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AICAt1 l ER Th Y Approved For Release 2004IMM419MA-RDP80-0 n Why Finance, k_jlur Destruction? STATINTL Yofir? federal tax money subsidizes tax exemptions permit subversive ically states that all taxes mush be lcv= led. equally, (see U.S. Constitution Arti-t? cle 1, Section 8). The 16th Amend- ment was not passed to enable the In- ternal Revenue Service to set up a ges- tapo that grants tax favoritism to the enemies of the people. It was not set up to be a collection agency for Soviet Russia. The Internal Revenue Service has be- enent es and come an international revenue service groups BY WILLIAM CAMPBELL DOUGLASS, M.D. to p~'ospar primarily for the benefit of the enemies of these United States. It is now obvi- ` made up by the docile serfs in this na- T~EV1 R BEFORE in the his- tion known as the middle class tax- payer. tory of any nation has there been such tolerance and ac- The taxes c ll t d f A ' o ec e rom merica s commodation of treason as now exists working citizens have been the basic in the: United States. History shows no wellspring from which Communists and parallel. Because the United States Gov- Communist collaborators have worked ernnient is now,* for all practical pur- to 'destroy completely the free enter- poses, -controlled by. the Communist prise system in the United States and to Conspiracy, T must for moral, religious set up a Communist government. and Constitutional reasons refuse to pay any further federal income tax. Taxes for War Cicero said in 54 B.C., "We are As young American soldiers die in taxed in our bread and our wine, in our Vietnam, the tax money of the Arncri- income and our investments, in our e can p ople is being used to supply food, land and on our property, not only for d base creatures who do not deserve the name of men, but for foreign na- -tions . ." Cicero' could have been speaking for us as well. , Many high officials in the United States Government, both elected and un-elected, are guilty of violating mul- tiple sections of the United States Crim- inal Code including Sections 241, 371; 1001, 2382, 2384 and 2385. They are also guilty of violating Section 4.21 of the Internal Revenue Agents Training Manual and Sections 7214 and 7623, Title 26, Internal Revenue Code. These same officials are guilty of violating the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 14th and 16th Amendments of the United States Con- stitution. As a result of these multiple criminal acts, many billions of dollars of income taxes have been used to further a Com- munist. state in the United States. Over a million industrial, labor, education, trade and other types of organizations and corporations have functioned under gnus an anrmumtwn to the enemies or these American sons. In giving aid and comfort to the ene- mies of the United States, the U.S. Gov- ernment is committing treason against the American people. Those who con- trol the levers of governmental power cannot and will not force me to com- mit treason against my country, my fam- ily, my friends and myself. The 10th Amendment of the Consti- tution of the United States says, "The powers not delegated to the United ous that there is an interlocking con- spiracy between the IRS, the various departments of government, large cor-' .porations, tax exempt foundations and unions to_ harass and destroy those American oitizens who obstruct the progress "of the Bolshevik state in Amer- ica. These various groups and agencies use the IRS to blacklist, boycott, ha- rass, intimidate, persecute and destroy many Americans who only wish to be left alone and abide by the.Constitution of the United 'States as it was written and intended to be enforced. No Amer- ican who loves his country and is con- cerned about the welfare of his family can any longer allow his tax monies to be used to finance this intragovernmen- tal conspiracy which is liquidating the Constitution of the. United States, dis- arming us before our common enemies while. at the same time arming our enemies through the use of tax money. I was born a Christian and raised a Christian and I therefore adhere to the Christian tenet that it is a sin to com- mit suicide. Financing my own enemies is suicide. I cannot allow the Federal Government to force me to pay taxes in order to take my own life. States by the Constitution nor ?prohib- Tax Exempt Subversives ited by it to the States are reserved to The Federal Government and the the States respectively or to the. people." IRS have been viciously unfair in the It follows then, that all foreign aid Js administration of the tax laws. The fa- unconstitutional as the Federal Govern- vored few have paid little or no taxes rnent does not have the ' legal right to while the majority have been ground make gifts of American tax money to down and oppressed with their own. foreigners. Foreign aid to our enemies money. is not only unconstitutional; it is immor- Tax exempt subversive organizations, al and treasonous. h? d Inequality of Taxation r ing behind the protective mantle of the - Federal Government, are riding a system' of administrative law which The 16th Amendment to the United is identical to Communist law as prat States Constitution is being adminis- ticed in Russia and its s~a itersh e tered unconstilr.tioa6 A" jc1601R001400070001-2 organizations rev~i t1 >~to ~Q1?~QO`'~~~ 9~~I' t * billions of dollars in Federal income Constitution of the United States speci- taxes and these unpaid taxes have been