.524,212 14 0V 20 19n STATINTL Stirling Up the Intelligence Alphabet Soup Y, The U.S. Government's various for- eign-intelligence agencies employ some 200,009 persons, spend about $5 billion a year, and make up a murky caldron of Federally brewed alphabet soup. There's the Central Intelligence Agency II)-; the State Department's In- , telligence & Research (I & R), the Penta- 'gon's Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), arid the National Security Agency (NSA). All the agencies have needed to be cor- 1 railed under co-ordinated administrative control, some observers have said, and last week President Nixon announced such a plan. The President's key lieutenants in the intelligence organization will be Henry , Kissinger, Presidential adviser for nation- al-security affairs, and George P. Shultz, .director of the Office of Management and ? Budget. - , . Sontay Blooper Particular targets of the reorganization, plan appear to be the military intelligence agencies. During the years since World , War II they have expanded beyond their demonstrated usefulness, say some ?Ad- , ministration critics. Bloopers such as the Sontay prison raid in Vietnam, in which ? Americans "liberated" an empty prison- er-of-war camp, may have 'added to the urgency of reorganization. CIA Director Richard Helms will as- sume the top leadership job of "planning, ? reviewing, co-ordinating, and evaluating all intelligence programs and activities, ? and in the production of national intelli- gence," the President's announcement , said. Heling will relinquish the main oper- ating responsibilities for the CIA to his deputy director, Marine Lt. Gen. Robert E. ; Cushman, Jr. - Helms will become Chairman of the , U.S. Intelligence Board, a group that is to meet weekly to cg-ordinate operations and planning. Other agencies to be repre- sented on the board are the State Depart- ment, the National Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Atomic Energy Commission. Also to be in- cluded is the Treasury Department, ? a move designed to upgrade foreign eco- nomic-intelligence reporting. In addition, Helms will head a new co- ordinating unit called the Intelligence Re- / sources Advisory Committee, which will, v include representatives from State, De- fense, the CIA, and the Office of Manage- ment and Budget. This committee will draft budgets and apportion funds.- ' Grumbling in Congress Kissinger, will head another new intel- ligence committee under the National Se- curity Council. It is to assess over-all intel- ligence needs and evaulate 'intelligence output on a daily basis. Its members are to include Helms, Attorney General John N. Mitchell, Deputy Secretary of Defense 'David Packard, Undersecretary of State John N. Irwin II, and Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of - Staff. . Other consolidations slated in the reor- ganization: strategic-balance assessments - to go under the National Security Council and a new unit called the Net Assessment Group (NAG); and cryptology, map mak- ing, and personnel security checks to be. administered by Defense. The proposed organization changes are to take effect in a month unless Congress opposes them. By week's end there was some Con- gressional grumbling. Democrat Stuart Symington of Missouri, the only senator to sit on both the Armed Services and the. -Foreign Relations committees, called for, hearings to examine the President's pro-.. posals. He said access to U.S. intelligence activities is "already severely restricted," and that placing more power in the hands of Henry Kissinger would make it harder for Congress to superyise the intelligence . community. Kissinger, as the President's, national security affairs adviser, enjoys the protection of executive privilege and so may ignore congressional questioning. ' Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 Approved For Release 20.0/0/144)21CARCIM-01601 18 Nov 1911 STATINTL 1 TT)) ? f I I fr, 7 TA ?-?"r `? I I'. /"7,1 f ka2 1 BY SAUL FRIEDMAN Frca Pressylashinton Stzff 'WASHINGTON?One, of the more ?determined watchdogs or the. Pentagon has begun a quiet but ? Intensive investigation into the alphabetical won- derland of ?American intelligence operations. :Miring the last several weeks, Rep. Lucien Nedzi, a Michigan Democrat and the now chair- men a the House Armed Service's subcommittee on intelligence, has visited the places where the cloak and daggers are issued. On each occasion, for several hours Nedzi and -members of. his subcommittee have questioned of- ficials of the Central- Intelligenee Agency (CIA), the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (I&R) and the Pentagon's DeCense Intel- ligence Agency (DIA). . . ? ? , FRIDAY NEDZI is to take a closer look at DIA And in coming 'weeks he has scheduled official, though informal, quiz sessions 'et the super-secret National Security Agency (NSA), the FBI and the intc.'lligence.offices of the Atomic. Energy Comm is- .sion, the Army, Navy and Air Force. ' The subcommittee was organized years ego to keep watch over American Intelligence activities. But as with its Senate counterpart, which has not even met this year, the Tiolis": subcommittee gen- has allowed intelligence agencies to roi!rrt rather freely. into the internal affairs of other Countries?as well as of this one. ? Nedzi's inquiries are aimed at putting some lim- its on the things our spooks can do. And although his visits are a .modest beginnin, they indicate ' the. changes that may be coming. The four other Saco ramit tee mern'cers; all of whom serve ;f:on it for years No took it over, had net visited the agencies until their new chairman took ?them. ? ? ! .Soon after Nedzi. was 'given the subcommittee last July, he imrhersed himself in what has been .written about American intelligence. He Calked privately With former top-ranking intelligence and Pentagon officials., And he set himself the 'ch'ore of learning more about intelligence oper- ations than any member of Congress, the better to return ? some Control over such activities to Congres.. In short, NsOzi has become the only member of Congress to devote roost of his time to gathering intelligence on American intelligence. ? . 71 J ? HE TIAS FOUND the agencies bristling With per- ' sonality problems, empire-building and jealousies, , , They keep secrets from each ether. At the moment Nedzi said, military and the ? State Department intelligence types are angry over 'a White House reorganization of intelligence operations because it puts CIA Director Richard ? Helms in 'a position to oversee every other agen- cy's budget. Opponents. of the plan charge that ' will favor his own at;ency. Nedzi is more concerned. that the reorganization will put the entire intelligence community too 'close to the White House, where intelligence could' be perverted for poultice! use or be forced' to conform with White House policy ? Because of the nature of the business, -1`-ferizi has found intelligence units within units, where dieige2 0 0 1 /03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R001400210001 -6 1/7,-,,: 71,1 7 ir?pi (7,,,: ii.-') ...i)..' ; i ,:i.. ii k..1....=?* 01 if_J ti r: ,,..., 0. . -1-2)??-? ,, 4--- -,...r. '. II COL/K2/7 V. i1 -STATINTL - spook, and where secrets arc ket from even his ' highest rankinf, agency officials. _ 'As a critic of the 'defense budget, Nedzi on Occa- sion has had the rug pulled from under him by .sudden, new intelligence estimates which-show So- viet strength far greater than it really is. ? Nedzi intends to expose this annual e:zercise, if he can. And he is aiming at those agencies which have deliberately twisted intellir-enee data to conform to their clandestine operations, however doomed they may be. , ' -. EVENTUALLY, NEDZI intends to hold formal !. hearings on Arnericanintelligenc?Or/eretions, and he wants to open at feast some of them to tly,... :public for the first time. Former and present for- eign and .defense policy officials and intelligence .. officers will be invited to testify. . Nedzi, who has a reputation as a dove, was op-. 1 rlointed Subcommittee chairman by Rep. F. Ed- - ward Hebert, of Louisiana, Democrat, a hawk, be-. ' cause Nedzi has a careful ,style and because even the military's beSt friends were disturbed that the intelligence community got us where we are in Vietnam.? ? ? But Hebert made certain .to put four conserva- tives on the subcommittee?Democrats Melvin . Price .of Illinois and 0. C. Fisher of Texas; and Republicans William Bray .of Indiana -and Alvin O'konski of Wisconsin?to keep an eye on their chairman. . , . Nedzi, a dogged ,and 'workmanlike prober, is not a man to be conned or dissuaded. But with Hebert ...above him-, and four hawks on the sub-committee. below him, Nedzi has yet to find out how far he can go. ' ? ? , STATI NTL STATINTL STATINTL No v e Al)pr ed Fr Rel east)20:0110210N AC KERRE18 G 410 out the year, I ask unanimous consent, With the approval of the acting minority leader, that beginning today and for the. rest. of the Session the rollcall votes be limited to 15 'minutes; with the proper notification, on?the five-bell basis, be in ? effect as it has been Over the past several - days. . Mr. BYRD. of West Virginia. Mr; Pres- ident, there was some suggestion yester- day by our able colleague (Mr. HUGHES) . that the warning bells ring midway. Mr. MANSFIELD. I think that is a good idea in order to give Senators a little more time. I amend my request to ? that extent. I hope.that the attachos on both sides will notify Senators of this 'situation and inform them that this will , be the procedure for the rest of the - session. ' - The ? PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there .objection to the request of the - majority leader? The Chair hears none, 7 and it is so ordered. COMMUNICATIONS FROM EXECU- TIVE DEPARTMENTS, ETC. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the following letter, . which was referred as indicated: PROPOSED AMENDMENT OF TITLE 28, UNITED STATES CODE A letter from the Director, Administrative "Office of the United States Courts, trans- mitting a draft of proposed legislation to amend title 28 of. the United States Code to provide for the appointment of officers and employees of the Court of Claims, the Court ? of Customs and Patent Appeals, and the Customs Court, and for other purposes (with an accompanying paper); to the Committee on the Judiciary. -- .SENATE RESOLUTION 192?SUBMIS- SION or A RESOLUTION TO CRE- ATE A SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE COORDINATION OF THE U.S. . ACTIVITIES ABROAD TO OVERSEE .ACTIVITIES OF THE CENTRAL IN- TELLIGENCE AGENCY (Referred jointly to the Committees on Armed Services and 'Foreign Rela- tions.) - Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, I submit a resolution, and I ask unanimous consent that it be jointly referred to the Committee on Armed Services and the ' Committee on Foreign Relations. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. With- - out objection, it is so ordered. The resolution reads RS follows: ? - S. RES. 192 . a Whereas, it is the responsibility of the Sets- b ate to exercise general oversight with respect 0 to the foreign relations of the United States; and . ? Whereas all Ambassadors Of the United I States are the President's representatives in t the countries to ,Which they are accredited -I and are responsible for supervising and ces ? ordlnating the activities of all United States p ? Government agencies in that country; and Whereas the activities abroad of all United U States Gqvernment? departments and agen- t cies affect the conduct of the foreign relations A of the United States; Therefore be it ' ?Resolved, That there is hereby created, ef- f ? feetive at the beginning of the Second Ses- sion of the Ninety-Second Congress, a select 6 Committee to be known as the Select Com- Mittee on the Coordination of United States Government Activities Abroad (hereinafter referred to as the Select Committee) to con- sist of six Senators of whom three shall be appointed by the chairman of the Commit- tee on Foreign. Relations from among the members of that committee, and three shall be appointed by the chairman of the Com- mittee on Armed Services from among :the members of that committee. No more than two of the members appointed from each such standing committee shall be from the same political party. The chairmanship of the Select Committee shall alternate at the beginning of each new session of the Con- gress between the Chairman of the Commit- tee on Armed Services and the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations or their respective designee. SEC. 2. (a) It shall be the function of the Select Committee to oversee the coordination of activities of United States Government de- partments and agencies, including the De- partment of Defense and the Central Intelli- gence Agency, operating abroad under the authority of the Ambassador and affecting the foreign relations of the United States. In carrying out its functions under this-resolu- tion, the Seleot Committee shall keep itself fully and currently informed of all such activities. (b) The Select Committee shall meet at -least once a month while the Senate is in ses- sion and at such other times as the Select Committee shall determine. SEC. 3. (a) For the purposes of this resolu- tion, the Select Committee is authorized in its discretion (1) to make eapenditures from the contingent funci of the Senate, (2) to hold hearings, (3) to sit and net at any time or place during the sessions, recesses and ad- journment periods of the Senate, (4) to em- ploy personnel, (5) to subpena witnesses and documents, (6) with the prior consent of the Government department or agency concerned and the Committee on Rules and -Adminis- tration, to use on a reimbursable basis the services of personnel, information, and facil- ities of any such department or agency, (7) to procure the temporary services (not in excess of one year) or intermittent services of indi- vidual consultants, or organizations thereof, and to provide assistance for the training of Its professional staff, in the same manner and under the same conditions as a standing com- mittee of the Senate may procure such serv- ices and provide such assistance under section 202 (1) and (j), respectively, of the Legisla- tive Reorganization Act of 1946, (8) to inter- view employees of the Federal, State, and lo- cal governments and other individuals, and (9) to take depositions and other testimony. (b) The Select Committee shall have a professional staff of at least three members appointed by agreement of the two senior members of the Select Committee from the majority party and the two senior members of the Select Committee from the minority party. (c) Subpenas may be issued by the Select Committee over the signature of the chair- man or any other member designated by him, nd may be served by any person designated y such chairman or member. The chairman f the Select Committee or any member thereof may administer oaths to witnesses. (d) A majority of the members of the Se- ect Committee shall constitute a quorum for he transaction of business, except that a esser number, to be fixed by the Select Com- tibtee, shall constitute a quorum for the pur- ase of taking sworn testimony. SEC. 4. All departments and agencies of the nited States Government which conduct ac- ivities abroad under the authority of any mbassador of the United States shall keep he Select Committee fully and currently in- ormed of their activities abroad. SEC. 5, The Select Committee shall take pedal care to safeguard information,affect- ng the national security. ? Sac. 6. The expenses of the Select Commit- S 18431 tee under this resolution, which shall not ex- ceed $250,000 through February 28, 1973, shall be paid from the contingent fund of the Sen- ate upon vouchers approved by the chairman of the Select Committee. .SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 50?SUBMISSION OF A CONCUR- RENT RESOLUTION TO AUTHOR- IZE PRINTING OF HANDBOOK EN- TITLED "GUIDE TO FEDERAL PRO- GRAMS FOR RURAL DEVELOP- MENT" AS A SENATE. DOCUMENT (Referred to the Committee on Rules and Administration.) .Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President, when I became chairman of the Senate Com- mitee on Agriculture and Forestry, I im- mediately established a Subcommittee on Rural Development. I felt that the problems of the rural areas of the Na- tion demanded more attention and a greater effort on the part of the Federal Government. . The lack of job opportunities and eco- nomic activity in many of our rural areas has driven millions of people into the Nation's cities. The subcommittee has attempted to examine the causes of the decline of some of our rural areas and It has attempted to devise legislation which will revitalize rural America. The subcommittee has held extensive hearings on the problems and the prom- ise of rural America, both in Washing- ton and in field hearings around the country. One recurring theme that has cbme from these hearings has been the local citizens' dismay and frustration in attempting to deal with a complex and confusing Federal bureaucracy. Not only are Federal rural development programs underfunded and scattered in a number of different Federal agencies, but there I5 no -centralized coordination of pro- grams in the executive branch designed to aid the people of rural Ametica. Our committee is attempting to deal with this problem through legislation. Two bills pending before the committee include provisions for the coordination of the rural development activities with- in the executive branch. My distinguished colleague from Oklahoma (Senator' BELLytorr), has proposed an amendment to S. 1612, the President's rural revenue sharing proposal, which would go a long way toward the coordination of rural development activities in Government. One important provision of - this amendment would require that an officc. be established as near as possible to the headquarters of every multijurisdic- tional planning and development district in the States. This office would have all the necessary information in regard to all rural development programs and it would accept the filing of applications for funds under these programs. I believe that the Bellmon approach has considerable merit, for it attempts to coordinate Federal programs on the local level. It is the local level which is Important to the average citizen. A citi- zen's impression of his government is formed primarily by his contacts with the officials in the local offices of gov- ernment. One of the things that the Subcom- mittee on Rural Development noted Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01661R001400210001-6 Cur- \-( LOUISVILLE, KY. TIMES Approved or Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601? 173,180 .? ? _Nov 11 1911. STATI NTL By PETIER LTSAGOR chicago Daily News Service WASHINGTON?If the CentraLlntelli- Vgence Agency (CIA) and allied units in, the-geveriitfent have been inefficient or unresponsive, Sen. Stuart Symington, D-Mo., Wants to know how and why. ? Symington, ranking member of the ' Senate Armed Services Committee, also ? wants an explanation of why appropriate congressional committees were not con- - - ;Suited in .advance of administrative ?changes in the intelligence operations -announced by President Nixon last Fri- 'day. -1 A White House spokesman says there - were ? .consultations with key congres- sional leaders before the changes were ` made. But Symington says that the CIA 'subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee has not met this year. ? Symington's challenge centered on the administration's alleged failure to consult Congress. While he admitted the changes might be "constructive," he posed several -,questions based on the While House.; _press release that described the reor-1 ganization as an effort to improve the : :"efficiency and effectiveness" of all . intelligence. It would provide an "enhanced leader- ship- role" for the CIA's director and , would give presidential adviser '11(Try n c'ET.) r-,c) s.; r ir- J t ' 0.)li II ' ii p. If i ?-, iii, It] C 4 .1.. -, - . 'illas'-this new White House conaittee been given authority or/and responsi- eb ility which heretofore was the responsi- vHIV of the CIA; and which the Con- gress, under the National Security Act, vested in the agency? . . Kissinger responsibility for making a net assessment of all available intelligennnce. Symington asked in a statement on th Senate floor bow the role of CIA Dire - tor Richard Helms was being "enhanced' by the "creation of a new and obviously more powerful supervisory committee chaired by the adviser to the President for national security affairs." He also noted that the attorney gen- eral and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will *sit on ,the new committee. Symington asked two questions about it: "How can the integrity of the intelli- gence product be assured when responsi- bility for the most critical aspects of in- telligence analysis is taken out of the hands of career professionals and vested in a combination of military professionals and the White House staff?" _ ? STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDI580-01601R001400210001-6 ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80.01601 NEW YORK, N.Y. POST 'sponsibility for making a ; net assessment of all .avail- EVENING 623,245 able intelligence under Pros- WEEKEND - 354,797 idential advisor Henry A. ROY 1 I 107/1 , Kissinger. Symington asked in a statement on the Senate floor ? ---- ? how the role of the CIA's,/ director, Richard Helms, "7;1(n? would be "enhanced" by the -"creation of a new and ob- I viously more powerful super- visory committee chaired by , the advisor to the President , for national security affairs." ri 0L qi The Senator also noted . tit that the Attorney General Li ? '713y ? PETER LI?AGOR. . ? :WASHINGTON (CDN)- 1f. the Central Intelligence .Agency and allied units in .,the government have been inefficient or unresponsive, j ? Sen. Symington. (D-Mo.) 'wants to know h o w and why.; . Symington, ranking meni- 'ber of the Senate Armed Services Commitlee, . also . ?wants an explanation of why :the appropriate Congres- sional committees were not . consulted in advance of ad-, . ministrative changes in the ? Intelligence operations an-. flounced by President Nixon last Friday. . A White House spokesman . sayS " there were consulta- tions with key Congressional ? leaders before the changes . Were made. But Symington ! says that the CIA subcom- ' inittee of the armed services panel has not met this year. ? Symington's challenge cen- c:iered on t h e Administra- tion's alleged failure to con- sult Congress. While he ad- t.rnitted that, the changes ::.might be "constructive," he posed several questions based on a White House . press release that described . the reorganization as an .ef- . :fort to improve the "effici- ency and effectiveness" of 'all. U. S. intelligence. ? - liissinger at Top The reshuffling would pro- ;vide an "enhanced leader- ship role" for' the CIA's di- rector and would place 're- and the chairman of the . Joint Chiefs of Staff also will ,sit on the new commit- tee. And he asked two ques- tions: "Has this new White 7 House committee been given authority or/and responsi- bility which heretofore was the responsibility of the CIA, and which t h e Con- gress, under the National Security Act, vested in the age,ny?" And: "How can the integrity of the Intelligence product be assured when responsibility of intelligence analysis is taken out of the hands of career professionals and vested in a combination of military professionals and the White House staff?" White House sources said that the reorganization gives Kissinger no additional au- I thority and was basically de- signed to evaluate the prod- uct of the intelligence :cox,n- i ty , %)] STATI NTL ? Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R0.01 PHILADELPHIA, PA. INQUIRER - 11 ? 463,503 Qv n Tor ? ? .. . -Washington Dateline- ? ; . i Senators. Challenge Intelligen.:ce Shuffle 4 - Sens. Stuart Symington (D., Mo.) and J. William Ful- . ? bright (D, Ark,) said Wednesday that President Nixon had v . reshaped the nation's intelligence network to vest more con- trol in the hands of White House ad- viser. Henry Kissinger without, Con- . gressional advice. "Symington, in a Senate speech, called for a full review by the Sen- ate Armed Services Committee. He charged that critical aspeCts of in- telligence alysis had been taken out of the hands of career profes- sionals and vested in the military and the White House staff. Fulbright, asked for comment by: A reporter, said the, reorganization was "a further erosion of Congres- ,. -sem syrnin,ton sional contror over the intelligence community" on grounds that Kissin- ger,in his position as the President's national viser, was insulated from Congressional scrutiny. , The White House announced last Friday that intelligence . . ? activities were being'restructed to improve their- "efficiency .-and effectivetiess'A-CIA,director RiChard Helms was given . control over all intelligence activities while Kissinger was placed in charge of a subcommittee of the National Security , Council to review intelligence operations. . - - _ . ? _ , Approved For. Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 ST? LOUIS, MO. ? GLOBE-DAPproyed For MORNING - 292,789 ! WEEKEND - 306,889 NOV/ elease 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 STATI t By EDWARD W. O'BRIEN Chief of the Globe-Democrat GI t LE, Washington Bureau WASHINGTON ? Sen. Stuart - Symington (Dern.), Missouri, . said Wednesday the "integrity" of U.S. intelligence analyses ' may be threatened by a recent White House move which he charged gives more power to presidential adviser Henry A. Kissinger. E 11 Ile making speech, Symington charged that Kissinger is wide- ly regarded around town as the real secretary of state. In his latest speech, Syming- ton suggested that the same d ? In a Senate speech Symin,g- owngrading may be happen-. i ?-ton challenged the intelligence ng to Richard Helms, the high- reorganization announced last 1- v regarded chief of, the JA. . Friday for the White Ifouse as SyrninE,,ton's '. designed to shift responsibility plied, is that such critical. for "the most critical aspects" ..of - intelligence interpretation and vest it instead in "a com- bination of ?snilitary profession- ? als and the White House staff." ? Symington asked the Senate Armed Services Committee to hold hearings on the reorgani- zation and obtain "answers" _ which have not been disclosed by the White House. " : THE-COMMITTEE chairman, Sen. John C. Stennis (Dem.), Mississippi, made no immedi- ate- reply. . : In his speech Symington noted obviously more powerful super-i -acidly that the Senate central visory committee chaired by .intelligence 'subcommittee, a the adviser to the President for . :unit of the armed services national security affairs (Kis- :group, "has not met . once this singer), on which new board , year." . sits not only the attorney gen- - ..The subcommittee is sup- eral but also the CIII,a,irman of :posedly one of the key agencies the Pentagon joint chiefs of . 'which Congress uses to assure staff?" . :itself of proper supervision of The effect Of the reorganiza- -.highly secret intelligence opera- tion, Symington said, will be to -:tions around the world. analyses as comparisons of the United States and the Soviet in strategic military weaponry may be influenced or manipu- lated to make them fit presiden- tial and Pentagon policies. The White House announce- ment Friday asserted that -, Helms will enjoy "an unhanced leadership role" in _ the new :. setup. . BUT SYMINGTON SAID: .1i, "How is the leadership role_ of the ,CIA director "enhanced!. by the creation of a new and , , ? Though Symington mentioned F Kissinger only by job title and ;not by name, his speech .amounted to a renewed criti- cism that Kissinger, as Presi- dent Nixon's top security as- sistant, has been giVen tre- . mendous powers and yet is be- ? yond the reach of congressional committees which want to ques- tion him. ? IN A PREVIOUS _headline- ."bring the most important as- ? pects of intelligence production, and coordination directly under,. the White House." Congress already is "severely- ' I restricted" in obtaining intelli- gence analyses, he said, and ' may find itself in worse shape .through increased application by the President of the doctrine of "executive privilege" in re- fusing to share secret informa- tiOn with Congress. In an interview, -Sen. LW. Fulbright .(Dem:), -Arkansas, agreed with Syrnington that the. "eorganization -means ''.1a fur- ther erosion of congressional controls" over intelligence oper- ations. ?Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP8Q-01601R001400210001-6 1A'SHINGT011 POST \40 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/0104WCITA-RDP80-01601 T-1 ? 11 till irif.11 ?0 - f' ? Li t; ' < %Li ts,) r ,r fi ire) CI. tee T1) ). f g .11K\ (-or 1)6vv5 " By Murrey Marder Washington Post Staff Wrier ? Sens. Stuart Symington (D- Mo.) and J. W. Fulbright (D- Ark.) expressed concern Yes- terday that new powers given to Henry A. Kissinger over U.S. intelligence operations might be used to deny infor- mation tO Congress. 'In part this is the latest ver- sion of a running controversy over what some senators see as the ever-growing power of the President's influential na- tional security adviser, who is beyond the reach of Congress. ? But it also represents suspi- -don that the White House may be creating'new barriers 1017 which could. restrict Con- _ _ gross access to (Hering ? intel- ligence evaluations. Symington, on the :Senate floor, called for hearings to This arrangement, Syming- ton-: said; -can bring ? the most imPortant aspects of -.intelli- gence production arid coordi- nation "directly under the White House" and "thus with- in the scope of What the Pres- ident believes he can deny te the Congress through the ex- ercise of executive privileges": Fulbright, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee, told newsmen that Kis- singer's new authority repro- seats "a further erosion of con- gressional c'ontrol. over the intelligence conimunity." Ful- bright earlier this year intro- duced what was dubbed "the Kissinger bill," to set up new rules to limit the exercise of executive privilege, which examine the purpose and coni the President can invoke o sequences of the Nixon admin- keep Congress from question- istratioWs reorganization of ing Kissinger and other White the control structure for the House advisers. national, intelligence systems, ,Symington said that last Sat- announced last Friday. He urclay he wrote Sen. John C. protested that there was no Stennis (D-Miss.), chairman .of advance consultation, and that the Armed Services Commit- "the Executive Branch does j,ee, urging _hearings on the not consider either the organi-: intelligenCe shift be held zation, or the operation, of the before either. that Committee intelligence community to be or Its Subcommittee on .the ? matters of concern to the Con-. Central Intelligence Agency. gress." .. ? _ As a senior member of both _ . Congressional access to in- groups, Symington disclosed formation about U.S. intelli- yesterday that ?despite claims gence activities is "-already that there is constant emigres- sional supervision of the CIA, severly ?restricted far more the Senate CIA Subcommittee than other aspect. of the .fed- "has not met once. this year,7' oral budget," Symington pro- .SymingtOn is the only con- tested. ? - ? s .gressman who is a member of It' May be'that the reergaiii. both the Senate Foreign Re- ztion "i aconst lations. and Armed Services as ructive. - ? ? ?s ? - committees... Move'! ? to eliminate? committees. ? Hon_ and Waste, said Syming- ton;-?and that should be exam- ined. However, he said, the now. Plan .will lead to "the creation of a new and obviously- more pOwerful supervisory commit- tee chaired by the adviser to the president for national'se- curity affairs (Kissinger) .,?s? _ . Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-0 PHILADELPHIA, PA. VULLETIN , Mr. 'Nixon also ordered re- 6 roft) construction of the United / ? 634,371 States Intelligence Board to / S ? 701,743 .p ? r1 n r q ,r,, 1 . be headed by lielms'.and to include representatives? f the ? CIA, the Federal Bureau of ,.,? . Investigation, the Treasury Ari:-L6 4 Department, Atomic . Energy '10 "'"" `:-.1.`" Commission and the National ? Security Agency. Rep: Lucian Neil '(D- \/ Mich), chairman of a House Armed Services subcommittee With supervisory responsi- bility for the CIA and Penta- gon intelligence operations, saidh ch ad doubts "about the capacity of any one person to be able to oversee the entire intelligence operation and at the same time tinea drninis- icr h CleA," U. Gen. Robert. E. Cush- man, deputy director of the CIA, was expected to take .over many helms' operating responsibilities. Other provisions include creation of a "net assessment group" within the National Security Council to evaluate. all intelligence; and estab- lishment of a "intelligencer sources advisory committee," headed by Helms and which will advise on the preparation of a consolidated intelligence program budget. . . iii 11 u P90 li ? Nixon Dosionotes CIA Di red?gr Aupticios - -Washington -- (UPI) -- President Nixon has ordered , the nation's scattered military andcivilian intelligence gath- p,erations to be consoli- dated under the leadership of Cia Director Richard M. Helms. The White House said ;Mims woutds lied some of his duties as director of the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency to spy and counter-spy agencies tral Intelligence Agency to coordinate the work of U.S.. spy and counter-spy agencies aS the result .of at engthy ex- ecutive branch study of dupli- cation of efforts in their oper- ? ations. Congresslonal .committu's :have long been' critical of al- leged overlapping of intelli- gence activities and the ,new plan won -"tentative approval of one key lawMaker, Rep. - George IL, Mahon '(D-Tex) chairman, of the ilouse.appro- priations Committee. Helms will work with a new National Security Council in- telligence committee headed by presidential aide Henry .Xissinger and consisting, of ?the attorney general, the .chairman ?Of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and,rcpresentatives of the State and Defense Depart- STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 S TON S Approved For Release 2001rOdiallEtIA-RDP80-01 STATINTL I"; I I)' ? ? ? ti 11 LI 1.1 -STATINTL STATI NTL STATINTI_ By ORR ic.:ELT anti to raat:e comparative stuc'Kes /said these - two changes. .vion . Star Staff Write:- br American and Soviet caoabil- he ranch of a .problem. .."-. c . "She creation of a consolidatc.'d 'Ales. It. will be headed by !!,.n-,/ Pint "they t'ne order to intellige:lec' PrOgarn bli3g0t is orev,, Marshall, a member of the set ill') a National Cryptologie }A the h.eLr.... a f.h.e iric,flic.,.01.., National Security Council staff. Command under Vice A.c'im. shakoup ordered by Presich The changes, designed to bring Noel GaYler, director of the - Nixon, inforrned sorcces say.. :,--f,i-c:,.,ater control over the estim- Notional SecuritY AgencY, Woilld Preparation cf the intelligence ated -.', billion a Year F''...)en and "take some doing" because th., budget should for-the ;Irst time 20 3,00 rlooPie \''-'? V761.1' 01 in- 1-eC'' I!"s; 3 Dr-) aftn ilit's cod.- gil7e the President arid other top telligenCO3 have been the sub 1_,.)'.ect ,-,rea'?,n2-. ,:'ctivities 110'N are so. officials a clear picture of hon,v of a lengthy dispute ciliatewi fragrflon',-",:? ? , . TrillCh is behig spent for latel- adrninistraiion? ? - Similarly, the,y said, the De- ligence, where it is being spent . lease Department faces sora-e. arid what it is buying; thr'sie of-- Plei:are Iiiiirulires"1. . .iicutoes in reorganizinf, its j ficials said. . .Ta a press ecsIference Thurs.. tactical intelligenco?the infor- . . , .Richard. Eleirns, Who :now is? day, the day.before the change$ 11-ition used by field co lit. of the Central Intellienc:e ware announced at the Wh'ite ers 1 than tol.) officialzi. in Af_X:i;:eY, Will L'a i..05-11Sc-I)j? fof ..f.ause. Deputy 1-)efonse Secte-/Wasllington. preparation o...- the ' Duclget, as tary Davkl Packard,. one of tliev . National Terms 'part of what the V.Iiiite -,':--ictie ri.-.0st outcpolzen i!,overniment, of- arnouneement said ra,i.:16 h?.. his fiel?izis, incii,,atoci`he was Dcii; en_ A.111101.1,cjh the tendency is to ."0.]?-il'ionc.c,d leadership role" in tirely -oleased by the way the. think in lei is of notional 10- the intelligence field. sii-,-?:-,,,i-?-, haci v,,orb-,:.jci out. . tlelligenee the kind G!.. iitfOl'rlia- ? ? .- ? ?:1,:c,1,1-0 have. Loc,i; pec,;:.i,3 t I on on v,,hich the, President foink',r. if we just had sornee'ne. bascs rnaler dccisions, for ex- Informed officials cautioue,',, over in the.White Ilciuse to 2.1:-'1,:: F':1-111)1e----the ?bli'ik of the intel-' ligence. d hovi'eve`:, fl?l at the chan9-. (-:er- hortl on thj_.s over-all intelligence gathere by the various ed by the PresIdc-i'it would not that thins would be imoroved," agencies is 01 a .tactical nature, - 30.t-CkC'. Liellns an "intellicuee he said. I don't really suninrt involvirig SUch things as the day- czar" in the sense that :hie wi] that view. .After having e:4:.14.:eri- f .1.:1 y 3 re -, ove ellts of -00teniially ? tell the licads of other intel]ig- Cilec It a I.'n lot of people ii.,) the; i.,.?C..,`,,:i;',? s`h` ips ' ' , ? c.?,, ,,,C, Nt?Ii.,:i:l t-Itt) .?,,f),,,- \ t'Illte Louse the laSt COUP13 Oi .7. ' .crriment ho '..v to run their jobs., trying to coordinate all . Tne :White House said I-Telras . }Ifs control over the pursestrhigs kinds of, r think- if aay.. a career intelligence officer, will, however, give lnra. much thing we need a little less'eoor- ? ,,vould turn over most of his ITI eT e control .0: the over-all in- dini-: jion. from that point than CIA operational res1;onsibilities / .telligence 'activities 0: the gov- inore. But that's my 0,,vn 'per- to his deputy, Marine I.-A. Gen. V ernment than he has had in the sonal view." ? . Robert E. Cushrn?an Jr., So he P. 'Because the Defense Deoart- can devote. more .time to the l'he changes ordered by Niy(n inent spends most of the rdoney leadersllil) of the .050r-ail in" ? (also givo his assistnnt for .lin.. and ;.,,niploys. mcst of the peo.:. telligencc coirnintmity. . V .. ti..6nal security ,, Henry pie and. machines involVed in hep. Lucien N. Ne.dzi, D-Mich.,- t---- mssinger, . an erihalleetl role in intelligence,. th,e? change5.. will chairrni:n of a House ?Armed the intelligence field by making hava. a major .impact ;tore. Services subcor,lnittee that has Min chairrnan of a new? Na- -Consoll(iation Is Ney ' been leekinrt into the? nation's ,., tional Security Co un cil ht?olli- . . . . intelligence operations, said his '. gence Coi-nmittee --- one. o''''' 2, The President ordeNd the conce:71 is that tile Changes or- groi,ving nornber of sin-iiiar corn, consolidation of all Defense De- eered by the President place / . Pict ha he heads. partment security investigations, jan added burden On 11?11"s '"?"11?) tz/ . A rosyNc.t., p.ssossment Gro,n into a Sing:Z.' Office of Defc?nse.v he said, already hs a? "suPer- Investi,-atioir anC,i the consoli- ' burnanieh." . ? wn. b, date,: ..issiri?cr. its jo.) d-ation ',cif all 'n'iar;;Inc-2 'and chart- Tine v,,onciers if any human is is to review Sid eva.-iluate all the in activities Ir'ito -a Dse capable of tha.t kind of respon- products of intelligence work ,,,_ap Agency. Defense officials sibility," he said.. -- . Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 1 - Vete w S onator Steered Draft l' ill, even his few critics crocht But once the decision for .. . . his victories more to d l i- ? A I'll-1S 131111(12t to Hard-Won Victories Ii g en t h w ears later omeork than arge , scale commitment BY JQIIN H. AVEICILL . : ..ything else.. Since he was made 11 y, -rim::s r r Ca saff Wilcme within a single v ote Stennis becarne a. loyal - . . ? of b e i n Cr defeated t w o supporter of U.S.. in ? - .WASIIINGTON?it was bates. Ile plowed through years ago on authorization ril lIt. an ordeal that. would have to the end until he won. of the Safeguard antibal- has shown another para. In recent weeks, Stennis . taxed if pot ' exhausted. But those who confronted listic missile system, Sten- rnany a far younger roan.,. -him were reminded more nis has fended off by -wid tor. Despite his reputation -wide ter. side to his charac- But at age 70, John Come- . of . an encounter . with a margins every major at- 11.0 Stennis showed few heavy tank than with a tempt to slosh defense as a cnampionf the Pen- ? traces of having- spent 10 spending. tagon, Stennis )ined such weeks in the eye of the plow." . . . Since defense spending' ' During the sCV en weeks outspoken. waieritics as Senate's fiercest storms began coming under fire -n the draft bill was before S.,s Wil , J. lia rF ulbright this year. ? . ' the Senate laSt summer, ,54 in the past three- years, (i.-Ark.) and Job K. Ja- 'I got through the whole P e n t a g o n critics have amendments were offered. .thing on one aspirin tab- shown increasing FOpiliSti7 its (R-N.Y.) i.:advaeat-, When it returned from a ..,., ? .. let," the tall and husky cation in their attacks on ing Iegi.slation 1 reasSert. Semtte-House conference Mississippi. Democrat said costly and esoteric weap-, the ss at of for another week of de- ,k .. .. with a grin as his ordeal on systems. - e Congress. l' ' =!. ; ; ? ended l hate, a strenuous ffort ast week?at least But thus far they have- . - was made to kill it. :More Stennis pulleChIS first for the moment, .' , largely failed to convince than 30 amendrnents Were major surprise h1954. Al-. As chairman of the Sen- a majority of the Senate voted on during the two- though he ha; always Lte Armed Services Com- that they know as much NVeck debate on the pro- .been staunchly onserva- mittee, it fell to Stennis to about the subject as the curement bill. chairman of the Armed tive, he .became he first be floor --,anager of the Stennis opposed most. of Senate , Democral to ask year's two most cont lover- Services Committee. sial pieces of legislation-- the a'm c n d ria e n - His only major defeats .for cenSure of theate Sen.. usually won in roll-call Joseph -R. McCa:hy . (H the extension of the draft this year were on 1101.1- 2nd the $21 billion defense showdowns. spending issues. Wis.). Although i!'t eriti- urement bill . ? He was repeatedly on his. cuing Nccarthy'.1....anA.1- proc feet warning how a partie- They involved Vietnam Communist cruSae, Sten-. Thc.3.e are supposed to be and Wera the handiwork ular amendnlent could jeo- is F.aia MCCartli,s; eon. difficult times for the p, of one of the very few men ardize national'can duct -"is another oot on tary-industrIal complex. If . or cause. mischief. who can match Stennis in the escutcheon of fa Sen- so, it was hardly evident prestige and the. Senates ' It became a familiar-ate, another splaa and at the end as Stennis esteem-3Iajority Leader scone: Stennis, in his dark splatter." .? ' . . steered both bills to pas- Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.). blue pinstripe suit, white Stennis Is not Nithout sage ' still essentially. in- Mansfield perSua(:led the shirt and red t-ii., standing, critics. S 6 it a t e herals, . tact. BUt there were someSenate on two occasions to legs ,spread by his desk who have been aetS,,e il. ti in and u n c'ertain adopt his amenelnlent im- .- and pumpinc, his arms as 'pushing civil. rightsleg1s. momentS: posing a fixed deadline for be lectured his colleagues. lotion. and striving lc,- cuts Stayed i Until Dusk Stennis shuns the small the withdrawal of all U.S. in defense spnclini:',. say f o r c e s from Indochina,. : 'While the two bills were Mier Ophone attached to they respect.. his a)ility Subject only to the releasc.-. I el. n g debated, Stennis each desk as part of the and integrity but finci, it of U.S. war prisoners. ; - . was ,seldom more than a Senate's new sound ampli- difficult to adnire him; few feet away from his lying system, The ? cord 'Wanting in 1954 . center 'aisle desk toward s hinders h is - Inovelnents Although Stennis., stre- . Some Sus-,}icioa Although Stennis is not the rear of the 'Senate and he doesn't need the nuously o p p o s e d both regarded as a ;acis;,..civil chamber. Sometimes that microphone.' 'amendments, he has the rights forces viev ? him meant being in the Senate When Stenni:s i s distinction of being one of by 9 or 10 a.m. and staying aroused,. his deep, Dixie, the first in the Senate to with suspicious t his been . thee until du ba sk.. '? bet e ea n. be heard warn against U.S. involve- onI3, -. with, t "idep r . manetivering fiat t e y In. the lexicon of his booming even 'outside the went in Indochina. In fa' blocked stern Southe.rn Presbyter- chamber. ? 1954, when the Eisenhow- have thus - ., Stennis in his c. to ian her staying lie is not a partieuktrly er administration was con- - fforts. i m p o s c d e tgrega lion means just that to Stennis.. e 1 o q u m c n t speaker. Ilis teplating intervention to - standards. on chools .in ?. Since he was first elect- voice has a gravelly qual- prevent. a French disaster ecl to the Senate in 1917, ity, -I-Ie constantly rep in eats . I n d o c h in a, Stennis the North that quat those :titer 10 years as a Missis- himself. He sometimes. warned against such a . applied in the bull) Most , - -:;ippi circ nit co urt judge, do e s 11't complete a sm- ? c MOVe Iii. a Senate s peech, liberals conte the Sten- s has campaigned tence. ? nus effort actally is de- Stenni Stennis said committing signed to hal: school de- o n the pledge: "I will plow Yet far Illore often than U.S. ground forces in hide-- sere.gation ii the South. -a straight AppromesliforbReiteate 200410$104 eletAIR10216411,60TRO0i400210001-6 . down to the end of my where it counts?On Inc C:ost y anc mecisivk.. ??,,a row." roll-call vote, - . that will leave us without V mt. ? i ...? 1,4- -4..1,, 1,. f 1,, WI I-, i I ,-, P,f prini-.4 neca;,:ion- victory." . g Z.Z"; VOTED 1 off i.:/ 1 -07 Approved For Release 2001/03'104 : CIA-RDPKibitigIROO 1 I tii))1, \'K \I ti \s, ? //' ?/,?":-N.1 \ :1- t, , \k?,1', 1 ,-- 1 st, 1 ,....,:?., J. ....-?, I .1 i -.--..-- ' 11 STATI NTL rg /A lIi i-ri (,))1\ STATINTL Just how valid are ,the charges against the Central intelligence Agency? Wha guarantee: do Americans have that it is under tight ,control? A point-by-point de fense of the:orpnization comes from a man who served in top posts for 13 years Following is an analysis of intelligence operations ?- by Lyman B:Kirkpairick, Jr., former executive direc- tor-comptroller of. the Central Intelligence Agency: The Central Intelligence Agency was created by the Na- tional Security Act of 1947 as an independent agency in the executive brand] of the United .States Government, report- ing to ill r President. Ever since that date it Ilas been sub- jected to criticism both at home and abroad: for what it has allegedly done as \yell as for what it has failed to do. Our most cherished freedoms are those of _speech and the press and the right to. protest. It is not only a right, but an ? obligation of citizenship to be critical of our institutions, and no organization can be immune from scrutiny. It is necessary that criticism be responsible, objective and constructive. It should be recognized that as Americans we have an inherent mistrust of anything secret: The unknown is always - a worry. We distrust the powerful. A secret organization do- scribed as powerful must appear as most dangerous of all. It was my responsibility fOr my last 12 years with the CIA ?fiyst as inspector general, then as executive director- comptroller?to insure that all responsible criticisms of the CIA were properly and thoroughly examined and, when 'required, remedial action taken. I am confident this practice has been followed by my successors, not because of any direct knowledge, but because the present Director of Cen- tral Intelligence was my respected friend and colleague for more than 'IWO decades, and this is how he operates. ? - It is with this as background that comment on the cur- rent allegations, none .of which are original with this critic but any of which should be of concern to any American citizen.. CIA and the intelligence System Is Too Big. 'This raises the questions of how rmuch we are willing to pay for national security, and how much is enough. First, .what are the responsibilities of the CIA and the 'other intelligence organizations of our Government? . Very briefly, the intelligence system is charged with in- suring that the Unifed States learns as far in advance its pos- sible of any potential threats to our national interests. A moment's contemplation will put in perspective what this ac- tually 'means. It can range all the way from Jrlussian missiles pointed at North America to threats to U.S. ships or bases, to expropriation of American properties, to dangers to any one .of our allies whom we are pledged by treaty to protect.It is the interface of world competition between superior pol.vers. Few are those who have served in the intelligence system who have not wished that there could be some lianta- Lion of responsibilities'or some lessening of encyclopedic re- quirements about the world. It is also safe to suggest that ohr senior policy .makers undoubtedly wish that their span of required information could he less and that not every dis- turbance in every part of the world came into their pfirview.. - (Note: This should hot be interpreted as meaning that lila U. S. means to intervene. It does- mean that when there is a Mr. Kirkpatrick Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr., now professor of political science at Brown University, joined the Central Intelli- gence Agency in 1947 and advanced to assistant direc- tor, inspector general and ex- ecutive director-comptroller before leaving in 1965. He has written extensively on ? intelligence and espionage. Among other honors, he holds the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civil- ian Service and the .Distin- guished Intelligence Medal. boundary dispute or major disagreement between other na- tions, the U. S. is expected to exert its leadership to help solve the dispute. It does mean that we will resist subversion against small, new nations. Thus the demand by U. S. Policy - makers that they be kept informed.) ? , What . this means for. our intelligence system is world- wide coverage. -io my?personal knowledge, there has not been an Admin- istration in Washington that has not been actively concerned' with the size and cost of the intelligence system. All Admin- istrations have kept the intelligence agencies under. tiglit.con- Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400210001-6 nuect ? STATINTL STATINTL S 15762 Approved FoICRe14aSeS2001/031tW)C1A-RiaR8041601R001 Mr. ALLOW. .Now, Mr. President, ?I am ready, if the distInguished Senator from Mississippi, the chairman of. the committee, is ready, and I am perfectly willing to ask for a quorum call to be taken out of both sides. I want to be sure that we have a recorded vote on this matter, and when we have enough Senators in the Chamber, we can ask for yeas and nays. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The yeas and nays have previously been ordered. - Mr. ALLOT'''. If they have been or- dered, Mr. Presidents I think we should have a. short quorum call. I suggest. the absenceof a quorum. The PRESIDING C)FEICER,. The clerk will call the roll. ? The legislative -clerk proceeded ?to call .? the roll. . Mr. ALLOTT. Mr. Presidente,I ask ? unanimous consent that the ..order for the quorum call be rescinded. - 'The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is. so ordered.; Mr. ALLOT"P, If it is at_refiable to the chairman of the committee, the man- ager of the bill, I am willing to yield back the remainder of my time, if he is willing to yield back Ins, and we can then proceed, the ?yeas and nays having been ordered, to vote on amendment. ' No. 430. e Mr. STENI1IS. Mr. President, if there ?is no one. who wishes time, I am ready to yield back the remainder of my time. . Mr. ALLOT'''. I yield back the re- . mainder of Inv time. T'he PRE,S1DING OFI?l1ClUlt (Mr.DENT- SEN). All remaining time having been yielded back, the question is on agree.' Jug to the amendment No. 430 of the Senator from: Colorado, as modified. On this question, the yeas and nays have been ordered, and the clerk will call the The legislative clerk called the roll. Mr. /\-TAI'..ISP"ELD. I announce that the Senator from North 'Dakota (Mr. l3o11- prcic),- the Senator from West Virginia (Mr. Byso), the Senator from Idaho (Mr. CHURCH.), the Senator from Missouri (Mr. lilAct,r.ron), the Senator hum /VidS- sissippi (Mr. EASTLAND), the Senator from Alaska (Mr. GRAVEL), the Senator from Michlgan (Mr. HATri.) , the Senator from Indiana (Mr. Hruiriaii), the Sen- ? ator from South Carolina (Mr. Lines) , the Senator from Minnesota (Mr. humiornhy.), the Senator from Louisiana ? (Mr. Lor), the Senator from Washing- ton (Mr. /VIAGNITSON), the Senator from Minnesota (Mr. Monom,h), the Senator from Connecticut (Mr. RoneoFF), the Senator from New Hampshire (Mr. Mc- INTYP,E) , the Senator from Alabama (Mr. Sanatemo.,N), and the Senator from Nevada (Mr. CANNON) are necessarily oh sent. ? I also announce that the Senator from Wyoming (Mr. MeGF,z), the Senator' from New Mexico (Mr. MoinxiyA), and the Senator from Georgia (Mr. Tae- man) are absent on official business. I further announce that, if present and voting, the Senator from North Dakota (Mr. Posineic), the Senator from Alaska (Mr. ClaAvEt) , the Senator from Washington (Mr. MAsnusort), the Sen- ator from Wyoming (Mr. McGT,E), the Senator from Connecticut, (Mr. Naar- ? col,T), the Senator from New Hampshire (Mr. Melf.N.Tyini) , the Senator from In- diana (Mr. IltAaTnii), the Senator from Minnesota (Mr. Hama:any), and the Senator from .New Mexico (Mr. Mon- ToYA) would each vote "yea." ? Mr. SCOTT. I announce that the Sen- ator from Utah (Mr. BENNETT) is absent on official business. O The Senator from Oklahoma (Mr. Blitio,ion), the Senator from New Hamp- shire (Mr. CoTron), the Senator from Kansas (Mr. Dot,t), the Senator 'from Michigan (Mr. GiarFin), the Senator from New York (Mr. JAMS), the Sen- ator from Illinois (Mr. PERCY), and the Senator from Texas (Mr. ThivErt) are . necessarily absent. The Senator from South Dakota (Mr. Muzurr) is absent because of illness. The .Senator from Tennessee (Mr. ).3loca,..-), and the Senator from Con- necticut (Mr. WliicKes) are detained on official business. if present and voting, the Senator from Tennessee (Mr. )3riocic), the Sen- ator from Kansas (,Mr. DOLE), the Sen- ator from New York (Mr. JAviTs), the Senator fromlinnois (Mr. PErtcv), and the Senator from Texas (Mr. Towni) would each vote "yea." The result was announced--yeas 65, nays 4, as follows: Aiken Allen Allott ? Anderson ilaker Bayh Beall Bentsen Bible Boggs Brooke Buckley Byrd, Va. Case Chtie Cook Cooper Cranston Curtjs Dominick Ellender Ervin [No. 247 Leg.] YEAS-65 Fannin , Nelson Fong Pa.c2twood . Gambrel] Pastore Goldwater Pearson Gurney Pell Hansen Proxmire Harris Randolph . Hatfield Roth Hrusiza Sa:?:be IlughsJ Schweiker Inouye SeOtt Jackson Spong Jordan, N.C. Stafford . ? Jordan, Idaho Stennis Mansfield ? Stevens Mathia5 ' Symington ' - McClellan Taft - Meao,rern Thurmond. Metcalf Tunney _ . Miller . Williams Moss Young Musk ie. N.AYS--4 Fulbricht Smith ? Stevenson Kennedy NOT VOTING---31 Hellmon Gravel Mondale OriOle Montoya Hart Mundt Hartke_ Percy Hollings ? Ribicoff Humphrey Sparkman Javits Talmadge Long Tower Magnuson Welcker McGee McIntyre - Bennett Brook Burdick Byrd, W. Va. Cannon Church Cotton Dole Eagleton - Eastland the ? earlier, Senate- pay increase, I was gratified that Senate approval of this measure was achieved today. It is important to keep in mind, that raising military pay scales is a matter Of high national priority for two very crucia reasons. First, by increasing the pay of our men and women in uniform we fulfill an obligation to recognize and reward the contributions they are making to the maintenance of our national defense. In many cases their pay is woefully inade- quate and totally unjustified in terms of the responsibilities they bear and the obligations they owe to themselves and their families. And second, by putting military pay in closer competition with civilian wages we take a significant step toward ending the draft and creating an all-volunteer military force. For, only by making a military career attractive and secure monetarily, can we hope to draw to it the type of individuals needed to fulfill the requirements of modern na- tional defense. I ciammend the Senator from Colorado for his leadership in seeking to upgrade the pay scales of the Armed Forces and for his longstanding concern and devo- tion to ,the men and women who wear 'the 'uniform of the ? -United States so proudly and with such great distinction - to themselves and their Nation. ORDER FOR, STAR. PRINT OF S. 2620 Mr. MOSS. Mr. President., I ask unani- ? mous consent that a star print be ordered for S. 2620, the East-West Trade Ex- change Act of 1.97l, introduced by the Senator from Washington (Mr. MAotcu- son) on Thursday, September 30, 1971. ? Due to an inadvertence, an incorrect text was attached when the bill was intro- duced for referral. The pRF,siDal 0 OFFICER. (Mr. BirixTsEN). Without objection, it is so e_l_hirdsred. ? MILITARY' PROCUREMENT AU- THORIZATIONS, 1972 The Senate continued with the con- sideration of the bill (H.R. 8637) to au- thorize appropriations during the fiscal year 1972 for procurement of aircraft, missiles, naval vessels, tracked combat ? vehicles, torpedoes, and other weapons, ' and research, development, test, , and evaluation for the Armed Forces, and to prescribe the authorized personnel strength of the Selected Reserve of each ..Reserve component of-the Armed Forces, 'and for other purposes. SO Mr. ALLOTT'S amendment (No. 430) was agreed to. Mr. DOLE subscemently said: Mr. President, thiS morning I was unavoid- ably detained in returning, to Washington from Kansas and narrowly missed the o rollcall on the amendment sponsored by the distinguished senior Senator from Colorado (Mr. At.o.,,yrr). Had I been present it would have been my privilege to join with the overwhelming majority of my colleagues in approving the Senator from Colorado's proposal to provide sub- stantial pay increases to members of the armed services Having voted in favor of AMENDMENT NO. f34 The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. STEVENSON). Pursuant to . the previous order, the Senate will now proceed to the consideration of amendment No. 434 by. the Senator from Missouri (Mr. SYMING- TON), which the- clerk will report. The assistant legislative clerk read RS follows: - The Senator from Missouri (Mr. SIMING^ TON) proposes amendment No.